In recent times, the list of those asking their spouses to quit their chosen career has been on the increase and this has also led to several disagreements in the home today.
While some people argue that it is difficult for women to joggle work and the home fronts , others are of the opinion that both men and women have a responsibility to contribute to the upkeep of their homes. This week, as usual, we have gathered for your weekend delight the responses of some of our distinguished celebrities. Enjoy it.
No way, that’s old fashioned — Nkiru Sylvanus, Actress
No! No! No! I seriously consider such idea as very old fashioned. The society we live in today has no space or regards for any jobless man or woman in anyway.
You know when issues like this come up, so many questions run through one’s mind. The first one is why would any person whether man or woman build a career only to rub it in the mud in the name of marriage. As far as I can tell, I know that it is not easy to build any career, I mean it takes a lot to build a career. I equally know that love does not encourage such things.
If you knew that this career wasn’t so important to you, for God’s sake why did you go into it in the first place. You should’ve waited till you got married before choosing a career and that way you don’t build and destroy. The point I’m making is that I will not quit my career because one man who does not have my interest at heart has proposed marriage to me. He can’t force me to quit my job I want to enjoy the career I’ve spent so much to build to the fullest. I want to be able to contribute to the financial growth of my family. The virtuous woman is one who can support her husband and children in every aspect of building the home and I want to be that virtuous woman.
Let’s even look at the possibility of this man who’s asking me to quit my job not being capable of meeting the financial needs of the family in the future. Is it at this point that I’ll wake up to start scouting for something to do? Did he ever think of what will become of the children if he’s becomes incapacitated in anyway. Sometimes we just take decisions that end up destroying our entire future for selfish reasons. Some men ask their wives to quit their jobs because they think that most career women care less about their homes, they are prone to divorce and too ambitious. While some others consider managing the home and work front too tasking for a woman but I consider all these as flimsy excuses.
There are still some other men who stop their women from working out of jealousy. They’re afraid she may be having extra-marital affairs especially with her boss which means there is no trust in the marriage so they should not have gotten married in the firsts place. When we take decisions like this, we should always think about the consequences that may arise in the future. It’s also important for us to know that life is not a bed of roses and death is inevitable so make a wise choice
I will not — Kalu Ikeagwu, Actor
I’m not going to do that for any woman. I mean if I didn’t quit my career because of parents why then for my wife? My wife is supposed to be my companion which implies that she’ll encourage me in my chosen career, she shouldn’t be the one to pull me down. Same way I’m going to encourage her in what she does, we’re suppose to be friends and what do friends do for each other? They provide support I guess, why should my case be different. If she fell in love with me as an actor then it has to remain so. We owe our spouse an obligation to respect and appreciate whatever career they find themselves doing as long as it is a legal one.
There’ll be no need for that — Lord of Ajasa, Musician
Why should I quit my career for anybody in the first place? There’ll be no need for me to quit a career I’ve built over the years because of any woman. The woman who’s mine should be able to respect me and what I do and if she’s not satisfied with that then I’m afraid she’s not mine. If she met me as a musician then she should be ready to live with me that way period. I cannot go into a new career just because I want to get married.
It’s a stupid act — Bukky Ajayi, Actress
Any who decide to quit his or her job because they want to get married is stupid. Listen my dear, I’ll not allow my daughter to quit her job because she wants to get married.As far as I can tell both the man and woman who is intending to get married should earn a living to cater for their home. A woman should contribute and assist her husband in the running of the home. If that is true, why then would a man ask his wife to quit her job? If you fell in love with your spouse on set either as a journalist actor or actress, why force him or her to quit this same job? I think that is wickedness and will not condole such. Our people should learn love without conditions. People derive plenty of joy doing what they do, why cut that joy short?
I specialize in investigative reportage across several subject matter and sectors but mainly focus on metro events and investigation. Do leave your thoughts and opinion on my reports to let me know what you think about them. Thank you
Posted: at 16-01-2010 12:36 PM (15 years ago) | Addicted Hero
diplomatik at 16-01-2010 01:23 PM (15 years ago) (f)
u've seen me right? i look kool right? ???but don't send me mails asking for my add or phone no. and don't give it to me either , i'll ask u if i want it ..ok...kool
Posted: at 16-01-2010 01:23 PM (15 years ago) | Addicted Hero