Banning Islamic Veil (Page 2)

Date: 23-04-2010 12:31 am (14 years ago) | Author: Abubakar Tanimu.
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- ksurrina at 30-04-2010 01:05 AM (14 years ago)
On another note is it Religious or Cultural matter. For example Nigerians or I should say African culture has a man wearing something on his head. Not going to assumed that it is a hat and I wouldn't mind it if someone give me the proper name for it. But still when they are in church or in the presence of the Lord they take it off. Is this traditional attire a religious matter or is it a cultural one. To me veil for Islamic females has nothing to do with religion but their culture. They are living in another culture either they abide by the rules or go back home. I just believe that these Islamic people just ride with the wind that gave them free access inside of correcting the massives.

Posted: at 30-04-2010 01:05 AM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- attamem at 30-04-2010 02:33 AM (14 years ago)
Quote from: ksurrina on 30-04-2010 01:05 AM
On another note is it Religious or Cultural matter. For example Nigerians or I should say African culture has a man wearing something on his head. Not going to assumed that it is a hat and I wouldn't mind it if someone give me the proper name for it. But still when they are in church or in the presence of the Lord they take it off. Is this traditional attire a religious matter or is it a cultural one. To me veil for Islamic females has nothing to do with religion but their culture. They are living in another culture either they abide by the rules or go back home. I just believe that these Islamic people just ride with the wind that gave them free access inside of correcting the massives.
never say that again 'cause muslims don't believed in cultural traditions like you christians do. Our tradition is our believe our believe is ISLAM. Islam say do we do, Islam says stop we stop.
 And in Islam we don't believe in nakedness like you do, so veil is part of the Islamic believe. Thanks.
Posted: at 30-04-2010 02:33 AM (14 years ago) | Upcoming
- ksurrina at 30-04-2010 03:12 AM (14 years ago)
Quote from: attamem on 30-04-2010 02:33 AM
Quote from: ksurrina on 30-04-2010 01:05 AM
On another note is it Religious or Cultural matter. For example Nigerians or I should say African culture has a man wearing something on his head. Not going to assumed that it is a hat and I wouldn't mind it if someone give me the proper name for it. But still when they are in church or in the presence of the Lord they take it off. Is this traditional attire a religious matter or is it a cultural one. To me veil for Islamic females has nothing to do with religion but their culture. They are living in another culture either they abide by the rules or go back home. I just believe that these Islamic people just ride with the wind that gave them free access inside of correcting the massives.
never say that again 'cause muslims don't believed in cultural traditions like you christians do. Our tradition is our believe our believe is ISLAM. Islam say do we do, Islam says stop we stop.
 And in Islam we don't believe in nakedness like you do, so veil is part of the Islamic believe. Thanks.

So if ISLAM says go and kill yourself and you know that it is wrong you go and do it without questioning WHY? Am thankful for the God I serve.  Let us communicate like adult. What is nakedness? Showing one face and hands? The biblical scriptures told us nakedness is showing oneself to another and this in itself is in a segxwal form. Leviticus 18. Go and read and let us debate.  Wink

Posted: at 30-04-2010 03:12 AM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- attamem at 30-04-2010 03:50 AM (14 years ago)
Islam means peace. Don't think of that from Islam.
And i was once ask not to engage my posting, but if you don't mind send your email add. there we talk please. thanks.
Posted: at 30-04-2010 03:50 AM (14 years ago) | Upcoming
- ksurrina at 30-04-2010 04:27 AM (14 years ago)
Quote from: attamem on 30-04-2010 03:50 AM
Islam means peace. Don't think of that from Islam.
And i was once ask not to engage my posting, but if you don't mind send your email add. there we talk please. thanks.

This is another aspect of ISLAM that a lot of persons will take offence to. Why can't you discuss issues that is brought up in a forum. So why brother to even participate in it then. Am here to educate and learn from others. If we cannot discuss openly then forget it.

Posted: at 30-04-2010 04:27 AM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- iyke1 at 30-04-2010 09:44 AM (14 years ago)
Quote from: derbi on 23-04-2010 09:53 PM
that is good for security purpose, and it will also help their police to adentify easily especily when public security cameras are involve that is nice Grin
gud one bro and is bcus of terrorist acts
Posted: at 30-04-2010 09:44 AM (14 years ago) | Upcoming
- attamem at 30-04-2010 01:18 PM (14 years ago)
Quote from: ksurrina on 30-04-2010 04:27 AM
Quote from: attamem on 30-04-2010 03:50 AM
Islam means peace. Don't think of that from Islam.
And i was once ask not to engage my posting, but if you don't mind send your email add. there we talk please. thanks.

This is another aspect of ISLAM that a lot of persons will take offence to. Why can't you discuss issues that is brought up in a forum. So why brother to even participate in it then. Am here to educate and learn from others. If we cannot discuss openly then forget it.
Don't forget you mention debate. yet, i will take your parth ok.
Posted: at 30-04-2010 01:18 PM (14 years ago) | Upcoming
- BONZ at 2-05-2010 05:11 PM (14 years ago)
Teebazz... ur head is in the ground and ur thinkin with ur ass instead muchacho. Islam is peace itself.... however we hav zero tolerance for blasphemy... & strict adherence to policy is unconditional in some aspects. We sin lyk others but thr r places in Islam tht one cant go & get away with it. Banning veil??? thts a declaration for world war III.

Posted: at 2-05-2010 05:11 PM (14 years ago) | Upcoming
- BONZ at 2-05-2010 05:20 PM (14 years ago)
Quote from: ksurrina on 30-04-2010 12:58 AM
Quote from: megafather1 on 23-04-2010 11:39 PM
Quote from: attamem on 23-04-2010 12:31 AM
The french president Nicolas Sarkozy has orderd legislation that would ban women from wearing islamic veils that
fully cover the face and the body in public places,the gorvenment said wednesday.
i also heard that,but i think its not fair,they should be allowed 2 practice their religion he wants them to be moving al around town with thier heads uncovered?

The bible told us that when we are in the presence of the Lord that is when a woman's head should be covered. Are they in the presence of the Lord all the time. God himself told us that it is not all the time He abides with men. Some of these religious fanatic take it too far. Some even have their wives in bondage because of their so called beliefs.

Madam since u love doin wht the BIBLE tells you to do good for you. We do not believe in the bible which is nothing but polluted scripture tht has been rendered unworthy of reference. We live by the QUR'AN so dont tell us to do somthyn just by saying the bible said so.

Posted: at 2-05-2010 05:20 PM (14 years ago) | Upcoming
- BONZ at 3-05-2010 08:15 PM (14 years ago)
Quote from: teebaz990 on  3-05-2010 06:12 PM
Quote from: BONZ on  2-05-2010 05:11 PM
Teebazz... ur head is in the ground and ur thinkin with ur ass instead muchacho. Islam is peace itself.... however we hav zero tolerance for blasphemy... & strict adherence to policy is unconditional in some aspects. We sin lyk others but thr r places in Islam tht one cant go & get away with it. Banning veil??? thts a declaration for world war III.

Bonz or what ever you call yourself pls b4 u talk foolishly as u always do note that they r banning the use of veil in europian country and not in any islamic nations or country. they say when in rome behave like the romans so if france and other europian countries says its against their law live them alone. Every nation has law that govern their land. its their country live them alone as you wish to be left alone with your religion they too have religion and and tradition of their own. i live and work in a islamic country we do obey the law of the land to the fullest.

Teebazz what of french and European citizens tht are Muslims??? they should abandon thr beliefs coz of some stupid inferior man made laws..... NO NO NO tht is unacceptable & were goin to hv none of it. Demonstrations willl follow and if they do turn violent so be it. But we will not bow down to some idiotic useless policy thts blasphemous and unacceptable. You better obey those laws you say you do. Have they stopped you frm worshippin your Jesus and Spirits? the answer is no. The only thing our laws stop is your chronic love for alchohol... tht leads to nothing but havoc and anarchy.

Posted: at 3-05-2010 08:15 PM (14 years ago) | Upcoming
- BONZ at 3-05-2010 08:24 PM (14 years ago)
Quote from: teebaz990 on  3-05-2010 06:23 PM
Bonz to you the others of your like i will say it plainly if any person fell the banning veil in Europe countries and is not happy with it he or she is free to live or not enter Europe again. you got choice don't you?. use it my friend don't try to harm others.
Very funny. Born & brought up there, so many converts  & your solution is for us to leave?? HAHAHAHA very funny. Were goin nowhere so make room for us & deal with it. AIIIGGHHHTTTTT!!!

Posted: at 3-05-2010 08:24 PM (14 years ago) | Upcoming
- BONZ at 3-05-2010 08:35 PM (14 years ago)
Quote from: teebaz990 on  3-05-2010 06:29 PM
Quote from: BONZ on  2-05-2010 05:20 PM
Quote from: ksurrina on 30-04-2010 12:58 AM
Quote from: megafather1 on 23-04-2010 11:39 PM
Quote from: attamem on 23-04-2010 12:31 AM
The french president Nicolas Sarkozy has orderd legislation that would ban women from wearing islamic veils that
fully cover the face and the body in public places,the gorvenment said wednesday.
i also heard that,but i think its not fair,they should be allowed 2 practice their religion he wants them to be moving al around town with thier heads uncovered?

The bible told us that when we are in the presence of the Lord that is when a woman's head should be covered. Are they in the presence of the Lord all the time. God himself told us that it is not all the time He abides with men. Some of these religious fanatic take it too far. Some even have their wives in bondage because of their so called beliefs.

Madam since u love doin wht the BIBLE tells you to do good for you. We do not believe in the bible which is nothing but polluted scripture tht has been rendered unworthy of reference. We live by the QUR'AN so dont tell us to do somthyn just by saying the bible said so.

well from what ever angle you look at the bible we the Christians will still live by it. pray by it obey every word of it. i am happy that i know the true God of peace. the true living God.

Oh most of you arent even xtians but hypocrites. Talk alot about jesus but live very wreckless lives full of adultery and sin. But whether xtian or most lykly hypocrite you can continue with your man worship. THE BIBLE & JESUS WERE NOT, ARE NOT & WILL NOT BE THE ANSWER. NOT NOW...... NOT EVER!!!!!

Posted: at 3-05-2010 08:35 PM (14 years ago) | Upcoming
- mubaji at 3-05-2010 09:03 PM (14 years ago)
Quote from: teebaz990 on  1-05-2010 04:31 PM
Quote from: attamem on 30-04-2010 03:50 AM
Islam means peace. Don't think of that from Islam.
And i was once ask not to engage my posting, but if you don't mind send your email add. there we talk please. thanks.
when will that peace come when all we are seeing is bomb here bomb there. cut the hand, rape a 13yrs old kid in name of marraige. follow me or i cut your neck.when my friend when will we see the peace when eeehhhh when?Huh?Huh?Huh??
it will come when you allow peace to reign but if you keep-on hindering it's practice; verses of waging war against those who hinder the progress of Islam will be implemented on you. so you and your likes throats will remain wanted.

mind you, what did you do to that 10 years old prostitute girl impregnated sometime ago? no cause for alarm because you enjoyed taking advantage of innocent girls, but when it came to legal-Islamic -marriage of a lady, you tagged it as molesting because the woman is taking away from evil-men like you.
it's obvious you head is pinned.

Posted: at 3-05-2010 09:03 PM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- attamem at 5-05-2010 12:51 AM (14 years ago)
That what they are, devils and remain that for life.
Posted: at 5-05-2010 12:51 AM (14 years ago) | Upcoming
- BONZ at 6-05-2010 11:15 PM (14 years ago)
LAME Tongue Tongue Tongue

Posted: at 6-05-2010 11:15 PM (14 years ago) | Upcoming
- derbi at 7-05-2010 06:49 PM (14 years ago)
Quote from: BONZ on  3-05-2010 08:24 PM
Quote from: teebaz990 on  3-05-2010 06:23 PM
Bonz to you the others of your like i will say it plainly if any person fell the banning veil in Europe countries and is not happy with it he or she is free to live or not enter Europe again. you got choice don't you?. use it my friend don't try to harm others.
Very funny. Born & brought up there, so many converts  & your solution is for us to leave?? HAHAHAHA very funny. Were goin nowhere so make room for us & deal with it. AIIIGGHHHTTTTT!!!
if u people must live then u people must live according to the laws, if u are born and brought up there, u must abide to the law of the country u claime to be urs, and stope claiming right in the country that u dont know how it was biuld Grin Grin
Posted: at 7-05-2010 06:49 PM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- derbi at 8-05-2010 11:26 AM (14 years ago)
Posted: at 8-05-2010 11:26 AM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- derbi at 8-05-2010 11:39 AM (14 years ago)
Quote from: BONZ on  6-05-2010 11:15 PM
LAME Tongue Tongue Tongue
see as vampire dey lick him mouth sure say no be blood dey hungry am soo  Shocked Shocked
Posted: at 8-05-2010 11:39 AM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- Originalsly at 9-05-2010 06:57 PM (14 years ago)
It seems to me that the banning of the Islamic veil in public is all about tightening the screws on Muslims. If it really is for security reasons shouldn't they also ban the wearing of masks in parades etc?...the wearing of motorcycle helmets with tinted face visors?...the wearing of ski masks when it is very cold? Help me understand why the Islamic veil is singled out.
Posted: at 9-05-2010 06:57 PM (14 years ago) | Upcoming
- derbi at 9-05-2010 11:24 PM (14 years ago)
is becouse of terrorism, and for security purpose Grin Grin so let be, they have their laws Grin Grin
Posted: at 9-05-2010 11:24 PM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac
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