A distressed Nigerian woman and a new mum named Joy Nwosu has reached out to an online women group to please pray for the release of her husband's Nephew who was unlawfully bundled, beaten, harrassed and taken to NAF Base in Portharcourt by Air Police on the order of the Air Commodore CA Ohwo whose wife's vehicle bashed her own!!
The wife of this Oga Commandant had bashed the young woman's car. As if that wasn't enough, a friend of the oga madam Commandant who was in the car with her came out of their own car and slapped this woman's husband's nephew who was driving with her. Not satisfied with the hot slap already rendered to the young man, these Oga madam dem still traced them to their home.
Next thing, A truck load of Air police came to their house destroyed their door, stormed into their home with no warrant of arrest, picked up and beat up the said nephew with such inhuman and power agrandising comment like, "It is order from above"!.
They stormed into their rooms, and with no milk of human kindness, pushed their old diabetic mother down. Their aged mother who they said has been ailing in health due to diabetes and whose health they've been managing for sometime now!! How wicked and callous can they get bikonu!
What infuriates me most is the callous comment from the so called wife of the Commandant. In her own words; "Se you have seen that power pass power".. What a terrible statement from a fellow woman to another. I agree with her, "Power truly pass power". I want us to invoke the greater power we have as citizens of this country and stop them! We are many! We are the majority! We are the silent majority and this is a time to speak up!
I have attached here a picture of the innocent female citizens car, a Camry and the doors to their home which has been badly dealt with by the powerful crew. Also attached here is the powerful vehicle Ford Edge of the powerful Oga Madam Commandant.
I am angry! I am very angry! Things like this wake me from sleep. All that this poor woman is seeking is prayers from the group that her husband's nephew be released. But I am not seeking your prayers for something we as individuals and citizens of this greatly battered country can do! Please let's save this family from 'Powerful Commandant'!
I specialize in investigative reportage across several subject matter and sectors but mainly focus on metro events and investigation. Do leave your thoughts and opinion on my reports to let me know what you think about them. Thank you
Posted: at 24-05-2016 05:21 PM (8 years ago) | Addicted Hero
Eazyatumeyi at 24-05-2016 05:39 PM (8 years ago) (m)
What nonsense, no no, a protest should be raised immediately, just because a stupid car was bashed? they get a lawyer, this is outrageous.
Posted: at 24-05-2016 05:39 PM (8 years ago) | Hero
EFEJONES1 at 24-05-2016 07:50 PM (8 years ago) (m)
Make we share the Tory for Facebook. The virus go spread faster so them go catch the stupid oga at the top. If d man dey hear me. I say thunder faya u sir!!! Na with respect I yabb u ooo. No come nab me too ooo
Posted: at 24-05-2016 07:50 PM (8 years ago) | Upcoming
Machealex at 24-05-2016 08:00 PM (8 years ago) (m)
Which kin yeye power be that. They should get a very good lawyer. Na that time dem go no say the riches also cry. Nothing wey person no go see for this country.
Posted: at 24-05-2016 08:00 PM (8 years ago) | Gistmaniac
jasperjahsy at 24-05-2016 09:02 PM (8 years ago) (m)
get a lawyer!!!!! all they want is money!!!!! the judges the lawyers and the said commandant are definitely in the same fraternity. u can't just win the case, not in Nigeria. just meet a wealthy man in your community, plead with him to help you for his release.
Posted: at 24-05-2016 09:02 PM (8 years ago) | Upcoming
get a lawyer!!!!! all they want is money!!!!! the judges the lawyers and the said commandant are definitely in the same fraternity. u can't just win the case, not in Nigeria. just meet a wealthy man in your community, plead with him to help you for his release.
na so e dey be for sure my guy.
Posted: at 24-05-2016 10:28 PM (8 years ago) | Hero