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41  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Dating Advice for Men Lesson 1 - Appearance - Clothes and shoes on: 18-09-2009 09:24 AM
Quote from: humble02 on 18-09-2009 05:34 AM
guy this is not an uption,almost what you placed there is in my custody,but  they day i mate my future wife to come if god aprove it. is the day i was very very stinking and dirty. i my self even pasive the odure of my body so heavy bad smelling before a was offloading my contna with payjob boy's at very far place while i'm looking for wisky drink to buy for my offload jobe boy's,

without she knowing me for the first time, she even apruoch me with my condition, and my jean's was pearled updown looking inproper and we talk about an hrs. before she left me.
boys who do like this that you said  are playboy's like you.
who need atraction of many ladie's. the noticemy boy's
it is like you are among them lol

In as much as I may not agree with your opinion, I will however fight to death in defence of your right to them!

I have this friend that cares very little about his looks; According to him he wanted to look like professors who look so unkept but are "clean" upstairs".

Reason: "when people get close, they will know the stuff he is made of".

My answer?

Your look must times determines who comes close and who does not.

The bees goes for the stuff in flowers; but the sight of the flowers is usually the first attraction.

Finally, it is not all about the outward appearance. This is just a part one of what i have so take it easy and stop being cynical (just) for the sake of it.
42  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Dating Advice for Men Lesson 1 - Appearance - Clothes and shoes on: 17-09-2009 12:09 PM

Women appreciate men who look good or at least tries to. Women take great care and effort of what they wear for different occasions and also take note of guys who do the same. Clothes are THE difference between dashing and ordinary. In addition, women do take note of shoes. It explains why they have a whole shoe rack full of shoes. Therefore, choose your shoes wisely too. Although different women have different taste in choice of clothes for men, it is generally acceptable to look neat and tidy. Here are some ways to achieve it:

1. Dressed Suitably

Formal wear are for formal occasions such as dinner in restaurants. T-shirts and jeans are for simple date at the mall. Shorts and singlets are for jogging in your nearby park and so on. You get the picture.

2. Iron your clothes

It is not a very good image to portray if your clothes are crumpled and you go out on a date. A woman will think that you are lazy and do not place any importance on the date.

3. Do NOT wear clothes with vulgarities, segxwally suggestive images or words

We know that these clothes might be your favorite as it is very cheeky or portrays your style that you do not give a damn what is happening around. However, it is a definite no-no for dates as it is rude, insensitive and too explicit for any potential girlfriends/wives to take it.

4. Go for well known, respected brands

We do not want you to show off. However, it is always nice to wear something that lets you get noticed by your date. If branded stuff is not your thing, at least get a simple respected brand that do not portray you as a cheapskate.

5. Ask other women for opinion
Let us face it. Men are pretty hopeless at fashion. That is why we hate shopping.(The clothes look the same anyway) To understand what is appropriate, what is nice on you, it is always good to get a female's opinion. After all, your date is another female and it is your date that is going to judge you on your date.
43  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Dating Advice for Women Lesson 1 (part 1) on: 17-09-2009 12:01 PM

1. Dress Comfortably

Sure. All Men like to see women that are dressed in nice clothes showing some skin. However, that is the reason why women should not reveal to much skin. Men are selfish. They like to see other women dress in various stages of undress and are genuinely embarrassed when their date is in too little clothes. Moreover, Man do not like to see women keep on tugging at their clothes to make sure they do not reveal too much. Elegant and comfortable wear is always a good gauge. By being comfortable with what you wear, you can also enjoy the night in peace rather then being worried in your dressing.

2. Dress appropriately

Some of us like to look the best whenever we're outside. Obviously, it is natural that all women are vain by nature and men will be attracted by women who look good. Despite that, the plan can backfire when u try to do sports in long skirts, or attend a function in short skirts. It is always important to dress for the occasion and more important so when you are on a date.

3. Appropriate make up

It is important to put on some make up before going out on a date. However, you don’t want to look ghastly in front of your date by applying too much make up or applying the wrong make up. Apply adequate make up for the occasion and you will look fabulous. If you are one who absolutely hates make up and know nuts about applying make up, just a simple lipstick will do.

44  Forum / Relationships & Romance / LADIES!!: Make yourself irresistible from men on: 16-09-2009 03:00 PM
Experts tell us that a man is most turned on when he is in a state of infatuation with a woman. Here are 5 secrets for getting him to that special place.

Next time he comes home or comes over to see you, surprise him with a new perfume or body lotion. The olfactory (smell-related) senses in his brain are tied closely with his segxwal arousal centers. And, by not drawing his attention directly to it you will be adding to the sense of mystery, while is a real turn-on.
Okay, this is a fine line to walk, so be careful. This is not a "make him jealous" strategy. Rather, it is just this: if some halfway-decent looking guy happens to give you a little extra attention at the grocery store, merely casually mention this fact to your man. Then, watch how he re-discovers your beauty and appeal while pondering what you have told him.

Next time you two are watching TV, let him know which actor or actors you find attractive. This will remind your man that you are still a segxwal being who always has her radar on. Of course, you also need to be sure to remind your guy that this is only a fantasy and that you would never dream of being with anyone but him (he likes being your hero). By making him feel like he is the only one amidst multiple suitors, you will press his "on" switch.

Next time you two are about to make love, start telling him one of your fantasies that he has never heard before while you slowly take off his clothes.

Find a new hobby or interest and really get into it. You will become even more attractive to him as he sees that it is not always "all about him." Hint: make sure to leave some regular one-on-one time for the two of you in your schedule.

The key to turning him on is to make him see you in a new, fresh light.
Give him no choice but to see you as a sensuous, exciting woman worthy of desire and adoration.

45  Forum / Relationships & Romance / "Searchers": how to identify a good woman from the others on: 16-09-2009 02:55 PM
Many men have at some point or other in their lives been deceived and dazed by a woman's looks. Many of them have wasted countless hours and spent small fortunes chasing after women who lied to them and basically treated them like dirt. Some regret the lost opportunity to marry a woman who was not exactly physically attractive but was a good woman.

There is really no "standard" litmus test for telling right away that a woman is "a good woman" or one of those "other" ones.

Here are just a few things to look for when you meet or date a girl/woman:

1. She has an open and welcoming smile that goes beyond the surface deep inside her eyes -- the window to her soul. Her eyes and her whole demeanor kind of "lights up" when you walk into the room or towards her.

2. She lets you be you.  She does not want to change you - clean you up, re-make you or rename you etc - so she can love you but accepts you just the way you are.

3. She genuinely enjoys your company – is not afraid to ask for it or tell you that she enjoys being around you. Being around her feels like being around your best friend because you can truly be just yourself -- no feeling like you are always walking on egg-shells or trying too hard to please (and always coming short). The experience of being around her is "satisfying" in its own.

4. She goes out of her way to do things she thinks will make you happy. She is the woman who will call you just to say "hi" or "I was thinking of you" however busy/tired she is.

5. She is independent and secure within herself. She does not need constant attention and does not put pressure on you to feed her self-esteem, anxiety or worries about the future.

6. She is there for you when it is up and when it is down. She is happy out in an expensive restaurant just as she is happy sitting next to you on the couch, doing nothing.

7. She does what she says she will do. She does not play mind games but lets you know where you stand because she cares enough to treat others the way she would like to be treated.
8. She believes that a relationship should be a 50/50 give-and- take partnership.  With her it is not always "Me, me, me" but "we" and "us".  Not only does she believe in a 50/50 give-and-take partnership, she takes her 50% part of the partnership seriously. 

9. She shows respect for you not only in private but more so in public because she cares about how others see you and treat you.

10.  She is not just nice to people she has something to gain from but is kind and treats the doorman, the customer service representatives, the waitress, the beggar on the street, children, the elderly etc. with compassion and respect. This is a telling sign of how she will treat you once she feels she has you and is not trying to impress you anymore.
11. She genuinely wants to be in a relationship with you and not just looking for "any man" to solve all her problems. She talks positively of the opposite sex but also not blind to their shortcomings.

12. She likes the things you like and makes an effort to do even the things you like and she doesn't.

13. She is not embarrassed or too proud to show you how much she loves you. She gives you her love and she also gives you her trust.

14. She is positive, happy with her life and always upbeat. She does not try to put other girls/women down to look better than she really is.

15. She makes you feel like you really matter even with all your faults and shortcomings-- and she is happy that you were born!

Yes, guys there are still good women out there. You just have to know what to look for. She could be just in front of your nose. She could be the woman in the next cubicle who brings you coffee at your office/shop with just the right amount of sugar and milk and hangs around waiting to be noticed; or the cashier at the bank who smiles every time you walk in; or may be she is the woman you refer to as the “bossy bitch” word - yes her, the one who is Vice President of the company you work for. She could be anyone.

So do not limit yourself.

46  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: WHAT DO U DO WHEN YOUR WIFE IS ALWAYS INVITING HER FEMALE FRIENDS TO YOUR HOUSE on: 16-09-2009 02:42 PM
People speak up please. :'(
47  Forum / Relationships & Romance / If your wife is always inviting female friends to the house on: 16-09-2009 10:46 AM
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