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1  Forum / Politics / Sarah Jibril: “my One Vote Will Continue To Haunt Nigerian Women” on: 4-02-2011 08:19 AM

Speaking with journalists at the Federal High Court in Abuja yesterday, Mrs. Sarah Jubril,  said the “one vote” she recorded during the party’s presidential primary will continue to haunt Nigerian women.

According to Thisday, reflecting on the single vote recorded by her at the PDP presidential primary, she said: “That vote was of me, by me and for me. That vote has been seriously pricking the conscience of women, Nigerians, PDP Board of Trustees and the political class. I thank God for not allowing any other vote to cause confusion. I sympathise with the ignorance of the women which is till now affecting the conscience of women in Nigeria. Why are the womenfolk trying to use the media to call me serial contestant sarcastically? I have forgiven them. The political class should stop hijacking the conscience of Nigerian women who constitute the engine of the nation.”


2  Forum / The Buzz Central / Why Africa is 25 years behind the developed world! on: 20-01-2011 02:45 AM
Funny but so true! Grin Click here to find out why:
3  Forum / The Buzz Central / Writers needed at on: 3-01-2011 03:30 AM

Writers Needed at

Are you a young, passionate writer? The team at Celebrating Progress Africa ( is seeking young, talented writers to contribute to its growing online platform.

Writers are needed in the following categories:
•   Technology
•   Mobile Phones
•   Economic Development
•   Commentary/Opinions on a wide range of issues
•   Fashion
•   Music
•   Sports
•   Health
•   Interviews with African leaders

•   Passionate about Africa
•   Strong writing skills
•   Have ready access to the internet and is willing to work virtually
•   Self driven and motivated

Interested applicants should forward a recent copy of their CV to Ms. Jennifer Ehidiamen at [email protected].

Submissions should be titled: Interested Writer

In your e-mail, please indicate which category or categories you are most interested in.

Candidates who attach a writing sample will be looked upon favorably.
4  Forum / The Buzz Central / Genevieve Nnaji On CNN Connect The World (Full CNN Transcript/Video) on: 24-11-2010 06:47 AM

Video here:

CNN Transcript

Transcript : CNN Connect the World – Genevieve Nnaji (Syndicated)
(14:22:29) MF: tell us about ‘Bursting Out’ for people who don’t the movie and are thinking about going to see it – what is it about?

(14:22:34) GN: Bursting Out is a romantic comedy. It’s a story about a very upp-ity, uptight, elitist woman who falls in love with the wrong guy in the wrong class of life and then her discovery about – and then she falls in love hard so…it’s pretty funny. I found it funny.

(14:22:56) MF: Fun to film? Or was it hard work?

(14:23:00) GN: It was fun. It’s always fun. Cast were amazing and they were also funny and everyone had their own little contributions, which made it all was fun. I don’t feel like I work when I’m on set to be honest.

(14:23:12) MF: What was your favourite moment from the filming? There’s always a favourite moment.

(14:23:16) GN: Oooooo….I think the scenes with the other two girls, because I had two friends.

(14:23:25) MF: And you’re here in London because it’s being premiered in London. It’s already had a premiere in Lagos. Why London? Is there a big market here?

(14:23:33) GN: There is a big market here. Everyone is a descendent of Nigeria or Ghana or where ever and movies are really, really big here. Just walking down the streets, the amount of people who stop me on the road, and really appreciate what we’ve done. So…it’s amazing and you know they ask for it. They’ve been asking for it for a very long time. So, yeah. It’s not the first time I’ve been here to premiere.

(14:23:56) MF: It seems that Nigerian film is becoming more and more popular abroad, but who’s watching those films? Is it people of Nigerian descent or is it people who have nothing to do with Nigeria?

(14: 24:06) GN: All sorts of people. All sorts of people. Umm… I have been recognised by Indians, I think a Chinese woman once and that’s so funny. I think all sorts of people, but that’s because Africans are all over the country – all over the world – and you know, all it takes is you having a friend and telling a friend “you need to see this this”. It’s all by association, so it’s all really getting its awareness somehow.

(14:24:28) MF: It’s called ‘Nollywood’ which is a term I don’t think all actors like in Nigeria, but it’s sort of been coined. How would you say Nigerian cinema differs from Hollywood cinema?

(14:24:41) GN: Do we really have cinema? [laugh] Cinema is pretty new in Nigeria – I mean it used to be back in the day, but that sort of faded off. But it’s new, it’s coming back and hopefully it comes to stay. But for now all we do are home videos, movies for your tv. But there we’ve had success stories like EJ and a few other movies that have been shot on film and had to be premiered and shown in the cinemas and it’s amazing how people have received this so….

(14:25:13) MF: As you say, the growth is explosive. Why are people so fascinated by film now when film has been around for so long?

(14:25:21) GN: Umm… are you talking about Nollywood being interested or people being interested in films

(14: 25:24) MF: I guess it’s Nigerians watching films as much as Nigerian films doing well.

(14:25:30) GN: Movies have been there for not long, but say relatively, for about 20 years – pretty recent. But you see we started out making films for the people by the people. We are only allowed to tell our stories and it’s amazing how people can relate to these stories – you know what I mean? And obviously because of the awareness we create in terms of what happens in every individual’s life at some point – we all have story in common and I think that’s really why people have taken an interest in our films to be honest, because they can relate to our stories.

(14:26:10) MF: But they want the fun films don’t they? They want the romantic comedies. It’s not necessarily the really gritty, traumatic movies that sometimes come out of Hollywood.

(14:26:17) GN: We have a healthy mix. We do. If you look hard, you would find it. I do quite a number of romantic comedies.

(14:26:24) MF: We’ve got lots viewer questions of course – from all over the world actually. Robin from Cameroon asks, “What’s your biggest challenge as an actress in Africa?”

(14:26:35) GN: Well, in the beginning it was pretty challenging because first of all you had to – it’s not a culture that Africans have, well back in the day, took to very readily so it was hard having to go through that and at the same time convince people that you know what you’re doing and they should give you a chance to prove yourself. And it’s possible, you know, to do something – to actually be in the public eye, and be an actor and still be normal. You know so it was challenging.

(14:27:03) MF: But you’re not normal. You can’t go down the streets of Lagos can you?

(14:27:06) GN: Chhee….eee…,  no.

(14:27:10) MF: What’s it like living that life? It’s crazy, isn’t it? You know, you get mobbed?

(14:27:15) GN: I know – I don’t walk! I drive! So, I’m safe.

(14:27:18) MF: You’ve made your name obviously in Nigeria and but also abroad. I think it was Oprah who called you the ‘Julia Roberts of Africa’. What do you think about that label? I mean it’s great – this is from Oprah!

(14:27:30) GN: Yes, it is from Oprah. So it’s fine.

(14: 27:32) MF: Are you an actress in your right?

(14:27:34) GN: Yes, I am an actress in my own right. I don’t think I have anything in common with Julia Roberts to be honest. But it’s really complementary. It’s for me it’s a honour either way. It’s just recognition – that’s good.

(14: 27:45) MF: Nancy Samara from America says, “Who is the one actor from Hollywood that you would want to work with, and why?”

(14:27:51) GN: Angelina Jolie. I’m a hug fan. Love her, love her, love her. Um… Johnny Depp, amazing actor. I think he’s so intriguing. I think there is something so mysterious about him. These two people, I don’t know I think I would definitely get along with.

(14: 28:06) MF: And Stachelle from Trinidad says, “Are there any times that you regret being famous, especially in a country like Nigeria where everyone knows you, and they really do.

(14:28:16) GN: Um…nnoo

(14: 28:18) MF: Do you just want to break away from it sometimes and be yourself?

(14:28:21) GN: When I want to do that I basically just stay in. I just stay in and hang around with people who know me for me and appreciate me whether or not I’m an actor. You have to just get up and go and just you know grab that privacy that you want so much.

(14: 28:36) MF: When you can get it. Pat from our Facebook page asks, “How do you discover other talented Nigerian actors and what do you do to give back to your country?”

(14:28:47) GN: We have quite a number of young ones back home who are trying to be actors and actresses and they are really working hard. But all you have to do is audition and prove yourself and believe in yourself and hope [MF – UP SOT: hope you break through] you break through at some point and what do I do to give back? I basically look out for talents in the industry. I basically look out for talents and encourage a lot of producers to try out new people and for the society the little I can do to be honest.

(14: 29:17) MF: But you support orphanages, don’t you?

(14:29:20) GN: Yes, I do.

(14:29:22) MF: And that’s because – I presume – you feel for these young kids that don’t have families and you can give something that can help.

(14:29:28) GN: Definitely. I’m very passionate about you know, orphans because – for me – there are so many other diseases out there but you see a lot of people don’t even have the experience of what love is about and these kids don’t even have that. So for me, times like Christmas, you know you just want to do something and actually buy them presents and I just think they are too young and too innocent and we need to actually show them that people out there do love them. So I do my bit.

(14:29:55) MF: Assan Cyril wonders where you get your motivation when so much of the country is in poverty, which you’ve just referred to I guess – lots of orphanages aren’t there?

(14:30:04) GN: Yes. Well, country being in poverty. Well then our job is to put a smile on people’s faces. You know, we do the bits we can and we’re pretty generous when we come across people as well. And then we do a lot of talking to people that we feel can help. You know like,,

(14:30:23) MF: Lobbying governments to try to do things.

(14:30:28) GN: Yes, exactly. Encouraging them to do more.

(14:30:27) MF: Ok, and Catyatoo asks what advice would you give to young Nigerian girls that may want to follow in your footsteps?

(14:30:35) GN: I would tell them to definitely be sure, first of all [MF UP SOT: Would you advise them to go into the industry?]. Yes, of course, it’s a wonderful place to be, especially if you love, what you, if you’re sure you can do it. It’s a wonderful place to be. I would definitely advise them to believe in themselves, be true to themselves and be sure that it’s something they are willing to do and they’re ready for the consequences because every good thing comes with consequences.

(14:31:00) MF: What are they? Lack of privacy

(14:31:00) GN: Ohh… you lose your privacy for starters.

(14:31:05) MF: Philip Peter from Lagos asks, “What has been your biggest regret in Nigerian film?”

(14:31:13) GN: Umm…. Biggest regrets? Oh boy, regrets – I don’t know – I hardly regret anything. I just learn from mistakes. I don’t regret anything. It’s too hard. I mean you do the best you can at that point in time and you know everything is about growth and progress and I’ve gotten older so obviously you learn more. You learn on the job. I love my job – don’t worry about anything at all.

(14:31:36) MF: And finally Joped from our Facebook page asks, “When do you think that African movies will be able to compete with big budget Hollywood films?” Or do think they already are?

(14:31:46) GN: I think a few people have given them a run for their money [laugh]. We have to claim that, but we are getting there. Maybe not the Nollywood you know, but definitely we have a few people out there – a few Nigerian students who have schooled abroad and have gone to film school and are coming back home now to put to practice what they’ve learnt. So we do have a few people who are coming into the country right now and doing big things.

(14:32:11) MF: And the reality is it’s a very expensive business, so you need the finance as well. Is that coming more and more to Lagos now, do you think? You’re getting the funding that you want on your movies?

(14:32:20) GN: We have gotten support every – we do get support every now and then. But not as much as we would love to – not as much as we should. Because the movie industry is like the biggest export right now in Nigeria and we have in some way re-invented the country, you know. And we would appreciate some more encouragement from the banking sector.

(14:32:42) MF: Because people would be surprised by how much a Nollywood film actually costs. How much is it in dollars?

(14:32:46) GN: [laugh] My god! [MF UP SOT: Roughly] Roughly? Let’s see…

(14:32:49) MF: A Hollywood movie would be a 100 million dollars, say. And a particularly big one.

(14:32:53) GN: Oh well, I have no idea. I think it depends. But the truth is – the unique about Nollywood is we make the best use out of the little resources we have. You know, some how we get by. I don’t know. Sorry. [laugh]
5  Forum / The Buzz Central / Uti Nwachukwu’s Interview About Winning Big Brother Africa 5 on: 20-10-2010 08:50 PM

Naija/the continent has been buzzing about Uti's big win. Check out Uti's interview below with SATV right after his win...

Interview with Tashi Tagg of The South African TV Authority
Tashi: What questions have you been asked the most tonight?

Uti: Questions about my father’s passing and I’ve been asked to talk about Sheila, yeah, those two questions.

Tashi: And what you have said about both?

Uti: With my dad’s passing, I’ve said: “You know what, he gave me strength,” I could have left the game, but I pulled myself together and said: ‘Okay, you have to take control right now.’

Of course the production did give me a choice to go for the funeral and come back and I accepted that but, as life would have it, there was a flood in my home town and so they had to postpone the funeral to November.

For me, I just said: "You know what, the last thing I told my dad before I left was that I was coming back here and he told me that I had all it took to get to the Finale so the minute the news came out I felt like leaving, but then I thought: "You know what? I'm gonna do this for my dad.'"

Tashi: And Sheila?

Uti: She's an amazing woman...
Uti: She’s an amazing woman… In the house we said we were going to talk about it – you know you can’t say what you want to say, so we both agreed not to take it further in the house, so y’all got to wait and see.

Tashi: Did you see everything that she got up in the house?
Uti: Yeeaaaaah.

Tashi: Are you sure?
Uti: Yeah, they showed us highlights of the barn and everything and I was like: “Whoa.”

Tashi: No, no, I’m not talking about the barn – I’m talking about what happened in the house, under your nose.
Uti: Oh yeah, I was like: “She’s a very free spirit,”

Tashi: What do you think I’m talking about?
Uti: I don’t know… what are you talking about?

Tashi: A Friday night … with Mwisho – and Meryl?

Uti: Oh no, that was just Sheila being a free spirit.

uti3 Uti Nwachukwus interview about winning Big Brother Africa 5 #SATVTashi: So you knew about it?
Uti: I did know – it’s nothing serious for her, I dont know the extent of it but I don’t think she went too far – it was just a little fun moment in the house where she was just being silly.

Tashi: So you’re actually saying that you found her liason with Meryl hot?
Uti: It wasn’t hot, it was just like: “Wow.”

Tashi: Why do you think you won?
Uti: I don’t know, honestly, I don’t know. I can’t answer that question – the only answer I have in my mind is that I must have done something that Africa can relate to.

Tashi: Did you have a strategy?
Uti: No, I went in to have fun and to be my true self. The only thing I did – I don’t know if you’d call it a strategy – I resorted to playing mind games. I enjoyed playing mind games.

Tashi: Like with K1?
Uti: Yeah, with K1, with Mwisho – I played mind games a lot and laughed.

Tashi: And a lot of people took it seriously?
Uti: Yeah, that’s what made me laugh more.

Tashi: Who did you think your biggest competitor was?
Uti: Everybody, everybody was strong.

Tashi: Who did you think was going to win – you must have thought about it?
Uti: For me, I said it could be anybody – you know what, I thought: “So long as I’m at the Finale,” – that was my target.

Tashi: If you’d been a viewer, who would you have voted for?
Uti: I don’t know, honestly I don’t know. I love all of them, they’re sweet, wonderful human beings – I love all of them. I’d have been torn, I mean there was my best friend – my BFF Mwisho, my female BFF, Lerato and of course, my person, Sheila. It could have been any of them.

Tashi: Seeing Munya stay on and on and on after being up for eviction so many times – didn’t you think he stood a very good chance?
Uti: I did think maybe, but then again, most people hadn’t been up as he was – if Mwisho had been up nine times maybe he would have survived nine times, if I’d been up nine times maybe I’d have been up nine times.

Out of all of us I really thought it could have been anybody, I was like: “You know what, let’s just see how it goes.”

Tashi: What are you gonna do with the cash?
Uti: … I don’t know yet. My head’s still up in the clouds, I haven’t thought about exactly what I’m going to do – when I get home I’m going to talk to my family, pray and everything… come back down to earth.

Tashi: What you’ve won, $200 000, is much bigger than any other season, or reality show.
Uti: Yes, it’s great.

Tashi: I always wonder with reality shows – when you get handed that giant-size cheque for show, you obviously can’t really deposit it but are you gonna actually see it going into your bank account? Will you be sitting at your computer logged into your internet banking to watch the cash go in – like they do in the movies?
Uti: *laughs* Probably, probably and be saying “Okay – balance, okay – balance.” It hasn’t only been about the money for me, it’s been about proving a point.

I was third out in my season and all my supporters, like my dad, wanted to see me go further. This season was about my fans, my supporters, my family – I was doing not only for me, but for me and everybody else.

Tashi: You’ve done it twice, would you do it again?
Uti: You know, after my first season they asked me and I said: “No, unless I’m a visitor,” but here I am again. So maybe if they do a Winner All Stars and the prize money is one million dollars, hell yeah *laughs*.

Tashi: What do you think of the idea of having a year’s Big Brother?
Uti: A year?

Tashi: Yes. One housemate could be evicted every month. Would you do it?
Uti: Ayy…, never, never, never. People would go crazy, no-no-no-no-no. It would be too much. Three months already is stressful but a year.

Tashi: What was the biggest stress of the time?
Uti: I guess towards the end of the game, just saying: “Could this be over?” because most of the people have left, and you really feel like you’re in competition.

Tashi: What’s going to be the best thing about having so much money?
Uti: I’m going to be secure now, I won’t have to think about surviving – I’ve been given a great opportunity, a great gift and I’m not going to waste it. I can have a home, I can be comfortable, I don’t have to worry, grovel or whatever.

Tashi: What’s the most difficult thing going to be?
Uti: Everybody expecting me to be a … what word would you use? …to be a money-player, because people will expect things and want me to be overly-generous. I have an open heart and I have a difficult time saying no.

Tashi: Now you won’t have to work for a very long time so what are you going to do?
Uti: No I do have to work, I still have to work.

Tashi: Oh? I wouldn’t work.
Uti: Naaaaaa-hahaaaaaa – yeah, I want to take some time out but I’m an actor, I enjoy the screen.

Tashi: That’s what you’d ultimately like to do – an acting job?
Uti: Mmmm, like get a role in a series like Heroes, or be in an epic movie that is worldwide…something very dramatic, something that challenges me in acting, like playing a physcho or someone mentally challenged or very sad or coked out. Something very deep and action filled. I’ve got to get those Oscars.

Tashi: What was your lowlight on the show?
Uti: Obviously when I heard the news about my dad, when Sheila left, when Lerato left because at that point I didn’t know that there was another house – I suspected after a while.

Tashi: What made you suspect that there was another house?
Uti: I don’t know … I thought that they wouldn’t just let people go like that, especially the strong people. I was like: “Something is up…”

Tashi: And your highlight – besides winning?
Uti: The arena tasks, they were wonderful. All the moments of laughing, telling jokes, making fun of people, just laughing and laughing.
6  Forum / The Buzz Central / CNN: Check out Deola Sagoe/Nigerian designs on CNN! on: 15-10-2010 07:22 AM
Inspiring video. Our own Deola Sagoe got featured. I like what she said here:

Deola Sagoe: "The global fashion capitals should prepare for an African invasion"

CNN agrees: CNN: ""Coming from a country where looking sharp is a national preoccupation, it is a warning that should definitely be heeded."

 watch am here:


7  Forum / The Buzz Central / Project Fame Season 3 Winner, Chidinma Ekile Speaks On The Joy Of Winning on: 8-10-2010 06:01 PM
History was made on 25 September, 2010, when 22-year-old Chidinma Ekile emerged the first female winner of the television reality musical talent hunt show, MTN Project Fame West Africa. The Imo State native was dubbed the surprise act of the competition as a result of her superlative performances week after week. X2 had a chat with the petite singer at a recent event in Lagos.

What was the feeling like for you when you were announced winner?

When I saw the crowd I was like ‘is this real?’ I’ve been dreaming of a day like this.

When we were three left, I was like ‘God I hope I win this’. I also pictured myself in a situation of what if I don’t win? To God be the glory I won.

Were you encouraged to enter for the competition?

A friend of mine told me about Project Fame and brought the form to my house and I filled it in faith. I was like ‘I will just go there and do my best’. It wasn’t easy; we had to go through series of auditions after facing the judges, there were still yet another set of judges we did not see. It was just favour.

What do you think was your strength in the house?

It has always been my voice and I just used it the best I could.

Did you have any low moments in the house for you?

At the start when I was given songs that were not my kind, the low pitched songs, I was scared and thought I won’t go far.

So what songs shot you up?

I think it was just God. The one song that shot me up was during our reggae week, ‘Weeping and Wailing’ by Mighty Diamonds. God is my confidence I never do anything by my power before I get on stage I learn my song and pray to God to help me.

More here:
8  Forum / The Buzz Central / Storm 360 Boss (Obi Asika) Talks Naeto C, Storm on: 4-10-2010 08:56 PM
Interview with Storm boss, Obi Asika.

On what he looks out for in artistes: "First is artistic integrity; they have to be original, they cannot be copies of anyone. Others of course are talent, loyalty and hard work. Essentially, to be a Storm Artist you need to be talented, focused, professional, articulate, ready to work, and most importantly, you need to have a positive mindset."

On Naeto C's album: "The album will change the perception of what people think is possible from an African artist. Naeto C is much more than a rapper. He is a youth icon followed by millions. He is a fashion icon as well and  he is focused on all aspects of his career."

Music lovers/aspring artistes/record label owners, you fit peep more here:
9  Forum / Politics / Biophysicist, John Dabiri Wins Prestigious $500,000 Macarthur Genius Grant on: 29-09-2010 05:57 AM
FYI All! Big things popping for Nigerians! Chimamanda won too in 2008!

Nigerian-American Biophysicist, John Dabiri wins prestigious $500,000 MacArthur Fellowship!!!

John Dabiri is an Associate Professor of Aeronautics and Bioengineering Division of Engineering and Applied Science at California Institute of Technology. He recently won the prestigious $500,000 MacArthur fellowship!! Up Naija!

<a href="" target="_blank" class="aeva_link bbc_link new_win" rel="nofollow">John Dabiri, 2010 MacArthur Fellow</a>
10  Forum / The Buzz Central / Uche Eze, Founder Bella Gets Featured On Cnn! #cnn Video on: 29-09-2010 05:55 AM
So inspired when I saw this!! Please inspire yourself and others oh. Very happy for her!!

Most Nigerians and in fact, Africans on the web know about and visit the uber successful fashion and celebrity blog,  pretty regularly. The blog’s founder, Uche Eze was recently featured on CNN. This year is huge for Uche who was featured on the Oprah Winfrey show in March this year.

Watch the CNN video here: