Nigerian Twins Make Record For High School

Date: 02-03-2010 9:28 pm (14 years ago) | Author: Daniel Bosai
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- at 2-03-2010 09:28 PM (14 years ago)
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Two nine year olds known as the Wonder Twins for their record-beating exam results are set to become the youngest pupils admitted to a British secondary school.

Paula and Peter Imafidon from Waltham Forest, London, amazed parents and teachers when they passed an A-level mathematics examination at the age of seven.

The twins have been waiting to find out which secondary school they will attend, along with thousands of other youngsters - who are two years older - across the country.

Peter and Paula, who attend a state primary school in London, were helped by their three older brothers and sisters, all of whom were also child prodigies.

Their father, Chris, said he was thrilled by his childen’s achievements at school.

He denied any particular genius in the family, crediting their success to the Excellence in Education programme for inner city children from disadvantaged backgrounds.

“Every child is a genius,” he said. “Once you identify the talent of a child and put them in the environment that will nurture that talent, then the sky is the limit.

“Look at Tiger Woods, or the Williams sisters - they were nurtured.

“You can never rule anything out with them, the competition between the two of them makes them excel in anything they do.

“They are forever competing and fighting, even if it’s just for the remote control or the computer.”

Paula hopes to become a maths teacher, while Peter hopes to become Prime Minister one day.

Posted: at 2-03-2010 09:28 PM (14 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- Sheenor at 2-03-2010 10:17 PM (14 years ago)
am in luv with diz... kudus to ye twins who make Nigeria proud!!

Posted: at 2-03-2010 10:17 PM (14 years ago) | Hero
- kissflames at 2-03-2010 11:10 PM (14 years ago)
nice one...naijas are blessed....
not 4 da US, comin to tell us we a terrorist..they should still come and broadcast dis too..

continue goin kids
Posted: at 2-03-2010 11:10 PM (14 years ago) | Newbie
- DarkCoco at 2-03-2010 11:19 PM (14 years ago)
dis is what im talking are the future

Posted: at 2-03-2010 11:19 PM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- Mayokun91 at 2-03-2010 11:20 PM (14 years ago)
we've   got   d   brains,nigeria   is   knw   4   producing   genius   and   gems,mst   of   us   jst   lack   needed   opurtunity   &   exposure,der   r   somany   kids   of   dis   nature   in   nigerian   vilages   &   towns   waitin 2   be   discoverd,motivated&   nutured.
Posted: at 2-03-2010 11:20 PM (14 years ago) | Newbie
- belindajustins at 2-03-2010 11:31 PM (14 years ago)
I'm overwhelmed when i hear luvly things like dis....welldone kids
Posted: at 2-03-2010 11:31 PM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- Duggy at 3-03-2010 12:35 AM (14 years ago)
Yea. Nigerians are really brilliant. I guess it's cuz we are used to hussling for front seats in class and hussling for materials too, unlike Americans who have it at their beck and call. Even in my school, Nigerians no dey carry last. Barely two weeks ago, we were having my calculus class and we Nigerians (who happened to be sitting around each other) were answering most of d questions and some girl yells out "Ok, now I agree that Nigerians are smarter". It was really funny
Posted: at 3-03-2010 12:35 AM (14 years ago) | Newbie
- ejibond at 3-03-2010 02:01 AM (14 years ago)
weldone the brain kids!! u guyz are 3much.carryone and the sky will be ya ya!
Posted: at 3-03-2010 02:01 AM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- martiz at 3-03-2010 02:50 AM (14 years ago)
Paula and Peter Imafidon thanks for making Nigerians pround. God have made Nigerians to be notice in good things in the mixed of others countries in the world, Nigerians are very Brilliant and smart, we pray to God to help our leaders, so they can encourage Nigerian citizen, bcos if they do believe our God, that no country that can compare to us Nigerians in the world, yet more good talents are still coming up from Nigeria. Please our Muslims Brothers from Northern Nigeria this is what Nigeria need then  Boko Haram, killing and Terrorist. So Nigerians will be more respectful in good name in the world.
Posted: at 3-03-2010 02:50 AM (14 years ago) | Upcoming
- ksurrina at 3-03-2010 03:19 AM (14 years ago)
Where in this story that it says these kids are from Nigeria. Here is the story and it said nothing like this.

I love when children excel and these children along with their parents showed that with good Parental Guidance children lives can be enriched both physically, spiritual and academically.

Posted: at 3-03-2010 03:19 AM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- Duggy at 3-03-2010 03:55 AM (14 years ago)
Quote from: ksurrina on  3-03-2010 03:19 AM
Posted: at 3-03-2010 03:55 AM (14 years ago) | Newbie
- spekay at 3-03-2010 06:01 AM (14 years ago)
Kids that make you proud .

Posted: at 3-03-2010 06:01 AM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- chinadog at 3-03-2010 07:06 AM (14 years ago)
CONGRATULATIONS to the families of the young twins and the parents in particular. These are good examples for all Nigerians to emulate. Our leaders should open their eyes and do something for the young generation so that their brains and talents would not grow old for nothing.
Posted: at 3-03-2010 07:06 AM (14 years ago) | Upcoming
- ajanni at 3-03-2010 07:28 AM (14 years ago)
Posted: at 3-03-2010 07:28 AM (14 years ago) | Grande Master
- nichomerry at 3-03-2010 07:56 AM (14 years ago)
they really make nigeria.Nigerians are good no matter what anyone says.they can excel anywhere and in any condition.kudos my twin brothers.more grace from God to you.
Posted: at 3-03-2010 07:56 AM (14 years ago) | Newbie
- famous5 at 3-03-2010 09:34 AM (14 years ago)
that is the kind of news we want to hear, not rubish God bless those kids for makeing us proud
Posted: at 3-03-2010 09:34 AM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- lindek at 3-03-2010 10:29 AM (14 years ago)
Posted: at 3-03-2010 10:29 AM (14 years ago) | Newbie
- eeoboh at 3-03-2010 10:33 AM (14 years ago)
ride on kids, my twins re coming to join u soon Cheesy
Posted: at 3-03-2010 10:33 AM (14 years ago) | Newbie
- esoo at 3-03-2010 12:13 PM (14 years ago)
Let keep it up......they are going to be great twins.......
Posted: at 3-03-2010 12:13 PM (14 years ago) | Upcoming
- leoblacky at 3-03-2010 01:09 PM (14 years ago)
nice one keep it up
Posted: at 3-03-2010 01:09 PM (14 years ago) | Newbie
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