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1  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Marriage breakdown: 9ice divorces Toni Payne on: 10-01-2010 10:45 PM
kai na wa oooo..when we tot dis may never end up like the odas kai na wa
2  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Does marriage makes a man responsible? on: 16-09-2009 08:05 PM
Quote from: obietrizzy on 14-09-2009 12:25 AM
i believe dat respnsibility starts 4rm family, if 1 is rseponsible in his family,probably he will be responsible as a family man. an advice, children should nt joke with their house duties b/c dat's where 1 builds up his/her responsibility
3  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Meet Dr. Mercy Gabriel : The female taxi driver in Abuja on: 16-09-2009 08:03 PM
it"s her choice provided she"s happy
4  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: 200 Level- Unillorin Student commits suicide on: 16-09-2009 07:59 PM
oboy dat has something else bordering him.Even if suicide is not just d solution
5  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: How can we get a perfect relationship? on: 20-08-2009 08:04 PM
wit God there is
6  Forum / Religion / Re: Is betting a sin? on: 4-01-2009 10:04 PM
its a very mighty sin watch it
7  Forum / Naijapals / Re: Why so rude!!!!!!! on: 4-01-2009 09:47 PM
just wondering myself may GOD help nigeria and its contents...sum 1 say .................
8  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: GIRLS ARE SEARCHING MADLY FOR GUYS EVERYWHERE. on: 4-01-2009 09:41 PM
hmm  guy na u knw
9  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: GIRLS ARE SEARCHING MADLY FOR GUYS EVERYWHERE. on: 4-01-2009 09:38 PM
Quote from: ejintendo on 15-12-2008 12:59 AM
Come 2 look at it, some how u blame d ladies in d other way round they are only tryin 2 forfil Isaiah 4:1.  I quote " And in that day seven women shall take hold of one man, saying, we will eat our own bread & ware our own apparel: only let us be call by your name" Na wetin self, ladies una too many o!!. If any 1 choose 2 b part of isaiah 4:1 na e own wahala b dat. Right.
10  Forum / Naijapals / Re: meaning behind your nick names here in naija pals on: 4-01-2009 09:33 PM
ponnybabe....................never a face n d crowd but i stand out excellently