Abused, burned and buried alive!

Date: 05-05-2011 2:33 pm (13 years ago) | Author: Isaiah Diadem
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- at 5-05-2011 02:33 PM (13 years ago)
Abused, burned and buried alive: The horrific suffering of Nigeria's child 'witches'

11-year-old boy had acid poured over him
Young girl had a nail driven into her skull

Children as young as two are being burned, poisoned and buried alive in Nigeria for being witches, it has been claimed.
Hundreds of youngsters are being subjected to horrific violence or chained up for weeks after being accused of withcraft, according to a report by a children's rights charity.
In one case, an 11-year-old boy was killed after acid was poured over him; in another, a girl who had a nail driven into her head was left permanently disabled.
Last September a man tried to bury six-year-old twin boys he held responsible for the death of his wife.
Lancaster-based charity Stepping Stones Nigeria has compiled reports of more than 250 cases of violence against children accused of witchcraft in Akwa Ibom state.
Although belief in witchcraft is well established in Nigeria and other African countries, until the late Nineties it was largely women and the elderly who were accused.
Now some families blame their children for every misfortune that hits them - from death to sickness and drunkeness.

Many accusations are made by pastors who then charge the accused child's family a fee for 'exorcisms'.
After the child has been accused the pastor carries out long-winded exorcism rituals. Sometimes children are chained up in churches and forced to fast for weeks, or are beaten and tortured until they confess.
More then four out of five children accused of being witches are abandoned by their families and forced to sleep rough.
In one disturbing case, police discovered an eight-year-old boy locked in a room beside the corpse of his mother.
The boy's uncle had accused him of using witchcraft to kill her and tried to force his head into her body before abandoning him.
Gary Foxcroft, founder of Stepping Stones Nigeria, told the Times that the children were often from broken homes, or were different in ways that set them apart.
'They might be very intelligent or suffer from learning difficulties. Some of them will have physical complaints such as epilepsy, bed-wetting and sleepwalking,' he said.
The charity is set to present its findings to the Commission of Enquiry into Child Witchcraft at the Nigerian High Commission in London today.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1383732/Buried-alive-New-report-reveals-suffering-Nigerias-child-witches.html#ixzz1LXIbdghq

Posted: at 5-05-2011 02:33 PM (13 years ago) | Newbie
- mallorca at 6-05-2011 11:25 PM (13 years ago)

Posted: at 6-05-2011 11:25 PM (13 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- shaoyang at 7-05-2011 05:09 AM (13 years ago)
Is this another apian waythese white men want to use to stay in Nigeria to be milking our oil?
Posted: at 7-05-2011 05:09 AM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- ajanni at 7-05-2011 07:13 AM (13 years ago)
i quite agreed with you this time around , you had spoken truth
Posted: at 7-05-2011 07:13 AM (13 years ago) | Grande Master
- bittersweet at 7-05-2011 07:31 AM (13 years ago)
Quote from: mallorca on  6-05-2011 11:25 PM

Totally! Undecided Sad

Posted: at 7-05-2011 07:31 AM (13 years ago) | Hero
- ajanni at 7-05-2011 07:59 AM (13 years ago)
and complettely
Posted: at 7-05-2011 07:59 AM (13 years ago) | Grande Master
- shaoyang at 7-05-2011 09:29 AM (13 years ago)
Posted: at 7-05-2011 09:29 AM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- ajanni at 7-05-2011 01:31 PM (13 years ago)
Posted: at 7-05-2011 01:31 PM (13 years ago) | Grande Master
- divineproject at 7-05-2011 02:12 PM (13 years ago)
See grammar here

Posted: at 7-05-2011 02:12 PM (13 years ago) | Hero
- igweshi at 7-05-2011 02:55 PM (13 years ago)
this is child abuse
Posted: at 7-05-2011 02:55 PM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
- ajanni at 7-05-2011 03:01 PM (13 years ago)
Posted: at 7-05-2011 03:01 PM (13 years ago) | Grande Master
- shaoyang at 7-05-2011 04:00 PM (13 years ago)
Posted: at 7-05-2011 04:00 PM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- divineproject at 7-05-2011 04:12 PM (13 years ago)
lol.............na wa ooo

Posted: at 7-05-2011 04:12 PM (13 years ago) | Hero
- shaoyang at 7-05-2011 04:20 PM (13 years ago)
Posted: at 7-05-2011 04:20 PM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- divineproject at 7-05-2011 04:25 PM (13 years ago)
Very soon all the LLYs would finish in the dictionary, I wonder what you guys would write........... Grin Grin Grin

Posted: at 7-05-2011 04:25 PM (13 years ago) | Hero
- shaoyang at 7-05-2011 04:29 PM (13 years ago)
 Cool Cool
Posted: at 7-05-2011 04:29 PM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- williams100 at 7-05-2011 04:30 PM (13 years ago)
one of the said reason why we are been called third world,possibly black monkeys as well.its not the white man's fault we constitute more than 60% of why we are been called such name(s).what an ophobic act and a very primitive mentality.jeez! !,we are in modern day 21st century and look at what is still been done or should i say practice in some part of our country.what exactly, is the state govt,local govt of these several states and provinces doing to curb this pugnacious and obnoxious act.???In one case, an 11-year-old boy was killed after acid was poured over him; in another, a girl had a nail driven into her head which left her permanently disabled.what an unforgivable atrocity by those brainless fools to carry out such action.even if,they are witches and wizards aren't there legal and moral ways to address the issue??does someone need a college degree in order to possess common sense.??na wa ooo.i dont understand how some of our people cogitate sometimes if not most times.! Embarrassedi dey shame for this people seriously and honestly. Shocked Sad Angry
Posted: at 7-05-2011 04:30 PM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- frayobkk at 7-05-2011 05:23 PM (13 years ago)
 Shocked Shocked Shocked

Posted: at 7-05-2011 05:23 PM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- kebella at 7-05-2011 11:57 PM (13 years ago)
 Huh? Huh?

Posted: at 7-05-2011 11:57 PM (13 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- osasu83 at 8-05-2011 01:56 AM (13 years ago)
Posted: at 8-05-2011 01:56 AM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
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