Many girls dey form as if say them dey school whereas them neva see the 4 walls of any university gate: na so i ask one girl say how was ur matriculation, d girl come look me come say " it was very hard but i managed to answer only 3 questions".
Posted: at 30-10-2008 09:33 AM (16 years ago) | Upcoming
No mind dem, na so some ppl dey do. not only girls oh. it happens wit guys too... BUT hope sey u give her assurance sey she go pass d matric wella since na only three questions she no answer???
Posted: at 31-10-2008 11:44 AM (16 years ago) | Gistmaniac
U sure say she no do mistake for JAMB. forgive her and ask if she just wrote Jamb. This is a true confession. its making viewers at home cry harder and harder still. e pele. :d
Posted: at 31-10-2008 11:55 AM (16 years ago) | Gistmaniac