Silvio Berlusconi, Italy’s former prime minister who di£d last month, has left €100million to his girlfriend and €30million to an associate with mafia ties - in a will described as 'worthy of a soap opera'.
The billionaire, who was one of Italy's richest men when he di£d aged 86, also settled a dispute over which of his five children would take control of his business empire.
Meanwhile, his girlfriend Marta Fascina, who at 33 was 53 years his junior, has been left a huge sum, €100 million, despite the pair never tying the knot after his children dissuaded him
The three-time Italian prime minister, whose empire is estimated to be worth more than €6bn, also left €100m to his brother, Paolo, and €30m to Marcello Dell’Utri, a former senator with his Forza Italia party who served jail time for association with the mafia.
The bulk of the tycoon's portfolio of publishing, banking and TV interests - worth a staggering £5.8billion - has been left to his eldest two children. Disputes over who would inherit what, which are said to have gripped the powerful family after the controversial politician's death following leukemia treatment on June 12, now appear to have been officially resolved. In his will, Berlusconi said the bequests for Fascina, his younger brother Paolo, and mafia-linked business associate Marcello Dell'Utri, were in recognition 'of the love I had for them and the love they had for me.'
Dell'Ultri is the only beneficiary of Berlusconi's will outside of the tycoon's family, and said he was moved to tears by his late friend's decision to bestow such a huge fortune on him.
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