Nigerian Accused Of Insulting Governor On Facebook Released (Page 5)

Date: 03-02-2011 5:27 pm (14 years ago) | Author: Daniel Bosai
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- FlyGurl at 4-02-2011 12:08 PM (14 years ago)
Quote from: funichi on  3-02-2011 08:30 PM
oh my God, this is the problem with nigeria, this is not a democracy,sharia ke? the same sharia that allows a fifty year old to marry a 9year old.the same sharia that blames and jails a woman when she is the victim of rape,mtchewww,nonsense  law.  When the bad out ways  the good, then care should be take and laws amended. imagine  government officials steal billions and get max 12months in prison, but a civilian steal akara because of hunger gets 50yrs in prison. stupid governing laws. Nigeria is the only supposed democractic country that allows this dual law crap.  separation of church and state..helloooo, and its in our constitution. Huh? Undecided Angry

see dem Sharia people..old papa wey dey thief, old papa wey dey force marriage on 9yrs old gurl..some of these muslim pple sef, i tire for dem
Posted: at 4-02-2011 12:08 PM (14 years ago) | Newbie
- FlyGurl at 4-02-2011 12:11 PM (14 years ago)
Quote from: ajanni on  3-02-2011 08:58 PM
what is it that he said to the mr gov ? we need to know that in order to see if the young man had actually assulted the gov, we all knows the amounts of insults melted on the late president while still alive and in power and likewise we knew the amont of daily insult being passed on the former presido OBJ why should that of JIGAWA  be difference ?

Ajanni u talk like a reasonable person
Posted: at 4-02-2011 12:11 PM (14 years ago) | Newbie
- FlyGurl at 4-02-2011 12:19 PM (14 years ago)
Quote from: kaycee1989 on  3-02-2011 09:24 PM
dts a lie plzz..i ve investigated d matter..nd found out dt it is all false..twas only sahara gossip reporters dt carried d said we shud visit d facebook page of gov lamido nd strt cursin ma suprise, wen i wnt to d fb page..i saw dt d so called arrested lawyer is one of d admins of d page..ds is jst a political tarnishin report plz ma pple..evn at it..d insults d lawyer rained on d gov is os much dt if anoda person hs said sm to u..u wud ve stabbed him..we re all humans plzz..put ursef in d shoes of d gov nd know wot u cn do..nt jst bloggin any rubbish here

@Kaycee, no amount of insult will warrant him to order that the poor boy should be arrested..
u know the amount of insult president Obama gets, u know the amount of insult Obasanjo gets, but they must live with it cos they are make that fake gov collect shege and dan banza lmao!
Posted: at 4-02-2011 12:19 PM (14 years ago) | Newbie
- FlyGurl at 4-02-2011 12:25 PM (14 years ago)
Quote from: kaycee1989 on  3-02-2011 09:33 PM
Quote from: ajanni on  3-02-2011 08:58 PM
what is it that he said to the mr gov ? we need to know that in order to see if the young man had actually assulted the gov, we all knows the amounts of insults melted on the late president while still alive and in power and likewise we knew the amont of daily insult being passed on the former presido OBJ why should that of JIGAWA  be difference ?
freedom of speech ke..hw will u feel as an ordinary citizen wen sb jst release dz words to u The text  reads: “O Allah destroy Sule Lamido and the rest of his friends, O Allah disgrace Sule Lamido and the rest of his cursed friends, O Allah curse Sule Lamido and the rest of his cursed friends, O Allah expose Sule Lamido and the rest of his cursed friends, O Allah inflict poverty on Sule Lamido and the rest of his cursed friends Amen and all those for prophet Muhammad (SAW) say Amen.”...jst tnk abt u being insulted ds way nd den cnsider ursef a governor being insulted ds way

lamido abi na wetin be dat him sharia name is nobody in nigerian politics..pple like OBJ, BABANGIDA, BUHARI even current presido wey get levels dey receive bigger insults more than this gboro chopping governor..make him come chop my dog shit.
Posted: at 4-02-2011 12:25 PM (14 years ago) | Newbie
- chubby10 at 4-02-2011 12:46 PM (14 years ago)
awwwwwwwwwwwwwww...9ija land oooo
Posted: at 4-02-2011 12:46 PM (14 years ago) | Newbie
- Eucharia at 4-02-2011 12:55 PM (14 years ago)
Hmmmmmmmm  What happened to freedom of speech, one has to say his mind, this is  total rubbish. second God nonsence
Posted: at 4-02-2011 12:55 PM (14 years ago) | Upcoming
- Adikpe at 4-02-2011 12:59 PM (14 years ago)
Is it because we don't respect our right here in Naija?
What a rubbish from the governor!
Let him com and arrest me na, Idiot!
Posted: at 4-02-2011 12:59 PM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- ahlan at 4-02-2011 01:31 PM (14 years ago)
Posted: at 4-02-2011 01:31 PM (14 years ago) | Newbie
- nice9ija at 4-02-2011 02:28 PM (14 years ago)
God help us!!!!
Posted: at 4-02-2011 02:28 PM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- Patshadio at 4-02-2011 02:43 PM (14 years ago)
Governor make u leave that truthful boy alone and ahead and work good like lagos state governor! even the europeans here know that lagos state governor is a good and perfect person!
Posted: at 4-02-2011 02:43 PM (14 years ago) | Newbie
- Sunexpy at 4-02-2011 02:58 PM (14 years ago)
NONSENSE!!! do 2 odas wat u wnt dem 2 do 4u (vise vasa). mr gov. imagine ur own son in dat mess!! Lips Sealed
Posted: at 4-02-2011 02:58 PM (14 years ago) | Newbie
- divineproject at 4-02-2011 03:18 PM (14 years ago)
Quote from: kaycee1989 on  3-02-2011 09:33 PM
Quote from: ajanni on  3-02-2011 08:58 PM
what is it that he said to the mr gov ? we need to know that in order to see if the young man had actually assulted the gov, we all knows the amounts of insults melted on the late president while still alive and in power and likewise we knew the amont of daily insult being passed on the former presido OBJ why should that of JIGAWA  be difference ?
freedom of speech ke..hw will u feel as an ordinary citizen wen sb jst release dz words to u The text  reads: “O Allah destroy Sule Lamido and the rest of his friends, O Allah disgrace Sule Lamido and the rest of his cursed friends, O Allah curse Sule Lamido and the rest of his cursed friends, O Allah expose Sule Lamido and the rest of his cursed friends, O Allah inflict poverty on Sule Lamido and the rest of his cursed friends Amen and all those for prophet Muhammad (SAW) say Amen.”...jst tnk abt u being insulted ds way nd den cnsider ursef a governor being insulted ds way

This seems more like a prayer request than an insult........only guilty minds fear accusation...

Posted: at 4-02-2011 03:18 PM (14 years ago) | Hero
- Tuks at 4-02-2011 03:29 PM (14 years ago)
Wow,juz read d 'insult',d young man posted.....Two wrongs,i must say....
Posted: at 4-02-2011 03:29 PM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- djosh4cesc at 4-02-2011 04:03 PM (14 years ago)
This kind of news is no news.Even Imo State governor,Ikedi 'ikedinakoboko'Ohakim had a Reverend father beaten to stupor because he didn't stop his car fast enough when 'his excellency's' convoy was passing.
Posted: at 4-02-2011 04:03 PM (14 years ago) | Upcoming
- nnennababe at 4-02-2011 04:36 PM (14 years ago)
Posted: at 4-02-2011 04:36 PM (14 years ago) | Upcoming
- interpo77 at 4-02-2011 04:44 PM (14 years ago)
pple re getting it wrong, the guy was just praying  for the governor nd his friends, so there  is nothing insult as he was claiming,
 this huasa pple, i mean huasa muslem didnt nd can never know the  different between sharia/law nd democarcy
they should embrace democracy , freedom of speech not   taking prayer as insult i wonder
  let them just release the guy nd family ,yeye pple
Posted: at 4-02-2011 04:44 PM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- interpo77 at 4-02-2011 04:47 PM (14 years ago)
Quote from: djosh4cesc on  4-02-2011 04:03 PM
This kind of news is no news.Even Imo State governor,Ikedi 'ikedinakoboko'Ohakim had a Reverend father beaten to stupor because he didn't stop his car fast enough when 'his excellency's' convoy was passing.
hmmmmmmmm, any way thats must be called lack of responsibility, nd beaten up a man of God
must be the end of his carrier unless the info is wrong
Posted: at 4-02-2011 04:47 PM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- Ole-rules-naija at 4-02-2011 05:25 PM (14 years ago)
Quote from: nnennababe on  4-02-2011 04:36 PM

You are absolutely right. That stupid governor of Imo State, Ikedi Ohakim with his half past four eye is very stupid. It is confirmed that he beats up innocent people. Mr. Ohakim, what makes you think that you have the right to assult innocent Nigerians that you have impoverished by stealing money from? You were a confirmed 419 guy; how did you even become the governor of Imo State? EFCC and INEC and ICPC, I urge you to look into this and remove that criminal called Ikedi Ohakim from office. He's doing absolutely nothing for the good people of Imo State. Mr. Ohakim, you and your predecessor, Achikwe Udenwa are birds of the same feather. I do not know why the EFCC, ICPC have not brought Udenwa to justice? Both UDENWA and OHAKIM are thieves. The people of Nigeria are raining curses on you and soon, you will not escape the punishment of ALLAH.
Posted: at 4-02-2011 05:25 PM (14 years ago) | Newbie
- supernedee at 4-02-2011 05:48 PM (14 years ago)
Posted: at 4-02-2011 05:48 PM (14 years ago) | Newbie
- Neglito at 4-02-2011 06:06 PM (14 years ago)
That STUPID,FOOLISH AND IGNORANT FOOL that call himself governor should be flogged 36 lashes. Because if he understand the meaning of democracy, he should know that it goes with freedom of speech. but if he feels the boy insulted him, he should then go to court.
Posted: at 4-02-2011 06:06 PM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac
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