1. Baye77 on: 'He Must Know How To Cook'- US Based Nigerian W..
    LoL.... Common guys give her a break... She's probably a stand up comedian rehearsing some of.. (1 minute ago)
  2. SWORDMAN on: Pay Women’s Salaries Into Their Husbands’ Accou..
    You  want to cause world war .. you want women to poison all the men.  Pls let them hold.. (12 minutes ago)
  3. Baye77 on: Joe Ajaero, And His NLC Gang Are Fighting A Pro..
    So it is time to pay Nigerian workers a decent wage now all of you turn to economist shouting infl.. (43 minutes ago)
  4. Baye77 on: NLC Member Demands Lawmakers To Be Placed On N3..
    Exactly my point!Not only the lawmakers, place ALL Nigerian politicians on minimum wage too. (53 minutes ago)
  5. KDoinspire on: Nigerians Are Deceiving You, You Look Old – Dee..
    Very ugly and useless guy. Depression is real. You can never blow. Go check Uselu junction. Na the.. (6 hours ago)