1. SWORDMAN on: BREAKING: Federal Govt Increases Minimum Wage F..
    54k full salary for a month .. na wa ooo, money for 2 cheese burger and 1 fries. (6 minutes ago)
  2. nikiniki on: Contractor, Olugbenga Obadina Confesses to Rece..
    So, where the heck is the money, how did he get it out and the master culprit, Dasuki, where is he.. (1 hour ago)
  3. nikiniki on: Police Begin Investigation Of Chinese Manager W..
    He should have been lynched. So someone came to your land to maltreat you up to killing one of you.. (1 hour ago)
  4. nikiniki on: Why We May Not Accept N100,000 As Minimum Wage .. currency like that of zimbabwe. Very soon, you all will be using nylon bags carry m.. (1 hour ago)
  5. Jiiitk4 on: BREAKING: Federal Govt Increases Minimum Wage F..
    Peanut (1 hour ago)