Raoul John Njeng-Njeng, widely known as Skales, voiced his frustration on September 6 over a cancelled flight that reportedly led to a significant financial loss. The Nigerian singer took to social media to express his anger after discovering that his flight was cancelled due to the pilot's illness.
In a video posted online, Skales criticized the airline, Green Africa, for the abrupt cancellation which he claimed cost him N15 million. The singer had been scheduled to fly to Akure, and the last-minute change left him incensed.
The singer’s rant highlights ongoing frustrations with airline services in Nigeria, as travelers face challenges with flight reliability and customer service. Skales' public outburst underscores the broader issue of poor service and its impact on individuals' professional and financial lives.
Skales flight got canceled at the lat minute, and he wasn't happy about it.
Nigerian airlines need to do better. pic.twitter.com/G68z32Z4gk
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