1. Dopybadass on: Some Side Chicks Exist To Make Marriages Work, ..
    Emmanuel ajiboye is a big fool, see your head like agama lizard suffering from kwashiorkor, povert.. (3 minutes ago)
  2. Dopybadass on: Why It's Better To Have Your Own Money That Dep..
    Tell them, expecially all these things brought up from Nigeria, no tell me how one politician go p.. (8 minutes ago)
  3. Dopybadass on: Lady, Temitope Arrested For Inserting Firewood ..
    Mad idiot, what your devilish mind just told you was to insert firewood inside her little pussy, y.. (12 minutes ago)
  4. Dopybadass on: Policeman, Two Armed Robbers Die In Foiled Abuj..
    Hmmm na wa oh, for FCT again (15 minutes ago)
  5. nikiniki on: Lady, Temitope Arrested For Inserting Firewood ..
    hmmm when men do this kind of thing, we often ask why? How many male genders are attacked in their.. (52 minutes ago)