hope it work out for the poor that is how germany do it. those who are poor get money frm the govt.pls keep to your promise i know it may take a long time to do this, we all hope for good things to happen may god see you true
this Stupid man is among of those ppl why we black cannot get a job in europe conutry, and they dont take us for no possition. may God help us we Black
you guys should think bf saying anything, changing of things is not overnight, he is not god. those who was president for so many years what did they do. one man can never fight many ppl, he needs others to help too. being a president is not easy. so let watch and see
this is what they call resposibility and love. those of you talking rubbish can you do some gud for your love ones? yours should try and grow up. this life we are living a man and woman is 50 50. the man is doing what his wife can not do.
little girls of nowdays, you got a call and move just like that without letting no one knowing fast money. that how you girls do secret things. God save your life