The untold truth about American marriages [Nigerians in diaspora]

Date: 03-02-2010 8:00 pm (15 years ago) | Author: Daniel Bosai
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- at 3-02-2010 08:00 PM (15 years ago)
After listening to Eucharia Iheme, a qualified nurse who lives and practices her profession in United States of America, you are challenged with that simple adage that says ‘not all that glitters are gold.’ As many women yearn to relocate to God’s own country to enjoy the land of plenty, flowing with milk and honey, some of the privileged ones who are already residents there, are yearning to come back home despite the poor infrastructures, insecurity and general poor lifestyle.


In this interview with Agatha Emeadi, Iheme who has lived in US for 15years was in Nigeria for the Christmas and New Year celebrations and recalls from personal experience, and confessions of other women she came across in the cause of her job how most married women who live and work in the United States have been pushed to act otherwise due to different types of stress they are subjected to. She also talked on why American society has a well-laid down structure to assist women who are in difficulties.

In US men assist in house hold chores

Yes, they do assist in house hold chores, change baby diaper, cook and all that. It has to be, because women are not treated like women. At the end of month, you are expected to put down your contribution to the upkeep of the home. I am not saying that women in Nigeria do not contribute, but in a situation where it is written and documented, what do you expect? Half of the house rent would be waiting for you, infact the bill is shared into two, and you know that you are expected to live up to it.

Here in Nigeria, I know some ladies who are working but their husbands takes 90 percent of the responsibilities. Again, here in Nigeria, a couple might afford one or two housemaids to assist in the household chores, but over there, if you do not get up to take water, you will not drink. If you did not cook, there will not be food for you. If you did not clean the house, you will live in a filthy environment.

We need their help in everything, not just money and if you turn it the other way round, most of the women would want their husbands to make money while they remain at home to do the house hold chores, do school runs and all that.

You as a woman, you do the house chores and you still make money, you are still stressed. Is it ideal? A typical example is like this, the man might go to work for 8hours and come back home to watch Television and attend to other personal things, while the woman goes to work for 16hours. She will come back to cook, clean, attend to the children and all that. If the man is not assisting her, is she not being subjected to sudden death? That kind of a man wants the woman to die because another lady is on the way. “You are the man, you get them in and kick them out.”

But then, this is not applicable to all men. There are some who do not give their wives this kind of hell, but I must confess to you that most Nigerian women are living in bondage in the name of marriage and pretend about it because they live in America.

What kind of stress

If you have bad man around you, he will be jealous of your progress. If you are in school trying to upgrade your certificate, he will term your lecturer as your boyfriend. If your pastor puts a call through to your house, that pastor will also be termed as your concubine. He would create all impossible avenues to make sure that goal is not met. If you are into business, the morning you are expecting great sales, you might wake up with baseless accusations, arguments and explanations.

When a wife is turned into a slave, she cannot be happy, she will not do something well. A woman acts the way she is treated in her own home. Not every woman is a devil but most have been driven to become devils and witches. This is due to the circumstances they experience in the hands of their various spouses.

Other types of stress they face include financial stress. You are expected to bring this amount of money to assist him erect a state of the art building in his father compound because you are making money. If that money is not forthcoming or he suspects you are sending it to assist your own family, love vanishes from the house. The computer becomes his favorite companion.

What about domestic violence? It is not ruled out in lives of couples in America. Women are battered and when the report to the law authorities, the man in question faces the music.

Marriage break-ups

Nigerian marriages in America break up easily because they have ceased to be institution ordained by God. Marriages are seen as social contracts, what will I gain if I marry her? Will she make money for me, does she have papers? Yes, we know that values are added when real marriages are contracted. I am not saying that couples do not compliment each other. In the cause of my job as a nurse of over 15years in America, I can tell you that most marriages are already broken before they are consummated. Most guys in America come back home to look for nurses to marry. Have you bothered to ask how many of those men are qualified nurses who make the real money? The health sector in the US is lucrative.

That is the reason most men who lives in America look forward to marrying a nurse who they can turn into a money-spilling machine. You see a truck pusher in America; he is looking for a nurse to marry. The ones who are already married here, the moment they come to America, the wife must change her profession immediately to become a nurse in the next three or four years. Just because he has managed to cross over to America, he starts looking for a nurse to marry. They do not want to face the realities of life and live a simple life.

American men do not want to marry a beautiful lady anymore; intelligence does not attract a young man to a lady again. Good family background is written off, good behavior; good mannerism is all out of it. The only thing is that she must be a nurse. Every other quality could be contained as long as she is a nurse.

Another reason why marriages break up is if a lady has the almighty ‘Resident Permit’ also known as papers. If you are a single lady in America who has papers, you are treated like a mini-god. The man who marries you treats you like an egg. He will endure all, but the moment he gets his own permit through you, he takes off probably to go and look for a nurse that will compliment his life with hard currency. All these are not applicable to all men in America but most of them are gold diggers.

Why law favors women in America

Yes, the law favors women in America because they know what women go through in the hands of men. Lives have been loss through various kinds of stress that women are subjected to. They foresaw it long ago because a lot of women go through hell in the hands of their spouses. The only thing that protects women in this society is the law. The men that behave themselves in their marriages in America, do they have anything to do with the law? The law will not catch up with anybody who did not attract its wrath.

Well, I can tell you that it depends on who are married to and how both of you want to handle family issues. If there is any issue that arises between couples, the best that a man can do is to hear the woman out. A woman should be allowed to contribute her own idea. But when that African mentality is been applied, where the woman is supposed to be perpetually silent, not too many like that idea.


I will advice Nigerian ladies coming to America to be sure of what they are getting into. They should also know the type of job that these men do in America. Let that funny fantasy of a husband living in America go. Some of those who live in US and promise Nigerian women marriages are happily married over there. They would not tell these girls the simple truth that they are living with a woman they want to get their papers through, rather, they would keep these girls to wait for them for ages. The chances are that about 80 percent of such marriages do not work. These girls should be aware of the so-called American husbands.

‘Treat someone’s daughter in your house like you would want your own daughter to be treated somewhere else’


Posted: at 3-02-2010 08:00 PM (15 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- uc-1972 at 3-02-2010 08:14 PM (15 years ago)
U said it all
Posted: at 3-02-2010 08:14 PM (15 years ago) | Newbie
- jintex at 3-02-2010 09:22 PM (15 years ago)
Told them! I cannt  fit shout! Thumbs up mennn!
Posted: at 3-02-2010 09:22 PM (15 years ago) | Newbie
- Jalofun at 3-02-2010 10:02 PM (15 years ago)
I love this !
Posted: at 3-02-2010 10:02 PM (15 years ago) | Newbie
- ceejay58 at 3-02-2010 10:43 PM (15 years ago)
come, do u expect me to read thru all these..... nah  nah
Posted: at 3-02-2010 10:43 PM (15 years ago) | Hero
- chatt2die at 3-02-2010 10:56 PM (15 years ago)
wats rong in men helpin in chores
Posted: at 3-02-2010 10:56 PM (15 years ago) | Newbie
- kingmikefidel at 3-02-2010 11:42 PM (15 years ago)
cut your story short, next time............

Posted: at 3-02-2010 11:42 PM (15 years ago) | Upcoming
- Mekoyor at 4-02-2010 12:29 AM (15 years ago)
Mehn,too long

Posted: at 4-02-2010 12:29 AM (15 years ago) | Upcoming
- larrygirl04 at 4-02-2010 12:51 AM (15 years ago)
were u forced to read it..
Posted: at 4-02-2010 12:51 AM (15 years ago) | Newbie
- dirtykid at 4-02-2010 01:08 AM (15 years ago)
every society we find ourselve into, has their system and ways of doing things, are u expecting America b4 to be like Nigeria for u... were u will sit ur ass at home and do ur makeups and the man will be running around to provide all u want.

Please there is big different btw American and Nigeria. if u go to Rome, do as Romans do !! thats all i got to say.

Posted: at 4-02-2010 01:08 AM (15 years ago) | Hero
- dolphinkate at 4-02-2010 01:27 AM (15 years ago)
Interesting! Did not know, that s like that in america and that beeing a nurse is so lucrative there.

I think the marriage matter is not only a thing of foreigners coming to america. That s the bad side of western world in general. Also europen wifes going through that in their marriage, if their husband is not a good responsible one. A woman cant feel as such anymore. All is about stress. A modern woman has to be perfect at job and in the house at same time. Which is of course not possible. And also one cant afford a househelp and the family is not around to assist anymore those days.

I think in family caring africa is better compare to europe or america. Good educated responsible african men r taking care for the family financially and protecting from all other probs. And in bringing up children, u have always ppl to assist, apart from the fact, that u can leave ur children outside in africa playing with others alone. While in europe u have to follow them everywhere and they r staying home always.  Old ppl will not be left alone or send to old ppl s home house.

My personal conclusion is, that the old fashion of family is still the best: Man beeing the head of the house and taking care of the finances and others, while the women r responsible for house and children.
Posted: at 4-02-2010 01:27 AM (15 years ago) | Upcoming
- Azubuike1 at 4-02-2010 02:55 AM (15 years ago)
Eucharia Iheme did not inform readers of her marital status.  This is case of kettle calling a pot black.  Yes, the nursing profession in the U.S is lucrative, but not when a nurse's holding a single job.  If I may inform readers, its worthy to understand that many of the so called nurses in America work two or three jobs to make ends meet. Don't forget also that the taxes are heavy.  At the end of the whole saga, the take home pay, after taxes is nothing.  If not for the exchage rates, I betcha that American nurses are not doing better than their counterparts back home.  If Eucharia Iheme is angling about relocating back home, would be because she can't stand the stress anylonger of having to work two or three jobs .  When has Eucharia Iheme became a marriage councilor, when we don't even know about her marital status?  Besides, she did inform readers that a greater percentage of Nigerian nurses in U.S hospitals are home wreckers and no better than professional prostitutes on the streets of America.   Some of them are prostitutes in hospital gowns, sleeping around wth married men, stealing husbands and lovers. Ladies, if you're reading this, do not allow Ms Iheme to deceive you on whom you marry.  If you love a man, please do go for him.  I can betcha that Ms. Iheme's not an American educated nursing professional.  You may ask, how do I know, but lets leave the answers to the thin air.  With all due respect to readers of Iheme's article, I want to inform you that there are many professions far more lucrative and less stressful than nursing in America.  Many of the so called Nigerian nurses had collapsed and died on the job because of the crazy attitude for dollars.  You be the judge, man.
Posted: at 4-02-2010 02:55 AM (15 years ago) | Upcoming
- takahashi at 4-02-2010 03:39 AM (15 years ago)
azubike thank you how this so call ukeria go dey talk like this self her pic look like AKATA wey go dey kill man.
Posted: at 4-02-2010 03:39 AM (15 years ago) | Newbie
- toyosidada at 4-02-2010 05:31 AM (15 years ago)
Quote from: Azubuike1 on  4-02-2010 02:55 AM
Eucharia Iheme did not inform readers of her marital status.  This is case of kettle calling a pot black.  Yes, the nursing profession in the U.S is lucrative, but not when a nurse's holding a single job.  If I may inform readers, its worthy to understand that many of the so called nurses in America work two or three jobs to make ends meet. Don't forget also that the taxes are heavy.  At the end of the whole saga, the take home pay, after taxes is nothing.  If not for the exchage rates, I betcha that American nurses are not doing better than their counterparts back home.  If Eucharia Iheme is angling about relocating back home, would be because she can't stand the stress anylonger of having to work two or three jobs .  When has Eucharia Iheme became a marriage councilor, when we don't even know about her marital status?  Besides, she did inform readers that a greater percentage of Nigerian nurses in U.S hospitals are home wreckers and no better than professional prostitutes on the streets of America.   Some of them are prostitutes in hospital gowns, sleeping around wth married men, stealing husbands and lovers. Ladies, if you're reading this, do not allow Ms Iheme to deceive you on whom you marry.  If you love a man, please do go for him.  I can betcha that Ms. Iheme's not an American educated nursing professional.  You may ask, how do I know, but lets leave the answers to the thin air.  With all due respect to readers of Iheme's article, I want to inform you that there are many professions far more lucrative and less stressful than nursing in America.  Many of the so called Nigerian nurses had collapsed and died on the job because of the crazy attitude for dollars.  You be the judge, man.
Let me REinform Readers
Dude get ur facts straight. the nursing profession in America is expected to grow by 20% in the next 8 years. Nursing is very lucrative depending on the level of education you attain. My mother is a Registered Nurse making more than 90,000 thousand a year, and she is def not working more than 1 job. in nursing it depends on the level of education you get and experience. at the lowest level which is a CNA (Clinical Nursing Assistant) you will have to work 2 to 3 jobs and jobs like that are reserved for  teenagers. if you go to high school in America you can attain a CNA Certificate while attending high school, but if you go to nursing school for 2 years and attain an LPN, (Licensed Practical Nurse) you will make at lease $45,000 a year at the very least. if you and ur husband are working, one job is more than enough to sustain you and ur family. Please don't try and bad mouth nurses. They save Lives. Nigerian nurses are no like the white American nurses.. they are the ones who steal husbands. Here in America money is everything, if u have no money you will die. even for the simple water you drink if you have no money you will be able to buy it to drink. talk less of if u have children to take care of. Nursing is also a stressful job, its almost like being a doctor and ur on ur feet most of the day going from patient to patient. and you are very liable for each patient you encounter so u have to be very precise. my advise to women is to marry a hard working man that wont depend on you for anything. If u meet a guy and he is lazy, and u see signs that he will not amount to nothing don't marry him. also figure out ur plans for family and who will take care of what before you get married. America is not Nigeria, men are not expected to take care of the women like they are in Africa. everything is 50\50 that is if u meet a poor man. and more than 95 percent of Americans are poor. Just because this is America does not mean money falls from the tree. Life is hard anywhere you go and it is up to you to know what you want in life where ever it may be and work to attain. Nothing good ever comes easy, Unless you have lived in America and have been in an American nurses shoes DO NOT CRITICIZE THIS WOMAN. And I am very sure she is an American trained Nurse, i don't think Naija pals would jeopardize their credibility by posting an article by an impostor. Ur probably like one of the men she was describing thats why u bein so harsh.
Posted: at 4-02-2010 05:31 AM (15 years ago) | Upcoming
- omatu at 4-02-2010 06:28 AM (15 years ago)
Nigerian men, please go and study nursing as well.  Get your bachelors of science in nursing.  Apply to come to America, you will get admission.  While you are at it, do not forget to also increase your knowledge by getting additional degree as a nursing practitioner so you can open your own clinic when you come to America.

Another career you should consider is Pharmacist.

Another career is accounting - become an accounting teacher, they are needed in North America.

If you have these skills, you should be able to come to North America with your own skills and merit.  You do not have to come illegal.

If you can teach sciences, apply to come to North America, no problem.

Good luck.
Posted: at 4-02-2010 06:28 AM (15 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- EHISE at 4-02-2010 06:30 AM (15 years ago)
Posted: at 4-02-2010 06:30 AM (15 years ago) | Newbie
- chrissiebee at 4-02-2010 07:14 AM (15 years ago)

Posted: at 4-02-2010 07:14 AM (15 years ago) | Hero
- mazi at 4-02-2010 07:23 AM (15 years ago)
breaking news
Posted: at 4-02-2010 07:23 AM (15 years ago) | Hero
- Vani at 4-02-2010 07:52 AM (15 years ago)
Whereby the unmarried Nigerian nurses are only after American husbands,what do u expect.Somebody u dnt knw cmg all d way frm d states 2 seek ur hand in Marriage in d name of u are a nurse.Some of dis nurses are into serious r/ships jst bcos they heard yankee guy,they wl dump their guys and jump into marriage wt yankee guy wtout asking questions.I never said is a bad thing to settle down but look before u leap.
Posted: at 4-02-2010 07:52 AM (15 years ago) | Newbie
- anthonydidioma at 4-02-2010 08:31 AM (15 years ago)
America, God's own land, land of sorrow and joy, choose which you want!
Posted: at 4-02-2010 08:31 AM (15 years ago) | Upcoming
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