Ex Youth Corper Recounts On How He Slept With The Woman Selling Indomie In NYSC Camp (Page 3)

Date: 09-05-2016 2:54 pm (8 years ago) | Author: CLARA JANCITA
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- Eazyatumeyi at 21-05-2016 03:37 PM (8 years ago)
see your life
Posted: at 21-05-2016 03:37 PM (8 years ago) | Hero
- raynebee at 21-05-2016 03:53 PM (8 years ago)
who cares plz                                                             
Posted: at 21-05-2016 03:53 PM (8 years ago) | Hero
- mia4321 at 21-05-2016 11:36 PM (8 years ago)
imagine ooo...                                                                                                           
Posted: at 21-05-2016 11:36 PM (8 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- Eazyatumeyi at 26-05-2016 03:11 AM (8 years ago)
you don chop your own
Posted: at 26-05-2016 03:11 AM (8 years ago) | Hero
- kabukabu at 26-05-2016 03:47 AM (8 years ago)
Old ladies are superb, but be ready to buy a befitting coffin
Posted: at 26-05-2016 03:47 AM (8 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- yawa_don_gas at 28-05-2016 02:06 AM (8 years ago)
Yawa things
Posted: at 28-05-2016 02:06 AM (8 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- raynebee at 29-05-2016 06:14 PM (8 years ago)
we hear ooo                                                                 
Posted: at 29-05-2016 06:14 PM (8 years ago) | Hero
- Novic at 30-05-2016 01:15 AM (8 years ago)
That. Was great....life must sure. Goes on... Just. They waka pass jare
Posted: at 30-05-2016 01:15 AM (8 years ago) | Hero
- Eazyatumeyi at 30-05-2016 07:27 AM (8 years ago)
woman wrapper
Posted: at 30-05-2016 07:27 AM (8 years ago) | Hero
- yawa_don_gas at 30-05-2016 10:04 AM (8 years ago)
Na why yawa dey everywhere I go. Na serious yawa make yawa no cry again, e do. Na so we take c am yawa goes on, yawa don gas
Posted: at 30-05-2016 10:04 AM (8 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- Novic at 31-05-2016 07:40 AM (8 years ago)
That Was great....life must surely Goes on... Just They waka
pass jare.... I. Knw say life must goes on and. Always goes on
everyday.. Even todaylife go still theey move on in everyday
and everytime... If I be. You I go moveon with mylife and life
go move. On with you... Just theywaka they come jare....
Posted: at 31-05-2016 07:40 AM (8 years ago) | Hero
- Novic at 31-05-2016 07:41 AM (8 years ago)
That Was great....life must surely Goes on... Just They waka
pass jare.... I. Knw say life must goes on and. Always goes on
everyday.. Even todaylife go still theey move on in everyday
and everytime... If I be. You I go moveon with mylife and life
go move. On with you... Just theywaka they come jare....
Posted: at 31-05-2016 07:41 AM (8 years ago) | Hero
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