Mutallab received explosives from Nigeria, Yemeni govt claims (Page 3)

Date: 11-01-2010 1:22 pm (14 years ago) | Author: Daniel Bosai
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- spekay at 14-01-2010 10:26 AM (14 years ago)
Quote from: omatu on 13-01-2010 06:04 AM
Quote from: spekay on 13-01-2010 03:46 AM
Quote from: omatu on 13-01-2010 03:32 AM
Quote from: spekay on 12-01-2010 10:07 PM
So they only found out he was on the plane going to America when he was in Amsterdam ??

Im wondering why so late as the rule for traveling to America is already for a while you have to call the American authorities at least 24 hr before your departure to get a clearance and thats for people here in Australia who dont even require a travelings visa.

America did stuff up big time and will do so over and over again.
But like a real global bully will never see there own fault.

Once again the biggest terrorist live in that country.
Just think of all the fighters who go to Pakistan Israel etc and they are Americans.
not much is said about that.

I said before they have to look at there own soil as there are plenty of them over there with American stamped into there passport. 

Many USA leaders are too stupid.  They do not know how to examine themselves within.  They have stupid people hired and paid fat salaries and they do not know how to do their work.  I guess they are still looking for slaves to do their work?  President Obama is very intelligent, but they do not even appreciate him, but would prefer to control him instead of trying to make their country better.  Bunch of nincompoops.  They do not want to change from their evil ways.

Well done Omatu another good analysis well figured out  Thanks.  though i was going to ask you if  that Farouk-muttalab guy indeed had a british passport and yet they refused him a British visa .  might be the stories are just confusing . Another story reported him as having no passport at all and he was being pleaded for by some indian man to be allowed on board as a sudanese refugee

@Ndtex what have you
pls dont keep quiet lets get this going it will be good to have a better insight into how terrrorist organizations work by the CIA itself waiting to interogate the bomber after the incident

I understand that Britain denied him entrance to study at a university that was questionable.

I understand that Farouk had a British passport.  He was able to travel with that British passport.  I do not know if that passport was fake or not.  I think British citizens can travel to the USA without a visa.  In order to travel to other African countries, a British passport allowed him to travel as a member of the common wealth.

On December 25th, a USA couple on board the Delta airplane told the media that Farouk was allowed to board the plane to Detroit without a passport and that he was presented as a Sudanese refugee.  Either way, Farouk would have entered America and blown away the plane with 270 people if the explosives worked.  There are people that helped him all the way.   This is a sophisticated outfit with leaders in high places enabling the so-called terrorists or pawns.   The couple also complained that there was somebody on board taking video of all the events.  I also understand that Farouk was simply a pawn and the explosives was not supposed to work.  Farouk is known as a very bad pawn in the intelligence circle.

I appreciate your contributions to this topic.

Thanks Omatu i appreciate it . Haven't been here for a while but I can see you are able to shed some light on how its been with my question . 

Posted: at 14-01-2010 10:26 AM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- jfchosendotCOM at 14-01-2010 12:27 PM (14 years ago)
Quote from: nditebeck on 12-01-2010 09:21 PM
Omatu: You said a lot but nothing sensible in it. Obviosely, you have not idea how terrorist organisations work. I do not blame you for anything you said here. From the layman persperctive, what you said made much sense but terrorsit organisations don't work the way you think.

Agatex, Omatus comments can not be published in any US paper becase it contains inapprpriate  language. If you Nigerians do not have common respect , then its time you learn some if you have to interect with people on the international stage.
No wonder you are fast becoming terrorist!!!!!!!

Omatu: You have spoken all...

For you "Nditebeck"  you are out of your mind... are you a tutor - a language tutor to be precise? No Paece for the wicked people... that is all i have to say.. <i dont care if you are one of the CIA or whatever>..have you forgotten that the mannerless ones are the Americans?

I appreciate my NPals...
Posted: at 14-01-2010 12:27 PM (14 years ago) | Upcoming
- jfchosendotCOM at 14-01-2010 12:46 PM (14 years ago)

NDITEBECK: I will call you "Mr. Dictator or Language Tutor even Mr. Publisher". Do you know "inappropriate languages originated from "the usa" which even the leaders use among themselves... ?

How does the CIA work? that signifies that they work after an incident has obviously occured  = I think you should be made redundant. I think you people were also waiting for the boy's father to feed you people from your  nose - before knowing what he was insinuating. NDITEBECK: Please dont sound like a bunkum being.
Posted: at 14-01-2010 12:46 PM (14 years ago) | Upcoming
- chogzie at 14-01-2010 12:57 PM (14 years ago)
you have spoken well
Posted: at 14-01-2010 12:57 PM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- jfchosendotCOM at 14-01-2010 01:01 PM (14 years ago)
Quote from: jfchosendotCOM on 14-01-2010 12:46 PM

NDITEBECK: I will call you "Mr. Dictator or Language Tutor even Mr. Publisher". Do you know "inappropriate languages originated from "the usa" which even the leaders use among themselves... ?

How does the CIA work? that signifies that they work after an incident has obviously occured  = I think you should be made redundant. I think you people were also waiting for the boy's father to feed you people from your  nose - before knowing what he was insinuating. NDITEBECK: Please dont sound like a bunkum being.

Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid apologized today for saying Barack Obama should seek - and could win - the White House because Obama was a “light skinned” African-American “with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one.”
Posted: at 14-01-2010 01:01 PM (14 years ago) | Upcoming
- spekay at 14-01-2010 03:34 PM (14 years ago)
Quote from: jfchosendotCOM on 14-01-2010 01:01 PM
Quote from: jfchosendotCOM on 14-01-2010 12:46 PM

NDITEBECK: I will call you "Mr. Dictator or Language Tutor even Mr. Publisher". Do you know "inappropriate languages originated from "the usa" which even the leaders use among themselves... ?

How does the CIA work? that signifies that they work after an incident has obviously occured  = I think you should be made redundant. I think you people were also waiting for the boy's father to feed you people from your  nose - before knowing what he was insinuating. NDITEBECK: Please dont sound like a bunkum being.

I think that goon Nditebeck  has been recalled for debriefing  He is too sleepy .  doesnt know what its all about .  Hitting the wrong buttons . 

Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid apologized today for saying Barack Obama should seek - and could win - the White House because Obama was a “light skinned” African-American “with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one.”

Posted: at 14-01-2010 03:34 PM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- genchuks at 15-01-2010 01:46 PM (14 years ago)
You know America is ever right and that is because you and i think they can never be wrong. Good for us. bombs are now manufactured in Lagos. especially those of mass destruction. Soon, there will be reason to do to us what they have been doing to Iraq and Afghanistan in the name of fighting terrorism.
God help our fickle mingds always yearning for the white mans things.
Posted: at 15-01-2010 01:46 PM (14 years ago) | Newbie
- naphyboi at 15-01-2010 04:40 PM (14 years ago)
de boi try but 9ja nogiv am boooooomb
Posted: at 15-01-2010 04:40 PM (14 years ago) | Newbie
- omatu at 15-01-2010 05:31 PM (14 years ago)
Quote from: genchuks on 15-01-2010 01:46 PM
You know America is ever right and that is because you and i think they can never be wrong. Good for us. bombs are now manufactured in Lagos. especially those of mass destruction. Soon, there will be reason to do to us what they have been doing to Iraq and Afghanistan in the name of fighting terrorism.
God help our fickle mingds always yearning for the white mans things.

God bless Nigeria.  God bless Nigerians.  May we all come together as people and fight for our motherland.  Long Live the Nigerian people and Nigeria Forever!
Posted: at 15-01-2010 05:31 PM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- spekay at 16-01-2010 12:11 AM (14 years ago)
Quote from: genchuks on 15-01-2010 01:46 PM
You know America is ever right and that is because you and i think they can never be wrong. Good for us. bombs are now manufactured in Lagos. especially those of mass destruction. Soon, there will be reason to do to us what they have been doing to Iraq and Afghanistan in the name of fighting terrorism.
God help our fickle mingds always yearning for the white mans things.

Bomb can be manufactured anywhere even in your own village  or hut, You dont have to come to lagos to get your bomb if you received your training and briefing from Yemen  . . Does that make a lot of sense ???

How much bomb can you purchase in 30 mins talk less of sewing them together in your underpants as cleverly as revealed in those pictures to elude airport screenings of Lagos and Schippol international .  Think about it . !

Posted: at 16-01-2010 12:11 AM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- RogerMellville at 17-01-2010 07:54 PM (14 years ago)
This arguement is really too rich to pass up!  Of course this kid got the explosives from Nigeria--if they had come from somewhere else, they might have actually worked, and then Nigeria would have been in much deeper trouble from all this.  Despite Yemen's obvious involvement, this idiot of a kid has been proven to be of sound mind and body and not a retard or some other metally retarded individual.  When is Nigeria as a whole going to stand up and take responsibility for the problems that come from this country?  Sure, this has been the act of a single person.  But, if this had come from the US, England, Spain, Italy, France, etc; then those countries would have not only acknowledged the fact, but they would have taken steps to repair, not only the damage that had been done by this haenous act, but would have helped the targeted country to make sure this did not happen again.  Sometimes I just do not get how a country can be so big mouthed with slosed eyes and ears.

Quote from: nametalkam on 11-01-2010 01:22 PM
THE young Nigerian accused of attempting to bomb a transatlantic airliner on Christmas Day aquired the explosives used in the failed attack over Detroit during a stop-over in Lagos, Nigeria, Yemeni government claimed, on Thursday.

Yemen’s deputy prime minister, Rashad al-Alimi, denied emphatically that Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, who flew from Accra, Ghana, on December 24, and transited the airport in Lagos, Nigeria, on his way to board the Detroit-bound Northwest Airlines flight in Amsterdam, left Yemen with the explosives.

Alimi also told a news conference, on Thursday afternoon, that Abdulmutallab was recruited by al-Qaeda in London.

He also told a news conference, on Thursday, that Abdulmuttalab joined the terror group during his three years as a student at University College.

The claim came hours after United States authorities charged the 23-year-old with six offences including attempted murder and trying to use a weapon of mass destruction to kill nearly 300 people.

But a Briitsh Home Office spokesman insisted no new information about the suspect’s links to Islamic militants in Britain had been uncovered.

The spokesman added that Abdulmutallab views only became serious after he left the United Kingdom in 2008.

But Rashad al-Alimi, Yemen’s deputy prime minister for defence and security, told a news conference In the capital Sana’a: “The information provided to us is that Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab joined al-Qaeda in London.”

He also revealed that Abdulmutallab met with radical cleric Anwar al-Awlaki in Yemen.

American-born al-Awlaki was linked to US Army Major Nidal Malik Hasan, the alleged gunman who accused of killing 13 soldiers at Fort Hood in November.

The deputy prime minsiter added that a number of al-Qaeda elements who had contact with the Abdulmutallab had been arrested.

In a separate development, it emerged that US intelligence services only discovered extremist links to Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab when he was already on board the flight from Amsterdam to Detroit.

Border officials finally learned of his suspected terrorist ties from an intelligence database after he had taken off from Amsterdam en route to Detroit, but had decided to question him when he landed, it emerged, on Thursday.

A senior US law enforcement official told the Los Angeles Times: ‘The people in Detroit were prepared to look at him in secondary inspection. The decision had been made.

“The database had picked up the State Department concern about this guy –– that this guy may have been involved with extremist elements in Yemen.”

If the intelligence had been acted on sooner, Abdulmutallab could have been stopped and questioned before getting on board the plane.

The official added: “They could have made the decision on whether to stop him from getting on the plane.”

But making the link would not have resulted in more scrutiny before the suspect left the Netherlands, he added.

Abdulmutallab was in a database of around 500,000 names of people with suspected links to extremists, but who are not considered threats.

Security officials would therefore only have attempted to question him when he arrived in the US.

“The public isn’t aware how many people are allowed to travel through the US who are linked, who intersect with bad guys or alleged bad guys,” an official said.

“It makes sense from an intelligence perspective. If they are not considered dangerous, it provides intelligence on where they go, who they meet with.”

The window for identifying potential threats travelling on board flights is very limited, the official added.

Officials have access to passenger data based on the lists of those who made flight reservations. But in-depth vetting only begins once the flight manifest has been generated just hours before takeoff.

On arrival in the US, inspectors can put passengers through a secondary inspection which involves more extensive questioning and searches.

The White House is carrying out a review of security measures at US airports and expects to introduce tougher restrictions in the wake of the failed bomb plot.

President Barack Obama held a meeting with senior staff, on Wednesday, and blasted intelligence agencies for not joining up the dots and preventing the attack.

His father had warned US officials he was worried his son had been radicalised, but that threat was never identified fully by intelligence officials.
Posted: at 17-01-2010 07:54 PM (14 years ago) | Newbie
- spekay at 17-01-2010 11:34 PM (14 years ago)
Quote from: RogerMellville on 17-01-2010 07:54 PM
This arguement is really too rich to pass up!  Of course this kid got the explosives from Nigeria--if they had come from somewhere else, they might have actually worked, and then Nigeria would have been in much deeper trouble from all this.  Despite Yemen's obvious involvement, this idiot of a kid has been proven to be of sound mind and body and not a retard or some other metally retarded individual.  When is Nigeria as a whole going to stand up and take responsibility for the problems that come from this country?  Sure, this has been the act of a single person.  But, if this had come from the US, England, Spain, Italy, France, etc; then those countries would have not only acknowledged the fact, but they would have taken steps to repair, not only the damage that had been done by this haenous act, but would have helped the targeted country to make sure this did not happen again.  Sometimes I just do not get how a country can be so big mouthed with slosed eyes and ears.

Quote from: nametalkam on 11-01-2010 01:22 PM
THE young Nigerian accused of attempting to bomb a transatlantic airliner on Christmas Day aquired the explosives used in the failed attack over Detroit during a stop-over in Lagos, Nigeria, Yemeni government claimed, on Thursday.

Yemen’s deputy prime minister, Rashad al-Alimi, denied emphatically that Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, who flew from Accra, Ghana, on December 24, and transited the airport in Lagos, Nigeria, on his way to board the Detroit-bound Northwest Airlines flight in Amsterdam, left Yemen with the explosives.

Alimi also told a news conference, on Thursday afternoon, that Abdulmutallab was recruited by al-Qaeda in London.

He also told a news conference, on Thursday, that Abdulmuttalab joined the terror group during his three years as a student at University College.

Your  Umar Muttalab of a genius and his AlQueda mentors were smart enough to get a non working bomb from Nigeria meant they have completely run out of their mind or GOD is in full Control for some reason .  Great Submission ,  Well DONE!

Posted: at 17-01-2010 11:34 PM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- Toks-E at 18-01-2010 01:08 AM (14 years ago)
Quote from: RogerMellville on 17-01-2010 07:54 PM
This arguement is really too rich to pass up!  Of course this kid got the explosives from Nigeria--if they had come from somewhere else, they might have actually worked, and then Nigeria would have been in much deeper trouble from all this.  Despite Yemen's obvious involvement, this idiot of a kid has been proven to be of sound mind and body and not a retard or some other metally retarded individual.  When is Nigeria as a whole going to stand up and take responsibility for the problems that come from this country?  Sure, this has been the act of a single person.  But, if this had come from the US, England, Spain, Italy, France, etc; then those countries would have not only acknowledged the fact, but they would have taken steps to repair, not only the damage that had been done by this haenous act, but would have helped the targeted country to make sure this did not happen again.  Sometimes I just do not get how a country can be so big mouthed with slosed eyes and ears.

it seems like you need to be laid outside, unda the hot sun, nd whipped 500 strokes of koboko
wat the 4ck ar u talking abtt?
ar u saying dat Pentaerythritol Tetranitrate (PETN), Triacetone Triperoxide (TATP) are now street materials in Naija?, dat som1 could get one of the rarest explosive materials in Naija, unda 30 mins?....
or u think Naija is like a drug ridden country Like US or wat?.
dat guy came traveld 4rm yemen----> ghana ---> Naija------>amsterdam----> US...nd the only place u think the bomb came 4rm was naija?..somtin is wrng wit ur head

serz, i dnt feel like yabbin som1, i for yabb u

Posted: at 18-01-2010 01:08 AM (14 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- RogerMellville at 18-01-2010 01:57 AM (14 years ago)
OK, when you can string together an intelligable English sentence, then I will dignify your questions/accusations with a response.  Seriously, get a F*CKING EDUCATION!

Quote from: Toks-E on 18-01-2010 01:08 AM
Quote from: RogerMellville on 17-01-2010 07:54 PM
This arguement is really too rich to pass up!  Of course this kid got the explosives from Nigeria--if they had come from somewhere else, they might have actually worked, and then Nigeria would have been in much deeper trouble from all this.  Despite Yemen's obvious involvement, this idiot of a kid has been proven to be of sound mind and body and not a retard or some other metally retarded individual.  When is Nigeria as a whole going to stand up and take responsibility for the problems that come from this country?  Sure, this has been the act of a single person.  But, if this had come from the US, England, Spain, Italy, France, etc; then those countries would have not only acknowledged the fact, but they would have taken steps to repair, not only the damage that had been done by this haenous act, but would have helped the targeted country to make sure this did not happen again.  Sometimes I just do not get how a country can be so big mouthed with slosed eyes and ears.

it seems like you need to be laid outside, unda the hot sun, nd whipped 500 strokes of koboko
wat the 4ck ar u talking abtt?
ar u saying dat Pentaerythritol Tetranitrate (PETN), Triacetone Triperoxide (TATP) are now street materials in Naija?, dat som1 could get one of the rarest explosive materials in Naija, unda 30 mins?....
or u think Naija is like a drug ridden country Like US or wat?.
dat guy came traveld 4rm yemen----> ghana ---> Naija------>amsterdam----> US...nd the only place u think the bomb came 4rm was naija?..somtin is wrng wit ur head

serz, i dnt feel like yabbin som1, i for yabb u

Posted: at 18-01-2010 01:57 AM (14 years ago) | Newbie
- Toks-E at 18-01-2010 02:05 AM (14 years ago)
Quote from: RogerMellville on 18-01-2010 01:57 AM
OK, when you can string together an intelligable English sentence, then I will dignify your questions/accusations with a response.  Seriously, get a F*CKING EDUCATION!

hahahahhha, u think every Nigerian is nt educated or wat?...u ar the one dat really needs a 4ckin history nd a fresh education, cuz u knw ntin abt nigerians, nd i guess u arnt a Nigerian sef

go nd suck balls...idiot

Posted: at 18-01-2010 02:05 AM (14 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- RogerMellville at 18-01-2010 02:22 AM (14 years ago)
You just proved my point.  When you get some English lessons, then come talk to me.

Quote from: Toks-E on 18-01-2010 02:05 AM
Quote from: RogerMellville on 18-01-2010 01:57 AM
OK, when you can string together an intelligable English sentence, then I will dignify your questions/accusations with a response.  Seriously, get a F*CKING EDUCATION!

hahahahhha, u think every Nigerian is nt educated or wat?...u ar the one dat really needs a 4ckin history nd a fresh education, cuz u knw ntin abt nigerians, nd i guess u arnt a Nigerian sef

go nd suck balls...idiot
Posted: at 18-01-2010 02:22 AM (14 years ago) | Newbie
- Toks-E at 18-01-2010 02:33 AM (14 years ago)
Quote from: RogerMellville on 18-01-2010 02:22 AM
You just proved my point.  When you get some English lessons, then come talk to me.

Quote from: Toks-E on 18-01-2010 02:05 AM
Quote from: RogerMellville on 18-01-2010 01:57 AM
OK, when you can string together an intelligable English sentence, then I will dignify your questions/accusations with a response.  Seriously, get a F*CKING EDUCATION!

hahahahhha, u think every Nigerian is nt educated or wat?...u ar the one dat really needs a 4ckin history nd a fresh education, cuz u knw ntin abt nigerians, nd i guess u arnt a Nigerian sef

go nd suck balls...idiot

the brits colonized us, nd we speak their English, cuz its our official language..nd i dnt need to learn ur invisible form of English...digg dat?

go nd suck on ur mum's sunburned nipples..nasty ass american!

Posted: at 18-01-2010 02:33 AM (14 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- RogerMellville at 18-01-2010 02:42 AM (14 years ago)
Again, you prove my point.  You cannot even spell more than 20% of your words correctly.  And I will go suck on my mother's nice, dark chocolate tits and enjoy every minute of it.  Check yourself before you go attacking someone with superior linguistic skills and who is from Africa.

Quote from: Toks-E on 18-01-2010 02:33 AM
Quote from: RogerMellville on 18-01-2010 02:22 AM
You just proved my point.  When you get some English lessons, then come talk to me.

Quote from: Toks-E on 18-01-2010 02:05 AM
Quote from: RogerMellville on 18-01-2010 01:57 AM
OK, when you can string together an intelligable English sentence, then I will dignify your questions/accusations with a response.  Seriously, get a F*CKING EDUCATION!

hahahahhha, u think every Nigerian is nt educated or wat?...u ar the one dat really needs a 4ckin history nd a fresh education, cuz u knw ntin abt nigerians, nd i guess u arnt a Nigerian sef

go nd suck balls...idiot

the brits colonized us, nd we speak their English, cuz its our official language..nd i dnt need to learn ur invisible form of English...digg dat?

go nd suck on ur mum's sunburned nipples..nasty ass american!

Posted: at 18-01-2010 02:42 AM (14 years ago) | Newbie
- Toks-E at 18-01-2010 02:47 AM (14 years ago)
Quote from: RogerMellville on 18-01-2010 02:42 AM
Again, you prove my point.  You cannot even spell more than 20% of your words correctly.  And I will go suck on my mother's nice, dark chocolate tits and enjoy every minute of it.  Check yourself before you go attacking someone with superior linguistic skills and who is from Africa.

Quote from: Toks-E on 18-01-2010 02:33 AM
Quote from: RogerMellville on 18-01-2010 02:22 AM
You just proved my point.  When you get some English lessons, then come talk to me.

Quote from: Toks-E on 18-01-2010 02:05 AM
Quote from: RogerMellville on 18-01-2010 01:57 AM
OK, when you can string together an intelligable English sentence, then I will dignify your questions/accusations with a response.  Seriously, get a F*CKING EDUCATION!

hahahahhha, u think every Nigerian is nt educated or wat?...u ar the one dat really needs a 4ckin history nd a fresh education, cuz u knw ntin abt nigerians, nd i guess u arnt a Nigerian sef

go nd suck balls...idiot

the brits colonized us, nd we speak their English, cuz its our official language..nd i dnt need to learn ur invisible form of English...digg dat?

go nd suck on ur mum's sunburned nipples..nasty ass american!

hahahhahahahh....u r really kidding my ass off, i guess u ar still living in the 19th century when they hadnt invented urban abbreviations

no wonder u dnt knw wat my abbreviations mean...u need a new life mehn.... fat ass american saying he's got "superior linguistic skills"

wat a bitch!!

Posted: at 18-01-2010 02:47 AM (14 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- RogerMellville at 18-01-2010 02:53 AM (14 years ago)
I never said I did not know what your "abreviations" meant.  But when you are participating in what is supposed to be an intelligent conversation--regardless of medium--you should conduct yourself in amanner that shows you are intelligent.  Your atrocious spelling--those are not abreviations, but a pathetic attempt at English--shows you are not intelligent and should leave conversations like this to the adults.

Quote from: Toks-E on 18-01-2010 02:47 AM
Quote from: RogerMellville on 18-01-2010 02:42 AM
Again, you prove my point.  You cannot even spell more than 20% of your words correctly.  And I will go suck on my mother's nice, dark chocolate tits and enjoy every minute of it.  Check yourself before you go attacking someone with superior linguistic skills and who is from Africa.

Quote from: Toks-E on 18-01-2010 02:33 AM
Quote from: RogerMellville on 18-01-2010 02:22 AM
You just proved my point.  When you get some English lessons, then come talk to me.

Quote from: Toks-E on 18-01-2010 02:05 AM
Quote from: RogerMellville on 18-01-2010 01:57 AM
OK, when you can string together an intelligable English sentence, then I will dignify your questions/accusations with a response.  Seriously, get a F*CKING EDUCATION!

hahahahhha, u think every Nigerian is nt educated or wat?...u ar the one dat really needs a 4ckin history nd a fresh education, cuz u knw ntin abt nigerians, nd i guess u arnt a Nigerian sef

go nd suck balls...idiot

the brits colonized us, nd we speak their English, cuz its our official language..nd i dnt need to learn ur invisible form of English...digg dat?

go nd suck on ur mum's sunburned nipples..nasty ass american!

hahahhahahahh....u r really kidding my ass off, i guess u ar still living in the 19th century when they hadnt invented urban abbreviations

no wonder u dnt knw wat my abbreviations mean...u need a new life mehn.... fat ass american saying he's got "superior linguistic skills"

wat a bitch!!
Posted: at 18-01-2010 02:53 AM (14 years ago) | Newbie
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