I wanted us to have a thread where we can just stop in and give GOD GLORY for all of the Wonderful things he has done, is doing and will do. So, it is my prayer that at least once a day you will stop in and tell the Lord, THANK YOU!
You may post the words to your favorite song. Give a personal Testimony or Just say Thank You Jesus. Whatever, you choose to post just make sure that it gives glory to God. I know that there are people of other faiths on Naijapals. You are not discouraged from posting. I want ALL of us to REMEMBER that giving glory to the True and Living God will not allow you to harm others. So please, save the wahala for another thread. This thread is about giving God Glory and Thanksgiving!
So, I want to start the thread off with a song dedication to God and to Naijapals all over the world. We may never meet each other on this earth but it is my prayer that members of Naijapals will meet in HEAVEN! God Bless you ALL!
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