Another is told of a playboy husband who, after being fed the original Ijebu love potion, would follow his wife all about like Mary’s lamb and patiently wait at home for his wife when told to do so, cook, clean the house and wash the woman’s underwear to the bargain.
There is also this story of the rich Ogbomosho illiterate trader who had to resort to love potion to ‘conquer’ his queen. People still wonder why this beauty would marry the ‘beast’. She is a combination of beauty and brain, but she looks contented sitting at the man’s shop all day doing nothing.
Tales, tales and more tales...
This young married man would always retire to the nearby beer parlour to unwind and wait for the traffic to abate. He is unarguably one of the highest spenders at that joint. He would buy drinks for people who kept him company and was generous with tips. This made the madam of the joint to serve him fresh fish laced with love potion. Five years on, the guy has not returned home!
What exactly is love potion? It is said to be a traditionally made concoction, usually prepared by the herbalist for interested individuals. It is for the purpose of buying over the heart of whomever it is meant for. It is used to control one’s reasoning of the mind, especially used as a remote control for love.
So, does love potion really exist? Some women respond…
It is real, though I have not seen any, but I have heard series of stories to buttress this.
But I think it is common to both sexes, men especially, who go to any length in ensuring they trap any lady they feel they had it tough with going out with or making love to.
On the other hand, some women, especially ladies who desire a man, but the man, on his own part would not look their way can use love potion to trap him.
I heard of a man who, as at the time it happened worked with a road construction company; you know they travel a lot and their wives have no option than take to fate. There was this big contract the company had, which would take almost eight months to complete, and there was a big restaurant in the town. All these workers, of course ate there including this unfortunate man. But who would have known this woman had a different notion?
One of the workers, who came back home after completion of the roads narrated to the family how the man refused to return with them, adding that the man now lived in the woman’s house.
Although, no information whether they have started raising babies, but the man adamantly refused to remember the familes he left in hunger and love.
All effort to bring him back home proved abortive and they decided to seek a traditional means, where they were told he was under a spell, and not until some sacrifices were made to restore him back to his senses, he would remain there.
I don’t believe such things. It simply happens to those who believe them.
Witches only could kill you when you believe they are powerful and capable of taking you hostage. Sometimes, your imagination works out for you; in other words, you are enslaved to your fear. As a Christian, I totally do not believe such things.
I never believed in love potion until few years back when I experienced it myself.
It happened when I was posted to a distant part of the country for my youth service, after graduating from the university. There was this lady, also a youth corps member whom we served together in the same state.
Nobody knew what happened or how it happened. But what we just noticed that the lady just decided to start living in this man’s house. It is not strange that ladies live with men as couples during the youth service, but this man was a cattle rearer and core illiterate. He could not could not understand what an alphabet is, talk less of speaking English.
Then we noticed she was pregnant. Initially we thought she was engaged or had done a traditional marriage before reporting for her NYSC, but we all were wrong!
After a few months, we rounded up our service and everyone went back home. You would not believe this lady was with this man, even after we all had left.
She did not realize what was happening to her until she bore two children for this man. After having two children, her senses of reasoning returned to her, but, it was too late to cry.
Yes, it existed in our area many centuries ago, especially before civilization. It focused more on old men going after young girls, old enough to be their grand children.
But now, I do not think such still happens, civilization and religion has hung them.
Yes it happens, but for selfish and lustful desires.
This spell may take long, but one day it would definitely fade off because it is not natural love.
Ah! Love potion exists. But the men who fall prey are those without self-discipline.
Many women who do such things do it to avenge what men may have done to them in the past. All the same, it is unfair, because mostly those who fall victims are innocent men. Both men and women engage in such acts, but it is not the best approach to solving marital problems.
Yes it exists. Though I have no personal experience, but from every side, it is affirmed that such things happen.
I have seen two or three instances. Seeing, they say makes you believe.
Aside home videos, I have heard, seen similar things happen. It is an unfortunate thing for those who fall victims. I am sorry for their families because they cannot pray earnestly for total deliverance from such shackle of the oppressor.
Except such a person has a strong prayer back-up, I’m afraid he/she may remain under the yoke for as long as the world remains. May God have mercy on us and deliver us from the evil ones.
I believe it happens, but I have never seen one personally.
My fore-parents used to say it when I was very young and I know they would not tell lies. I am sure they must have had series of evidences as back-up.
But I think it was more popular in the old era, but civilization has abolished the act today.
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