Masquerade “Danafojura” Thrown Into The Fire At The Ojude Oba Festival In Ogun State Yesterday

Date: 14-08-2019 2:13 pm (5 years ago) | Author: Adegbenga Ayinla
- at 14-08-2019 02:13 PM (5 years ago)

As we all have known that a day after "Sallah' The people and indigene of ogun state go and celebrate with there king in his palace
Which is popularly called

This Is a Video of there Masquerade “Danafojura” pulling  a Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, yesterday, at the OjudeOba in Ogun State

Posted: at 14-08-2019 02:13 PM (5 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- Baye77 at 15-08-2019 07:48 AM (5 years ago)
 Roll Eyes Roll Eyes
Posted: at 15-08-2019 07:48 AM (5 years ago) | Hero

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