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Dear friend, go to ile ife, U̶̲̥̅̊ will hear the Yoruba version of how the first man was created with concrete evidences. I'm not here for argument, i just want to get ur point clearly. I'm a good listener and a good reader as well. Dats why av bin reading and enjoying the conversations from page one. Its really very interesting and i must confess, its very educating and informative. So pls, no ill-feelings.just pls answer d̶̲̥̅̊ questions i asked above. Salam Reply
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I am a new found Christian. With that being said I am not capable yet of quoting scripture that I should have been studying for years, because I have just now been blessed with the ability to understand what the words are telling me through my own interpretation of what I KNOW is true through GOD. I could explain to you the events that have taken place and how I was slapped in the face with how real it all is and how I was shown when I least expected it in a way that was unimaginable. Without going into the big long story I will tell you that I have always believed in God and the whole Jesus storey only because I was scared not to. Never have I lived as a Christian or prayed without wanting something selfish in return, or understood anything I tried to read in the bible matter of fact I thought the bible was unrealistic stories and people who read it must have a hell of an imagination. I did not grow up in church, though I always knew my mom had a relationship with God she never pushed it on me (pushing it will cause rebellion). You obviously do your research trying to prove it false and I do understand where you come from! There is no research that can be done to show you truth and facts, you will only know truth when you believe. When and if you can do this you will then have your facts and truth, they will be your own and you will read the bible in a different perspective that will make since to YOU. After surrounding myself with someone who, at a very young age, unwillingly exposed to evil practiced by his mother as her lifestyle (but not to say she meant for it to become so dark) the burden of the things he saw, dealt with tried to bury, run from and has kept secret the majority of his life until recently showed me how REAL the spiritual world is by watching him face and confess this. The way it went down is one of the you had to be there things that everyone involved saw, felt and witnessed at the same time (followed by shock TRUTH). What I'm trying to say through all this is at the end of the day it's good vs evil. We have free will to choose, when God cast Satan from heaven as the most powerful angel, he promised to take over earth (which obviously he has done a good job). Believing in God also requires believing in Satan and if you don't believe in Satan run on over to say Jamaica, where they practice witchcraft and voodoo and witness what happens when a Christian missionary mentions Jesus Christ to a person demonically posed. You will see truth and gods power, your story will sound fictional and unrealistic afterward but all that matters is that you saw it and you believed it and your faith will reside on Gods power because we cannot take power into our own hands, it will be defeate in the end. Everything you sinfully love in your flesh will come to an end if you cannot open your heart and see what is going on on this earth. The bible predicts every bit of what is happening on earth! This is a life changing event that has taken place in my life, and it is hard to accept all of my selfish ways, it is actually my greatest challenge. But it is not just a want to its a have to. Sorry to ramble I dont judge you or anyone else, I'm just sorry you don't understand. If you could just open your heart he will in some way show you truth but you have to want it and accept it. And sorry if this is really bad writing but it's from my phone:)....God bless and have a great day! Reply
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@Democrazy in case U̶̲̥̅̊ don't kno,Prophet Muhammed (SAW) was born in Mecca which was full of idol worshipers. Before He was born, Abraham did his best in cleansing the city of d̶̲̥̅̊ idols. When Muhammed grew up and started getting revelations from God through Jubril (Angel Gabriel),and started talking about God to people, him and his followers were stoned several times. Later he was sent away from Mecca and he went to Medina (his mother's town where they built the first mosque). Some of his followers dat still remained in Mecca saw hell. Many were killed, and d̶̲̥̅̊ odas were put in a garden where dere was no food except grasses. They were eating grasses and shitting goat shit. Many died b4 dey were rescued. All dese times muslims never fought anybody because it was not in Muhammed's teachings to fight. After muhammed and his followers left mecca, d̶̲̥̅̊ meccans went to medina to battle with dem 3 different times. The meccans initiated the 3 diff battles, two of which muslims won. It was during dese fights that revelations came down for Muhammed that muslims should fight their enemies with all their heart and might. ( The verses which d̶̲̥̅̊ terrorists today are using to brainwash demselves, may God bring light to deir heart). The only time the muslims initiated war agaist meccans was wen dey wanted to go and take over Mecca. My dear, they took over Mecca without spilling a drop of blood simply because dey were ordered not to start any fight until d̶̲̥̅̊ meccans confront dem with fight. Fortunately, d̶̲̥̅̊ meccans saw d̶̲̥̅̊ rate at which d̶̲̥̅̊ muslims have grown and dey ran for deir lives. That was how Mecca was delivered from idol worshipping. The city was cleansed and was made the center for worshiping God. Muhammed and his followers traveled far and wide to preach d̶̲̥̅̊ words of Allah. They never imposed islam on anybody. Many xtian lands accepted islam den out of deir own will and it always started from the kings of d̶̲̥̅̊ towns ( go and watch *THE MESSAGE*). I'm sure U̶̲̥̅̊ must have gone to Egypt for research to prove xtianity fake, if not, and U̶̲̥̅̊ just using books written by men with blood in deir vein just like U̶̲̥̅̊ have, den U̶̲̥̅̊ are wrong. Pls go to Mecca and Medina and hear the true story of Muhammed. C for urself the true evidences, read the holy Quran, d̶̲̥̅̊ hadiths and come back to prove to ♏ε̲̣̣̣̥ that islam is fake. God bless you as U̶̲̥̅̊ continue to seek knowledge about God. Love U̶̲̥̅̊ with all my heart. Salam Reply
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It is hard to argue with someone who copy from one blog to paste in naijapal without even going tru them just to get pple's attention. Wheither christianity is fake or not, it has change my life. I was incorrigible smoker and a ruff bad boy, but now every one is proud of me by God's grace. If sutin that is fake can change life and science dat is not fake cant change life, i dont tink there is sometin to argue abt. Reply
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Quote from: Madybel32 on 4-08-2012 05:56 PM I am a new found Christian. With that being said I am not capable yet of quoting scripture that I should have been studying for years, because I have just now been blessed with the ability to understand what the words are telling me through my own interpretation of what I KNOW is true through GOD. I could explain to you the events that have taken place and how I was slapped in the face with how real it all is and how I was shown when I least expected it in a way that was unimaginable. Without going into the big long story I will tell you that I have always believed in God and the whole Jesus storey only because I was scared not to. Never have I lived as a Christian or prayed without wanting something selfish in return, or understood anything I tried to read in the bible matter of fact I thought the bible was unrealistic stories and people who read it must have a hell of an imagination. I did not grow up in church, though I always knew my mom had a relationship with God she never pushed it on me (pushing it will cause rebellion). You obviously do your research trying to prove it false and I do understand where you come from! There is no research that can be done to show you truth and facts, you will only know truth when you believe. When and if you can do this you will then have your facts and truth, they will be your own and you will read the bible in a different perspective that will make since to YOU. After surrounding myself with someone who, at a very young age, unwillingly exposed to evil practiced by his mother as her lifestyle (but not to say she meant for it to become so dark) the burden of the things he saw, dealt with tried to bury, run from and has kept secret the majority of his life until recently showed me how REAL the spiritual world is by watching him face and confess this. The way it went down is one of the you had to be there things that everyone involved saw, felt and witnessed at the same time (followed by shock TRUTH). What I'm trying to say through all this is at the end of the day it's good vs evil. We have free will to choose, when God cast Satan from heaven as the most powerful angel, he promised to take over earth (which obviously he has done a good job). Believing in God also requires believing in Satan and if you don't believe in Satan run on over to say Jamaica, where they practice witchcraft and voodoo and witness what happens when a Christian missionary mentions Jesus Christ to a person demonically posed. You will see truth and gods power, your story will sound fictional and unrealistic afterward but all that matters is that you saw it and you believed it and your faith will reside on Gods power because we cannot take power into our own hands, it will be defeate in the end. Everything you sinfully love in your flesh will come to an end if you cannot open your heart and see what is going on on this earth. The bible predicts every bit of what is happening on earth! This is a life changing event that has taken place in my life, and it is hard to accept all of my selfish ways, it is actually my greatest challenge. But it is not just a want to its a have to. Sorry to ramble I dont judge you or anyone else, I'm just sorry you don't understand. If you could just open your heart he will in some way show you truth but you have to want it and accept it. And sorry if this is really bad writing but it's from my phone:)....God bless and have a great day! God's continued blessings to you and upon your life. Thank you for sharing your testimony....our God is indeed the greatest! The day you came home...all of heaven rejoiced!!! God's love, grace, peace, strength, endurance and faith WILL keep you in Jesus name, amen.
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Crazy democrazy Reply![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
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Hmmmm Reply
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@democrazy ReplyI have a few moments to comment on a few things you shared before: Characters from the Bible are not taken from Gentile pagan religion(s). Some information that we receive or gain more knowledge on may look one way at first but turns out not to be that way all. Or there is more to it, that we are only just now able to see; and of course some things are just as we see them. There is alot of the medical field, in the science field, in archeology, etc. but it does not take anything way from the real thing. What others did before, after and in between the real, does not change the real at all. In one thread, you mentioned so many false gods....some I've heard of and many I have not. As I met people and they speak of a god or religion I don't know anything about, I then begin a research. There are also times I am prompted to do a research because I am about to cross paths with someone of a certain belief...I will have to keep it like this for the time being. But, as time permits I will continue to take a look at that list of yours...thank you.
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@democrazy ReplyRE: Just because someone is a Christian, does not mean they are not suppose to use their brain. God gave us a brain (and so much more) to use, even more so for him ( I say). 1 Samuel 6:19 (Behshemesh); 2 Samuel 6:7 (Uzzah); Acts 5 (Ananias); Acts 12 (Herod)...mankind's sinful actions requires such actions. Do you have any idea of all the things these people did in their lifetime? What they planted, the good and the bad, while they were alive? Do you know if they have blood on their hands...and/or innocent blood on their hands? We are not God and will never be. There are somethings one can not see because they are spiritual things. To see the spiritual, one must be spiritually alive; otherwise, spiritual things will seem like foolishness when they are not. Again, we do not see or know everything. Example: A man can be a murderer in one state, killing not hundreds but thousands of people; and move to another state. In that new state, the man somehow changes and is kind to everyone, and kills no one. One day authorities from the old state find out where he is living and they go with heavy enforcement of guns and man power. The people in the new state will not understand just by what they know of the man. Why? Because they know him to be kind. Once the whole story is out, still...some people will believe and others will not believe. Even if there are eye witnesses. But does it change what the man did in the old state, the lives he took in the old state and the lives he affected with all those murders? No. Those killled are no longer on the planet forever. Sin...once committed has to be dealth with. I don't know any other way to say it. God sees it all, we do not, can not even if we tried. So, our view is very very limited. We didn't create man, nor the heaven or earth. We are not suppose to do many things that cause pain to each other yet people do and turn around and blame God. We are suppose to help those who are in need and don't and yet again people blame God. We are the problem and we keep making problems for ourselves that cause suffering. Sin in the world is the source. But, who brought sin into the world? We did. Stop blaming God!! If we all did more of what we are suppose to do, less people would be affected and infected. Even we do so many terrible things, God loves us and does not want us to suffer now or eternally. God still made away out for us and it is free to everyone through Jesus Christ. Striving to share the truth in Love....God bless always
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