xter at 22-02-2010 11:43 PM (14 years ago) (m) hmmmmmmm chinwe
Here comes d Great King Xtervaganza  Posted: at 22-02-2010 11:43 PM (14 years ago) | Addicted Hero | |
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just2sexy at 22-02-2010 11:46 PM (14 years ago) (m) posted b4
To eat is Human, but to digest DIVINE!! Posted: at 22-02-2010 11:46 PM (14 years ago) | Hero | |
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St-Balo at 23-02-2010 12:02 AM (14 years ago) (m) dis is uncalled 4 n disgustn, urghh Posted: at 23-02-2010 12:02 AM (14 years ago) | Newbie | |
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justuscj at 23-02-2010 12:09 AM (14 years ago) (m) men na waooo Posted: at 23-02-2010 12:09 AM (14 years ago) | Newbie | |
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justuscj at 23-02-2010 12:09 AM (14 years ago) (m) men na waooo Posted: at 23-02-2010 12:09 AM (14 years ago) | Newbie | |
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colenzo at 23-02-2010 12:18 AM (14 years ago) (m) mr copy u will copy everything you see for paper
Support me... If you don't understand me don't write about me Posted: at 23-02-2010 12:18 AM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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spekay at 23-02-2010 05:31 AM (14 years ago) (m) Na craze dey follow craze . report
" If its not for love - its for nothing " [/size] Posted: at 23-02-2010 05:31 AM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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ejibond at 23-02-2010 05:38 AM (14 years ago) (m) Dis one na small one,d one wey i read 4 paper,d old man abt 65yrs put im stick inside two yrs old baby.. Posted: at 23-02-2010 05:38 AM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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ajanni at 23-02-2010 08:13 AM (14 years ago) (m) its right time we started using capital punishments Posted: at 23-02-2010 08:13 AM (14 years ago) | Grande Master | |
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Dee4evr at 23-02-2010 11:35 AM (14 years ago) (f) I just de waka pass jare. Posted: at 23-02-2010 11:35 AM (14 years ago) | Upcoming | |
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tmty at 23-02-2010 12:56 PM (14 years ago) (f) Dat man nids serious . Posted: at 23-02-2010 12:56 PM (14 years ago) | Newbie | |
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happinee at 23-02-2010 01:34 PM (14 years ago) (f) this is inconsequential.men men men!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! u na body chemistry,needs physics or mathematics to cain una urgeness down. Posted: at 23-02-2010 01:34 PM (14 years ago) | Upcoming | |
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olame4 at 23-02-2010 02:38 PM (14 years ago) (m) bad man Posted: at 23-02-2010 02:38 PM (14 years ago) | Upcoming | |
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mck1 at 23-02-2010 04:21 PM (14 years ago) (m) Na waooooooooooooooooo !!!!!!!! Posted: at 23-02-2010 04:21 PM (14 years ago) | Newbie | |
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famous5 at 23-02-2010 04:30 PM (14 years ago) (m) bad to hear this, another bad news Posted: at 23-02-2010 04:30 PM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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jeeeezzzzzzzzzz.......wat was he thinking???............
A LITTLE HELP HERE; A LITTLE HELP THERE, MAKES THE WORLD GO ROUND! Posted: at 23-02-2010 04:42 PM (14 years ago) | Hero | |
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uploader at 23-02-2010 05:20 PM (14 years ago) (m) conji na bad thing oh oh. Posted: at 23-02-2010 05:20 PM (14 years ago) | Upcoming | |
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D man deserve 2 face sheria law by cut is hand off. Posted: at 23-02-2010 06:10 PM (14 years ago) | Newbie | |
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mbone at 23-02-2010 07:30 PM (14 years ago) (f) I cant believe this.Was the man so desperate he didn't see a prostitute to pay.oh the poor child.Men and their wahala. Posted: at 23-02-2010 07:30 PM (14 years ago) | Newbie | |
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Resi at 23-02-2010 08:03 PM (14 years ago) (f) Ok na.
I Believe... True Friendship continues to grow... even over... the longest distance...( I need my son as much as I need my breath.) Posted: at 23-02-2010 08:03 PM (14 years ago) | Upcoming | |
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