Haba, Madam. Why are you taking it personal? I was raised in 9nija myself and i am so cultured that i cant imagine stooping low to rain abuses on the internet and so intelligent as to appreciate the fact that everyone's entitled to his/her opinions and views are always divergent. And to answer your questions, yeah rite, i have seen an human head hanged on the entrance gate of a Nigerian School campus back in the days when cultism was on the very high. Will you ever see that in the west? Na you know your fraternity wey dey ivy-leagues but in as much as they do not constitute any issues to law-abiding students, who cares? What i was saying is that here, the law keeps a check on people's behaviour cos its effective but in 9nija you could do whatever and go scot free moreso if your parents are in the political circle or just wealthy. And that in itself will be an incentive for kids to misbehave so i will even advise you yourself...steer your pretty kids (their mum isn't bad, so they should) clear from 9nija till they are in abt mid 20's.Cheers
I wasn't raining abuses on you. Simply letting you know that dismissing all Naija raised children as corrupt isn't smart. The law even in the US keeps track on the things that money can't cover. A rich teen in the US who is a druggie in the US is sent to rehab and is said to be "going through a difficult time." A poor teen from the inner city who is in the same situation is sent to jail. The law in the US may wear a suit and tie, but it can be just as corrupt underneath the facade.
You said you saw heads on pikes in Nigerian Universities? At least you said it yourself that it was "back in the day when cultism was very high." We are changing, we are growing, and it will get better. I went to a Nigerian University, so I know what I'm talking about. I'm just over people generalizing all Nigerians as corrupt because of the actions of a few and it is particularly sad when it's coming from a Nigerian. A responsible disciplined child is the result of a disciplined loving parent. Not their location.
That was a nice piece. You have my vote and I totally agree with you.