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701  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Igbo group faults posting of corps members to the North on: 3-07-2012 11:31 AM
PROMINENT Igbo leaders, on the platform of Oganiru Ndigbo, have kicked against the posting of Igbo graduates for the mandatory National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) scheme to the crisis-ridden northern states.

They said the action amounted to sending their children on suicidal mission.

In a petition they wrote to President Goodluck Jonathan, which was copied to the Senate President, Speaker, House of Representatives and Secretary to the Government of the Federation (SGF), the group’s Senior Executive for Corporate Development, Emeka Maduewesi; Legal Officer, Victor Aguku and Secretary-General, Gaius Ndukwe Onu, asked the government to review the action.

“We hereby declare that it is heartless and insensitive to post Igbo and Christian graduates to the North in disregard of the current security situation and will hold the President and NYSC director-general responsible for any of them that loses his/her life to Boko Haram and religious extremists”.
702  Forum / The Buzz Central / People Only Want To Pull Me Down – Yvonne Nelson on: 3-07-2012 11:30 AM
Ghanaian actress Yvonne Nelson has announced to the general public that no top footballer sponsored or footed the bill of two movie productions she was recently involved in.

She said it had come to her notice that certain individuals were spreading rumours that a top footballer sponsored the production cost of her movies.

Yvonne said it was true she had produced two movies titled ‘The Price’ and ‘Single & Married’ last year and this year respectively but denied they were funded by a footballer.

Yvonne said ‘The Price’ was the first to be shot last year and it was a partnership production between her YN Productions and an entertainment company called Media GH.

The production of ‘Single & Married’, a copyright property of Media GH, wrapped up this year with top actors Chris Attoh, Nadia Buari, Kofi Adjorlolo, Eddie Watson, Efya, Tiffany and Anita Erskine starring in it. Yvonne said she was now the general manager of Media GH which dealt in both music and movie productions.

She handles the movie production aspect of the company besides her role as the general manager. She stated that the public should ignore the footballer rumour circulating because it was not true. She described it as one of the usual machinations of people who sought to pull her down by using media platforms and foul means.

The tall actress has also denied rumours that she won a mouth-watering contract from telecommunication giant, Vodafone.

Yvonne has shot about 10 movies within a space of a year. The year she was slapped with the so-called controversial ban alone, she shot five movies. Two of those movies were by Abdul Salam’s Venus Films.

Among some of her latest movies are ‘Trapped In The Game’, ‘Mistress’, ‘Wanna Be,’ ‘The Price’, ‘Single & Married’, and others she shot in Nigeria.

Less than two weeks ago, she returned from Nigeria where she had been shooting with Tonto Dikeh and other top actors. Currently, she is on a movie set in Ghana.

Even though Yvonne said she did not like blowing her own trumpet, she said she had been busy throughout with productions and running her YN fashion shop as well as her glaucoma foundation.

She has opened a new fashion shop around the Central University area and waiting to officially launch it soon.

Yvonne Nelson added that any negative impression being created that her career was in shambles was not the true reflection of what was currently happening on the ground. She concluded by thanking the public for its unwavering support for her career via many ways.
703  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Top 10 Lies Men Tell their Women on: 3-07-2012 11:27 AM
The average dude fabricates something six times a day-that’s twice as often as women-and with #LiesMenTellWomen trending on Twitter right now, some dudes are being called out. To try to get why guys are so crafty, we reached out to male relationship experts. Here are the most common whoppers men tell their girlfriends and wives-and what the real deal is behind each.

    * “I’m Stuck in Traffic”

“He figures it’s much easier to just say this than to try to explain the real reason he’s running late,” says John Amodeo, author of The Authentic Heart. “Remember, men aren’t as good at communicating as women are.” The funny thing is, a guy will toss this line out even if what held him up is perfectly legitimate. Still, you shouldn’t let it slide – it’s a lie nonetheless.

    * “It Wasn’t That Expensive”

“Men like toys, and they don’t like sensing your disapproval, even if you don’t share a bank account,” Amodeo says. He could also be dropping this fib to try to prove he’s responsible with money, says Barton Goldsmith, author of Emotional Fitness for Intimacy. “He doesn’t want you to think that if you do share funds down the line, he’s going to blow them all on things like plasma TVs.”

    *  ”I’m on My Way”

Guys usually throw you this line when you’re making them meet you at some event they don’t want to attend – like, say, your family reunion. He’s stalling, but he’s also being pouty. Consider: He can’t exactly refuse to go without enduring serious repercussions from you, and he can’t very well throw a temper tantrum in front of your pop-pop. So saying this and then showing up late is his way of gaining a wee amount of control.

    * “I Didn’t Have Too Much to Drink”

This lie could point to a serious problem – and we’re not just talking about your relationship. If he says it often he could have an alcohol issue, Goldsmith says. You need to talk to him about how concerned you are, but watch the timing. “That’s definitely a conversation you need to have when he’s sober,” Amodeo adds.

    *  ”Sorry, I Missed Your Call,”

    *   “My Battery Died,” and

    *   “I Had No Signal”

These three lines all mean the same thing: I screened your call. Why? “Often men will feed you these lies because they’re afraid to tell you to back off a bit, that they need a little alone time,” Amodeo says. You might want to ease up on the checking in and let him miss you more.

    *  ”No, Your Butt Doesn’t Look Big in That”

Look, if you assail him with the question in the first place, you’re really just asking to be thrown this all-purpose mollifier. “Every guy has a buddy who’s told him, ‘I answered this question wrong once, and my girlfriend wouldn’t have sex with me for a year,’ ” Goldsmith says. This is the one safe response he knows, so there’s no way he’s going to risk the worst by straying from it. If you want an honest opinion, go ask one of your girls instead.

    * “This Will Be My Last Beer”

Our experts say this man-lie delivered over the phone means he wants to get you off ASAP so he can spend more time with his buddies. The thing is, even if he says it three times in a night, each time he believes it, Goldsmith says. It’s like when you vow this will be your last cookie…five times in a row.

    *  ”Nothing’s Wrong, I’m Fine”

A whopping 52 percent of men have told their girlfriend this line. According to experts, this go-to fib is all about avoiding drama and protecting male pride. Men know they’re not as good with articulating what’s happening or how they’re feeling, so it’s easier for them to just keep you out of the situation. Next time he uses this line, give him a couple days and then ask him again if he is still bummed…and why. By then he may have figured things out.
704  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Flood sacks Lagos communities •As govt advises residents of Aboru, Maryland, Iwa on: 3-07-2012 11:18 AM
MORE communities were sacked in Lagos by flood as a result of a downpour that lasted hours on Monday.

With communities like Apongbon in Lagos Island and Irepodun in Idimu Local Council Development Area recording huge losses as a result of the downpour, the state governor, Mr Babatunde Fashola has advised residents in lowline area, particularly along lagoons, drainage, channels and rivers to vacate their present residences and relocate upland.

Also, pupils of Anwar-Ul-Islam Primary School, Apongbon, Lagos Island were forced to vacate their classrooms, following the massive flooding of their premises on Monday.

They were forced to relocate to a yet-to-be inaugurated building in a junior secondary school, which is scheduled to take off in September.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reported that the rain, which started since Sunday night, had made the classrooms inhabitable for learning.

Teachers and pupils abandoned the flooded five-classroom block as it had become weak, NAN learnt.

NAN also reported that a section of the block has been submerged while cracks were noticed on the walls.

The school’s assistant headmaster, Mr Saka Lasisi, told NAN that the school was usually flooded because of its location.

“The school is usually flooded anytime it rains as water from parts of the community flows into the school premises.

“The block is already sinking with cracks on the walls and that is why we were forced to relocate to a new block in the junior secondary school within the premises,’’ he said.

Lasisi said apart from the flooding which had forced them to abandon their building, the school’s toilet facilities had also become a shelter for reptiles and dangerous animals.

He called for the assistance of the authorities to enable the school to resume normal academic work.

However, Mr Oluwole Ogunleke, chairman, Olowogbowo Community Development Association, told NAN that the problem of flooding in the Apogbon area was being addressed.

He said the drains had been cleared while illegal structures on the drains were demolished to ensure free flow of rain water.

Ogunleke said the perennial flooding being experienced in the school was caused by lack of drains.

He urged the state government to come to their aid without further delay.

Residents of Akin Olugbade under the aegis of Irepodun Community Development Association in Idimu Local Council Development Area, on Monday disclosed that property worth millions of naira was lost to last week’s flood in the area, calling for the timely intervention of the Lagos State government to avert further damage to their homes and properties.

Conducting newsmen round the community, the chairman and secretary of the association, Messers James Olafaju and Bamidele Oluwafemi were unanimous in their plea that "only a timely intervention of the Lagos State government can save our families from the impending calamity that may befall this community should the state government delay the much-needed assistance of the government any further.”

According to the secretary, "We, landlords and residents of Akin Olugbade and surrounding streets have been badly affected by the massive flooding caused by the ongoing heavy rains of the past four days. Many of our fellow landlords have already been forced out of their homes. We, therefore, passionately plead wth our action governor, Mr Babatunde Raji Fashola (SAN), and his indefatigable Environment Commissioner Mr Tunji Bello to urgently save us and our family members and our tenants from the impending disaster that is waiting to befall us here should this destructive flood persist.

“Though I have been living in this community, which is near the family house of former deputy governor, Mrs Sarah Sosan, since 1990, it wasn’t until five years ago that we started experiencing this menace. In fact, the massive flooding being experienced around here have been getting worse in the last three years,” he added.

Asked what steps they had taken to bring the situation to the attention of the state government, Oluwafemi said “the truth is that we started bringing it to the attention of the Lagos State government way back in 2009, but we are yet to get our problem of excessive flooding of our community solved.”

One of the landlords in the area, Mr Rotimi Adebayo, a veteran journalist and chief press secretary to the speaker of the Lagos State House of Assembly, said “since I moved into my house here at Akin Olugbade in 2009, the annual heavy flooding of this area has been getting worse every year.”

Meanwhile, residents of low line areas, particularly along lagoons, drainage channels, river courses and wetlands, have been advised to vacate their present residences and relocate upland within the next two weeks, to avoid loss of lives.

The advice was given by the Commissioner for Environment, Mr Tunji Bello, during a chat with newsmen at the weekend, on the state of Lagos environment during the rainy season.

According to the commissioner, the advice of relocation to residents living along low line areas such as Owode, Badiya, Aboru, Iwaya, Arowojobe in Maryland, Ajegunle, Owode Elede and some parts of Eti-Osa became necessary, in view of the fact that the state would witness intense rainfall within the next two weeks.

He further said the idea of relocation was a global practice peculiar to developed nations of the world, in anticipation of expected natural disasters, while residents of affected areas would relocate to their original homes when the natural disasters subsided.

The commissioner had alerted residents of the state, earlier in the year, through several channels of communication, to the intense rainfall and number of rains the state was to record for the year.

He recalled that Lagos had recorded several rainfalls since the beginning of the year without any severe consequences, adding that in cases of severe and intense rainfall of over 10 hours, the likelihood of discomfort was high, as the lagoon would have risen.

As the state sympa-thised with residents who may have experienced any discomfort during the period, the commissioner, therefore, advised Lagosians not to panic, saying that the ministry had intensified its mid-rain cleaning exercise and would continue to put in place measures that would reduce the incident of flooding in the state.

The state emergency agency, LASEMA, had also been put on the alert to assist those in need.
705  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / I did not shun Jonathan - Omo N’oba on: 3-07-2012 11:17 AM
The Oba of Benin, Omo N’Oba N’Edo Uku Akpolokpolo, has refuted publications in some national newspapers that he shunned President Goodluck Jonathan and members of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) on their recent visit to his palace.

The Benin traditional council, in a statement signed by its secretary and issued on the authority of the traditional ruler, in Benin City, on Monday, described some of the publications as mischievous.

According to the statement, “the palace would like to make it clear that the Omo N’Oba did not shun President Jonathan and the PDP members that came with him.

“In fact, it is the respect and love Omo N’Oba has for the president that made him to still manage to see the president in a private chamber in the palace, despite a complicated situation that day.”

Besides, the statement reminded the public that “three weeks ago, Omo N’Oba waited for over two hours in his open office, where he received Vice-President Namadi Sambo and the PDP chieftains that were in Benin for political rally.

The traditional ruler used the medium to advice politicians to avoid violence in the forthcoming gubernatorial election in the state.
706  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Court discharges Deji Abiola of alleged N35.5m theft on: 3-07-2012 11:15 AM
A Lagos High Court presided over by Justice Adeniyi Onigbanjo  has discharged and acquitted Deji Abiola, son of late Moshood Abiola of the one count-charge of stealing and fraudulent conversion preferred against him by the EFCC.
Deji had been standing trial for allegedly swindling Hamzat Babatunde Jose of N35.5 million under the pretext of importing a printing machine for him, from Switzerland . But both have agreed to settle it out of court, hence he was discharged and acquitted.
707  Forum / The Buzz Central / I’m Not Against Lesbianism- Female Singer Asa Confessed! on: 3-07-2012 11:08 AM
During the about 25 minutes interrogation, Asha as she is well known, confessed that she is never against Lesbianism. In her word “I don’t hate them but I don’t condone such an act”.

Asha, at the Lagos High Court, TBS Annex admitted that she has never being harassed by any female before ever neither did the story written by News of the People published years back directly called her a lesbian but “it suggests I am a lesbian, that’s the impression it has created in the minds of people” she averred..

Justice Coker who presided over the case was not only enjoying the drama between the lawyer and Asha but adjourned the case to July 13th for further hearing.

Asha, for those who don’t know is Nigeria’s famous singer who plays Jazz with a fusion that has carved a niche for her.
708  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Farm worker in court over man-eating charges on: 3-07-2012 11:07 AM
A farmhand suspected of slaughtering a man and eating his organs in Subukia, Nakuru County, appeared before the High Court in Nakuru on Monday evening.

The suspect, Mr Amos Gichue Kimeria, however could not take a plea because his mental status had not been evaluated.

The State Counsel Ms Nerolyne Idagua asked the court to postpone the taking of plea to July 5 to for the suspect to be taken for a mental check-up.

She added that a lawyer to represent Mr Kimeria would be appointed within the interval while the police complete investigations into the murder.

Mr Kimeria, who works at a farm in Tetu area of Subukia allegedly waylaid Samuel Epolisi Lodoket last Thursday evening, struck him with a panga and carried his body several metres away where he slaughtered him and removed some of his vital organs.

Lodoket’s relative, Mr Joseph Njihia said among the organs that were missing from the body were the heart, liver, penis and intestines.

He said the intestines were found abandoned in the suspect’s house half cooked in a boiling pot. The other organs were still missing.

Mr Njihia said the suspect had also removed flesh from the meaty parts inside the deceased’s thighs and which he hid in the ceiling of his house.

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According to area residents and the deceased’s friends and relatives, Lodoket had returned from the menial job, passed by the trading centre where he bought his supper and headed home.

The deceased, a father of five, had taken a shortcut within the farm at about 7:00pm where the accused works. That was the last time he was seen alive.

The residents launched a search on Friday and a blood-stained path led them to thicket where Lodoket’s mutilated body was discovered.

A further search on the farm led the residents to the houses of the two farmhands in the farm. On venturing onto Mr Kimeria’s house they discovered the cooking pot with half cooked human parts.

“We also found the flesh removed from Lodoket’s thighs hidden in the house,” said a resident who did not want to be named.

Mr Kimeria, who had a large bandage on the head, remained calm in the court and was not shy to media cameras.

Lady Justice Roselyne Wendoh ordered him to be taken for a mental check-up and lawyer found to represent him appointed.

She ordered that he be detained at the Subukia Police Station to enable police complete their investigations.
Mr Kimeria will take a plea on Thursday.
709  Forum / The Buzz Central / Wizkid Collaborates With The Game & Young Jeezy | Watch Wizkid’s Pre-2012 BET Aw on: 3-07-2012 10:51 AM
Sometime before the 2012 BET Awards on July 1st in Los Angeles, Wizkid got in the studio with veteran American rappers, The Game and Young Jeezy.

With Konvict Muzik and Pepsi affiliations, I’m not surprised with how much exposure Wizkid  is getting in the international music scene; I wonder if an international album, with massive collaborations from the US and UK, is coming up next.

For now though, I wonder what these three are going to cook up for the airwaves because Young Jeezy sounded very ecstatic about the studio sessions:

Young Jeezy mentioned that Wizkid and Chris Brown would be heading over to his studio… I wonder what a Chris Brown and Wizkid collaboration would sound like.

Here’s a video of Wizkid before the 2012 BET Awards in a short Ms. Royalty Interview.
710  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Transcript of Phone Conversation between Farouk Lawan & Femi Otedola over the al on: 3-07-2012 10:39 AM
Fresh facts have continued to emerge in the $620,000 bribery scandal between the embattled Chairman of the House of Representatives’ ad hoc committee on Fuel Subsidy, Farouk Lawan and the MD/CEO Zenon Oil and Gas, Femi Otedola.

The Chairman, House of Representatives’ ad hoc committee on Fuel Subsidy, Mr. Lawan, is alleged to have collected $620,000 as part payment for a bribe which he demanded from billionaire and oil magnate in a bid to exonerate his companies from the fuel subsidy probe.

While there has been some controversy over the bribery, Channels Television has exclusively obtained the audio conversation between the Mr. Lawan and Mr. Otedola.

Below is the transcript of the conversation:

Otedola: How are you sir? I don’t want to bring it to my house

Lawan: Oh, you would take it to your house

Otedola: No I don’t want to bring it to my house; it is a lot of money

Lawan: err… so where? Because I’m rushing to the… they are at the airport now?

Otedola: Yes they are in the airport in the aircraft

Lawan: Well I can’t come over now and before they can come over now unless I send somebody to but I can’t because…by the time they come I should be…I have a lot of things to do myself

Otedola: Is there anybody you think I can give it to or maybe I should just postpone my trip to China till tomorrow?

Lawan: No, no it’s ok…I’ll arrange it with someone…let me give you his number 080

Otedola: hold on hold on

Lawan: 08036513355

Otedola: (Repeats number after him)What’s the name?

Lawan: TJ

Otedola: Sorry?

Lawan: aaarrh… TJ

Otedola: Ateezay?

Lawan: TJ!

Otedola: Teezay?

Lawan: No, Tj

Otedola: OK. So I will give him the balance; that is erm… 2.5 million dollars, yea?

Lawan: that’s right. Hold on. I’m calling him to be sure his phone is on…..

It was alleged that following this conversation, Mr. Lawan while presenting the 210-paged Fuel Subsidy report to a plenary session of the House of Representatives, on the 21st of April, moved a motion of recommendation that two companies should be removed from the list of companies indicted by the committee for receiving forex from the Central Bank of Nigeria but failed to bring in the fuel. The two companies were owned by Mr. Otedola.

In the latest development, the House of Representatives have threatened to arrest Mr. Otedola if he fails to appear before the House today. Also, Mr. Lawan has hired four Senior Advocates of Nigeria to defend him in the alleged scandal.

Meanwhile, Mr. Lawan has reacted to the audio conversation saying Mr Otedola manipulated the audio and challenged the business mogul to produce the complete audio video unedited and undoctored.
In a statement issued on behalf of the lawmaker by his counsel, Chief Mike Ozekhome, SAN, he said,
“we have listened to and watched the audio with our client, Mr Farouk Lawan. On his instructions, we hereby  state that the audio is infertile, vague, puerile and inadmissible in evidence by any Court Of Law or Tribunal.
“Professionally, Channels did make the vital point that the audio was “purported to be their voices”. One simple question here: where is the visual of the audio? Recall that Mr Otedola had told the whole world that he used SSS to carry out a so called “Sting Operation”, which showed Farouk Lawan not only pocketing the sum of  N500,000 US Dollars, but also putting some under his cap, in Mr Otedola’s Lagos home. On Farouk’s instructions, we had debunked this allegation and challenged Mr Otedola, or the Police and SSS to produce this complete audio video, unedited and undoctored.
“Mr Otedola had the opportunity of doing this through Channels TV. But he did not. Rather, he brought highly doctored, manipulated and incomprehensible voices purported to be his and Lawan’s. He will certainly require forensic evidence to prove this to be true in this highly technologised world of manipulative evidence that can easily turn a man into a woman. Certainly, the audio was a sorry anti-climax to what Nigerians had been expecting.
“Even at that, let us take the audio “evidence” itself for whatever, it is worth. The conversation started somewhere in the middle, not from the beginning and ended abruptly. Our client hereby still challenges Mr Otedola to air the entire audio visual and also the complete video for Nigerians to see the setting and  environment in which the alleged bribe took place, who said what, to whom and for what.
“Secondly, our client believes that the entire footage is devilish, satanic, luciferous, mischievous and completely taken out of context. Even then the audio shows that it is Mr Otedola offering to pay the balance of the alleged bribe of N2.5 million US Dollars, not Mr Farouk Lawan.
“Even from what was said, there was no mention of the purpose of the alleged balance of N2.5 million US Dollars, or any mention of Mr Otedola’s indicted companies, Zenon Oil and AP Petroleum, Whose desired removal from the Committee’s indicted companies list allegedly formed the fulcrum of the bribe itself. If it was actually a “sting operation”, why is it Mr Otedola and not the SSS officially releasing it on Channels TV?  The audio has raised more questions and doubts than answers. Mr Farouk Lawan says it is a doctored anti-climax”.
What do you think about the latest development in the scandal?
711  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Was the Oba of Benin Right to have kept President Goodluck Jonathan & his Vice W on: 3-07-2012 10:36 AM
Widespread outrage has continued to trail the recent visit of President Goodluck Jonathan and his Vice, Namadi Sambo, to the Palace of the Oba of Benin.

According to media reports, the President and his Vice visited the ancient city of Benin on Saturday and waited for several minutes in the Palace of the Oba of Benin but the Oba never showed up to receive them.

The Oba’s action came as a rude shock to them.

President Jonathan had already taken his seat next to the Oba’s throne and was made to wait for about 15 minutes before a palace official announced to his delegation and the Bini chiefs that were also seated that the royal father would not be seeing him because of circumstances beyond his control.

However, the monarch’s official added that the usual palace formalities would still be observed in the absence of the monarch, including prayers for the president and the distribution of cola nuts. According to him, “because of circumstances beyond his control, the Oba cannot receive the president, but the normal procedures of prayer for our guest will still be carried out.”

President Jonathan, who was apparently taken aback by the announcement, looked calm as he simply lowered his gaze even as the palace official invited the most senior chief present to offer the prayers. After the prayers, the palace official, again, announced that even though the Oba would not see the President in public, he would be willing to receive him alone in another section of the palace.

Among those with the president in the palace were Vice President Namadi Sambo, Governors Emmanuel Uduaghan (Delta), Idris Wada (Kogi) and Seriake Dickson (Bayelsa); top government officials and PDP chieftains, led by the National Chairman, Alhaji Bamanga Tukur, as well as former Acting National Chairman of the party, Alhaji Abubakar Kawu Baraje.

Meanwhile, the Oba of Benin, Omo N’Oba N’Edo Uku Akpolokpolo, has refuted publications in some national newspapers that he shunned President Goodluck Jonathan and members of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) on their recent visit to his palace.

The Benin traditional council, in a statement signed by its secretary and issued on the authority of the traditional ruler, in Benin City, on Monday, described some of the publications as mischievous.

According to the statement, “the palace would like to make it clear that the Omo N’Oba did not shun President Jonathan and the PDP members that came with him.

“In fact, it is the respect and love Omo N’Oba has for the president that made him to still manage to see the president in a private chamber in the palace, despite a complicated situation that day.”

So, what do you think about this? The Oba of Benin kept the President waiting for 15 minutes and did not come out of his chambers to honour the President’s visit. Was the Oba of Benin right to have kept the President, the Vice President and his aides waiting?
712  Forum / The Buzz Central / Popular Artiste, Kas' Twin Sword on: 3-07-2012 10:34 AM
Popular artiste, Karounwi Olakunle a.k.a. Kas has featured in a movie titled Thw Twin Sword.

Though, the sensational 'Omo Yoruba Ni Mi O' song has once recorded his debut in a flick before, this time around, he's playing a lead role in this much-buster movie due to be released any moment from now.

The movie which has Alex Osifo and other to notch in Nollywood as star actos was shot in Northern Nigeria.

Right now, keep those fingers crossed as the movie, produced by Samaila Vangawa and directed by Geoff Galadima makes its way to cinemas near you and we get to see Kas unleash his acting skills.
713  Forum / The Buzz Central / Mario Balotelli Is Going To Be A Dad on: 3-07-2012 10:30 AM
24yr old striker, Mario Balotelli is expecting his first child from ex-girlfriend, Rafaella.

Speaking to Italian website Sport Mediaset, she said: ‘I called the day before the game against Germany and I said, I’m expecting a baby, it’s your baby.

‘After a pause he said ‘You gave me the best news of the world.”

Rafaella now claims that a delighted Mario, 21, is eager to commit to her and rebuild their failed relationship.

She said that he never stopped loving her and he always wanted to have a son with her and even get married.

She insists that she does not need money and never intended to trap a rich footballer, however, her offspring will bring plenty of pride to Balotelli, who stormed off the pitch after last night’s defeat.

It’s still important that a lot of confirmations take place…
714  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / DELTA 2015 GUBER RACE: Gov Uduaghan's son can contest –Aginighan on: 2-07-2012 03:52 PM
(PDP) aspirant in Delta State in the build-up to the 2007 general elections, made the remark while fielding questions from journalists at the weekend, shortly after attending the funeral service of Nigeria's first female ambassador, Mrs. Elizabeth Ogbon-Day at Ogoni-Olomu in Ughelli South Local Government Area of Delta State.

funeral service of Nigeria's first female ambassador, Mrs. Elizabaeth Ogbon-Day at Ogoni-Olomu in Ughelli South Local Government Area of Delta State.

prevent any Urhobo from seeking for the governorship slot. Equally Dr Uduaghan's being in power for two terms cannot stop any Deltan from the Delta South from aspiring'

“If Nigeria's democracy must be deepened, all political activities must be guided by the rule of law. Let us allow the people alone to elect their leaders through a free, fair, credible and transparent electoral process from Party Congresses and Primaries to the general elections. Any other road to political power can only enthrone mediocrity and engender the culture of impunity with emerging leaders parading themselves as imperial lords and tyrants who see the rest of us as conquered peoples,” he added.

the zoning of elective offices in the three tiers of government as alien to the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

Aginighan, a former Peoples Democratic Party

A former Acting Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer of the Niger Delta Development Commission, Pastor Power Aginighan, has described the zoning of elective offices in the three tiers of government as alien to the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
715  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / South-south chambers of commerce seek partnership over Local Content Act on: 2-07-2012 03:49 PM
THE Forum of South-South chambers of commerce industry, mines and agriculture has urged the Federal Government to partner with stakeholders to implement the Local Content Act. The local content bill was signed into law on April 20, 2010 by President Goodluck Jonathan. It seeks to increase local capacity and participation in the Petroleum industry.

participation in the Petroleum industry.

The President of the forum, Mr Billy Harry, told the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Port Harcourt that Nigerians were eager to see its enforcement because of its benefits. "Besides, for such an important policy to succeed, government should partner with key stakeholders including civil societies to monitor its implementation. "Nigerians are in a hurry to see the enforcement of local content act so that the Niger Delta people and Nigerians in general will reap the attendant benefits'', he said.

Harry said if implemented, the law would generate more than 30,000 jobs in the next five years, noting that more than 70 per cent  of the jobs in the oil and gas sector were still being done by foreigners.

‘'Stakeholders in the industry argue that government was not serious in attempting to stop this act of cheating because the National Assembly have not progressed the process to

sign the PIB into law. ''We wish to note that such a bill that is geared towards improving indigenous participation in the oil and gas industry, after many years that it was initiated, has not been passed into law.

‘'It is pertinent that all stakeholders work in concert to ensure the PIB is signed into law to guarantee Nigeria's sovereignty in controlling its economy,'' he said. Harry said experts estimate that Nigerian content in the oil and gas sector was around 20 per cent, an indication that most jobs such as engineering, material and maintenance work are provided by foreign workers and overseas suppliers. "The thrust of the Nigerian Content Policy is to promote value addition to the local economy, increase local participation, build local capacity on the back of ongoing projects and generally increase linkage to other sectors of the national economy, to grow local content by 70 per cent,'' he said.
716  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Sack of NNPC board: Group chides PENGASSAN on: 2-07-2012 03:43 PM
THE Niger Delta Indigenous Movement for Radical Change (NDIMRC) has hailed the sweeping sack of top management and directors of the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC).

The group also lambasted the Petroleum and Natural Gas Worker Senior Staff Association (PENGASSAN) and some civil society groups that condemned the frequent changes in the leadership of the NNPC.

NDIMRC, in a statement by its President, Nelly Emma and Secretary, John Sailor said President Jonathan did the right thing by sacking the NNPC board.

It said, “The sacking of the NNPC board, including Mr. Oniwon is a welcome development; President Jonathan should not be condemned, rather he should be commended for taking the bold step; his action is for our national interest.”

“We have been disturbed over the issue of the rot in NNPC and we have been calling for the total overhaul of the corporation, now the process of that overhauling has started with the sacking of Mr. Oniwon and his team and our Labour Leaders should not entertain any fear that the new management may abandon the on-going Turn Around Maintenance and repair of the four refineries intended to put them back on stream to operate at their installed capacity.”

While congratulating the new NNPC management team led by Mr. Yakubu, NDIMRC urged the team to move the Corporation to the next level and promote the Nigerian Local Content by encouraging indigenous Oil and Gas firms that have built capacity over the years as a result of their trust and hope in the Nigerian Content.

 “We urge Labour and all Nigerians to support Mr. Yakubu to succeed. The new GMD should know that President Jonathan who appointed him is not a partial man hence he appointed a man like him from Kaduna to head the NNPC and your appointment is the best thing to happen to NNPC at this time and so you must make good use of the opportunity as all eyes are on you right now,” it added.

THE Niger Delta Indigenous Movement for Radical Change (NDIMRC) has hailed the sweeping sack of top management and directors of the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC).

The group also lambasted the Petroleum and Natural Gas Worker Senior Staff Association (PENGASSAN) and some civil society groups that condemned the frequent changes in the leadership of the NNPC.

NDIMRC, in a statement by its President, Nelly Emma and Secretary, John Sailor said President Jonathan did the right
717  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Pomp as Redeemers Mission Bishop ordains PASTORS, ELDERS, DEACONS on: 2-07-2012 03:42 PM

IT was a bumper celebration at the headquarters of Holy Spirit the Redeemer's Mission (Temple of Glory), yesterday as the founder and General Overseer of the Church in Enerhen, Uvwie Local Government of Delta State, Bishop Felix Evawere, presented the Feast of Maturity Ordination Service.

Seventeen members were elevated to various positions of priesthood by Bishop Evawere in a boisterous service witnessed by over 20 prominent members of the local chapter of the Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria (PFN) and other top men and women of God from Rivers and other neighbouring states.

In a sermon backed by copious biblical references, the officiating priest, Pastor Francis Okrikri,

reminded ministers that the office for which they are chosen are some of the highest attainable in the service of God. He said it leads to the priesthood order of Melchizedec, “the spiritual order of which Jesus Christ Himself is the High Priest as in Hebrew 5:10.”


He reminded them that their responsibilities would be onerous as shepherds and overseers of God's flock, adding: “Your job is to bring the church to make sure that her character and her dressing is perfect and fit for the King of Kings.”

He further added that discharging the weighty responsibilities would demand their utmost sanctity and total purity without which the presence of God would depart from their lives.

Among those elevated to the position of pastors were Mrs. Beauty Amagada, wife

of a prominent journalist and retired News Editor of Delta State Government-owned broadcasting outfit, DBS; Evangelist Francis Iriogbe, Mrs, Victoria Asigor, Mr. Mark Evawere and Mrs. Christabel Evawere.  Messrs Barnabas Ezoh, Moses Izu as well as Captain Mark Koyaya were promoted to Elders of the church.

Mark Koyaya were promoted to Elders of the church.

Similarly, Messrs Peter Eguayele and Collings Ifeha were made deacons while Mrs. Alice Evawere, Queen Sunday, Rose Koyaya, Juliet Izu Regina Iriogbe Esi, Mabel Ewhuohiakpor and Mama Beatrice Sajere were promoted

to the position of deaconesses.

In their admonitions, Bishop Evawere and Pastor Emma Enuwe reminded the new ministers that their positions are not an end in itself but a means towards making heaven ultimately as well as winning souls for God.

The highpoint of the

ordination ceremony was the presentation of certificates to the 17 apostles to the admiration of their family members, friends and well wishers.

Among the guests that graced the occasion were Apostle and Deaconess Festus Emuobosa, Rev. James Kule, Rev and Mrs. Peter Momodu, Pastor Anthony Omavuayewor, Rev Michael  Olomu, Pst (Mrs.) Caroline Enuwe, Pst and Mrs. Oviomo, Rev and Mrs. Fridayy Obukata and Pst
718  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / NEPAD improving lives, impacting communities in Rivers on: 2-07-2012 03:38 PM
FROM its inception in Rivers State in 2008, Wariboko said NEPAD has been able to key into the policy framework set out by its head office in Abuja to achieve the desired change in the State's policy through radical approach to issues of poverty alleviation, improvement in the quality of education, agricultural development and health, among others.

“The first

thing is to sensitize the populace by enlightening them about NEPAD and what it sets out to achieve. The next is to work out plans on how to add value by helping government to bring about accelerated development,” he said.

To this end, Wariboko said the State organized several capacity building workshops for focal point officers as well as local government liaison

officers to drive home its national programme of action. He said Rivers' NEPAD partnered with private companies, nongovernmental organizations, Rivers State Sustainable Development Agency (RSSDA), Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC), United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), United Nation Development Porgramme (UNDP), among others, to achieve its goals.

achieve its goals.

The partnership, he said, has resulted in successes including training of over 20 Rivers indigene in mechanized farming at the Republic of Ireland, computer literacy campaign tagged 'ICT for All', aimed at “bridging the digital gap, recognizing the importance of ICT as a strong fulcrum for national growth and development.”

Others include School's Election Project to promote and inculcate good

governance and democratic values among youths. “So far, we have gone to over 20 schools to enlighten young ones about what ICT is all about as well as partner with private companies to empower schools with computers.”

Wabikoro further revealed that the state is doing a lot in re-building schools with the aim of catching them young and bridging the gap, adding that the agency has also established a platform where youth can come

together with a common objective of working towards community development.

“Furthermore, in response to the high demand for employment and lack of requisite skills, our office, in partnership with private sector, is providing opportunities for our people to acquire

knowledge and skills needed to successfully operate micro, small and medium scale business.”

He listed other successes as establishment of integrated farms in Tai Local Government Area “through a concept called 'Agro Connect'

whereby we partner with relevant organizations in order to establish an agro-processing plant for processing food crops within the state and its environs.”

In line with the United Nations Millennium Developmental Goals on Health and

the African Union, he said the State office is in synergy with relevant ministries, department, agencies and other stakeholders in enlightenment/awareness campaign on malaria, improving maternal health and reducing infant mortality. “It is also in collaboration with partners to create HIV awareness and increase access to HIV/AIDS testing as well as giving out Insecticide Treated Nets free to the populace,” he said.

HIV awareness and increase access to HIV/AIDS testing as well as giving out Insecticide Treated Nets free to the populace,” he said.

Wariboko also revealed that there is proposal for the establishment of Waste and Recycling Plant which will be set up in

collaboration with an indigenous oil service company in order to clean up the environment. He said the recycling plant will be the first in Nigeria. “NEPAD Rivers has also a set of programme and projects geared towards introducing eco-friendly policies and habits, such as a climate change adaptation, Natural Resources Management and Green Living, among the people of Rivers State.

climate change adaptation, Natural Resources Management and Green Living, among the people of Rivers State.

On NEPAD Education Initiative, he said Rivers is poised to begin implementation of partnership with relevant organization

to donate about 1,000,000 Science, Mathematics, English and other textbooks to primary, secondary and post secondary and libraries all over the State.

In accordance with the UN's goal on Gender Equality and On Women Empowerment,

Wariboko revealed that NEPAD seeks to empower women with resources and capacity development to unlock their economic potentials, fight poverty and create wealth thereby contributing to the achievement of the Millennium Developmental Goals (MDG) economic growth and sustainable development.


He further disclosed that the agency still intends to establish farms in three more LGAs in the state to help ameliorate the challenge of food wastage and ensure food security, among others.

However, the NEPAD aide said funding remains a major challenge. Yet, he said NEPAD still
719  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / The 2012 London Olympics Edges Closer | Kanu, Nwankwo, Funke Akindele, Banky W, on: 2-07-2012 02:30 PM
‘Another notch on the resume… Feeling real blessed today‘, tweeted Banky W, after quite a momentous occasion.

Yesterday, July 1st, 2012, Kanu Nwankwo, Funke Akindele, Banky W, Yaw and Sasha represented Nigeria and made us proud as they were all part of the Olympic Torch relay, a pivotal part of the pre-Olympic proceedings for the 2012 London Olympics.
720  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Snoop Doggy Arrested For Drug With 8 Grams Of Marijuana on: 2-07-2012 02:22 PM
It has become a daily routine for our Nigerian artiste to be high on drug before mounting the stage or entering the vocal booth before singing. But for the American rapper, Calvin Broadus aka Snoop Doggy Dogg, it's a different ball game entirely as he was arrested in Norway for being in possession of illegal drugs.

A sniffer dog discovered about eight grams of marijuana in the rapper's possession while he was also charged for having more cash than is legally allowed in Norway.

He could not perform at a music festival as billed last Thursday due to the arrest. Well, we only hope Nigeria government could be as relevant as possible to curb the excesses of our so called artistes' romance with hard drugs.

The names are endless, Terry G,, Showkey, Saheed Osupa, Pasuma, etc in fact, virtually all of them are deeply rooted with roots.
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