Did Dbanj Sacrifice His Soul To Illuminati To Join Kanye West?? (Page 5)

Date: 11-06-2011 11:33 pm (13 years ago) | Author: Daniel Bosai
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- kooldemsy at 13-06-2011 12:14 PM (13 years ago)
This D'banj go soon miss road very soon..........if he doesn't *****************
Posted: at 13-06-2011 12:14 PM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
- jonathanchuks at 13-06-2011 12:52 PM (13 years ago)
This is it, i have always suspected it now see the chain he is wearing it is one of the illuminati symbol.. DBANJ<DBANJ<DBANJ how many times i call you CHANGE dont look at money and be so desperate.
Posted: at 13-06-2011 12:52 PM (13 years ago) | Newbie
- D_U1 at 13-06-2011 01:01 PM (13 years ago)
God help him if this rumour is anything to go by. I have never been a fan of his that much anyway. Personally, I think the guy is a bad influence. As for Jay Z and Kanye, I used to love those a lot sometime back, that likeness has reduced since I noticed satanic and suspicious signs in their song words and videos. I'm also suspicious of Rihanna, too.

Posted: at 13-06-2011 01:01 PM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
- baruch at 13-06-2011 01:33 PM (13 years ago)
kanye west, jay z, chris brown , rihanna are satanists. if d banj wants to join them, na his own own cup of tea. people see the signing  of dbanj and don jazzy as an achievement but i see it as a  monumental disgrace. how can kanye west sign a great nigerian label. so don jazzy becomes kanyes boy yto do his bidding. this is not acceptable. we respect mohits but this move is  shameful
Posted: at 13-06-2011 01:33 PM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
- Greenwich at 13-06-2011 01:57 PM (13 years ago)
I don't wonna mention names of some ignorant people on this board, cos it may come across as rude, so I'll just state my own view. Nevertheless, for all y'all who think that this "illuminati" is a child's play, and that Kanye West, Jay z, and other world stars are innocent, and have nothing to do with the devil, then you're a living definition of the word ignorance. A piece of advice, sit yourself down and LISTEN CAREFULLY to some of their songs.  Listen to Jay z's  - lucifer,  chris brown's - fallen angel, rick ross & jay z's - freemason, lady gaga - alejandro. It is undebatable, that only a fish-like fool would need to be told about Lady Gaga, who's an obviously brutally possessed being. And also listen to Kanye West carefull in this video below;
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A6CvHjznXb0" target="_blank" class="aeva_link bbc_link new_win" rel="nofollow">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A6CvHjznXb0</a>

This same Kanye West is he who we're now seeing with D Banj. I've always feared the worst, and if he hasn't joined, then he's not far from it. Let me correct that mentality, cos all y'all've been sayin, "D Banj aint big enough to become one of them", again, you're  ignorant of the fact that D Banj has a big image in the Nigerian Music industry, and the Nigerian Music industry is now making wave all over the continents, europe and in Africa, a testament is the featuring of world stars like Snoop, R. Kelly, Mary J Blige, Akon e.t.c. Thus, if you could get hold of the top Nigerian stars then you could influence the Nigerian music industry. I'm pissed at fools who underestimate the devises of the devil. Something big is coming to the Nigerian music industry, and it can only come through the use of Nigerian most influential artistes. And for all y'all who say its his own cup of tea, take heed if you think you stand, lest you fall (ask your greedy self, what love have you for your neighbour who might be ignorant about this, and may need to be told for the sake of his/her soul?). I've got three words for you, Shame On You.  If not, then maybe its beyond doubt that a y'all aint got a clue about what the illuminati really is, and instead  of seeking to know, y'all tryna justisfy your messed up view and ignorance. And again, its a pity that y'all've got no clue about the power in music. Its a pity. Lucifer occupied the position of what's known as "Choir Master" in the beginning, in heaven, before he became doomed. He knows the power of music, and he uses it perfectly. But he can only use it through persons, so he needs people through which to operate. Thus he gives you the whole world in return while you give him yourself (soul), he operates through you, your lyrics and beats. And through your songs he operates the sub-conscious minds of ignorant listeners and fans.  Remember this scripture? "My people perish for lack of knowledge" I pity y'all who underestimate the subtility of the devil, because y'all may find the consequence of your ignorance fatal.

And pls pay attention with great patience to this video .http://christian-growth.org/MUSIC-INDUSTRY-EXPOSED.wmv
Posted: at 13-06-2011 01:57 PM (13 years ago) | Newbie
- igbsam at 13-06-2011 01:57 PM (13 years ago)
If him like, make him sell him soul to devil collect change go buy ijebu garri, dat one na him now. Abeg, madam...give me puff puff and pure water make i illuminate my own belle.
Posted: at 13-06-2011 01:57 PM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
- Lekan22 at 13-06-2011 03:01 PM (13 years ago)
Its his life, let him join if he desires it.
Posted: at 13-06-2011 03:01 PM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- Lisamike at 13-06-2011 03:11 PM (13 years ago)
Anyway, bullshit or not, let's keep our fingers crossed and eyes peeled. what I know is dat Kanye West and Jay Z belong to a cult, I don't know if D-banj has joined them
Posted: at 13-06-2011 03:11 PM (13 years ago) | Newbie
- emeka101 at 13-06-2011 03:12 PM (13 years ago)
Posted: at 13-06-2011 03:12 PM (13 years ago) | Newbie
- kush_360 at 13-06-2011 03:23 PM (13 years ago)
mr dbanj there is more to live than u could imagine., there is a live that is far greater than the one we living right now.., just be wise in ur decision because they will come a long way in the future Sad
Posted: at 13-06-2011 03:23 PM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
- kebella at 13-06-2011 04:25 PM (13 years ago)
gudluck man.........

Posted: at 13-06-2011 04:25 PM (13 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- solid_solid at 13-06-2011 04:37 PM (13 years ago)
na there matter ... wetin concern me na?
Posted: at 13-06-2011 04:37 PM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- Nonso85 at 13-06-2011 04:55 PM (13 years ago)
Illuminita,. 7sten souls on display... Na Dbanj Sabi, But his int'l collab is cool for us in naija, whether illuminita or not..
Posted: at 13-06-2011 04:55 PM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
- chogoboy at 13-06-2011 04:58 PM (13 years ago)
Chris brown, rihana. jordan..... way to success Cool
Posted: at 13-06-2011 04:58 PM (13 years ago) | Newbie
- Pepesy at 13-06-2011 04:59 PM (13 years ago)
Posted: at 13-06-2011 04:59 PM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- uzjosh at 13-06-2011 05:00 PM (13 years ago)
I dnt knw ooooooooooooooooo... Lips Sealed
Posted: at 13-06-2011 05:00 PM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
- moniconyez at 13-06-2011 06:07 PM (13 years ago)
Posted: at 13-06-2011 06:07 PM (13 years ago) | Hero
- NaijaGal_USA at 13-06-2011 06:22 PM (13 years ago)
 Huh? Huh? Huh?
Posted: at 13-06-2011 06:22 PM (13 years ago) | Newbie
- amakonjidda at 13-06-2011 06:33 PM (13 years ago)
even if he joins illuminate dats his business not ours. because judgment day wil tell
Posted: at 13-06-2011 06:33 PM (13 years ago) | Newbie
- rycce at 13-06-2011 08:25 PM (13 years ago)
no one knws cos all that depends on him
Posted: at 13-06-2011 08:25 PM (13 years ago) | Newbie
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