She has already been tipped as the favorite to win this years Miss England 2011, she is the first Nigerian to achieve such a feat.
She has already won the Miss London peagent, so she is representing London in the Miss England 2011. You can see how pretty she is, that proves that she is a REAL NIGERIAN; the African queens, daughter of the soil.
Please come back home with the crown when you win, I heard there are some expensive diamonds on it.
He is her Bio:
I started to have a strong interest in acting since I was a child and at the age of 10 decided to audition for a professional theatre and was accepted, then spent 4 years acting and touring with them around the Europe. Working in the theatre gave me a chance to develop my social skills and raised my cultural awareness. I started modelling when I was 11 and since then has appeared [/b]in several commercials, fashion magazines, London Fashion Week and had an opportunity to work with some of the best creatives in the industry and part-take in many charitable events. This has also opened the door to gaining some experience as a TV presenter, which improved my communication skills and confidence in public speaking.
Talent Writing is one of my big passions and something that has become a part of my lifestyle from a very young age. One of my short stories was published in a book and sold nationwide in Ukraine. I often take part in creative writing competitions and would love to become a successful author one day. Fitness plays a big role for me, not just to stay in shape, but to have a healthy cheerful spirit; therefore I have represented school at sprinting competitions for 2 years and later did this professionally demonstrating determination and self-discipline. Also as any other women I love dance and have dedicated more than 10 years to dancing pop, modern-jazz and ballet.
Ambitions In the future I would want to have a position in life when I can inspire people, lift-up their spirit and help them believe in themselves. Education is one of my top priorities in life. At the moment I am on the full time LLB law course in University of London South Bank and at the same time studying to become a free-lance journalism with British College of journalism. I love learning new languages and bi-lingual in Russian and Ukrainian I want to study French in near future.
I specialize in investigative reportage across several subject matter and sectors but mainly focus on metro events and investigation. Do leave your thoughts and opinion on my reports to let me know what you think about them. Thank you
Posted: at 16-07-2011 01:30 PM (13 years ago) | Addicted Hero
EDDYPRINCE at 16-07-2011 02:15 PM (13 years ago) (m)
nice one, this is the type of news we need to be hearing abt naija not BOKO HARAM.... the spirit of naija is behind you, GO GIRL THE CROWN IS YOURS.....CONGRATULAAAAAAAAAAAAAATIONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN.....
Posted: at 16-07-2011 02:15 PM (13 years ago) | Addicted Hero