Bj1st at 21-03-2012 04:04 PM (12 years ago) (m) Its u dat didnt get d point,dis money is 4 ex millitants,nt 4 NNDC nor naijadeltans,its jst lyk govt carting out 70bn 2 bokoharam,plz dnt get me wrong...N dis is d result of Nigeria being a failed state whrby a group cn influence d decision of d govt,both directly & indirectly...The money is going 2sme individuals pocket,&nt 4 structural development...Plz cn u get me nw?
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Boswilly at 21-03-2012 04:08 PM (12 years ago) (f) Infact this dokubo look like bokoharam, monkey dey work bamboo dey chop Posted: at 21-03-2012 04:08 PM (12 years ago) | Newbie | |
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dickman2 at 21-03-2012 04:15 PM (12 years ago) (m) Infact this dokubo look like bokoharam, monkey dey work bamboo dey chop  see your ugly face..idiot.. Posted: at 21-03-2012 04:15 PM (12 years ago) | Addicted Hero | |
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when he sees all these money being 'chopped' by polithievicians, why wont he ask for more money? Posted: at 21-03-2012 04:18 PM (12 years ago) | Upcoming | |
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Kennyg428 at 21-03-2012 04:22 PM (12 years ago) (m) D truth is that Niger Delta are paying a price with thier land and health due to oil exploitation. D deserve to control thier wealth. Tell me why the headquaters of oil companies shd be in Lagos and Abuja?
Coz of destructions harboured by d millitants..Who r d directors of d refineries?(whites)...r dey nt foreigners?(dey r)..Cnt we b there?(We cn)..Who maks mst constructn works in 9ja?(whites)...why r dey runnin(insecurity of life:kidnapping)...R we ready 2 take our stand in construction,e.g roads,bridges,etc(No)...Y no(coz of illiteracy)...Wil u go 2 schl?(No)...Y no again?(We prfr being a millitant)...NOTE:Govt cnt employ an illiterate as a manager,except frm CSO/guards dat dey offers us...Lets try & reason hw 9jadelta cn b transformd,even d hoples educatd presidnt dat is frm ther,who suposd 2 think well didnt do dat,bt hardened our burden wit subsidy rmoval,wen he ws aware of poverty in d area,is he nt crazy?...Wat i xpectd of him is free edu &health services 1st,den followd by infrastructural developmnt..Y wnt he 4get us wen he budget 1bn 4 hs feedin,n 800m 4 hs vice,n we r here dying of hungr..I knw sm pple wil stil get me wrng,i'l wnt blame dem,its d nature of we nigerians...
I don't talk coz people are talking,but i does coz i want to.... Posted: at 21-03-2012 04:22 PM (12 years ago) | Upcoming | |
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chimax33 at 21-03-2012 04:37 PM (12 years ago) (m) Reply |
Kennyg428 at 21-03-2012 04:45 PM (12 years ago) (m) Some states? What are doz some states bringing to the table? what are they contributing to the developement of Naija? And just for the record, Niger-Delta is not a state - It's made up of Five states (Bayelsa, Delta, Rivers, Akwa-Ibom and Cross river). Boy, wake up from ur slumber!
Electricity is frm whr?...Y cnt Niger state citizens vandalise d power station coz of their watr?....2 wrongs doesnt make a right,im nt against niger-delta dev,bt my concern is on d little pockets dat dis money is entering while d masses continue livin wit d notion of "struggle continues"...Dokubo wudnt av complained if nt coz of d share he's expecting.Note:no matr hw huge d money is,it cnt solv d prblm coz we dnt knw d total amount of millitants,n its nt all d millitants dat rendered their amunition,nw al of dem wil av interest in d money which wil caus controversy or mayhem..jst wait n c..
I don't talk coz people are talking,but i does coz i want to.... Posted: at 21-03-2012 04:45 PM (12 years ago) | Upcoming | |
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Kennyg428 at 21-03-2012 04:46 PM (12 years ago) (m) Some states? What are doz some states bringing to the table? what are they contributing to the developement of Naija? And just for the record, Niger-Delta is not a state - It's made up of Five states (Bayelsa, Delta, Rivers, Akwa-Ibom and Cross river). Boy, wake up from ur slumber!
Electricity is frm whr?...Y cnt Niger state citizens vandalise d power station coz of their watr?....2 wrongs doesnt make a right,im nt against niger-delta dev,bt my concern is on d little pockets dat dis money is entering while d masses continue livin wit d notion of "struggle continues"...Dokubo wudnt av complained if nt coz of d share he's expecting.Note:no matr hw huge d money is,it cnt solv d prblm coz we dnt knw d total amount of millitants,n its nt all d millitants dat rendered their amunition,nw al of dem wil av interest in d money which wil caus controversy or mayhem..jst wait n c..
I don't talk coz people are talking,but i does coz i want to.... Posted: at 21-03-2012 04:46 PM (12 years ago) | Upcoming | |
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chimax33 at 21-03-2012 04:56 PM (12 years ago) (m) go to gulf countries like kuwait, qatar, saudi arabia, oman, U.A.E and bahrain etc..every citizen is living same like their Emir, nigeria we can't emulate good things...from the so called politicians, religious, all this are full of evil in that country called nigeria...SRI LANKA is a small island country without any mineral resources but the government gave free health care and free education all citizens why we can't do the same in our dear country why are we so wicked??? and and one will say long live nigeria??which long live are you wishing a nation your killing in silence... is only in Nigeria and some parts of Africa all this is happening..i wonder no any brave activist that can come out and challenge this crazy politician even from religious back ground why??? ASARI IS FIGHTING FOR ONLY NIGER DELTA, WHY NOT FOR ALL NIGERIANS AT LARGE?? we are helpless in hands of our leaders it shouldn't be so.. they are the one suppose to be in our hands because we are the masses we are the youths we are leaders of tomorrow... like reason with me pals... Posted: at 21-03-2012 04:56 PM (12 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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chimax33 at 21-03-2012 05:02 PM (12 years ago) (m) Reply |
ebonyz at 21-03-2012 05:07 PM (12 years ago) (f) If actually the money will be used judiciously, then that sum is too small. I mean think about it from this angle. The people of Niger-Delta can't farm, Fish, hunt or any other means of agriculture. Oh...boy, If I were President, every Indegenes of that region deserves social benefits. I wish the money would be used for what It's budgeted for.
true talk Posted: at 21-03-2012 05:07 PM (12 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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otagermo at 21-03-2012 05:08 PM (12 years ago) (m) @poster amibo......waitin concern you...........the oil belong to them not to the north............una aboki too dey get big eyes for another people tins...........inshort......the amount should be,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,74billion dollar............. Posted: at 21-03-2012 05:08 PM (12 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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tomindyke at 21-03-2012 05:09 PM (12 years ago) (m) o boy na wetin Posted: at 21-03-2012 05:09 PM (12 years ago) | Upcoming | |
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Neglito at 21-03-2012 05:26 PM (12 years ago) (m) How on earth can you call this entity one country. There is too many division, hatred, animosity etc. Without unity there can never be progress be it in the North, South, East and West. To the Niger Deltans I say, you guys should better use the money wisely because soon the oil weels will dry up. I think we need each other in Nigeria. Posted: at 21-03-2012 05:26 PM (12 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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somcee4u at 21-03-2012 05:36 PM (12 years ago) (f) Electricity is frm whr?...Y cnt Niger state citizens vandalise d power station coz of their watr?....2 wrongs doesnt make a right,im nt against niger-delta dev,bt my concern is on d little pockets dat dis money is entering while d masses continue livin wit d notion of "struggle continues"...Dokubo wudnt av complained if nt coz of d share he's expecting.Note:no matr hw huge d money is,it cnt solv d prblm coz we dnt knw d total amount of millitants,n its nt all d millitants dat rendered their amunition,nw al of dem wil av interest in d money which wil caus controversy or mayhem..jst wait n c..
it is not d only dam in naija we have so rivers were it will be build dey are even lucky to use d money fr d oil to build dam 4 der area and we are taking about mineral resources not man made tin dat hv no effect. Posted: at 21-03-2012 05:36 PM (12 years ago) | Newbie | |
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etiese at 21-03-2012 05:48 PM (12 years ago) (m) you guys do not understand why the guy is upset. Lets start analysis. 1 why did the north relocated the Capital to Abuja? What is the justification for using Niger-Delta money to develope abuja? 2 NNPC. Why is the headquater of NNPC in Abuja and how many workers there are from NIger Delta? 3. PTDF Almost 100% of workers in PTDF are northeners 4. oil Comanies. Why must the headquaters of all major oil company be in Lagos and Abuja. 5. Environmental destruction. oil exploitation destroys the fishes in the water, pollute the air and make the soil uncultivatable 6. PIB why is the PIB bill not signed into law? 7. There is oil in the north, why r there not exploiting it? they are waiting to deplete Niger Delta reserve then tell them goodbye. 8. it is insulting for the north to say that oil found at 200km offshore is for the whole nation. 9. The oil that belong to the people of bakassi was given to camaroun and the oil wells from cross river and rivers state was given to Akwa Ibom to cause problem amonst the south south states 10. why must the money from Niger Delta be used to developed Nigeria when the Niger Deltans are not well taken care of? Posted: at 21-03-2012 05:48 PM (12 years ago) | Upcoming | |
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wilat at 21-03-2012 05:54 PM (12 years ago) (f) Useless man killing and kidnapping instead of him to ask for money to develop his land he is asking for militant money so they could purchase more weapon.
i love me Posted: at 21-03-2012 05:54 PM (12 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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Treasure2 at 21-03-2012 05:57 PM (12 years ago) (f) Reply |
see him stomach.. thief. Posted: at 21-03-2012 06:02 PM (12 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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Bantino at 21-03-2012 06:10 PM (12 years ago) (m) How much is enough then?? Posted: at 21-03-2012 06:10 PM (12 years ago) | Upcoming | |
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