itmomoh at 6-07-2011 12:24 PM (13 years ago) (m) queeniegreen or what you call your self is like your lesbian that is why your supporting evil thin, they are church of england we are church of Christ. First off, its queeniegreen not whatever.. and no im not lesbian and gay is not evil in anyway.. its people's choice. you choose to be straight and they choose to be mahnn live and lets live y will u say its nt evil? ve u 4goten dat God Almighty that created d heavens and all dat in d earth (including u n dem 'gay') destroy a city b'cus of dis. if its nt evil den y shld He (GOD) do so? Posted: at 6-07-2011 12:24 PM (13 years ago) | Upcoming | |
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ezeki at 6-07-2011 01:11 PM (13 years ago) (m) Do not judge but watch until the end of age,................ Posted: at 6-07-2011 01:11 PM (13 years ago) | Newbie | |
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uzjosh at 6-07-2011 03:43 PM (13 years ago) (m) If any church endorse such policy, that kind of church is a church of satan and it does not belong to the body of christ.
Supported... Posted: at 6-07-2011 03:43 PM (13 years ago) | Upcoming | |
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andyrado at 6-07-2011 04:48 PM (13 years ago) (m) Do not judge but watch until the end of age,................
faceless gay-laments await you and your cohort
EDUCATION WITHOUT THE KNOWLEDGE OF JESUS CHRIST(GOD) MAKES YOU A CLEVER DEVIL! Posted: at 6-07-2011 04:48 PM (13 years ago) | Upcoming | |
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andyrado at 6-07-2011 04:50 PM (13 years ago) (m) its just that we dont want to face facts, i am not a gay but its obvious frm a pyschological point of view that it has to do with the mind, even some from birth others acquired through life experience. So some people are born gay, even biology testifies to that in hormonal imbalances that makes people that way. We have more gays here in Nigeria, only that the whites are more real and face facts more than we do here. We claim to be religious but not Godly. Most pastors, musicians, footballers, artistes, priests, politicians, academics, imams/mallams and claimed miracle workers in televisions are gay here in Nigeria. Wat they need is not condemnation but help and assitance through clinical pyschology. That is our work. If you are given a gun to shot at a gay, dont be suprise that your father, brother, siister, best friend may be the first!
i totally agree with you sweetie.. mahnnn finally somebody who understands where im coming from  nobody is quarelling with either your solution or brain gymnastic, the truth of the matter is that there's no scientific way of justifying sin-period
EDUCATION WITHOUT THE KNOWLEDGE OF JESUS CHRIST(GOD) MAKES YOU A CLEVER DEVIL! Posted: at 6-07-2011 04:50 PM (13 years ago) | Upcoming | |
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andyrado at 6-07-2011 04:52 PM (13 years ago) (m) queeniegreen or what you call your self is like your lesbian that is why your supporting evil thin, they are church of england we are church of Christ.
First off, its queeniegreen not whatever.. and no im not lesbian and gay is not evil in anyway.. its people's choice. you choose to be straight and they choose to be mahnn live and lets live You've got friends that are gay? well that's good news. Now u've got a serious job to do. Win them all for christ. You can be a positive influence to people and change them for good. well too bad cuz i cant change pple's destiny. ii dont ve the magic wand. lol how can u think of changin anybody when you are in the same biz.the only magic wand you need is your family background and how u were brouhgt up.....
EDUCATION WITHOUT THE KNOWLEDGE OF JESUS CHRIST(GOD) MAKES YOU A CLEVER DEVIL! Posted: at 6-07-2011 04:52 PM (13 years ago) | Upcoming | |
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andyrado at 6-07-2011 04:53 PM (13 years ago) (m) queeniegreen or what you call your self is like your lesbian that is why your supporting evil thin, they are church of england we are church of Christ.
First off, its queeniegreen not whatever.. and no im not lesbian and gay is not evil in anyway.. its people's choice. you choose to be straight and they choose to be mahnn live and lets live You've got friends that are gay? well that's good news. Now u've got a serious job to do. Win them all for christ. You can be a positive influence to people and change them for good. well too bad cuz i cant change pple's destiny. ii dont ve the magic wand. lol how can u think of changing anybody when you are in the same biz.the only magic wand you need is your family background and how u were brought up.....
EDUCATION WITHOUT THE KNOWLEDGE OF JESUS CHRIST(GOD) MAKES YOU A CLEVER DEVIL! Posted: at 6-07-2011 04:53 PM (13 years ago) | Upcoming | |
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andyrado at 6-07-2011 04:57 PM (13 years ago) (m) i see that a lot of people is saying that being gay is sin and they will burn in hell but to be frank one sin is not greater than the next when you cheat on your spouse that's a sin when you lie that's a sin and so on and so one so think before you try to down size some one
Beside the Bliblical view, this is something that is against nature. faceless gay come out of your hiding if gay is never a sin-
EDUCATION WITHOUT THE KNOWLEDGE OF JESUS CHRIST(GOD) MAKES YOU A CLEVER DEVIL! Posted: at 6-07-2011 04:57 PM (13 years ago) | Upcoming | |
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andyrado at 6-07-2011 05:04 PM (13 years ago) (m) @queen is like you too its a gay...for God sake why would they be given an equal right with normal human beings..cos they definetely ain't normal dis way....God firbid you and them
im not gay but i ve friends that are gay and they deserve to belong to the matter what. y'all not suppose to be judging them. what the hell are u talking about huh? why is it that when ppl kick against wat is detestable as this, the next rubbish u hear ppl talking is 'don't judge!'... who told u they are being judged? when did condemning a bad trait automatically becomes judgement? we condemn the ACT and NOT the ppl practicing it (that one concern them and God)... Jesus did condemn fornication but didn't condemn the prostitute .... get the fact straight and stop looking for loopholes to justify shit! what is BAD is BAD no two ways about it! Gosh! well Hun listen, the ACT is what makes them who they are so when you condemn it, your condeming them too. Get it? no i dont! cos to me, u invariably telling me to keep my mouth shot for wat is bad simply becos others are doing it cheap lessbians are alover here, my brother the girl in question is berserk as u can see.@queeniegreen, for not toeing the path of righteousness and forsaking your evil ways, God says "if a sinner dies in his sin and u did not warn him/her to repent, He will require his/her blood from you", be careful with your pseudo "judging" cheap church-goings.time up for all sinners who refuse to ashamed to see you on net
EDUCATION WITHOUT THE KNOWLEDGE OF JESUS CHRIST(GOD) MAKES YOU A CLEVER DEVIL! Posted: at 6-07-2011 05:04 PM (13 years ago) | Upcoming | |
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andyrado at 6-07-2011 05:04 PM (13 years ago) (m) @queen is like you too its a gay...for God sake why would they be given an equal right with normal human beings..cos they definetely ain't normal dis way....God firbid you and them
im not gay but i ve friends that are gay and they deserve to belong to the matter what. y'all not suppose to be judging them. what the hell are u talking about huh? why is it that when ppl kick against wat is detestable as this, the next rubbish u hear ppl talking is 'don't judge!'... who told u they are being judged? when did condemning a bad trait automatically becomes judgement? we condemn the ACT and NOT the ppl practicing it (that one concern them and God)... Jesus did condemn fornication but didn't condemn the prostitute .... get the fact straight and stop looking for loopholes to justify shit! what is BAD is BAD no two ways about it! Gosh! well Hun listen, the ACT is what makes them who they are so when you condemn it, your condeming them too. Get it? no i dont! cos to me, u invariably telling me to keep my mouth shot for wat is bad simply becos others are doing it cheap lesbians are allover here, my brother the girl in question is berserk as u can see.@queeniegreen, for not toeing the path of righteousness and forsaking your evil ways, God says "if a sinner dies in his sin and u did not warn him/her to repent, He will require his/her blood from you", be careful with your pseudo "judging" cheap church-goings.time up for all sinners who refuse to ashamed to see you on net
EDUCATION WITHOUT THE KNOWLEDGE OF JESUS CHRIST(GOD) MAKES YOU A CLEVER DEVIL! Posted: at 6-07-2011 05:04 PM (13 years ago) | Upcoming | |
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vantheo at 6-07-2011 07:30 PM (13 years ago) (m) i see that a lot of people is saying that being gay is sin and they will burn in hell but to be frank one sin is not greater than the next when you cheat on your spouse that's a sin when you lie that's a sin and so on and so one so think before you try to down size some one
There are some sins that are deadly like pride or greed. Blasphemy is also a deadly sin which you might not be forgiven if you commit it. So stop using that 'sin is sin' mentality
I'm vantheo! And i'm...........AWESOME!!!!! Posted: at 6-07-2011 07:30 PM (13 years ago) | Hero | |
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stan4stars at 6-07-2011 07:35 PM (13 years ago) (m) na waaoo endtime Posted: at 6-07-2011 07:35 PM (13 years ago) | Newbie | |
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Jimmyd72 at 6-07-2011 09:51 PM (13 years ago) (m) This is the worst form of Sin on earth. The church of England has been living in Sin and ALL the Clergies associated with this including the Archbishop should repent of their sins cause the Wrath of God going to come down on them like it did with Soddom and Gomorrah if they don't. May God Help US. This is the more reason while it is good that the Anglican Church in Nigeria pulled out of the umbrella of Church of England. I Believe they all need deliverance and repentance. Posted: at 6-07-2011 09:51 PM (13 years ago) | Newbie | |
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lmfaoo y'all too funny. Being gay is not a sin. its a choice. i bet y'all didnt know that drinking, smoking etc are all sins.. if yu gonna come here and start saying all these rubbish against gays and how it is ungodly maybe then y'all should go read ur bible again and see that soo many things u do on daily basis are considered sin too.. idont care if u think im a lesbian or what not..its not gon take nothing away from me. ALL IKNOW IS THAT CHURCHES, PRIEST, PEOPLE AND ETC SHOULD BE ABLE TO ACCEPT GAYS AND NOT TRY TO EXCLUDE THEM FROM THE SOCIETY... Posted: at 7-07-2011 01:23 AM (13 years ago) | Newbie | |
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i see that a lot of people is saying that being gay is sin and they will burn in hell but to be frank one sin is not greater than the next when you cheat on your spouse that's a sin when you lie that's a sin and so on and so one so think before you try to down size some one
Useless comment!!! No one is here for sin comparison. I've read all through the comments and no one is comparing small sins to bigger sins. We (excluding you) are all saying it's totally wrong and should not be practiced in the church or even among humans. Even animals are wise and smart enough not to sleep with their fellow animals of same sex. They always go for the opposite sex. So why can't human being be more smarter than animals? and why can't you be more smart to differentiate wrong from right?
KINDLY IGNORE ANY TYPING ERROR, IT'S CALLED SLIP OF FINGER.  R.I.P HATERS.  Posted: at 7-07-2011 02:47 AM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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lmfaoo y'all too funny. Being gay is not a sin. its a choice. i bet y'all didnt know that drinking, smoking etc are all sins.. if yu gonna come here and start saying all these rubbish against gays and how it is ungodly maybe then y'all should go read ur bible again and see that soo many things u do on daily basis are considered sin too.. idont care if u think im a lesbian or what not..its not gon take nothing away from me. ALL IKNOW IS THAT CHURCHES, PRIEST, PEOPLE AND ETC SHOULD BE ABLE TO ACCEPT GAYS AND NOT TRY TO EXCLUDE THEM FROM THE SOCIETY...
Useless comment!!! No one is here for sin comparison. I've read all through the comments and no one is comparing small sins to bigger sins. We (excluding you) are all saying it's totally wrong and should not be practiced in the church or even among humans. Even animals are wise and smart enough not to sleep with their fellow animals of same sex. They always go for the opposite sex. So why can't human being be more smarter than animals? and why can't you be more smart to differentiate wrong from right?
KINDLY IGNORE ANY TYPING ERROR, IT'S CALLED SLIP OF FINGER.  R.I.P HATERS.  Posted: at 7-07-2011 02:49 AM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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Innoscent at 7-07-2011 04:43 AM (13 years ago) (m) .
I AM POZITIV3LY DIFF3R3NT... Posted: at 7-07-2011 04:43 AM (13 years ago) | Upcoming | |
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vantheo at 7-07-2011 08:09 AM (13 years ago) (m) lmfaoo y'all too funny. Being gay is not a sin. its a choice. i bet y'all didnt know that drinking, smoking etc are all sins.. if yu gonna come here and start saying all these rubbish against gays and how it is ungodly maybe then y'all should go read ur bible again and see that soo many things u do on daily basis are considered sin too.. idont care if u think im a lesbian or what not..its not gon take nothing away from me. ALL IKNOW IS THAT CHURCHES, PRIEST, PEOPLE AND ETC SHOULD BE ABLE TO ACCEPT GAYS AND NOT TRY TO EXCLUDE THEM FROM THE SOCIETY...
you are very foolish i must say. being gay is no sin right? You're the one dat needs go and read ur bible and tell me why God destroyed sodom & gomorah. By d looks of it its only 10 commandments you know.
I'm vantheo! And i'm...........AWESOME!!!!! Posted: at 7-07-2011 08:09 AM (13 years ago) | Hero | |
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Orlegio at 7-07-2011 09:09 AM (13 years ago) (m) Reply |