agabs at 29-08-2010 10:54 PM (14 years ago) (m) I want Nigeria to dominate the world. I want Nigeria to dominate the world in all good things. I want Nigeria to dominate the world in all good things. I want Nigeria to dominate the world in all good things. I want Nigeria to dominate the world in all good things.I want Nigeria to dominate the world in all good things. I want Nigeria to dominate the world in all good things. I want Nigeria to dominate the world in all good things. I want Nigeria to dominate the world in all good things. I want Nigeria to dominate the world in all good things. I want Nigeria to dominate the world in all good things. I want Nigeria to dominate the world in all good things.
================ @Ksurrina, need I tell you that the only way to dominate the world is by wisdom. And wisdom says Love is the most potent of weapons. So be careful when you drag your bible into arguments cause you never know what interpretation another person has got of it.
And why should America with her tolerance for Lesbianism and Faggotry be unchallenged? Why?
@Naijaboys, there is absolutely nothing wrong in dreaming a country that will dominate the world in all good things. Those of you that dare to dream, dream. And know that you are not alone.
May actions crystallize our dreams. And my the subsequent spectacle radiate love and understanding that will envelope the whole world and far marooned aliens. Amen.
You know Agabs I quote that scripture for persons to understand that the World is being rule by Satan and to show them that instead of wanting Nigeria to be World Power it is better to have God (God in him self is LOVE and WISDOM). I illustrate to them of the two that were once Dominating the World and now looking at them they are nothing. America is trying to survive while Russia is trying to rebuild. There is nothing wrong in wanting to dominate the world but do it with God. God blessings have no sorrows to it. Have a nice weekend @Ksurrina, this is our world. This world is ours. This world is for humans. Heaven is for angels. Hell is for demons. This world right here is our home. Our God given home. Tell the devil, I said to hell withk him. Only the existence that created my first father deserves my worship and compromise. Hell with the devil. Tell the devil that if the creator of my father does not permit me to worship him, then I will never worship. My life is not mine. It is my creator's - my first father's creator. So, @Ksurrina, if the devil ever reveals himself to you, do tell him what I said. Hell with him. You are right on the love part. May God help us love one another for we are all in this world together. Amen. I have never seen the devil before Agabs. Am a God fearing person and so the devil will never shown himself to me. Persons who doesn't want to acknowledge that the Heavenly Father comes in the form of his Son Jesus Christ to give us a better home with them in Heaven will talk like you. Jesus Christ himself told us that no one can cometh to the Heavenly Father unless through Him. Your Home is here with the Devil why not deliver your message to him because you are closer to him than me. Anyone that said that his/her HOME is here on EARTH is a servant of the Devil. Take care of yourself Ha hahaha hah. Why so serious? Why so serious? I do not serve the devil. I serve my universe. And as for being closer to the devil, I would say that the wiser and better one gets, the closer he gets to the devil, cause the devil comes closer. That is the punishment of good. But, i doubt you will understand that. However, I think the devil closer to you than to me. I think you are innocent in a way. I think you are a better person though. I think you are more innocent than me and with a more pristine heart. I think so. But God knows. His universe knows. Hmn!
Ksurrina, let us not fight again. You know I will start laughing and you will start blaming Nigerians. I am laughing now. Ha ha ah ahah.
@Ksurrina, laugh you sometimes at life? Posted: at 29-08-2010 10:54 PM (14 years ago) | Upcoming | |
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agabs at 29-08-2010 11:46 PM (14 years ago) (m) Well they never explained all they said is that Nigeria should have World Power.
Who are the "they" please? I want Nigeria to be world power. I have no apologies. Amen - We all like good things . But wth did this mama get this infro from i want a link !! so i can put contribiution in the right perspective If this was a mafioso movie, this would be the point where I say with some serious Sicilian accent, "Ah, you know kusureena, she is Jamaican, and as a kid her, nanny kept dropping her. Plus, her nanny was always smoking marijuana. Who can tell if it has gotten into her fragile head? We notice, she keeps saying things that are not geometrical." And you, Mr Spekay, will be like, "let her finish," and I will be like, "Oh, it is time for her medicine." This is the point where I call on Dguy or one of the Moderators to come take her away and make sure she takes her medicine. And she starts resisting and goes a ranting and a chanting, "D Nigerians are serious, D Nigerians are serious, D wanna control fi universe, Jah know, me no lie." And I stylishly stare at the moderators in rage, and they immediately bundle her away roughly. And Bettychy with her gentle soul will be like, "is she alright, will she be alright?" And I will be like, "this Jamaicans, when they go ittle cold turkey from marijuana, they become xtremely unstable." And I will laugh a little laugh. I will tell you, guess what d doctor prescribes for her mood?" And you guys can't answer. I will be like "Ganja." And you guys will laugh a little. And Rae will laugh louder. Of course, I would laugh the loudest. "Gentlemen, what were we saying?" @Bettychy would be, "we were talking about Biafra." And after you guys have gone, I will call the moderators and tell them to feed her to the fishes. I would make sure they find out all her sources of her rumors via torture of cause. For you never can tell. Hmn! ======== Three days after, when Naijapals raises an alarm for a missing pal name Kusureena, Sweetrae would stay at the news and shake her head, "this jamaicans never know when to shut up or to cough up. So sad. So sad." I think Candid Lily and Helga will be in the background somewhere watching and waiting or scribing. Hmn! The almost end. ------------------- Ksurrina, this story is not meant to hurt you but for our entertainment. Our entertainment includes your entertainment. Laugh a little. Posted: at 29-08-2010 11:46 PM (14 years ago) | Upcoming | |
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spekay at 30-08-2010 07:59 AM (14 years ago) (m) Good night, Agabs!
nd don't go *****in blamin' america for ur cigarette habit!!!
Actually interesting bit how i watched this documentary about how the 40 billion naira pornography industry in America has been largely instrumental to spreading HIV to many simple minded Africans who have great regards for anything american . So painful . and seriously, who's fault is it? america or d many simple minded africans? @ poster NICE WRITE UP
Thats indeed is a moral or ethical issue you will have to face up to yourself There are so many types of bullying . "Are we using our World power Clout responsibly here or not " ? Like the parable of the talents or pounds in the Xtian bible - All these will eventually come back home
" If its not for love - its for nothing " [/size] Posted: at 30-08-2010 07:59 AM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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spekay at 30-08-2010 08:04 AM (14 years ago) (m) Good night, Agabs!
nd don't go *****in blamin' america for ur cigarette habit!!!
Actually interesting bit how i watched this documentary about how the 40 billion naira pornography industry in America has been largely instrumental to spreading HIV to many simple minded Africans who have great regards for anything american . So painful . and seriously, who's fault is it? america or d many simple minded africans? @ poster NICE WRITE UP
Thats indeed is a moral or ethical issue you will have to face up to yourself There are so many types of bullying . "Are we using our World power Clout responsibly here or not " ? Like the parable of the talents or pounds in the Xtian bible - All these will eventually come back home @ Uprising LOL Get serious gal who is fooling who > dont gimme no BS ! i am too old for that hat trick of u
" If its not for love - its for nothing " [/size] Posted: at 30-08-2010 08:04 AM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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passing Posted: at 30-08-2010 11:01 AM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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onyiis at 30-08-2010 11:02 AM (14 years ago) (f) was i here ?
"Those who will say nothing in the face of tyranny must endure the rule of idiots . All that you need for evil to triumph is for the good people to keep quiet and do nothing". Posted: at 30-08-2010 11:02 AM (14 years ago) | Hero | |
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ksurrina at 30-08-2010 02:39 PM (14 years ago) (f) Well they never explained all they said is that Nigeria should have World Power.
Who are the "they" please? I want Nigeria to be world power. I have no apologies. Amen - We all like good things . But wth did this mama get this infro from i want a link !! so i can put contribiution in the right perspective If this was a mafioso movie, this would be the point where I say with some serious Sicilian accent, "Ah, you know kusureena, she is Jamaican, and as a kid her, nanny kept dropping her. Plus, her nanny was always smoking marijuana. Who can tell if it has gotten into her fragile head? We notice, she keeps saying things that are not geometrical." And you, Mr Spekay, will be like, "let her finish," and I will be like, "Oh, it is time for her medicine." This is the point where I call on Dguy or one of the Moderators to come take her away and make sure she takes her medicine. And she starts resisting and goes a ranting and a chanting, "D Nigerians are serious, D Nigerians are serious, D wanna control fi universe, Jah know, me no lie." And I stylishly stare at the moderators in rage, and they immediately bundle her away roughly. And Bettychy with her gentle soul will be like, "is she alright, will she be alright?" And I will be like, "this Jamaicans, when they go ittle cold turkey from marijuana, they become xtremely unstable." And I will laugh a little laugh. I will tell you, guess what d doctor prescribes for her mood?" And you guys can't answer. I will be like "Ganja." And you guys will laugh a little. And Rae will laugh louder. Of course, I would laugh the loudest. "Gentlemen, what were we saying?" @Bettychy would be, "we were talking about Biafra." And after you guys have gone, I will call the moderators and tell them to feed her to the fishes. I would make sure they find out all her sources of her rumors via torture of cause. For you never can tell. Hmn! ======== Three days after, when Naijapals raises an alarm for a missing pal name Kusureena, Sweetrae would stay at the news and shake her head, "this jamaicans never know when to shut up or to cough up. So sad. So sad." I think Candid Lily and Helga will be in the background somewhere watching and waiting or scribing. Hmn! The almost end. ------------------- Ksurrina, this story is not meant to hurt you but for our entertainment. Our entertainment includes your entertainment. Laugh a little.  I know that you enjoy making fun of me Agabs and so am not looking your way. Hugs
Godly WISDOM is to Fear God. His UNDERSTANDING is to resist the devil. Posted: at 30-08-2010 02:39 PM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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ksurrina at 30-08-2010 02:51 PM (14 years ago) (f) I want Nigeria to dominate the world. I want Nigeria to dominate the world in all good things. I want Nigeria to dominate the world in all good things. I want Nigeria to dominate the world in all good things. I want Nigeria to dominate the world in all good things.I want Nigeria to dominate the world in all good things. I want Nigeria to dominate the world in all good things. I want Nigeria to dominate the world in all good things. I want Nigeria to dominate the world in all good things. I want Nigeria to dominate the world in all good things. I want Nigeria to dominate the world in all good things. I want Nigeria to dominate the world in all good things.
================ @Ksurrina, need I tell you that the only way to dominate the world is by wisdom. And wisdom says Love is the most potent of weapons. So be careful when you drag your bible into arguments cause you never know what interpretation another person has got of it.
And why should America with her tolerance for Lesbianism and Faggotry be unchallenged? Why?
@Naijaboys, there is absolutely nothing wrong in dreaming a country that will dominate the world in all good things. Those of you that dare to dream, dream. And know that you are not alone.
May actions crystallize our dreams. And my the subsequent spectacle radiate love and understanding that will envelope the whole world and far marooned aliens. Amen.
You know Agabs I quote that scripture for persons to understand that the World is being rule by Satan and to show them that instead of wanting Nigeria to be World Power it is better to have God (God in him self is LOVE and WISDOM). I illustrate to them of the two that were once Dominating the World and now looking at them they are nothing. America is trying to survive while Russia is trying to rebuild. There is nothing wrong in wanting to dominate the world but do it with God. God blessings have no sorrows to it. Have a nice weekend @Ksurrina, this is our world. This world is ours. This world is for humans. Heaven is for angels. Hell is for demons. This world right here is our home. Our God given home. Tell the devil, I said to hell withk him. Only the existence that created my first father deserves my worship and compromise. Hell with the devil. Tell the devil that if the creator of my father does not permit me to worship him, then I will never worship. My life is not mine. It is my creator's - my first father's creator. So, @Ksurrina, if the devil ever reveals himself to you, do tell him what I said. Hell with him. You are right on the love part. May God help us love one another for we are all in this world together. Amen. I have never seen the devil before Agabs. Am a God fearing person and so the devil will never shown himself to me. Persons who doesn't want to acknowledge that the Heavenly Father comes in the form of his Son Jesus Christ to give us a better home with them in Heaven will talk like you. Jesus Christ himself told us that no one can cometh to the Heavenly Father unless through Him. Your Home is here with the Devil why not deliver your message to him because you are closer to him than me. Anyone that said that his/her HOME is here on EARTH is a servant of the Devil. Take care of yourself Ha hahaha hah. Why so serious? Why so serious? I do not serve the devil. I serve my universe. And as for being closer to the devil, I would say that the wiser and better one gets, the closer he gets to the devil, cause the devil comes closer. That is the punishment of good. But, i doubt you will understand that. However, I think the devil closer to you than to me. I think you are innocent in a way. I think you are a better person though. I think you are more innocent than me and with a more pristine heart. I think so. But God knows. His universe knows. Hmn! Ksurrina, let us not fight again. You know I will start laughing and you will start blaming Nigerians. I am laughing now. Ha ha ah ahah. @Ksurrina, laugh you sometimes at life? A person who get wiser and better will not get closer to the devil but instead the devil will try to be close to the individual. And so with wisdom that individual will know that the devil is a deceiver and will make the devil know that he/she is protect by God and cannot be touch. There are too much of Satan deceptions inside the bible for a Wise persons to fall in his traps. What am saying here is that the DEVIL knows whose child I am and so he will not try to be close to me. The bible told us that The Truth will set us free, which indeed did to me. It is all about obedience. You serve your Universe and who is the ruler of this Universe Agabs? When you answer then you will see who you are serving.  The only time I blamed Nigerians wrongfully was when my business gmail account got attacked. I did apologies for that outburst. Now as for your laughing you can always do so Agabs, I never fight with you or anyone on this board. Just that when am happy/angry it show in my writing, it doesn't mean that am fighting. Hugs
Godly WISDOM is to Fear God. His UNDERSTANDING is to resist the devil. Posted: at 30-08-2010 02:51 PM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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agabs at 30-08-2010 06:45 PM (14 years ago) (m) Ha hahaha hah. Why so serious? Why so serious? I do not serve the devil. I serve my universe. And as for being closer to the devil, I would say that the wiser and better one gets, the closer he gets to the devil, cause the devil comes closer. That is the punishment of good. But, i doubt you will understand that. However, I think the devil closer to you than to me. I think you are innocent in a way. I think you are a better person though. I think you are more innocent than me and with a more pristine heart. I think so. But God knows. His universe knows. Hmn! Ksurrina, let us not fight again. You know I will start laughing and you will start blaming Nigerians. I am laughing now. Ha ha ah ahah. @Ksurrina, laugh you sometimes at life?
A person who get wiser and better will not get closer to the devil but instead the devil will try to be close to the individual. And so with wisdom that individual will know that the devil is a deceiver and will make the devil know that he/she is protect by God and cannot be touch. There are too much of Satan deceptions inside the bible for a Wise persons to fall in his traps. What am saying here is that the DEVIL knows whose child I am and so he will not try to be close to me. The bible told us that The Truth will set us free, which indeed did to me. It is all about obedience. You serve your Universe and who is the ruler of this Universe Agabs? When you answer then you will see who you are serving.  The only time I blamed Nigerians wrongfully was when my business gmail account got attacked. I did apologies for that outburst. Now as for your laughing you can always do so Agabs, I never fight with you or anyone on this board. Just that when am happy/angry it show in my writing, it doesn't mean that am fighting. Hugs Okay! I won't laugh. Posted: at 30-08-2010 06:45 PM (14 years ago) | Upcoming | |
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mat-James at 30-08-2010 07:46 PM (14 years ago) (m) just peeping checking agaps and ksurrina championship title contest, cos they refuse giving us chance 2 participate Posted: at 30-08-2010 07:46 PM (14 years ago) | Upcoming | |
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sweetrae at 30-08-2010 09:51 PM (14 years ago) (f) who u callin' riffraff?...
pls, know i'm not brainwashed..nd f.uck d stars, stripes, red white nd blue...america is messed up! but it's all i know, ok?
Sorry, I called Black Americans riffraffs. In case you haven't noticed, I am an Agbero. So, no vex. Pele. Yankuri. No vex ehn. Ha ahahaahahah . And if e pain you, you know I like to see you cry sometimes. Ha ah aha hahaha. watever! SB!! btw...i didn't run from u last night...i sashayed my sweet sexy ass right out d door!!  H aha ha haha. I wasn't looking. Ha ha ah ahah. Did I tell u to shut the door after you? And did you bang the door hard? And did you hear my joyous and raucous laughter walking behind you like some thing in Dean Koontz "The Bad Place"? h ah ah ah ah. I love you like a sister, you know that right? yeah, i know, brother Odd Posted: at 30-08-2010 09:51 PM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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sweetrae at 30-08-2010 09:54 PM (14 years ago) (f) Well they never explained all they said is that Nigeria should have World Power.
Who are the "they" please? I want Nigeria to be world power. I have no apologies. Amen - We all like good things . But wth did this mama get this infro from i want a link !! so i can put contribiution in the right perspective If this was a mafioso movie, this would be the point where I say with some serious Sicilian accent, "Ah, you know kusureena, she is Jamaican, and as a kid her, nanny kept dropping her. Plus, her nanny was always smoking marijuana. Who can tell if it has gotten into her fragile head? We notice, she keeps saying things that are not geometrical." And you, Mr Spekay, will be like, "let her finish," and I will be like, "Oh, it is time for her medicine." This is the point where I call on Dguy or one of the Moderators to come take her away and make sure she takes her medicine. And she starts resisting and goes a ranting and a chanting, "D Nigerians are serious, D Nigerians are serious, D wanna control fi universe, Jah know, me no lie." And I stylishly stare at the moderators in rage, and they immediately bundle her away roughly. And Bettychy with her gentle soul will be like, "is she alright, will she be alright?" And I will be like, "this Jamaicans, when they go ittle cold turkey from marijuana, they become xtremely unstable." And I will laugh a little laugh. I will tell you, guess what d doctor prescribes for her mood?" And you guys can't answer. I will be like "Ganja." And you guys will laugh a little. And Rae will laugh louder. Of course, I would laugh the loudest. "Gentlemen, what were we saying?" @Bettychy would be, "we were talking about Biafra." And after you guys have gone, I will call the moderators and tell them to feed her to the fishes. I would make sure they find out all her sources of her rumors via torture of cause. For you never can tell. Hmn! ======== Three days after, when Naijapals raises an alarm for a missing pal name Kusureena, Sweetrae would stay at the news and shake her head, "this jamaicans never know when to shut up or to cough up. So sad. So sad." I think Candid Lily and Helga will be in the background somewhere watching and waiting or scribing. Hmn! The almost end. ------------------- Ksurrina, this story is not meant to hurt you but for our entertainment. Our entertainment includes your entertainment. Laugh a little. BUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...OMFG!...hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha brother d world a favor nd donate ur brain to science...U are insanely hilarious!!!...hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha Posted: at 30-08-2010 09:54 PM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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ksurrina at 31-08-2010 02:14 AM (14 years ago) (f) just peeping checking agaps and ksurrina championship title contest, cos they refuse giving us chance 2 participate 
Godly WISDOM is to Fear God. His UNDERSTANDING is to resist the devil. Posted: at 31-08-2010 02:14 AM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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BUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...OMFG!...hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha brother d world a favor nd donate ur brain to science...U are insanely hilarious!!!...hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
A LITTLE HELP HERE; A LITTLE HELP THERE, MAKES THE WORLD GO ROUND! Posted: at 31-08-2010 11:26 AM (14 years ago) | Hero | |
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Vixenx at 31-08-2010 12:14 PM (14 years ago) (f) Oya which of one of us Nigerians wants to dominate the world? Start by dominating Naijapals make I see first Posted: at 31-08-2010 12:14 PM (14 years ago) | Addicted Hero | |
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spekay at 1-09-2010 11:05 AM (14 years ago) (m) Well they never explained all they said is that Nigeria should have World Power.
Who are the "they" please? I want Nigeria to be world power. I have no apologies. Amen - We all like good things . But wth did this mama get this infro from i want a link !! so i can put contribiution in the right perspective If this was a mafioso movie, this would be the point where I say with some serious Sicilian accent, "Ah, you know kusureena, she is Jamaican, and as a kid her, nanny kept dropping her. Plus, her nanny was always smoking marijuana. Who can tell if it has gotten into her fragile head? We notice, she keeps saying things that are not geometrical." And you, Mr Spekay, will be like, "let her finish," and I will be like, "Oh, it is time for her medicine." This is the point where I call on Dguy or one of the Moderators to come take her away and make sure she takes her medicine. And she starts resisting and goes a ranting and a chanting, "D Nigerians are serious, D Nigerians are serious, D wanna control fi universe, Jah know, me no lie." And I stylishly stare at the moderators in rage, and they immediately bundle her away roughly. And Bettychy with her gentle soul will be like, "is she alright, will she be alright?" And I will be like, "this Jamaicans, when they go ittle cold turkey from marijuana, they become xtremely unstable." And I will laugh a little laugh. I will tell you, guess what d doctor prescribes for her mood?" And you guys can't answer. I will be like "Ganja." And you guys will laugh a little. And Rae will laugh louder. Of course, I would laugh the loudest. "Gentlemen, what were we saying?" @Bettychy would be, "we were talking about Biafra." And after you guys have gone, I will call the moderators and tell them to feed her to the fishes. I would make sure they find out all her sources of her rumors via torture of cause. For you never can tell. Hmn! ======== Three days after, when Naijapals raises an alarm for a missing pal name Kusureena, Sweetrae would stay at the news and shake her head, "this jamaicans never know when to shut up or to cough up. So sad. So sad." I think Candid Lily and Helga will be in the background somewhere watching and waiting or scribing. Hmn! The almost end. ------------------- Ksurrina, this story is not meant to hurt you but for our entertainment. Our entertainment includes your entertainment. Laugh a little. BUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...OMFG!...hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha brother d world a favor nd donate ur brain to science...U are insanely hilarious!!!...hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha Encore ???j'arrive !!!!
" If its not for love - its for nothing " [/size] Posted: at 1-09-2010 11:05 AM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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spekay at 1-09-2010 11:10 AM (14 years ago) (m) Oya which of one of us Nigerians wants to dominate the world? Start by dominating Naijapals make I see first ;D :D
Including Naija Wannabees too the richer the better You can start domintating the world on our behalf sis KSrinna ur doing a good job already !
" If its not for love - its for nothing " [/size] Posted: at 1-09-2010 11:10 AM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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Helga at 2-09-2010 02:42 PM (14 years ago) (f) ok then. Being alerted by a friend that my name was mentioned thought i had a look at this fight and might as well put my two bob in as well. Mmmm will not get involved with this devil bit as quit frankly im not a bible person. Im Dutch for crying out loud and only started to learn really more about this through my friend Demo of all persons. But what the hell are you guys talking about. Nigeria being a world power?    ?? Your guys nearly reached that world title already didnt you know??? Dont you know the reason why they try to keep you in your own borders and dont let you escape into the free wide world?  Those visa's im sure were invented just for this reason to try to make sure your not being able to escape and take over the world. Even then they cant keep you where you belong, your every where already Nigerians in China , Europe , the America's , Australia and soooooon im sure you re discover the moon. Im sure i can see the white and green flag flying there already. All i can say go go go go for it. hhheehahhaahahhaheeehahhs hhheeeaaaaahiiiiihehahaha Snick snick wiping tears of my cheeks from laughing Posted: at 2-09-2010 02:42 PM (14 years ago) | Upcoming | |
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spekay at 2-09-2010 03:38 PM (14 years ago) (m) ok then. Being alerted by a friend that my name was mentioned thought i had a look at this fight and might as well put my two bob in as well. Mmmm will not get involved with this devil bit as quit frankly im not a bible person. Im Dutch for crying out loud and only started to learn really more about this through my friend Demo of all persons.
But what the hell are you guys talking about. Nigeria being a world power???????????? Your guys nearly reached that world title already didnt you know??? Dont you know the reason why they try to keep you in your own borders and dont let you escape into the free wide world???? Those visa's im sure were invented just for this reason to try to make sure your not being able to escape and take over the world. Even then they cant keep you where you belong, your every where already Nigerians in China , Europe , the America's , Australia and soooooon im sure you re discover the moon. Im sure i can see the white and green flag flying there already.
All i can say go go go go for it.
hhheehahhaahahhaheeehahhs hhheeeaaaaahiiiiihehahaha
Snick snick wiping tears of my cheeks from laughing
Glad someone alreaady recognize us as world power already maybe second only to Indians on all corners of the globe !!! Ha ha ha ha ha ha . . tnx brothers . bravo to ya all . No i will like to dedicate this world power award to none other than Kerrian Campbell herself . - Just to let you know that its possible afterall . also to Helga for the recognition accorded . Ha ha ha hal ha ha ha . ROLF Not to forget Agabs . of the flaming pen . . . Ha ha ha . ha ha ha ha . . and the rest of of the brotherhood of the laughing order too numerous to list here . . Ha ha ha ha ha ha ah . . tada . .
" If its not for love - its for nothing " [/size] Posted: at 2-09-2010 03:38 PM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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Helga at 2-09-2010 03:53 PM (14 years ago) (f)  Spekay i was going to say the same as you. So my Nigerian friends if you want to win the race to beat the Indians you have to produce a bit more offspring faster. Your losing the race to them as i swear im starting to develop a Indian accent already. Its ok i love curry so im already half prepared for it. But then the fish your cooking the curry doesnt even come close in flavour to that Damn maybe we have to combine a dish  hhaaahhehehehhhihiihii Nanjindian fish. Sounds good to me Posted: at 2-09-2010 03:53 PM (14 years ago) | Upcoming | |
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