1. OmoNobaUku on: President Tinubu Will Rescue Nigeria's Economy ..
    100% so, with all NGRNs playing their part in whatever little ways they can. I.e. small, medium or.. (3 minutes ago)
  2. gogoman on: JUST IN! Lagos APC Women Leader, Ramota Bankole..
    inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un (33 minutes ago)
  3. OmoNobaUku on: VIDEO; Nigerian Man Shocked To See Robot Delive..
    Those are people who are using their brains to develop value-added technology solutions to enhance.. (1 hour ago)
  4. OmoNobaUku on: Police Raid IPOB Camp, Arrest Four Suspects In ..
    Good. They are the true and real enemies of their people. Please put them down. Evil and nasty lot. (1 hour ago)
  5. Nakane54 on: VID: Presidency Slams Aisha Yesufu Over Allegat..
    Hello. Are you fond of gambling and would you like to start playing at Grand Rush Casino Austral.. (1 hour ago)