One may be surprised to have come accross the heading of this topic and when he come to see the main body, something that may look different with the heading may be seen. The body of the topic is talking about the SUBJECT IN THE HEADING.
We all know how long this country struggled to stand, the hardships we faced since independance, successes and problems. One of the first problems Nigeria experienced as an independant country was a coup d'etat planned and executed by some tribalistic military officers from sourtheastern Nigeria known as (IGBOLAND). The foolish military officers thought that truncating the second term serving democratically elected government (which was in January 1966) is the only way to achieve their selfish interests which was throwing the country into chaos and total destruction. They mercilessly executed the then incumbent Prime Minister, the Premier of northern region, western region and many other key pillars in that government. That brought about the total erasure of the first democratically elected government and mark the begining of the FIRST BLOODY COUP IN NIGERIA. Thanks to the agile military officers who took a swift action (in July the same year) by restoring hope to our dear country Nigeria. Seven month after the first coup, there was a counter coup which was staged to restore hope in Nigeria. The enemies of Nigeria were then removed and were paid with their own coin but pushing them to meet their former leaders.
That was not the end but the beginning of problems to Nigeria. The aggrieved zone decided to throw the country into total chaos by engaging the Federal troops into exchange of fire which ignite the NIGERIAN CIVIL WAR. These are naturally weak and wicked people whose whole/sole intention is to destroy the country and build a CRIMINAL STATE sharing boarder with our dear Nigeria (GOD FORBID). Several warnings and advances by the Federal Government of Nigeria could not serve a meaningful purpose to these wicked people until when they ran out of time. The most FUNNY PART OF THE CONFLICT WAS HOW THE THEN BIAFRAN LEADER COWARDLY AND SHAMELESSLY TOOK TO HIS HEELS AND FLED THE COUNTRY living behind his crying, starving and dying mothers, sisters, brothers, siblings, grandfathers and grandmothers in the sufferings to which HE WAS THE CAUSE. Alas! The BIAFRAN gang leader fled and the secession failed. I am still wondering why NIGERIAN GOVERNMENT FORGIVE THAT WICKED CRIMINAL! He would have rotten in prison or he would have been sent to meet those he killed in his devilish mission.
…..We are the loyal Nigerian citizens and we accept the authority of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. The state of Biafra failed to exist…..blah..blah..blah… That was the surrender statement by ------Effiong, I cannot remember his first name. That brought about the end of the civil war and a new journey which still is taking Nigeria and its name to grave. I said this because, by the end of the civil way, almost all IGBO YOUTH know how to use guns and other types of weapons. This is what Nigeria is still struggling to control but to no avail. They appeared to be the NUMBER ONE CRIMINALS in the county. TALK OF KIDNAPPING, ARMED ROBBERY, RAPE, MURDER, RITUALS, INCEST, COMMUNAL CLASHES… to mention a few. Let me refer the reader to the column called CRIMEWATCH in Daily Sun, a Nigerian newspaper. Read the many crime stories and see the who are the perpetrators.
Their crimes are not only within but has reached international level. I could remember many names of Igbos who were executed mostly by hanging by foreign countries for committing one heinous crime or the other. Up till today, that zone has the most crimes in the country. I AM A WITNESS for I LIVED THERE and I see how they slaughter one another only on boundary disputes. I see how merciless their armed robbers are in killing their victims.
Their criminal and violent nature grants them the stand they now have in this country. They were never organized and will never be. Their dispersed nature makes them to be one of the most difficult areas where land disputes send many to their death. Go and see how scattered they lived. See…. An Igbo man from Anambra can be successfully sold to ritualists by an Enugu Igbo man using the Enugu dialect of Igbo language. Same when it comes to Abakaliki Igbo man telling his brothers to assassinate an Abia Igbo man in his Izzi or Ezza Igbo dialect. That is how they lived. They are all called Igbos but with different backgrounds and lived dispersed around the region. They are the most disorganized ethnic group in Nigeria.
The aforementioned reasons with many too many to number costs them the stand to have the ELECTED PRESIDENT TO RULE NIGERIA. Nobody ever stopped an Igbo man from contesting for presidency but what they are certain is even if they contest they can NEVER WIN. Even people from SOUTH-SOUTH are much better and kind than them. They are not kind to themselves talk less of being kind to others. This is the reason behind the idea of always staging a secession and rebellion. That is the only way (ACCORDING TO THEM) that they can succeed. I AM STILL WONDERING A CRIMINAL STATE LIKE BIAFRA TO BE BUILT.
I am coming………………………………….
Posted: at 3-01-2011 01:13 PM (14 years ago) | Hero
May be when you phyuk it then you slaughter and eat. DOUBLE ADVANTAGES OF JAKI. There may be more advantages than (you) phyuking it and eating it..... Tell us the rest of the advantages.....Waiting.......
Posted: at 3-01-2011 01:40 PM (14 years ago) | Hero
ganster-kid at 3-01-2011 01:47 PM (14 years ago) (m)
Quote from: cadanre on 3-01-2011 01:40 PM
May be when you fcuk it then you slaughter and eat. DOUBLE ADVANTAGES OF JAKI. There may be more advantages than (you) fcuking it and eating it..... Tell us the rest of the advantages.....Waiting.......
hahahahahahahah , are you denying? its your tradition. and all the fulanis in the forest there in the south east all do it , everybody that knows fulanis knows that
Posted: at 3-01-2011 01:47 PM (14 years ago) | Upcoming
@CANDANRE I am not suprise to see that you like looking at the past so as to pass the buck...I agree there shouldn't have been a first coupe...but after then...who dominated the coup extravaganza...? is it not The Northern Knuckle heads...
Muritala Danjuma Gowon Dimka Vatsa Buhari Babangida Abacha (remember him...he was the one who somersaulted three times after sex with a prostitute)
Non of them have even a diploma in less of seeing the four walls of a UNI.
Ojukwu knew this will happen...that was why he wanted separation...but others didn't understand. Since the hanging of Ken Saro Wiwa...the middle belt now do...
Posted: at 3-01-2011 02:51 PM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac
this cadanre or kpomonre or man like being tribal and religious even sentimental in his topics here but by the time you to engage him into an a serious argument he will get mad and start thinking violence but why. i reserve my comment for now.
Posted: at 3-01-2011 03:16 PM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac
this cadanre or kpomonre or man like being tribal and religious even sentimental in his topics here but by the time you to engage him into an a serious argument he will get mad and start thinking violence but why. i reserve my comment for now.
I have never started commenting but let me remind you about many of your insulting and abusive comments and posts against HAUSAS. Is it because you are paid with your own coin that is why you think one is wrong? LETS RIDE ON...... I will soon start commenting....
Posted: at 3-01-2011 03:19 PM (14 years ago) | Hero
No matter how high or serious it goes, I have never threatened anybody in NP and in my entire life. I can do no one a harm, not a little. Everyone has right to respond to any topic. Many topics and counter topics have been discussed on here and I have commented in them, but never attack anyone. In fact, no matter how high or serious it went, I REALLY ENJOY NAIJAPALS.
Posted: at 3-01-2011 03:25 PM (14 years ago) | Hero
emenaik007 at 3-01-2011 03:31 PM (14 years ago) (m)
Only a retard would write such an article. Dude youse got down syndrome or something. People like u r not supposed to breath the same air that an Igbo man breathes. You are hiding behind the cloaks of the internet. Go get a job and leave Igbos alone abeg. A*#S.
Posted: at 3-01-2011 03:31 PM (14 years ago) | Newbie
The little hatred you have on HAUSA LANGUAGE is too little. ADD MORE AND MORE HATRED THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN DO. Hausa is the most influencial and most spoken language in the whole WEST AFRICA. It spreads accross like a wild fire. HAUSA SAI DAN HAUSA said pancho. He said the truth.
Posted: at 3-01-2011 03:33 PM (14 years ago) | Hero
emenaik007 at 3-01-2011 03:35 PM (14 years ago) (m)
Only a retard would write such an article. Dude youse got down syndrome or something. People like u r not supposed to breath the same air that an Igbo man breathes. You are hiding behind the cloaks of the internet. Go get a job and leave Igbos alone abeg. A*#S.
Posted: at 3-01-2011 03:35 PM (14 years ago) | Newbie
Only a retard would write such an article. Dude youse got down syndrome or something. People like u r not supposed to breath the same air that an Igbo man breathes. You are hiding behind the cloaks of the internet. Go get a job and leave Igbos alone abeg. A*#S.
See the face of an angry INYAMIRI..... . I am not breathing the same aire INYAMIRI breach. You breach Biafran air and I breach Nigerian air. You see the difference?
Posted: at 3-01-2011 03:35 PM (14 years ago) | Hero
ganster-kid at 4-01-2011 12:38 PM (14 years ago) (m)
Quote from: cadanre on 3-01-2011 03:38 PM
Oyaa! My stomach rumbles, I need to go and shit. I de fear ooooooooo!
cadanre, you just called yourself a name and shown the kind of god you worship, this jaki is evil to you yet you sell it for others to eat, if you alla is true god and god of justice, what do you think is the punishment for you that sell such thing to others to eat knowing its evil?
Posted: at 4-01-2011 12:38 PM (14 years ago) | Upcoming