WICKEDNESS! Ethnic clash averted as Hausa youths murdered a Yoruba man in Lagos (Page 38)

Date: 19-03-2012 7:23 pm (12 years ago) | Author: Akeem Jaffe Jaffa
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- egherne at 23-03-2012 07:50 AM (12 years ago)
Quote from: jeromchis on 23-03-2012 06:46 AM

Hey wey you? you are even siting as if u are about to get fcukt be some Alahaji's,ain't that your house ?
Is tough world here in NJ,you doll silicon p**sy,who has even rated you as a human being talk less of a bitch dick sucker..
we are here addressing National Issue's while u dumb bastard is only looking for whom to show your dirty panties to...
Is high time we start killing of any body that is against our growth/development in this country
I'm pain for our Nation backwardness instead of our youths to fight for better future they only follow
the footstep of there father which is tribalism, marginalization,hate,greed etc
I will get u soon and wipe a shariah hell out of u moron imbecile smelling c*@t like u !!! 

You two really match,with what you just wrote,u are qualified to teach apes and gorillas in the zoo..wait,are u dating? Like seriously phyuking each other? I hope u are playing safe cos I can't stand having another imbecile baby on this site,you as the guy looks like a pig,the woman looks like hippopotamus sweet pete what an awful combination.
I think u even have a little sense,what are u supposed to discuss on forums like this? Isn't it the way forward in ur country? All you ever write about is insults,tribal wars,religion wars,you do not have love to one another,no ethno-tolerance,how can u ever move forward,there's no post u open,u must see a set of hyena looking fools who constitutes nuisance to such post. Majority of you are half learned,just the two of you alone has proved to me how dumb a typical easterner could be,the few friends I have are somewhat different from  what you are exhibiting so I put it to u that you weren't well brought up.
The way forward in nigeria is not by attacking every individuals that make comments here,your father does not phyuking own the site,every individual registered freely,it starts with you training yourself in a manner as to useful to your nation. Stop displaying thugery and hooligalism,be modest in ur ways and there would be solutions in nigeria.
Posted: at 23-03-2012 07:50 AM (12 years ago) | Newbie
- fateewase at 23-03-2012 09:26 AM (12 years ago)
Quote from: egherne on 22-03-2012 11:49 PM
If anyone will talk bout being noticed then I guess its u and whoever u are involved together,abusive words on every posts like "u know it all" if any other post a comment contrary to your own,you lynch on the person like u are a god,if u were a god,I wonder what would happen,everyone under u would die in fear,no one would talk all cos some scumbags are talking on a public site,dammit u suck like a seven vomit.
Choi,like d beginning of action movie for naija "gegengegen"
Yes o,another match don show,fatee don rest...oya na let the show begin.
But this babas u harsh for words o
Posted: at 23-03-2012 09:26 AM (12 years ago) | Upcoming
- fateewase at 23-03-2012 09:29 AM (12 years ago)
Quote from: open_reality on 23-03-2012 02:46 AM
hahahahahahaha cheap nursery rhyme. For your info i'm a combination of the south/east. Work out the maths yourself if you've got brain. Grin Grin for your info, I WILL NOT PUT UP MY PIX HERE MYSELF COS I'M TOO SPECIAL FOR THAT. Seriously bitch, just tell me the mad woman that gave you that wig and i'll let you go. Looking at your pix alone crack me up so hard.  Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin You've got serious scores to settle with your mum. She should have aborted you instead of vomiting a maggot like you. Ewwwwwwwww Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin
They don win u..all ur talk na repeat...Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin
Posted: at 23-03-2012 09:29 AM (12 years ago) | Upcoming
- egherne at 23-03-2012 09:41 AM (12 years ago)
Quote from: fateewase on 23-03-2012 09:26 AM
Choi,like d beginning of action movie for naija "gegengegen"
Yes o,another match don show,fatee don rest...oya na let the show begin.
But this babas u harsh for words o
Seriously maami,ah wish you are in anyway different from her,u are birds of a feather,saw ur sick posts too and concluded on the same thing for you two. You need to get a life.
Posted: at 23-03-2012 09:41 AM (12 years ago) | Newbie
- usman212s at 23-03-2012 10:33 AM (12 years ago)
Quote from: egherne on 23-03-2012 09:41 AM
Seriously maami,ah wish you are in anyway different from her,u are birds of a feather,saw ur sick posts too and concluded on the same thing for you two. You need to get a life.
i saw your sick posts too......
wow so much bitterness and hatred in
your posts. You really are no better than
the people you declare you hate.
...... Free fateewase joooo!
Posted: at 23-03-2012 10:33 AM (12 years ago) | Upcoming
- kebella at 23-03-2012 11:49 AM (12 years ago)
Quote from: egherne on 22-03-2012 10:48 PM
Wtf,which planet are you from? Mars I guess or land of the alliens....who is following ur comments,you got outrightly majority of the comments here and its only a blind man that wouldn't see all the craps that you wrote here,damn u bitch am supposed to call u a woman but naaa,u look and write like an ex-convict,sweet pete are you sick or something?
I just made an observation,do u fcuking own this site or can't  any other person make a comment all cos u ninnie-witty is here. Go fcuk urself bitch.
hahahahahha luk at dis retired expired sex-worker.........don call me a woman call me a man bcos thats d reason yu ve been following me honeypot................sicko if ur seeking for attention HELL NO yu not getting it 4rm us bcos ur simply a dog cock sucking fat pig --------- kip on dwelling in ur foolishness fag

Posted: at 23-03-2012 11:49 AM (12 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- open_reality at 23-03-2012 11:50 AM (12 years ago)
Quote from: egherne on 23-03-2012 07:50 AM
You two really match,with what you just wrote,u are qualified to teach apes and gorillas in the zoo..wait,are u dating? Like seriously fcuking each other? I hope u are playing safe cos I can't stand having another imbecile baby on this site,you as the guy looks like a pig,the woman looks like hippopotamus sweet pete what an awful combination.
I think u even have a little sense,what are u supposed to discuss on forums like this? Isn't it the way forward in ur country? All you ever write about is insults,tribal wars,religion wars,you do not have love to one another,no ethno-tolerance,how can u ever move forward,there's no post u open,u must see a set of hyena looking fools who constitutes nuisance to such post. Majority of you are half learned,just the two of you alone has proved to me how dumb a typical easterner could be,the few friends I have are somewhat different from  what you are exhibiting so I put it to u that you weren't well brought up.
The way forward in nigeria is not by attacking every individuals that make comments here,your father does not fcuking own the site,every individual registered freely,it starts with you training yourself in a manner as to useful to your nation. Stop displaying thugery and hooligalism,be modest in ur ways and there would be solutions in nigeria.

Wow!!! Isn’t it funny how some people preach peace yet practice violence? Judging by ALL the comments you've made on this post, can you pls tell me and every decent reader here, what positive contribution have you made? I've seen your kinds a thousand times from all walks of life and trust me bitch, I’m shocked to my teeth that you still have the guts to talk about peace. If there's any organization for biased and hypocrites, I suggest you start looking at that direction for a future career. I’m 100% sure you'll succeed if you choose to contest even as the head of such organization. You've got every qualities expected of hypocrite. I'm forced to ask you this question base on your bizarre statement as highlighted in your comment; are you not a Nigerian? Why do scumbags like you deem it necessary to announce to the world that you're not based in Nigeria? For the  fact that You're lucky to get a visa to Mali does not mean you're better off than people in Nigeria ok? A close look at your picture clearly tells a different story from your profile. Your profile says you're currently based in Amsterdam, but your pix looks like someone dying of starvation in a war-ravaged country. Let me draw your attention to something idiots like you will never know. Naijapals CANNOT CHANGE ANYTHING IN NIGERIA. Over the years, our government and animals like you have done enough talking to draw attention, but less working to cause a change. The fact that you've chosen to be dumb and deluded gives me greater hope that someday, every mad person in Nigeria would be normal again. Whoever told you that naijapals is a platform to transform Nigeria must be deluded and psychotic like you. I consider this site to be a  fair ground to express my thoughts on the issues ravaging my beloved country. That includes politics, antisocial behaviour, and of course religion. I also make out time to hunt for morons to start silly arguments with and free myself from boredom thus i found you.  Grin Grin  Seriously i still can't figure out why some bingo's(you're not exception) choose to take naijapals too serious. C'mon bitch, loosen a bit and stop getting all emotional. There’s nothing wrong in taking the piss out of someone once in a while.  Grin Grin Grin Least I forget, why do you base all your swearing on the cross breeding of humans and animals? Does it have any special meaning to you? it seem to me you've got a skeleton in your cupboard you've not disclosed yet. Hang on a minute; is that really you on that picture? Please tell me that isn’t you babes.  You look like something the devil patched together on a busy Monday morning. "Yawning".................pls i need someone with good sense of humour. Next pls------------>>>>>>

Posted: at 23-03-2012 11:50 AM (12 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- open_reality at 23-03-2012 11:54 AM (12 years ago)
Quote from: fateewase on 23-03-2012 09:29 AM
They don win u..all ur talk na repeat...Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin

When i said "watch the drama unfold", i wasn't mixing words. Just like i expected. Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin

Posted: at 23-03-2012 11:54 AM (12 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- kebella at 23-03-2012 11:55 AM (12 years ago)
Quote from: egherne on 22-03-2012 11:49 PM
If anyone will talk bout being noticed then I guess its u and whoever u are involved together,abusive words on every posts like "u know it all" if any other post a comment contrary to your own,you lynch on the person like u are a god,if u were a god,I wonder what would happen,everyone under u would die in fear,no one would talk all cos some scumbags are talking on a public site,dammit u suck like a seven vomit.
compound bitch ur giving me a reason to bliv ur not new here bcos i wonder how on hell yu got to no all this shit ur saying ........ why re yu showing off ur frustration n' anger on here............we re not the cause of ur leaking honeypot twerp..........take ur sorrowful waste life outta n' drop dead at least that wil end ur frustration hoe...........i wonder what a classic moron lik yu think yu re ........ugly hag

Posted: at 23-03-2012 11:55 AM (12 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- kebella at 23-03-2012 12:03 PM (12 years ago)
Quote from: egherne on 22-03-2012 11:42 PM
Then I guess u have gone nuts to think u or any other bitch would give me order..,I saw something not too good and I have every fcuking right to make a comment,I aint no baby that u would scare with words..do u fcuking own the site or why do you wanna become a landlord over another person's property. Freedom of speech here bitch,I would rather advise you don't step on ma toes...who the fcuk do you think you are..queen of the bedbugs or what. fcuk off
hoe ur so pathetic Cool yu saw something not too good n' yu ve the phyuking right to comment ............yu see ur life hag same way we saw something bad n' commented on it then since yu no the site is freedom of speech why re yu making a shit of urself skullphyuk.....aint yu so confused felch.......i'll advise yu not 2 start a war yu wouldn't end bcos we ve dealt with ur likes n' guess what c*@t some of them join the league some wimp lik yu delete their accounts........if ur here to ve fun just dont step on our toes........hop yu copy that phyuk hole

Posted: at 23-03-2012 12:03 PM (12 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- kebella at 23-03-2012 12:09 PM (12 years ago)
Quote from: egherne on 23-03-2012 12:21 AM
She-goat daughter of a beserk woman,u could go on top of a live pole and dance disco for all I care,whooa,is that ur fcuking mission here,to seek husband? Sweet pete,u look like u gonna die soon so why waste ur time seekin a man again,u so much look like my puppy's pooh,asian dog with boobs sweeping the floor..for ur information moronic imbecile...ur time is up cos ur days are counting already.
fat head i thot yu said ur aint enjoying the beef wtf re yu doing now Huh? singing praises or speaking in tongue......yu reminded me of a dog who eat its vomit........dickhole didn't ur man phyuk yu well lastnyt that ur displaying ur anger on net or did he jilt yu Huh? ur so disgusting assmucus.........dog shit eating sycophant ...........jerk off hoe

Posted: at 23-03-2012 12:09 PM (12 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- kebella at 23-03-2012 12:16 PM (12 years ago)
Quote from: egherne on 23-03-2012 12:35 AM
Wait there bitch,did I just read this from u? "Good citizen of nigeria" wow,u are nothing but a wasted child,u have succeeded in being a nuisance to ur household,ur community and nigeria as a whole,with most of ur fcuking comments that have read here,you deserved to be castrated like a dog that you are,shot on the arms and on the legs so that u become disabled after which you should be left to die gently and with ur dead body fed to the birds. Ma poppy is gonna find ur sick body palatable after I cook u in hot water and autoclave you so as not to get ma poppy infested. Ninnie-witty
shit phyuker yu re wh*re-duaghter crusty botch of nature ur meanest n' most wretched 2 ve vomit ddis trashy things ....yu bastard's daughter of a cheap slut...........give it up unless yu wanna smell what the gurls re cooking buttphyuk

Posted: at 23-03-2012 12:16 PM (12 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- open_reality at 23-03-2012 12:18 PM (12 years ago)
Quote from: egherne on 23-03-2012 07:18 AM
You know you are an upcoming learner when it comes to word,you sure need a brain check before you will go mad all cos of a fellow ladies picture,u are so obsessed with me and you are seriously tryna sort ursef out by giving ursef hope that u are something,a local champion and a nonentity calling somebody a lowlife..btw u and I who seriously looks like she's suffering? Oops,u look like a vomit from ma poppy,don't cry mofo we are only catching fun..henceforth follow me on every post like the ooze coming outta ma fart.

Here comes the prof of english innit? Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin sadist!!! That's how best i can describe your life. When people begin to flatter themselves, it clearly means they feel intimidated. You're indeed an illiterate and you've got yourself alone to blame and no one else. As for your question "u and I who seriously looks like she's suffering" the answer if YOU!!! You keep going on about "puppy puppy puppy" cos you wish you had one.  Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin You could barely fend for yourself and you're yakking about a puppy? Please bury your head in shame when reasonable people are talking. You can always count on me when it comes to taking the mickey out of someone.  Grin Grin Grin i'll pick on you on every single post you and that's for sure.  Grin Grin

Posted: at 23-03-2012 12:18 PM (12 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- kebella at 23-03-2012 12:24 PM (12 years ago)
Quote from: egherne on 23-03-2012 03:04 AM
Yeah combination of south and east I thought as much,now no need beating about the bush,I see the reason you aint polished,u couldn't even make a complete sentence with good english,thinking seriously,are u gonna die if make a whole sentence in a language everybody understands? You talk like south east housemaids, u need to step up ur game ninnie,you are seriously annoying with ur vulgarity..
You are only ashamed to show ur pix here cos I already described what you look like. By the way pig, stop uploading my pix here cos u make a fool of ursef,u want people to actually that was u??? Dammit,u can only try but I bet u would never be ahead. Imma train you with words cos I see u are just coming up.
damn!! shut up fat pig yu aint worth a shit 4 anyone 2 use ur ugly fat pix 2 poss hoe Grin Grin Grin u mad ugly just look at u n' look at that ugly cheap outfit poor thang Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy

Posted: at 23-03-2012 12:24 PM (12 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- kebella at 23-03-2012 12:28 PM (12 years ago)
Quote from: egherne on 23-03-2012 12:44 AM
Jeez,simple construction of english is what gave u so much headache...dummy,are u afraid of me? Why are ur fingers shaking like and addicted smoker,did u rather type with ur anus instead of ur fingers,you wish u got a family but I see from the frustration coming outta ur body that u are an abandoned child that had no care,u were left in the bin where you were picked up by members of less privileged child association of ur god-forsaken village..speak the right english I understand and stop using ur local dry dialect here. And u case u need an interpreter I would def get u one. Bloody opportunist also likes good life...moron
phyuktoy bounce that stakk........ bounce that stack............ damn u got some big fake silicon balloons Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked get lost crappy head ur so damn fat........ yu stupidz slutz Angry Angry Angry Angry

Posted: at 23-03-2012 12:28 PM (12 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- open_reality at 23-03-2012 12:30 PM (12 years ago)
Quote from: egherne on 23-03-2012 07:28 AM
Yes all you ever speak is dumb english in local ways,who fcuking cares where u leave, that doesn't matter but what matters is what really comes outta ur stinking gutter called mouth. You have to keep it all local cos that what the fcuk you are,I told you already,if what you look like is actually the way God created all women,I bet you no man is gonna get married. Eastern housemaid,you look so miserable like you ve been doing laundry since you was born,you even type like you are afraid to touch the keypad. As a confident woman who stands high above every other lady I hereby condemn u to eternal life in darkness do u know ur offense,u are so ugly and yet u got no brain  Grin Grin

Here we go again with this english "thingy" Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin c'mon bitch you can do better than that. btw what happened to all the coma's in this world? seriously i can't find any in your comment and that makes the reading more harder. Grin Grin Grin Anyone who reads your comments and then take a very good look at your picture would laugh their head out. You're so ugly you make a maggot look sexy. Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin I hereby condemn you to ur disgusting village where you belong. Ewwwww..........your face makes me puke.  Angry Angry Angry Angry Wink Wink

Posted: at 23-03-2012 12:30 PM (12 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- kebella at 23-03-2012 12:40 PM (12 years ago)
Quote from: egherne on 23-03-2012 02:06 AM
Oh no,I always hear it that girls trip for girls but you just proved it to me that its true,sweet pete,u are so jealous of all the things u counted in ma body that u couldn't even hide it a little,what a shame...you already know that when it comes to body beauty,you are fighting a lost cause.
Ordinarily people live and learn. You just live.
People can't say that you have absolutely nothing. After
all, you have inferiority!
Perhaps your whole purpose in life is simply to serve as a
warning to others.
Someone said you are not fit to sleep with pigs. I stuck up
for the pigs.
The inbreeding is certainly obvious in your family.
We all spring from apes but you didn't spring far enough.
We'll get along fine as soon as you realize I'm God.
When you fell out of the ugly tree, you hit every branch on
the way down.
When you were a child your mother wanted to hire someone to take care of you but the Mafia wanted too much.
When you were born, God admitted that even He could make a mistake!
You are about as useful as a windshield wiper on a goat's dick
You are living proof that manure can grow legs and walk.
You have an inferiority complex - and it's fully justified.
Aren't you the poster child for birth control?
Your so stupid you make me look smart.

skank i thot yu said ur most intelligent why da phyuk re yu using google insults bitch Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked OPEN_REALITY this HOE is not ur match at all if she cant defend herself n' use her head rather than cope n' paste lols i bliv ur a cheap slut fat ass cock walk Grin Grin Grin ur mates re in school studying n' ur busy sucking all the dick in brothel ugly infested honeypot fart...........puaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahh i curse the day yu were born cum freak ...........bring it on bitch imma feed yu with my pooh silly 50 yard c*@t punt Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry

Posted: at 23-03-2012 12:40 PM (12 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- kebella at 23-03-2012 12:47 PM (12 years ago)
Quote from: egherne on 23-03-2012 03:12 AM
Yawning wide,hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...........pig,you are one hell of a lizard,the worst woman have had exchange of words with,u aint creative neither are u educating..u suddenly become dry like you got sore-throat...damn u and ur likes...next time,when I talk u keep quite,I don't follow orders but u rather follow me. Allow people have peaceful comments on this site and stop attacking them like wolves. I actually thought u were brilliant when we were about starting,I never knew u would end up rubbing ur tongue on the sand. YOU ARE SIMPLY A LOSER.
suck a fat baby's dick wh*re.........yu ve already embrace the heat ............yu cant stand it anymore guess ur backing off fat freak Grin Grin yu smell lik broccoli by the way Lips Sealed

Posted: at 23-03-2012 12:47 PM (12 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- kebella at 23-03-2012 01:02 PM (12 years ago)
Quote from: open_reality on 23-03-2012 12:18 PM
Here comes the prof of english innit? Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin sadist!!! That's how best i can describe your life. When people begin to flatter themselves, it clearly means they feel intimidated. You're indeed an illiterate and you've got yourself alone to blame and no one else. As for your question "u and I who seriously looks like she's suffering" the answer if YOU!!! You keep going on about "puppy puppy puppy" cos you wish you had one.  Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin You could barely fend for yourself and you're yakking about a puppy? Please bury your head in shame when reasonable people are talking. You can always count on me when it comes to taking the mickey out of someone.  Grin Grin Grin i'll pick on you on every single post you and that's for sure.  Grin Grin
that reminds of a proverb which states that an empty vessels makes the most noise...........leave that crappy head to bury herself in shame.....she wil be shamefully disgrace outta of NP just lik her likes.............wetin dey babes ...........long 4 Vera babe where the hell ve she been..........she need to give this lil twat her taste of venom too,.......ride on babes ''WE RE THE BIG DEAL'' Kiss Kiss Kiss Kiss Kiss

Posted: at 23-03-2012 01:02 PM (12 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- open_reality at 23-03-2012 01:02 PM (12 years ago)
Quote from: kebella on 23-03-2012 12:40 PM
skank i thot yu said ur most intelligent why da fcuk re yu using google insults bitch Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked OPEN_REALITY this HOE is not ur match at all if she cant defend herself n' use her head rather than cope n' paste lols i bliv ur a cheap slut fat ass cock walk Grin Grin Grin ur mates re in school studying n' ur busy sucking all the dick in brothel ugly infested p**sy fart...........puaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahh i curse the day yu were born cum freak ...........bring it on bitch imma feed yu with my pooh silly 50 yard c*@t punt Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry

She's a cheap thing. check out her pix. Local champ! Grin Grin Grin Grin

Posted: at 23-03-2012 01:02 PM (12 years ago) | Gistmaniac
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