Nigerian rising star Olasunkanmi Rehanat Alonge, better known as Sunkanmi, was overwhelmed with excitement after receiving unexpected recognition online. A viral video shows Sunkanmi’s joyful reaction when she discovered that American rapper Snoop Dogg had featured her song on Instagram. The renowned rapper, who boasts over 88 million followers, posted a video montage of his photos set to Sunkanmi’s latest track, “Higher.”
Upon discovering the post, the enthusiastic artist quickly recorded a heartfelt video to thank Snoop Dogg for the endorsement.
“I can’t keep calm, see who used my sound on IG reels. God bless @snoopdogg, the world music icon!” she wrote.
Sunkanmi first gained attention in 2015 with her hit single “For Body” and is now signed to Hit The Ground Records, under which she has released several successful songs.
Watch video below:
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