ajanni at 23-01-2011 08:01 PM (14 years ago) (m) Reply |
otagermo at 23-01-2011 08:10 PM (14 years ago) (m) Reply |
teznl at 23-01-2011 08:22 PM (14 years ago) (m) ksurrina, i dont understand u, do you mean that the pastor was disobedient, and how, was that the reason why God didnt show him the danger ahead? please explain. Posted: at 23-01-2011 08:22 PM (14 years ago) | Newbie | |
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ochagwu at 23-01-2011 10:08 PM (14 years ago) (m) why a pastor for God sake, why not a ritualist, well rest in peace pastor, but i believe he might have preached some time that offend the killers Posted: at 23-01-2011 10:08 PM (14 years ago) | Newbie | |
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ajanni at 24-01-2011 06:12 AM (14 years ago) (m) i dey watch ooo Posted: at 24-01-2011 06:12 AM (14 years ago) | Grande Master | |
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xeallysam at 24-01-2011 09:36 AM (14 years ago) (m) We should be one ,making things right for ourslf but here we are hurting and killing each other.Muslim and Christian,Igbo,Yoruba and Hausa...ONLY TOGETHERNESS CAN TAKE US TO OUR DREAM LAND. Posted: at 24-01-2011 09:36 AM (14 years ago) | Newbie | |
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Eucharia at 24-01-2011 01:08 PM (14 years ago) (f) who are we to judge our fellow human being, some people have started judging this pastor why, they killed him becos of disobdience ,greedness and whatever, re we rightious more than him, is only God that can judge not human being becos we are all sinners. only God knows why they killed him.stop saying rubbish fro ur mouth so that God will not be angry with you. May his soul rest in perfect peace and may God comfort the wife. Posted: at 24-01-2011 01:08 PM (14 years ago) | Upcoming | |
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Eucharia at 24-01-2011 01:18 PM (14 years ago) (f) We should be one ,making things right for ourslf but here we are hurting and killing each other.Muslim and Christian,Igbo,Yoruba and Hausa...ONLY TOGETHERNESS CAN TAKE US TO OUR DREAM LAND.
did you read the topic we are dicussing at all, becos i dont know where you are coming from and heading to. we are dicussing about gunmen kill Winners Chapel's pastor not Tribalism. Posted: at 24-01-2011 01:18 PM (14 years ago) | Upcoming | |
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lanudja at 24-01-2011 01:28 PM (14 years ago) (f) lol this woman named ksurrina is she for real? i read one of her reply where she called someone foolish and she said it was right to do so because the lord called come people foolis....now lemme ask you one question are you the lord? God created the human race so therefore he is allowed to call us anything he wants to but u didnt create the person you called foolish......secondly the bible says that we should not call our brothers fool (read matthew 5:22) Also about the pastor's death everybody has a set date for them to die who knows maybe it was the pastor's time to die...we all pray for longlife and some may live long some may not...those that live long doesn't mean that they are more righteous than those that die early... its by God's mercy that we are not dead yet....lemme tell you what matters is that the pastor is resting with the lord....i donot know who made you a judge to say that the pastor was disobedient....may God have mercy on you because i see that u need his mercy. lastly, i now understand when the bible said that in the last days false prophets shall arise...... i just wanted to clear up some things that you said in your reply that was very erroneous....anyways from now on i would avoid you because the bible says: 'now i beseech you brethren mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which you have learned and avoid them' (romans 16:17)
Well spoken Posted: at 24-01-2011 01:28 PM (14 years ago) | Hero | |
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lanudja at 24-01-2011 01:29 PM (14 years ago) (f) So sad...RIP man of God... Posted: at 24-01-2011 01:29 PM (14 years ago) | Hero | |
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Eucharia at 24-01-2011 01:34 PM (14 years ago) (f) We should be one ,making things right for ourslf but here we are hurting and killing each other.Muslim and Christian,Igbo,Yoruba and Hausa...ONLY TOGETHERNESS CAN TAKE US TO OUR DREAM LAND.
did you read the topic we are dicussing at all, becos i dont know where you are coming from and heading to. we are dicussing about gunmen kill Winners Chapel's pastor not Tribalism. Posted: at 24-01-2011 01:34 PM (14 years ago) | Upcoming | |
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This is absolutely ridiculous! Surely, this ones caan't go unpurnished for they sinned against the Holy Spirit which said touch not my anointed and do my prophet no harm. Posted: at 24-01-2011 01:48 PM (14 years ago) | Newbie | |
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Elstean at 24-01-2011 01:58 PM (14 years ago) (m) The killing of a pastor is not fair in this our great nation Nigerai. Posted: at 24-01-2011 01:58 PM (14 years ago) | Newbie | |
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ksurrina at 25-01-2011 05:47 PM (14 years ago) (f) all have sinned and come short of the glory of God..........is not in her bible! its not by power, nor by might, but by MY spirit "says the lord"............not in her bible she is not a christian, yet she follows Christ!....she doesnt know frm whr d name even came from! i cannot argue with this dumb ass bitch! she is confused like her fellow prophetesses! OLODO!
lol you see you quote what suit you. There is another part of the bible in the same verse that Paul let us know that WE WHO ARE BAPTISED IN Jesus Christ are JUSTIFIED SINNERS. Romans 3:24 Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus:You can continue to be short of the glory of God. But I know that when I was baptized that I raise in Faith with Christ and now I am a justified and sanctified Sinner. No longer short of the glory of God but now I have a relationship with the Almighty God the Creator of Heaven and Earth through his son Jesus Christ. Go read and know your bible. One verse doesn't complete the whole chapter of what Paul was telling us. lol lol lol thank you for that quotation! see why i say ur confused? by HIS grace not by YOUR OBEDIENCE as you said earlier. better go find urself a job. ur just a lazy fat lady! ur really confused!  @skurina is by is grace 0oo not by our obidience, fake prophetess, since every body have sence ur evil artitud what u need now is the mark of the beast, that is if u have not have it allready  ..... It is not OBEDIENCE wow lol lol You have me laughing. Satan is really blinding you and your friends. I am glad that I am fat and crazy but I am holy and have no time for Satan like you guys. It is because of my fatness I am INTELLIGENT AND HOLY why PASTORS INSIDE NO CHURCH can lead me into Satan as how they are doing in Nigeria. Don't worry when I come to Nigeria and start teaching the WORD OF GOD even the ones that YOU are worshipping are going to repent and start talking the TRUTH. Go and test the spirit and know that it is because of OBEDIENCE while we have Jesus Christ and it is because of OBEDIENCE while I am not suffering as you are. Go and read your bible and stop walking in darkness. John 15:10, 14:21, the Book of Romans. When the Lord took the Children of Israel from bondage He told them OBEY ME. Deut 28 and the book of Isaiah let us know that OBEDIENCE is the Key to the kingdom of God. You are living under a curse and you don't even know. In garden of Eden it was obedience before disobedience took over. You even know your bible lol lol you are an illiterate. You can all discriminate me who is trying to let you all know the TRUTH OF CHRIST. Do you see any other preaching and teaching the truth here. Ask anyone on this site who has come to me and I pray and teach them the bible and their has change because of what I have teaching here. I have no time for Satan and Satan knows he cannot come near me unless our Heavenly Father give him that authority. I am a Prophetess and only a good life give us this calling. I am not a child of the Devil as you all put yourself to be in. Satan knows that he has no control over me from childhood and he spend his time trying to kill me. But the Lord as prevail. You will all hear about me in Nigeria when the Lord is ready for me there. Even you guys who are chatting away will be transform when the TRUTH is being display because right now NIGERIA IS BASED ON LIES. I will see you all in May 2011. John 15:10
Godly WISDOM is to Fear God. His UNDERSTANDING is to resist the devil. Posted: at 25-01-2011 05:47 PM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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all have sinned and come short of the glory of God..........is not in her bible! its not by power, nor by might, but by MY spirit "says the lord"............not in her bible she is not a christian, yet she follows Christ!....she doesnt know frm whr d name even came from! i cannot argue with this dumb ass bitch! she is confused like her fellow prophetesses! OLODO!
lol you see you quote what suit you. There is another part of the bible in the same verse that Paul let us know that WE WHO ARE BAPTISED IN Jesus Christ are JUSTIFIED SINNERS. Romans 3:24 Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus:You can continue to be short of the glory of God. But I know that when I was baptized that I raise in Faith with Christ and now I am a justified and sanctified Sinner. No longer short of the glory of God but now I have a relationship with the Almighty God the Creator of Heaven and Earth through his son Jesus Christ. Go read and know your bible. One verse doesn't complete the whole chapter of what Paul was telling us. lol lol lol thank you for that quotation! see why i say ur confused? by HIS grace not by YOUR OBEDIENCE as you said earlier. better go find urself a job. ur just a lazy fat lady! ur really confused!  @skurina is by is grace 0oo not by our obidience, fake prophetess, since every body have sence ur evil artitud what u need now is the mark of the beast, that is if u have not have it allready  ..... It is not OBEDIENCE wow lol lol You have me laughing. Satan is really blinding you and your friends. I am glad that I am fat and crazy but I am holy and have no time for Satan like you guys. It is because of my fatness I am INTELLIGENT AND HOLY why PASTORS INSIDE NO CHURCH can lead me into Satan as how they are doing in Nigeria. Don't worry when I come to Nigeria and start teaching the WORD OF GOD even the ones that YOU are worshipping are going to repent and start talking the TRUTH. Go and test the spirit and know that it is because of OBEDIENCE while we have Jesus Christ and it is because of OBEDIENCE while I am not suffering as you are. Go and read your bible and stop walking in darkness. John 15:10, 14:21, the Book of Romans. When the Lord took the Children of Israel from bondage He told them OBEY ME. Deut 28 and the book of Isaiah let us know that OBEDIENCE is the Key to the kingdom of God. You are living under a curse and you don't even know. In garden of Eden it was obedience before disobedience took over. You even know your bible lol lol you are an illiterate. You can all discriminate me who is trying to let you all know the TRUTH OF CHRIST. Do you see any other preaching and teaching the truth here. Ask anyone on this site who has come to me and I pray and teach them the bible and their has change because of what I have teaching here. I have no time for Satan and Satan knows he cannot come near me unless our Heavenly Father give him that authority. I am a Prophetess and only a good life give us this calling. I am not a child of the Devil as you all put yourself to be in. Satan knows that he has no control over me from childhood and he spend his time trying to kill me. But the Lord as prevail. You will all hear about me in Nigeria when the Lord is ready for me there. Even you guys who are chatting away will be transform when the TRUTH is being display because right now NIGERIA IS BASED ON LIES. I will see you all in May 2011. John 15:10 like i said, start from jamaica. come back when they are all repented. charity begins at home Posted: at 25-01-2011 06:24 PM (14 years ago) | Upcoming | |
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if u are born again, you will see people the way God see them God hates sin but loves the sinner. dont you know that people consult antbody even satan?.......dont be proud of dat you have nothing to show for ur acclaimed post you are a disappointment to ur household and community Posted: at 25-01-2011 06:28 PM (14 years ago) | Upcoming | |
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derbi at 25-01-2011 08:22 PM (14 years ago) (m) all have sinned and come short of the glory of God..........is not in her bible! its not by power, nor by might, but by MY spirit "says the lord"............not in her bible she is not a christian, yet she follows Christ!....she doesnt know frm whr d name even came from! i cannot argue with this dumb ass bitch! she is confused like her fellow prophetesses! OLODO!
lol you see you quote what suit you. There is another part of the bible in the same verse that Paul let us know that WE WHO ARE BAPTISED IN Jesus Christ are JUSTIFIED SINNERS. Romans 3:24 Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus:You can continue to be short of the glory of God. But I know that when I was baptized that I raise in Faith with Christ and now I am a justified and sanctified Sinner. No longer short of the glory of God but now I have a relationship with the Almighty God the Creator of Heaven and Earth through his son Jesus Christ. Go read and know your bible. One verse doesn't complete the whole chapter of what Paul was telling us. lol lol lol thank you for that quotation! see why i say ur confused? by HIS grace not by YOUR OBEDIENCE as you said earlier. better go find urself a job. ur just a lazy fat lady! ur really confused!  @skurina is by is grace 0oo not by our obidience, fake prophetess, since every body have sence ur evil artitud what u need now is the mark of the beast, that is if u have not have it allready  ..... It is not OBEDIENCE wow lol lol You have me laughing. Satan is really blinding you and your friends. I am glad that I am fat and crazy but I am holy and have no time for Satan like you guys. It is because of my fatness I am INTELLIGENT AND HOLY why PASTORS INSIDE NO CHURCH can lead me into Satan as how they are doing in Nigeria. Don't worry when I come to Nigeria and start teaching the WORD OF GOD even the ones that YOU are worshipping are going to repent and start talking the TRUTH. Go and test the spirit and know that it is because of OBEDIENCE while we have Jesus Christ and it is because of OBEDIENCE while I am not suffering as you are. Go and read your bible and stop walking in darkness. John 15:10, 14:21, the Book of Romans. When the Lord took the Children of Israel from bondage He told them OBEY ME. Deut 28 and the book of Isaiah let us know that OBEDIENCE is the Key to the kingdom of God. You are living under a curse and you don't even know. In garden of Eden it was obedience before disobedience took over. You even know your bible lol lol you are an illiterate. You can all discriminate me who is trying to let you all know the TRUTH OF CHRIST. Do you see any other preaching and teaching the truth here. Ask anyone on this site who has come to me and I pray and teach them the bible and their has change because of what I have teaching here. I have no time for Satan and Satan knows he cannot come near me unless our Heavenly Father give him that authority. I am a Prophetess and only a good life give us this calling. I am not a child of the Devil as you all put yourself to be in. Satan knows that he has no control over me from childhood and he spend his time trying to kill me. But the Lord as prevail. You will all hear about me in Nigeria when the Lord is ready for me there. Even you guys who are chatting away will be transform when the TRUTH is being display because right now NIGERIA IS BASED ON LIES. I will see you all in May 2011. John 15:10 @skurina we dont want any antichrist in NIGERIA please dont come u are not invited, or is it by force?, please preach to ur jamahica brother those junkies  and all thos beach that smoke ganjer in the street of jamahica all thosa dada rasterferianse, the way u talk here i know u like money soo much ur jamahican people are not givers in the house of God, instead they use the money to smoke wigg  that why u are very jealouse of NIGERIAN pastor we NIGERIANS we are givers and God is blessing us, i can see that why u want to run to NAIJA and start ur fake prophesy and start collecting money thief  evil woman, if u like u can come anyway God will disgrace and exspose u here in naija  ....... Posted: at 25-01-2011 08:22 PM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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Bismack at 26-01-2011 09:35 AM (14 years ago) (m) dats bad Posted: at 26-01-2011 09:35 AM (14 years ago) | Upcoming | |
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judichi at 26-01-2011 03:47 PM (14 years ago) (f) Reply |
iron2king at 26-01-2011 04:17 PM (14 years ago) (m) How much do dey pay u killers to bring de rort of God upon ur heads.o sorry u better go and confess and ask 4 4giveness Posted: at 26-01-2011 04:17 PM (14 years ago) | Newbie | |
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