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201  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Picture of an area flooded in Delta State . on: 9-10-2012 05:53 PM
202  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Picture of an area flooded in Delta State . on: 9-10-2012 05:49 PM
 Shocked Shocked
203  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Picture of an area flooded in Delta State . on: 9-10-2012 05:46 PM

OMG my Community for the matter i went and took this photos myself let it not be dem say dem say..
The Southern part of delta State, ( The Isoko) is totally gone with water(flood) at as yesterday i took the below photos, And the rate at which the water flows is much i.e it increases every minutes.
This area's are Oleh, Uzere, Irri, Emede, Igbide, Enhwe, Olomoro As well as Ozoro. This is really getting out of hands, Na wetin na, My own House is gone on water see as it is on the photos below.
I will upload the video soon which navigate both outside inside of houses
Water Flooding
204  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Father squanders money raised for the treatment of 1-year son. on: 22-09-2012 08:58 PM

Father squanders money raised for the treatment of 1-year-old son.

There is a sad development in the case of Baby Kelechi, who has a hole in his heart and paralysis on his left hand. Here is what Linda Ikeji is reporting:
In June 2012, I put up a post here asking you guys to help a little baby called Kelechi – the little angel with a hole in the heart and paralysis on his left hand.
Baby Kelechi (now 1 year and 3months) was only about two weeks old when his parent noticed some changes in him which included fast breathing, sleepless nights and frequent fatigue amongst other things. He had problem ingesting food and had to be fed through his nose. Hospitals they visited gave several diagnosis which included Malaria, Fever and related ailments until they were referred to LUTH. On the 21st of October 2011, the result of the diagnosis revealed that Kelechi had a grade 3/6 Systolic Murmur. Simpler terms describes it as an unusual noise in the heart commonly known as a hole in the heart.
He’s got some sort of paralysis on his left hand and finds it difficult to stand. Doctor’s says he might get brain damaged if he doesn’t get treatment as soon as possible.
Kelechi needed about N4 million for quick surgery in India and a lot of you came to his aid.
We were able to raise some money for the little boy, but the people in charge of the cause just sent me really bad news. The money was raised through Kelechi’s father’s account and what I hear now is that the man squandered the money…all of it!. He has been arrested and currently at Ikoyi Prisons pending when he’s able to post N500k bail. The Commissioner of Police signed the petition against him through the PPRO’s office. He will be charged to court soon.
I know what y’all are thinking; how’s baby Kelechi? He’s still sick, he has not been treated…and this makes me so sad. How a father can do this to his own sick child is beyond me. Truly sad. Will keep you guys
updated about this case.

This man is very can you have the heart to do this to your own blood..
205  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Two Nigerian Students Face Deportation At A Canadian University on: 22-09-2012 03:37 PM
Two Nigerian Students Face Deportation At A Canadian University.

Univ. of Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada, students, Victoria Ordu and Ihuoma Amadi, face deportation to Nigeria for working at WalMart for two weeks

Sitting inside a church, University of Regina students Victoria Ordu and Ihuoma Amadi start as a prairie wind rattles the front door.

Ordu glances over, eyes wary, before flicking toward the window at the back of the church she now calls home.

Sunshine streams through the glass, but that's the only taste of the outside world the two girls have been able to get since June 19, when they opted to seek sanctuary in the church.

The fear of being found by the Canada Border Services Agency and deported back home to Nigeria hangs over their heads - all because they worked for two weeks at Walmart.

They have spent each day hoping Canadian Federal Citizenship and Immigration Minister Jason Kenney - the only one who can change their fate - will grant them pardon.

The daily stress of it has, they say, been "hell."

U of R President Vianne Timmons has visited them at the church and the school has contacted the federal government, throwing its support behind the students' plea to stay in Canada and complete their education.

Amadi and Ordu have also written letters to Kenney, but no one has had a response.

And so, they wait.

"This is a small mistake we made, and now everything is at risk," Ordu says, clasping her shaking hands in her lap.

"It doesn't make any sense. They're looking for us like we've killed someone. We're just students at university ... but it's like we're running away and living in fear every day."

As part of their visas, international students like Ordu - who is studying theatre arts - and Amadi - international studies - are able to work on campus.

Both in Canada on full scholarships paid for by their government, Ordu and Amadi went to Service Canada and got their Social Insurance Numbers when they arrived in 2010, ending up working at the university.

Last year, Amadi found a parttime job at Walmart and Ordu at an agency that does demonstrations at the store.

Both were under the misapprehension their SINs allowed them to work outside U of R. Ordu quit after two weeks, as soon as she found out that wasn't the case.

Amadi discovered her mistake during her second week on the job - and was led away from her till in handcuffs by two CBSA agents.

"They led me through the store, in front of everyone, and all the customers were looking at me like 'What have you done?'" she recalls, looking at the floor.

"I just felt so embarrassed."

Kay Adebogun is a Regina immigration consultant who has taken on their case pro bono.

"Why go to that level of force?" he says.

"Why parade her out of there like she's a criminal?"

Barb Pollock, U of R spokeswoman, says while the school respects the fact laws have to be upheld, it is trying to advocate for a reconsideration of the girls' case.

"We think that the penalty, perhaps, is a bit severe for the crime," she says.

"Albeit that laws have been contravened, in light of what they have done to contravene the law, we would like them to have an opportunity to complete their education with us ... (and) we think it is a harsh penalty to be deported."

Pollock says the university has written to Kenney but is yet to receive an indication when it might receive a decision from the minister.

Both students say they admitted their mistake right away, but think the CBSA's decision to deport them - which went to an admissibility hearing - is an over-reaction.

"It's a huge deal to finish school, come back (to Nigeria) and help the country," Amadi says.

"Now to think we lose three years of our lives because of a small mistake? If there was a fine, a warning, that would be more reasonable. I just wish they could look at this from a human point of view."

Pollock agrees the case demonstrates how important it is for international students to understand Canadian laws.

"We have to make sure our students really understand what it means to come here and go to school - what the opportunities are and, at the same time, what the limits are," she says.

"The fact something may not have been clear, you can be assured we're making that very clear with our incoming students now."

Adebogun would like to see a reversal in the decision to deport Ordu and Amadi, but he also thinks there are bigger issues at play with how the two were treated.

Of particular concern, he says, is the fact both students were asked by CBSA workers for names of other Nigerian students who were working and even if they knew anybody in a gang.

"They agree they did something wrong, but they should have a second chance," Adebogun says.

CBSA could not provide a comment on Tuesday but is expected to provide information on the case today.

206  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Military Declares War On criminals Terrorist In The South-East on: 22-09-2012 03:19 PM

Military Declares War On criminals Terrorist In The South-East

The military authorities yesterday vowed to defeat insurgents operating in the South eastern part of the country, warning that persons plotting aggression against Nigeria will not be spared by the armed forces. Speaking while commissioning the Nigerian Army Dog Centre in the Ipaja area of Lagos, Air Chief Marshal Oluseyi Petinrin, Chief of Defence Staff, warned that the military will never allow insurgents to take over Nigeria, urging them to go through the normal route to assume power.

“Anybody or group has the right to have that aspiration to rule Nigeria by a certain set of rules. But the way to do it is to form a political party, contest an election and then the rest of us, even if we did not vote for you, we will subject ourselves to your rule. But for anybody or group which has not form a political party, has not won an election, to want to impose a type of rule on the country, it will never happen in Nigeria,” he said.

The defence chief said that the Nigerian military must defeat terrorism and aggression against the people of the country, especially as Federal Government has shown commitment towards providing essential resources to the Armed Forces.

He explained that the establishment of the Dog Centre demonstrates determination of the Armed Forces to fully embrace transformation agenda of the Federal Government. Petinrin, who commended the Nigerian Army for establishing the centre, urged terrorists to form political parties, sell their manifestoes and woo Nigerians to vote for them after which they could begin to make Nigerians see the world in their own ways.

The Nigerian Army Military Police unit, Saturday Sun, learnt has trained about 50 dogs to assist the force in the fight against terrorism. The dogs were trained to sniff out and identify any Improvised Explosive Device (IED), narcotics, terrorists and other security risk items. Several blocks of flats for the officers and men as well as the 50 dogs were also commissioned by the defence chief.

Speaking to journalists at the event, Chief of Army Staff, Lt. Gen. Azubuike Onyeabo Ihejirika, said the establishment of the dog centre was to enhance the capability of the service to deal with contemporary challenges facing the country. He maintained that introducing dogs to fight terrorism is informed by the sensory capability of the animal species.

His words: “The primary motive for this project is to be able to detect explosives, in a more civilized manner. It would be most helpful if serious cordon and searches begin rather than do arbitrary arrests and later apologise.” He said that the force is in the first phase of the programme, adding that at the third phase, the Nigerian Army would support the civil society in the use of dogs to check crimes.

He said the dogs would be useful at the entrance of airports, seaports, banks and other public places that is needed to be protected against terrorists and criminals.
207  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Lizard causes stir during commissioner’s Burial In Calabar on: 19-09-2012 05:55 PM
 Shocked Shocked Shocked
208  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Two Female Human Traffickers Arrested In Motor Park on: 19-09-2012 04:28 PM
Two Female Human Traffickers Arrested In Motor Park.

Two women suspected to be human traffickers have been arrested by a vigilante group at the Etim Edem motor park in Calabar Municipality. The suspects were reportedly chasing two underage girls in the park in an attempt to re-capture them after the girls had escaped from their custody.

The underage girls, according to our investigations, were held  by the motor park officials who also apprehended the women after the girls had narrated  how they were picked from their parents house in the South East and brought to Calabar on the pretext that they will be employed as sales girls in a supermarket.
According to the underage girls, instead of being employed as sales girls in a supermarket, the women accommodated them in a bedroom apartment where males will come in and have carnal knowledge of them as sex workers.
On the fateful day that they tried to escape, the women got wind of their action and came after them at the motor park where they met their waterloo.
Confirming the report, the Calabar South Local Government Area chairman,  Hon. Ekeng Henshaw, commended the management and officials of Etim Edem motor park over their vigilance which has helped in the arrest of the two suspected human traffickers.
He charged the motor park management officials to remain vigilant against all forms of obnoxious crime and activities in the motor park, noting that their action in getting the suspected human traffickers apprehended and handed over to the police are true reflections of the message of the positive change that is being propagated by the present administration in the state.
Henshaw said: “our youths must stay off  social vices; Calabar South Local Government Area must continue to be seen in a positive perspective, safe and fit for residents and investors.” He however, called on the police authorities who were handed the case to do a thorough investigation and bring the culprits to book.
209  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Musician Kills Friend, Hides Corpse In Gutter on: 19-09-2012 04:16 PM
Musician Kills Friend, Hides Corpse In Gutter

19 September, 2012

The Lagos State Police Command has arrested a 21-year-old recording artiste, Obinna Obodo, for the alleged murder of his friend identified simply as Elijah.

The suspect said he killed his friend during a fight over N50, 000 and then hid his corpse in a drainage in his compound at Orile. However the police said the fight was caused by a piano the deceased sold to the suspect.
The Police Public Relations Officer, Ngozi Braide, said the suspect also demanded ransom from the boss of the deceased.
She said, “The deceased sold a piano to the suspect (Obodo) and the suspect was not able to pay in full. An argument ensued between the two and Obodo used a stool to hit the deceased on the head and he (Elijah) died instantly. The suspect then tied the corpse and put it in a bag.
“While attempting to dispose of the corpse, the suspect was accosted by someone. The suspect then begged the person not to expose him and promised him the sum of N200,000. Obodo then gave the deceased’s phone to the man and told him to demand a ransom from the deceased’s boss.
“The boss reported to the police at Orile Police Station and the suspects were arrested but later released on bail. However, when Elijah’s corpse started decomposing and smelling, residents alerted the police. The suspects were re-arrested and they confessed.”
Obodo however said he killed his friend mistakenly. He said the deceased gave him N50,000 to keep but he used the money to pay for recording time at a studio. He said it was the deceased that first attacked him.
He said, “I didn’t kill him on purpose. He brought the money to me and told me to keep it for him.  I’m a recording artiste so I used the money to pay for recording time. When Elijah came to my house to collect the money, I told him I didn’t have it. He got angry and picked up a stove and hit me with it. I immediately picked up a stool and hit him with it on the head and he collapsed.
“I got some water and poured it in his face but he didn’t wake up. That was when I knew that he had died. I knew that if I told his family, they would want to kill me so I hid the corpse. However, when I needed more money to promote my album I decided to demand $8,000 as ransom from his boss.
“I was arrested in the process and remained in police custody for three weeks but didn’t confess. After I was granted bail, I went to church to confess my sins. I think it was someone at the church that informed the police which then led to my arrest.”
210  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / NDLEA Nabs Drug Traffickers Aboard Turkish Airline on: 19-09-2012 04:09 PM
Two suspected drug traffickers have been caught at the Murtala Mohammed International Airport (MMIA), Lagos for concealing 2.560kg of cocaine in their travel luggage by National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA).
The suspects, Emole Kennedy Uka, 32, was found with 1.335kg while Obi Ezenwa Tochukwu, 31, was found with 1.225kg of narcotics. They were arrested by officials NDLEA while attempting to board a Turkish Airline flight to Turkey.
NDLEA MMIA Commander, Mr Hamza Umar said that officers had to forcefully break the luggage to recover the drugs. “Searching for drugs these days is a serious business. In this case, we had to forcefully break open the bag in order to discover the drugs. Both suspects were arrested on same flight and they adopted same mode of concealment” Hamza stated.
Uka who lives in Togo said that he smuggled drugs because he needed money for medical treatment. He hails from Abia State and would have been paid $4,000.
“I am a trader in Togo. I sell shirts. This is my first time of dealing in drugs. I have a heart problem and I needed money for medication,” Uka stated. Tochukwu, who hails from Nnewi in Anambra State, said he needed money for his marriage.
“I wanted to marry and settle down. I am a 2008 graduate of Business Administration at the Enugu State University of Science and Technology (ESUT). The person I met for financial assistance towards my marriage introduced me into drug trafficking. The drug was hidden in the bag and they promised to pay me $3,000. Unfortunately, I was arrested” Obi lamented.
NDLEA chairman, Ahmadu Giade urged the public to be part of the anti-drug campaign. “We are prepared to give our best but let me also appeal to members of the public to join in the crusade to stop drug trafficking,” he stated.
211  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / N5000 note: Stop Sanusi now, N’Assembly tells Jonathan on: 19-09-2012 04:03 PM
Lawmakers not briefed on new monetary policy, says Mark
 … Tambuwal tackles President on budget implementation
The National Assembly resumed from its two-month summer recess yesterday with both Houses asking the Federal Government to stop work on the proposed N5000 note and new coins. They are expected to be introduced in the first quarter of next year.
In unison, both the Senate and House of Representatives said the new policy is anti-people. The lawmakers were furious that they learnt of the new policy through newspaper reports. The legislators were angry that the National Economic Management Team (NEMT) endorsed a policy they (lawmakers) rejected. Recall that the Senate cut short its recess, reconvened, stopping further process on the new monetary policy stopped.
Senate President David Mark said the Upper Legislative Chamber’s stand on the policy is that it should not be introduced now. As the number three citizen, Mark claimed that he read of the proposed policy in the newspapers like other Nigerians. “Somebody asked me whether I was briefed and I want to reply you that the only briefing I got was on the pages of newspapers.
“The important thing is that if Nigerians say they don’t want a particular policy at any given moment, there is no harm in government retracing its step on the issue and I think that is the situation we find ourselves”, he said. The Speaker, House of Representatives, Hon. Aminu Tambuwal, tackled President Goodluck Jonathan on this year’s budget implementation. The House yesterday threatened further action on the President in the coming weeks if its committees establish that he treated the 2012 Appropriation Act like a “document of convenience”.
The Reps insisted that the President must sack the Director-General, Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), Ms Arunma Oteh, even as they toed same path with the Senators on their opposition to the N5000 note and coins. Rising from a heated two-hour closed door session on the state of the nation, the Senate yesterday urged President Jonathan to stop the new monetary policy. It said the move is ill-timed and wrong. Drama, however, trailed resumption of the plenary.
The first Order Paper distributed to newsmen showed that there was no legislative business for the day. For more than two hours, Senators were locked in a closed door session and upon resumption of plenary, another Order Paper showed that the Chamber would entertain a motion, which was initially on notice. Chairman of the Rules and Business Committee, Ita Enang, raised the motion under Orders 42 and 52 of the Senate Standing Orders.
Mark allowed Enang to dispense with the notice and proceed with the substantive motion. In his lead debate, Enang said, “the policy would create multiple economic problems like inflation, corruption and security challenges and would erode the value of the nation’s currency and ruin the economy.” Senate Leader Victor Ndoma-Egba seconded the motion. He said: “I second this very timely motion. In a democracy, no matter how strongly you believe in a policy, it can never claim a monopoly of knowledge or wisdom.
“Monopoly of knowledge, monopoly of wisdom is strange in a democracy. When people say they don’t want it, it’s their right to reject what they say is not good for them. “This is one moment all our policy-makers must listen to Nigerians. I remember that our former leaders, General Yakubu Gowon and former President Olusegun Obasanjo have spoken against it.
At this point, some Senators shouted that Mark should put the question to enable the chamber vote on the motion. But the Senate President insisted that members must be allowed to talk and let Nigerians know the stand of the Senate on the matter. Deputy Senate President Ike Ekweremadu noted that most Senators had “spoken to our constituents and there is no public hearing that can be greater than that. We should take a stand now.” But the Senate President called on many Senators to speak their minds on the new monetary policy. Senator Olubunmi Adetunmbi flawed arguments advanced by President Jonathan’s economic team.
“I used the recess to find out the motive for this policy. The first is the issue of dollarisation of the naira; rather than hide the loot in dollars, a member of the country’s National Economic Management Team (NEMT) said it would now be used with the N5, 000 note. “This is not a policy that his country should support.” Finance Committee Chairman, Ahmed Makarfi said that the President’s economic team does not spend the naira and so, cannot feel the pains of Nigerians. “I read in the newspapers the governor said the other day that the new N5000 is not meant for everybody. When we said the note is not meant for everybody, that’s a slight on the people of Nigeria.
“The CBN governor picks and chooses which aspect of the CBN Act (2007) he wants to respect. During our recess, Senate directed him to suspend the policy and instead, the NEMT came out to support it. Also yesterday, the Reps handed its Committee on Legislative Compliance 14 days to monitor President Jonathan’s level of compliance with a resolution, two months ago, urging him to sack Oteh. Fresh from the two-month holiday, the House directed the CBN Governor, Mallam Sanusi Lamido Sanusi, to await the report of the House Committee on Banking and Currency, headed by Hon. Jones Onyereri.
Leading the debate, Hon. Albert T. Sam-Tsokwa and 20 others, spoke against the new monetary policy, describing it as “anti-people.” On Oteh, the House said it would henceforth, “cease to accord any recognition or deal with her as Director-General of Securities and Exchange Commission” should President Jonathan fail to implement its resolution requesting her sack.
Earlier, welcoming his colleagues after the recess, Tambuwal dimmed hopes of an early resolution of their face-off with the Presidency over the budget which began few days before the lawmakers went on recess. Tambuwal said the House was mindful of the various interpretations given their “sit-up” ultimatum to President Jonathan on the budget, but that such “suspicion and slander” cannot stop the House from carrying out its oversight functions.
Lamenting that Appropriation Acts have been reduced to a “yearly ritual…,observed more in the breach than execution”, Tambuwal said the House resolved to stop the trend by insisting that budgets be implemented to the letter. As a first step, he said that the House would this week set aside a whole day to debate the report of all the committees it mandated to collate information on the level of funding and implementation by various Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAS).
“After the deliberation, the House will suspend plenary for one week but the House work will continue in committees. Within this period, various committees will be required to go on physical inspection of projects and authenticate all information provided by the various MDAs on the level of 2012 budget implementation,” he explained.
212  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Police discover another arms cache in Anambra. on: 19-09-2012 04:00 PM
Kingpin arrested, another on the run

The Anambra State Police command yesterday discovered another private armoury this time at Umuihefula, Umuaku village in Uli, Ihiala Local Government Area. This is barely two weeks after a combined team of Special Anti Robbery Squad (SARS) operatives in state and the Inspector-General of Police (IGP’s) Special Task Force on heinous crimes recorded a major breakthrough in the fight against kidnappers and armed robbers.
Yesterday’s operation which was carried out by the same SARS under the leadership James Nwafor (SP), saw the policemen arresting one of the kingpins, Emeka Ezekude in whose custody was the arms and ammunition. However, another suspect whose name was given as Sunday Nwachukwu from Ezumeri Oraifite in Ekwusigo Local Government Area was said to be on the run.
A combined team of SARS on a tip-off was said to have cordoned off the home of the suspect, Emeka Ezekude, where two AK47 rifles, one type 06 rifle, one rocket grenade, 27 AK47 magazines, three rocket propellers, 770 rounds of 7.62 mm live ammunition and nine chains used to lock up kidnap victims were recovered. Daily Sun gathered that Ezekude’s arrest was made possible due to information supplied by his relations.
The rifles allegedly owned by Sunday Nwachukwu were kept in the custody of Emeka, who allegedly escaped when the police arrived but was later arrested as he went to one of the new generation banks to withdraw money possibly to enable him to escape. The arms and ammunition, according to the police, were like the Oraifite incident, recovered from two giant plastic drums buried in the hideout of the suspect at Uli.
The state Police Public Relations Officer (PPRO), Mr. Ralphael Uzoigwe, confirmed the arrest. He said effort was being made to track down Sunday from Ezumeri-Oraifite in Ekwusigo Local Government Area. Also commenting, a senior Police officer who spoke in confidence told newsmen that God has indeed come to the rescue of the command and taken control of affairs.
He said, “You know, it is the duty of the Commissioner of Police, Ballah Nasarawa or the PPRO to say these things, even the SARS commander who led operations is not allowed to talk by the CP on such issues. But the truth is that the command made another inroad today (yesterday) by discovering another arms cache in this state at Uli.
My brother, God is beginning to intervene in this state and I pray it continues.” He, however, refused to give details of the latest recovery, urging the newsmen to wait for the appropriate authorities to do so.
On September 3, 2012 when Ifedike (Ofeakwu) was arrested at his home in Ifite Oraifite, the Police recovered from his underground armoury 27 AK47 riffles, one K2 rifle, two type-06 rifles, one GPMG, one rocket launcher, 17 rockets, six pump action guns, three Dane guns, one Berretta pistol and 13 rocket grenades.
They also recovered from Ifedike who allegedly confessed having introduced kidnapping in the South-East 12,800 rounds of Ak47 live ammunition, 530 rounds of LAR ammunition, 95 rounds of GPMG live ammunition, 1, 000 rounds of K2 live ammunition and 143 magazines, totaling 14, 425 rounds of live ammunition, just as they recovered nine chains they used to lock victims.![/b]prettyPhoto
213  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Prophet defiles boys in Nsukka on: 17-09-2012 02:23 AM


•Villagers allege prophet’s gay
A self-appointed prophet in Edem community in Nsukka Local Government Area of Enugu State has threatened to blow up the catechist of a Catholic church in the area for allegedly discouraging people from going to his prayer house.

It was gathered that trouble started between the two men of God when the prophet, identified simply as Ekene, noticed that people no longer trooped to his church.
Ekene was said to have made inquiries and gathered that the catechist of St. Dominic’s Catholic Church, Mr. Joseph Ugwu,, allegedly acting on the orders of the Parish Priest, Rev. Fr. Patrick Ujah, had repeatedly announced in the church that members of the congregation should desist from visiting the prayer house.
Sources stated that this did not go down with the prophet who had stormed the town like a cyclone for some time, seeing vision for people and thereby pulling crowd to his church.
He held vigils almost every night and people trooped to his centre because of “mind-blowing testimonies” from those who visited him.
A source said: “Things assumed a dangerous dimension when the prophet allegedly applied some Catholic doctrines in his prayers apparently to attract more people. He began his prayers with the sign of the cross, while the rosary was also said in every gathering.
“However, the style of his vision brought confusion among people, enthroning rancour, and mutual suspicion. People began to see their brothers as the source of their problems, while some who visited the prophet insisted that the names of their enemies should be revealed to them.”
It was gathered that Ujah had sent for the prophet and told him to get authority from the Catholic secretariat in Nsukka and identification from his home parish before he could continue with the mode of worship, but he failed to do so.
Consequently, the priest forbade Catholics from visiting the prophet or risk excommunication.
Enraged by the adverse effect of the order on his church, the prophet sent emissaries to the catechist to mind his business.
Sensing that the catechist was unperturbed, the prophet personally confronted him and allegedly warned him to steer clear or risk being bombed out of existence.
Ekene was also said to have threatened to become ruthless with those who would not let him operate the way he deemed fit in the community.
Community sources also told Sunday Sun that the deafening noise from the prophet’s prayer ground had attracted the attention of the traditional ruler of the town, Igwe Odomeh of Ozi Edem, who also invited him to his palace.
On interaction, the prophet was said to have told the royal father that he was a Catholic, but when the latter asked if he had the permission of the parish priest before conducting prayers, he said he planned to do so.
The Igwe consequently told him that he ought to have met with those in charge of the community before pitching his tent in the place.
However, things took another dimension when youths of the community arrested the prophet for allegedly defiling some boys in the community and took him to the Igwe’s palace.
The accusation was further corroborated by two of his victims.
On interrogation, the prophet allegedly confessed that he committed the offence, adding he learnt the filthy act from an Onitsha-based popular musician.
Sources told the Sunday Sun reporter that he would have been lynched but for the timely intervention of the traditional ruler who handed him over to the police.
When contacted on telephone, the Police Area Commander, Nsukka, declined comment on the incident.
Also, the Police Public Relations Officer in the state, Mr Ebere Amaraizu, told Sunday Sun that he had not been officially briefed on the matter.
However, sources stated that the prophet was granted bail and has “temporarily” fled the community.[/b
214  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Niger State Police smash baby selling syndicate on: 16-09-2012 07:09 PM
Quote from: ajanni on 16-09-2012 09:32 AM
look at them again, its always them

 Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes
215  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Bandits on the loose in Imo on: 16-09-2012 07:04 PM
Bandits on the loose in Imo.

September 16, 2012 by Ozioma Ubabukoh 20 Comments

Imo State Governor, Rochas Okorocha
 | credits:

OZIOMA UBABUKOH writes that in recent times, Imo State citizens and law enforcement agents now live in fear following indiscriminate killings and kidnappings, for which the government has offered cash incentives for information
For Mr. Christian Iwunze, life was about family. He was the second of two siblings and the only son. But, as if to compensate for his parents’ slim family, he did not only opt for early marriage, he also had more children than they did.
A baby girl opened the womb for the family. Two more girl children followed in quick succession. After the usual trepidation of “are we going to end up with an all-female family,” a set of twin boys was born. If you thought that was enough, then wait for this: another three girls came in quick succession. Then, another set of twin boys!
Blessed with such a large family, Iwunze knew no life outside the family apart from his job in an oil servicing company.
Though Iwunze and wife, Catherine, did not obtain university education, virtually all their children do, with some acquiring postgraduate degrees in engineering, while one of their daughters is pursuing a doctoral degree.
For a man that had spent all his life in the training of his children, Iwunze, an indigene of Umueze, Ehime-Mbano Local Government Area of Imo State was elated when one of his first set of twin boys, Okechukwu, announced his wedding. Iwunze took it as his personal responsibility to ensure that this happened without any breach.
Okechukwu’s wedding to Miss Uchechi Orji was fixed for Saturday, September 5, but four days before the event, on Tuesday, August 28, tragedy struck! A group of five unidentified men shot Iwunze to death just at the gate of his residence on 19, Umundula Orji Street, Off Urattah Road, Owerri, Imo State.
Iwunze was killed two days after suspected hired assassins murdered a former director of the Central Bank of Nigeria; and one day after a politician was murdered, all in Owerri, the Imo State capital.
The suspected assassins killed the former CBN director, Mr. Charles Nwosu, at the Ekeukwu Central Market on Douglas Road. A police inspector who engaged the hoodlums in a gun battle and two unidentified persons were also killed.
Their killers operated in a RAV 4 Sports Utility Vehicle and, mysteriously, the killers of Iwunze also operated in a RAV 4 Sports Utility Vehicle. Could it be that the killers of the erstwhile CBN director also killed Iwunze? If they were the same killers, what was the connection? These questions have remained unanswered. Worse still, law enforcements agents in Imo State seem overwhelmed by the growing insecurity.
Before now, several people, including traditional rulers, businessmen, politicians and public office holders had, at various times and places, either been kidnapped for ransom or murdered in cold blood for reasons yet unknown.  Consequently, especially in areas that do not have enough police presence, night life has nose-dived in the state.
One of such victims was Pastor Anselm Iwuala, who was still murdered by his abductors despite a N500,000 paid by his family for his freedom.
Iwuala was travelling to his country home in Egberede Nguru, Aboh Mbaise Local Government Area of Imo State, when he was abducted by gunmen on the very busy Okpala-Mbaise road. That was in June.
Again, on the night of May 7, 2012, the traditional ruler of Umueze-Abazu, Ogwa, Mbaitoli LGA, Eze Stanley Akuneto, was allegedly murdered in cold blood in his palace by two gunmen who reportedly rode on a motorcycle.
And as if to underscore the crass helplessness of the situation, even the governor’s elder sister, her husband, members of her household and all the occupants of the three cars on her convoy escaped death narrowly on May 19, 2012, when armed robbers opened fire on the vehicle in which they were travelling at Egbeada, Mbaitoli LGA.
Indeed, the list of dastardly acts is endless.
When our correspondent visited the police station in Owerri North, where the matter concerning Iwunze’s killing was referred to, the police officers on duty all refused to speak. It was also difficult to ascertain the identities of the officers being talked to, as they each covered their name tags with handkerchiefs.
In response to our correspondent’s enquiry, one of them simply said, “The matter has been transferred to the state CID. Go there and find out what is happening.”
The Imo State Commissioner of Police, Adisa Bolanta, also did not comment on the matter. He would not take his calls and did not respond to text messages sent to his mobile telephone.
Iwunze’s first child, Mrs. Peace Okeke, said, “My father was a peaceful man and was not a politician. He diligently went about his work. He was once offered a chieftaincy title because of his contribution to his community, but he rejected it,” Mrs. Okeke explained.
She said, “He was even offered a knighthood in the church but he also rejected it. He kept on saying that he was not interested in receiving titles or holding positions, but only wanted to help his people and serve God.
“I just don’t know where this is coming from. From the stories we have been hearing, it is becoming obvious that people were paid to kill my father. What for, I don’t know. It is still a mystery to us.”
Despite the sad issue, the family went ahead with the wedding, consoled by the fact that their late father would not have had it otherwise.
In the interim, Iwunze’s widow, Catherine, has yet to find her voice. She is still in shock and, according to one of her daughters, Peace, she has remained in a state of shock since the incident.
Okechukwu’s twin brother, Emeka, expressed concern that the police have yet to come up with concrete finding since their father’s death.
Emeka said, “We have been the ones reminding them that they need to investigate the matter. They have been so reluctant to interrogate any of us. We had to compel them to remove the car my father rode in when he was killed, which they only did on Tuesday, a week after the incident.
“I am surprised at the action of the police. Those who killed my father overtook his car and waited at our gate; and when he tried to drive into the compound, they rushed out and shot at the tyres. Then, two of them dragged my father out of the car, leaving his 20-year-old apprentice, Cletus Ikeadi, behind.
“They took him to their jeep and as soon as one of the remaining three assassins who stayed behind in the jeep identified him, they rained bullets on him. But till date, the police have been acting as though nothing happened and everyone in Owerri is now scared of walking on the street.”
Meanwhile, the Imo State Government, in its efforts to curb crime in the state, has concluded arrangements to launch emergency rapid response scheme, especially to curb kidnapping and assassinations.
Governor Rochas Okorocha disclosed this when the new Commissioner of Police, Mr. Adisa Bolanta paid him a visit earlier in the month.
Okorocha informed the new police commissioner that he would ask the Inspector General of Police to post more policemen to the state, especially in local government areas which are currently underpoliced.
The governor noted that the security challenges in the state included kidnapping, vandalism, assassinations, among others; urging the new police commissioner to brace up to the challenges, with the aim of restoring peace to the beleaguered state.
In his response during a tour of some South-East states recently, the Inspector General of Police, Mr. Mohammed Abubakar, urged the governor to create more jobs for Imo people. This, according to him, would help in reducing crime in the state.
He promised to assist the governor and Imo people in their bid to reduce crimes in the state.
The Senior Special Assistant to the Governor on Security Matters, Mr. Okey Okorocha, said in order to reduce the crime rate, the Imo State Government had initiated an incentive — giving N1m to anybody who could give useful information leading to the arrest of kidnapers in the state, while any person that provides information for the recovery of guns would be awarded N50,000.
The state government has also offered insurance scheme to members of the local vigilante groups that may, in the course of duty, either sustain injuries or die.
Governemnt said an undisclosed amount of money would be paid as compensation to the bereaved family.
The aide also revealsed that the state government had introduced a radio programme where callers were provided with information on security measures in the state.
He revealed that Americans and Israeli agencies were training some persons on how to combat kidnappers.
He said, “As soon as these people conclude their training, kidnapping will be over in the state
216  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Niger State Police smash baby selling syndicate on: 15-09-2012 05:48 PM

Niger State Police smash baby selling syndicate

On September 15, 2012 · In News

The police in Niger state have arrested a syndicate of human traffickers that deals with the babies in Abuja, Niger and its environs.
The group sells these babies for the sum of N100, 000 and above.
The syndicate is allegedly operated by a staff nurse with the General Hospital, Kubwa in Abuja, Martina Ohakwe who operates with her partner, Kinsley Linus from Imo state.
The duo lure young ladies, expectant mothers, young mothers and their babies in some states in the east to Abuja with the promise of providing them with gainful employment and also lure young defenceless girls with unwanted pregnancy with the promise of getting someone to take care of their babies.
The women are camped in a house believed to be rented by Martina where they are taken care of before their babies are sold.
Before their arrest, the group had sold a seven months old twin daughter of Ngozi Nwani after luring her with the promise of marriage from Abakaliki, Ebonyi state. Kinsley gave the twin baby girl to Martina who sold the baby to one Joy Opara for N400, 000 and the eight month old of 20 year old Oluchi Agachi for N100, 000.
Speaking with our Correspondent when he was paraded, Kinsley denied being a member of the syndicate group as he was only offering help for the girls who wanted money to take care of themselves.
217  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Ex-Minister, Ihenacho, arrested over stolen petroleum products on: 15-09-2012 03:16 PM
FORMER Minister of Interior and owner of integrated Oil and Gas Limited Captain Emmanuel Iheanacho was yesterday arrested over his involvement in  the hijack of a vessel\M.T. Grace’ laden with suspected stolen petroleum products.

Disclosing this to  newsmen in Lagos, Director General of the Nigerian Maritime  Administration and Safety Agency (NIMASA)  Mr. Patrick Akpobolokemi said that the search for the sponsors of these pirates has led to the tracing of the stolen products to integrated oil and gas tank farm.

Akpobolokemi who represented by NIMASA’s  Executive Director in charge of maritime labour services and Cabotage Barr. Obi Nwabueze said that the premises of integrated has been sealed off pending investigation.
He  said NIMASA has come to the realisation that behind the facade there are the kingpins and the big men who facilitate piracy adding the agency in collaboration with other security operatives will unravel the people behind the sale, purchase and storage of the stolen products.
“You recalled we had cause to parade some pirates here and we did say that we were going to continue to look for those who were behind these pirates because we came to the realisation that behind the facade there are the kingpins and the big men who facilitate piracy.
“So in line with our promise to the Nigerian public, we intensified our search for the big men behind the scene  and we are happy to tell you today  that we have  been able to trace them to  a company, a major company  integrated oil and gas.
“The products that were stolen from the activities of piracy  were conveyed  and stored at integrated oil and gas. As we speak we have sealed off the company and we have arrested the top management of the company.�
218  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Ritualists kill lunatic, steal son in Anambra on: 13-09-2012 03:01 PM
Ritualists kill lunatic, steal son in Anambra!

By Vincent Ujumadu
AWKA—THERE was confusion at the popular Upper Iweka area of Onitsha, yesterday, following the murder of an insane woman by suspected ritualists, who allegedly snatched her five-year-old son.
However, police in Onitsha presented a different version of the incident, saying it was not ritualists that killed the woman, but that she might have slumped and died.
An eyewitness in Onitsha had said the woman was sitting with her son at Upper Iweka, yesterday, when suspected ritualists accosted her and forcefully took her son. The source said she was killed because she put up resistance.
The police have deposited the woman’s body at the Onitsha General Hospital mortuary.
Divisional Police Officer, DPO, Onitsha Central Police Station, Mr. Abdul Yusuf, confirmed the death of a woman, but dismissed the ritualists angle of the story.
According to the DPO, there was no person who saw when the ritualists killed the woman, adding that it was likely that the woman just slumped and died.
He also said nobody confirmed seeing the woman with a boy, but stated that the Police was still investigating the matter. He added that no parts of the woman’s body was removed and the police has not seen anybody or family member who reported the case of a missing boy.
219  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Robbers steal N2m from Anambra ministry. on: 8-09-2012 04:28 PM
Robbers steal N2m from Anambra ministry

 By Nwanosike Onu07/09/2012 00:00:00

Three robbers on Wednesday stole N2 million from the premises of the Anambra State Ministry of Lands.
The incident occurred about 12 noon.
The Nation gathered that the suspects trailed two people from a new generation bank in Awka, where the money was withdrawn, to the ministry.
A source said: “Immediately they arrived in the ministry, the hoodlums stopped them. They quietly collected the polythene bag containing the money at gun point and left the premises.”
It was learnt that the money was withdrawn by a director in the ministry, but no one could tell what the money was meant for.
A source said the Commissioner for Lands, Mr. Okoli Akirika, was not aware of the withdrawal and was embarrassed when he learnt about the incident.
The source said: “Only the said director can explain why the money was withdrawn. You know a lot of deals go on in the ministry without the knowledge of the commissioner. May be it was one of such deals that involved a few persons.”
When The Nation visited the ministry yesterday about 11.45am, its two gates were locked. Visitors were not allowed in by security men, who said they were acting on an order from the ministry.
220  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Two men attempting to dupe Ministry of N5.8m on: 8-09-2012 04:19 PM

Two men attempting to dupe Ministry of N5.8m

On September 8, 2012 · In News

The Police yesterday arraigned two men, Abianulia Ikenna and Joseph Ezejiegu, before an Abuja Senior Magistrates’ Court for allegedly attempting to defraud the Ministry of Aviation of N5.8 million.
Police prosecutor Jonathan Udochukwu said the fraud was reported to the police by Chioma Agbakwuru, an aide to the Minister of Aviation, Princess Stella Oduah.Udochukwu said the accused on Aug. 7 conspired and hacked into the minister’s cell phone and transmitted a message ordering Agbakwuru to release N5.8 million to the accused.
The prosecutor said the police advised the Ministry to play along and that this led to the arrest of the accused at the premises of Transcorp Hilton, Abuja, but the accused denied the allegation.
Mr Adegoke Omoloja, counsel to the accused, applied for bail for his clients, and Senior Magistrate Josephine Obannor granted the application.
She granted the bail to each of the accused in the sum of N500,000 with a surety each in like sum.
Omoloja said the sureties must not be less than grade level nine in the Federal Civil Service, and adjourned the matter to Sept. 20 for hearing.
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