Ezzy4Wizzy at 18-02-2010 11:24 PM (14 years ago) (m)
Pls, tel me. My grlfrnd left me b'cos of my tribal mark. For 1nce, I nw feel special 2 hav dat precious, lovely, unique, outstandin, e.t.c tribal mark. Oh, Y me God:'( ? Xcludin wat I wnt thru b4 nd afta meetin her. SPEAKING MINDS.
Post Reply
Posted: at 18-02-2010 11:24 PM (14 years ago) | Newbie
ajanni at 23-02-2010 11:41 PM (14 years ago) (m)
my advice to you is that you just try and get rid of that tribal mark . its very simple and its as easy as a b c
Posted: at 23-02-2010 11:41 PM (14 years ago) | Grande Master
Reply xter at 24-02-2010 12:08 AM (14 years ago) (m)
guy u fight lion? abi na wolf u fight
Here comes d Great King Xtervaganza
Posted: at 24-02-2010 12:08 AM (14 years ago) | Addicted Hero
Reply omibanks at 24-02-2010 02:42 AM (14 years ago) (m)
Posted: at 24-02-2010 02:42 AM (14 years ago) | Upcoming
Reply omatu at 24-02-2010 07:54 AM (14 years ago) (f)
If you are happy, keep it. If you are not happy, consult your medical practitioner.
Good luck
God bless Nigeria.
Posted: at 24-02-2010 07:54 AM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac
Reply princedee at 24-02-2010 12:05 PM (14 years ago) (m)
You can use sandpaper.
Posted: at 24-02-2010 12:05 PM (14 years ago) | Upcoming
Reply princedee at 24-02-2010 12:06 PM (14 years ago) (m)
You can use sandpaper.
Posted: at 24-02-2010 12:06 PM (14 years ago) | Upcoming
Dont have any, if i did, might be proud of it or use make up cover am.....lol
Posted: at 24-02-2010 12:19 PM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac
Reply Starlette at 24-02-2010 01:38 PM (14 years ago) (f)
I'm proud of mine bcos it suits me.
De shining star
Posted: at 24-02-2010 01:38 PM (14 years ago) | Upcoming
Reply colenzo at 24-02-2010 04:09 PM (14 years ago) (m)
depends where your mark is,on the face and so big is bad on the chest nobody sees it
Support me... If you don't understand me don't write about me
Posted: at 24-02-2010 04:09 PM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac
You don't deserve the girl,she is so stupid to leave u.Having a tribal mark is very special and it describes who u re and also ur culture. I have a tribal mark on my arm and i am very proud of it and when ppl see it,they think its cool,and they will think u re very unique.So don't get rid of it all becos of a stupid girl.
Posted: at 24-02-2010 07:41 PM (14 years ago) | Newbie
i tink dats wat oyibos called tatoo...wel maybe u shud start wearing mask..lol
Posted: at 24-02-2010 08:58 PM (14 years ago) | Newbie
Reply fabmic at 25-02-2010 12:57 AM (14 years ago) (m)
if u no wantam go brusham 4 wall
Posted: at 25-02-2010 12:57 AM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac
Reply Ezzy4Wizzy at 25-02-2010 07:44 AM (14 years ago) (m)
guy u fight lion? abi na wolf u fight
Na talk b dat? C ur xtra-large face.
Posted: at 25-02-2010 07:44 AM (14 years ago) | Newbie
Reply Ezzy4Wizzy at 25-02-2010 08:00 AM (14 years ago) (m)
You can use sandpaper.
if u no wantam go brusham 4 wall
R U guys telin me 2 do it d way U did it 2 get Ur first compliment 4rm a grl?
Posted: at 25-02-2010 08:00 AM (14 years ago) | Newbie
Reply Ezzy4Wizzy at 25-02-2010 09:07 AM (14 years ago) (m)
depends where your mark is,on the face and so big is bad on the chest nobody sees it
It's on evrywhere; wy face, chest, bck of my palm, my feet and even my, oh, I'm shy,
, 2 say it. Bt U knw now.
Posted: at 25-02-2010 09:07 AM (14 years ago) | Newbie
Reply Ezzy4Wizzy at 25-02-2010 09:22 AM (14 years ago) (m)
i tink dats wat oyibos called tatoo...wel maybe u shud start wearing mask..lol
Dat reminds me; pls return my mask weneva U r thru wit it.
. Ok.
Posted: at 25-02-2010 09:22 AM (14 years ago) | Newbie
Reply odanwu at 25-02-2010 12:18 PM (14 years ago) (m)
So special, i would 've love to have it but i do not.cause it will really show your identity.
Posted: at 25-02-2010 12:18 PM (14 years ago) | Newbie
Reply princedafe at 25-02-2010 01:32 PM (14 years ago) (m)
see a plastic surgeon or go to ibadan and look for nice single ladies that look like they fought a lion or tiger.
Posted: at 25-02-2010 01:32 PM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac
i hv nn mark.. than God
Posted: at 25-02-2010 09:44 PM (14 years ago) | Newbie