We do not lack competent hands in Nigeria. What we lack are competent minds. The hands are always there to pilfer our resources. THIEVES! OLEs! BARAWOs! NDI OSHI! The problem is: no matter who takes the oar, we always sail against the wind. There is no compass. Most of the people in government today just happened to be available for us - Goodluck included. None of them ever really prepared to be there in the first palce. No burning desire for the good of the people........ I don tire jare! Make them vote Paul The Octopus for president. That beast is wiser than the whole of our senate put together! Nigeria Kwenu!
Assuming Paul the Octopus that has been making waves with it's prediction has an actual page on Naijapals, what are the questions you would love to ask? I'd love to ask him if I'll ever be a perfect guy