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1  Forum / Religion / Daily devotional for today - 10 Aug 2012 on: 10-08-2012 08:49 AM
Daily devotional for today - 10 Aug 2012

What Kind of Example Are You? (7)
'Be an purity.' 1 Timothy 4:12
This word 'purity' refers to that which is not polluted. Pollution causes disease and death. The products on the grocery store shelf may be beautifully packaged, but when food-borne illness results, we must go back to the source and find the problem. What is it? Careless, cost-cutting methods that not only permit disease but promote it. Consider this: some of the things that entertain us today would have shocked our parents and grandparents. Is that because we are more enlightened? Look around you and judge for yourself!

While living under his father's authority the Prodigal Son was well off. But in search of enlightenment and entertainment, he ended up in a pigsty. Yes, he was forgiven and welcomed back home, but he lost a lot in the process. Today the world of politics, education and entertainment are battling for your mind, your attention and your allegiance. So here's a Scripture you need to think about carefully: 'Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus' (Philippians 2:5 NKJV). In other words, submit your thoughts to God. If He approves them-they're okay.

Paul writes: 'We are human, but we don't wage war as humans do. We use God's mighty weapons, not worldly weapons, to knock down the strongholds of human reasoning and to destroy false arguments. We destroy every proud obstacle that keeps people from knowing God. We capture their rebellious thoughts and teach them to obey Christ' (2 Corinthians 10:3-5 NLT). If you don't 'capture' wrong thoughts and submit them to the test of scriptural truth, they'll lead you in the wrong direction.

Have a blessed Friday

The main reason for avoiding premarital sex is because it is a sin,and God hates sin. Looking at it further, another good reason for abstaining from premarital sex is because premarital sex causes the wedding night and the honeymoon to lose its luster of joyful anticipation. It's perfectly normal for those anticipating marriage to look forward to the time when they can come together in segxwal bliss.

The joyful anticipation of the marriage bed and segxwal union with the one you love shouldn't be marred or spoiled by premarital sex. The knowledge that your beloved comes to you virtuous and unspoiled by immorality is a tremendous psychological boost toward honor and respect for each other. This results in faith and trust in each other and is a great aid toward segxwal harmony and success in marriage.
3  Forum / Religion / THE DEBT YOU MUST PAY. on: 9-08-2012 08:08 AM
Giving God thanks is not a suggestion or admonition it is an instruction and a commandment. Psalm 92:1 says that IT IS A GOOD THING TO GIVE THANKS UNTO THE LORD. If you have not consciously thanked God for that little that He did, don't expect Him to do another. Just by giving God thanks, you provoke multiplication of the little He did. In John chapter 6 Jesus was to feed above 5000 people and there was just a little boy's meal available. Naturally it may not be able to feed an adult, talk-less of 5000 men. But Jesus thanked God for making that little available and it multiplied so much so that the remainder was 12 baskets full. Consciously thank God for one thing today, thank Him for your health, your family, your job, thank Him for the unity in your home and that accident He prevented. Thank Him for that little and it will soon multiply. Be blessed in Jesus name. Thanksgiving is the debt you and I must pay daily.
Jesus; I give you thanks for the privilege of life. I understand that life is a gift. We slept and awoke only because you sustained us. Psalm 3:5. I give you thanks for your word that says if we commit our ways unto you, you will direct us. Today give us direction. When you are with us nothing can be able to stand against us or stop us. What stopped us yesterday cannot stop us today, in the precious name of Jesus Christ.

Every force that has hitherto stopped you, stopped your business, limited you and delayed you, all those forces are stopped today, even right now in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Now begin to go forward, In that your pursuit GO FORWARD. FROM TODAY IT SHALL BE FORWARD EVER AND BACKWARD NEVER IN JESUS NAME.

This is our prayer day for this month, you can send in your prayer requests we shall be spending some hours lifting them up to God. And God will answer instantly or gradually. But you must take note of the requests, so that when they come to pass you will know and also testify. OMEGA PRAYER NETWORK. +2348052773865. BB PIN IS 21322745.
5  Forum / Religion / WHAT DO YOU DO WHEN YOU HAVE GOTTEN A FRIEND ANGRY on: 9-08-2012 08:07 AM

In that heated argument with your spouse, friend or colleague, how do you respond to him/her when you know you are the one who wronged him/her? The best way is to respond peacefully with him/her. Give him/her a peaceful esplanation not a violent one. Give him/her a soft answer that will calm him/her down, not shouting back with harsh words.

Proverbs 15:1 says "A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.". So you see replying with harsh words stirs up anger, and that will make your spouse, friend or colleague return back with harsher words, that's where the fight begins. That is not your portion, in Jesus name. It takes wisdom to reply back with calming and soothing words together with a voice that can melt his/her heart. May you have such wisdom in abundance.
6  Forum / Religion / WHAT IS IT THAT I MUST DO TO BRING GOD'S WORD TO PASS IN MY LIFE? on: 9-08-2012 08:07 AM
Prayer is the channel through which prophecies are fulfilled. You must pray GOD'S word to pass everyday. That is, you must consciously pray His prophecies word for word into reality, daily. 1st timothy 1:18.

Positive confessions is another channel through which prophecies come to pass. God told Ezekiel in Ezekiel 37 to prophesy with His mouth and when He did dry bones came alive. If he had not spoken, things might have remained the same. Also the bible says in Isaiah 43:26, that when you declare God's word with your mouth you are justified. Start speaking positively, to prophecy with your mouth is more profitable than to complain.

Another channel through which God's word come to pass is by making a vow unto the LORD. Hannah vowed to give God Samuel if he comes, she did as she vowed and God blessed her with many more children. 1st Samuel 1 and 2. You can vow to God financially or materially if He does what He promised. You can even go the extra mile by paying your vows even before it comes to pass, God now has no choice but to do it, because His integrity is at stake. This month as you do these; God's word will come to pass in every area of your life in Jesus precious name.
7  Forum / Religion / WHEN YOUR TIME COMES!!! on: 9-08-2012 08:06 AM
When your time comes, nature itself will favour you, people will favour you, mistakes will turn miracles, ungodly habits will leave you alone, when your time comes what you usually struggle for will flow ceaselessly. I announce by the grace of God that your time has come today. If you believe that there is nothing too hard for God to do shout the loudest Amen. Any moment from now is your moment,it could be today or tomorrow but its just about your turn for a lasting turn around. The atmosphere knows that your time has come. Just get closer and closer to God, do not let the blessings and ease take you away from Him. You are blessed. Psalm 102:13-15.
8  Forum / Religion / Daily devotional for today - 09 Aug 2012 on: 9-08-2012 07:58 AM
What Kind of Example Are You? (6)
'...Be an faith...' 1 Timothy 4:12
Having the faith required to get answers to your prayers is an important truth. But that's not what Paul is speaking about here. He begins the chapter saying, '...some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits...' (1Timothy 4:1 NKJV). He warns, stay anchored to the truth, or you'll be caught in the under tow of error. Here's a fact that should alarm us: 90 percent of all those who end up in cults started out in mainline churches. How come? Because they weren't grounded in the truth of Scripture! They are like the guy who was asked, 'What do you believe?' He replied, 'The same thing my church believes.' When asked, 'What does your church believe?' h
e replied, 'The same thing I believe.' When asked, 'What do you both believe? He replied, 'We both believe the same thing.' Bottom line: he didn't know what he believed!

You say, 'But doesn't God have more truth to reveal to us?' Yes. 'The path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day' (Proverbs 4:18). But God doesn't destroy the foundations of truth, He builds on them. Sometimes Bible teachers with fresh revelation act like 'the party started when I arrived!' That's ego, not anointing! We are not called to be tasters of experience, but testers of truth.

We must honour the ministry, but understand that just because a preacher says it, doesn't make it so. The Bereans '...received the word with all readiness, and searched the Scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so' (Acts 17:11 NKJV). You must do that!

Source :

Have a great Thursday
9  Forum / Religion / Daily devotional for today - 06 Aug 2012 on: 6-08-2012 09:20 AM
What Kind of Example Are You? (3)
'Be an conduct.' 1 Timothy 4:12
Seneca, the Roman statesman, said, 'I govern my life and thoughts as though the world were to see one and read the other.' You can always predict what a person of integrity will do in two areas:
1) In business. Saying 'no' to your boss usually isn't a good career move. But when faced with a choice between his career and his convictions, Daniel refused to eat the king's meat because it was a violation of God's law (Daniel 1:8-17). Joseph refused to sleep with the boss's wife (Genesis 39:6-12). Elisha refused to accept a rich man's money in exchange for healing (2 Kings 5:1-16). Getting the idea?

2) At home. Noah saved his family from destruction by listening to God (Hebrews 11:7). And the first thing he did when he emerged from the ark was to build an altar. Think about that! Noah had an altar before he had a home. Most of us have homes, but no prayer altar, and it shows! Lot, on the other hand, lost his wife and his sons-in-law to the destructive influences of Sodom (Genesis 19:14-26).

Today issues of character that once raised alarm don't even raise an eyebrow. But they should. 'I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all He has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice-the kind He will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship Him. Don't copy the behaviour and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect' (Romans 12:1-2 NLT).

Source :

Have a fruitful Monday and a favoured week
10  Forum / Religion / What Kind of Example Are You? (1) on: 4-08-2012 10:48 AM
What Kind of Example Are You? (1)
'Be an example.' 1 Timothy 4:12
Andrew Murray wrote, 'God has no more precious gift than a man who lives as an embodiment of His will, and inspires those around him with the faith of what grace can do.' When Paul writes, 'Be an example,' he means 'be a role model.' The first car off the assembly line is a prototype of all that follows. Dressmakers study the pattern, and then design the garment accordingly. The word ideal sounds lofty, and it is. But even if you don't achieve the ideal, it should still be your goal. What Paul was saying to young Timothy was, 'When you talk about Jesus, people should see so much of Him in your life that they desire to know Him.

When you talk about faith, the evidence of it should be so compelling that they want to live by it.' The poet wrote: 'I'd rather see a sermon than hear one any day; I'd rather one should walk with me than merely show the way. The eye's a better pupil and more willing than the ear, fine counsel is confusing but examples always clear. And the best of all the preachers are the men who live their creeds, for to see good put in action is what everybody needs.

I soon can learn to do it if you'll let me see it done; I can see your hands in action, but your tongue too fast may run. And the lectures you deliver may be very fine and true; but I'd rather get my lesson by observing what you do. For I may not understand you and the high advice you give; but there's no misunderstanding, how you act and live.'

Have a great weekend
11  Forum / Religion / This is the reason why your faith may not have been producing results, on: 27-07-2012 03:49 PM
This is the reason why your faith may not have been producing results, fix it and all things will be possible because you truly BELIEVE.

Most of the times we believe and we obey but deep down in our hearts we still have little traces of doubts and unbelief. Our confession of faith is not consistent. We tell some people we believe while we complain to others. We speak faith when we are in church but when we are in a private place we complain. Do you know that your thoughts must constantly agree with your words for faith to produce.

You have to be persuaded that God can bring all things to pass, If He can raise the dead back to life, what else can He not do. You must run away from people that talk down your faith otherwise you would soon start thinking down your faith. Because a double minded man is unstable in all his ways and that man cannot receive anything from God. Are you stable or unstable? Are you consistent or inconsistent? Are you acting faith or you are living faith? Faith must be a lifestyle for your life to turn around.

Please believe this God, believe His word and stand on it without wavering. It will produce results. That your heart desire is coming to pass this time, JUST BELIEVE AGAIN. James 1:1-8, Romans 4:19-21.
12  Forum / Religion / CORRECTING BAD OR NEGATIVE FOUNDATIONS on: 27-07-2012 02:58 PM

If the foundation be destroyed or faulty what can the righteous do.Psalm 11:3(paraphrased by me)

There are problems that hardly gets solved, there are delays that continues for long, there are situations that seems not to have an answer; divorce, joblessness, marital relationships that never leads to marriage, money that is owed you never got paid and even the one you may be owing seems not to be payable, academical setbacks, making avoidable mistakes over and over again and never learning from it, if there is anything you have noticed around your life that seems to defy solutions and seems to keep on repeating itself, it is because of a bad foundation.

The foundation is the beginning, what happens in the beginning will always define the end, unless it is corrected or adjusted. Getting a job with a false certificate or wrong information is a bad foundation, lying to who you are in relationship with just to get married on time is a negative foundation, sex before marriage is a negative foundation, pregnancy out of wedlock is a bad foundation, duping and cheating just to get rich quick is a bad foundation, entering a relationship with someone just for the purpose of getting and not for giving is a bad foundation, any business that has lies and deceits at its roots is a negative foundation, bringing someone down so as to go up is a bad foundation, Check the foundation of your day to day decisions and actions, because everything may be going on well now, but when challenges come because they will always do, will you be able to stand, it is only a healthy foundation built on the truth on God's word that will stand. Everybody you see is facing one challenge or the other but some are overcoming theirs sweatlessly because their foundation is strong. Matthew 7:24-28.

That challenge you may be facing may not require prayer and fasting, it may just need a repositioning, a reordering of your steps, a change in your heart, a decision to always have a pure motive and intention. You must decide to start doing things the right way. Foundations can also be speedily corrected through sacrifice. Sacrificing something like some part of your time, energy, money for the kingdom of God is a sure way to end stubborn, reoccurring problems. I see your change already in Jesus Precious name.
13  Forum / Religion / LET PRAYERS BE INTERESTING TO YOU LIKE MUSIC. on: 27-07-2012 02:53 PM
Many people assume that God is always hearing whenever they are praying.And to assume is to be frustrated.If you are not careful,you will keep on waiting and waiting till you are tired.God is not a man that He should lie,If He will hear you,then He will answer you.And i will show you one simple way to know if your prayer is getting to God or not.If God is hearing you,then just 1 hour of praying will look like ten minutes to you.You close your eyes and in less than ten minutes of praying you check the time and you must have spent an hour.In a more simpler explanation,when you are praying and the time seems to be flying and you don't feel like stopping,then you should know that your prayer is getting to heaven.But if ten minutes seems to you like hours,you close your eyes to pray and the time is not really moving then your prayer may not be exceeding your roof.

The prayer that will get to God is by grace and not by strength.Zechariah 12:10.It takes the spirit of grace and supplications to pray a prayer that will get to God directly.So from today before you pray always ask for the out pouring of the spirit of grace and supplication.And you will begin to enjoy prayers.Your prayers shall be answered in the name of Jesus Christ.
14  Forum / Religion / WHY GOOD PEOPLE STILL EXPERIENCE CERTAIN DELAYS. on: 27-07-2012 02:46 PM
Delays can make you lose hope.Proverbs 13 vs.12 says,HOPE DEFERRED MAKES THE HEART SICK...And when you lose hope you lose faith.Without faith you cannot please God.So delays are dangerous and must be dealt with.

One thing that causes continuous delay is your intention or your motive.Are your motives pure? are your intentions right? Do you need money to oppress people or show off or do you need money to be a blessing.Until you decide to be a blessing you may not be truly blessed.1st Samuel chapter 2 vs. 3 says God is a God of knowledge and weighs our actions
(paraphrased by me).

You may be good but your intentions may not be Godly. You may be good but pride may be your intention unknowingly and because of pride you may be experiencing delay in one or two areas of your life.

Some people's motive for getting married is to please their parents or to make some of their friends jealous.This is a wrong motive,your motive for getting married as a lady is to be a help meet to a man in all areas.With this in your heart God will be glad enough to connect you to your marital breakthrough.

What is your motive for going to church? are you going to church to serve and worship God because you love God or you are going to church because of what you can get from Him.Until your motives are right,your breakthrough may not come.Now imagine for a moment,if 200 million dollars is in your hands right now what will you do with it? or what will be the first thought that will come to your mind.Check your motives regularly,always ask God to purify your heart.I believe as you make your motives right every form of delay will just disappear before you know it in Jesus Name.
15  Forum / Religion / DESTINED but delayed on: 27-07-2012 02:36 PM
It is possible to be destined and still delayed. Joseph was destined to be the Prime minister of Egypt but he was delayed moving from one obstacle to the other till he finally got to the throne. David was anointed king but only got to the throne after about 15 years. Abraham received a promise for a son but for the next 24 years Isaac was still yet to come until the 25th year when Isaac was born.

You may have a dream like Joseph but still be battling with delays that it may look like your dream is not coming to pass. You may have seen the woman or man of your dreams but there is still no possibility that you are going to get married this year due to certain delays, you may have a wonderful qualification but still cannot find a job, you may have prayed and even have been prayed for but that expectation seems not to be coming to pass.
You can be working very hard but yet no promotion. YOU CAN BE DESTINED BUT STILL DELAYED.
Because God has said something does not mean it will come to pass just like that. A great door and effectual is opened unto you but there are many adversaries. 1st Corinthians 16 vs.9. Knowing that the devil will contend every good thing coming your way is one of the ways for overcoming delays.

The devil knows that as a child of God you already have a glorious, enviable destiny but he does not know how you will get there. It is only God that knows how you will get there because before Him all things are bare. The devil cannot stop your destiny even though he can hinder it and attack it.

The devil does not know the details of your future. He devices crafty means for you to say it to the wrong people so that he can hear and begin to attack. Joseph went through so much opposition because he told his dreams to his brothers at a premature state. Who are you telling your dreams to? THE ENVY OR JEALOUSY IN THE HEART OF THE PERSON YOU TELL YOUR DREAM TO IS A CHANNEL THROUGH WHICH THE DEVIL CAN ATTACK YOUR DREAM. Someone proposes to you, instead of you to commit it to God, you go about sharing it with friends that really are not friends. I am not saying the devil can stop your good from coming but he can delay it to the point that you may eventually give up. Proverbs 13:12. Make no mistake; the devil is a master strategist. 2nd Corinthians 2:11. But God will always out smart the devil any day, any time.

From the life of Joseph you will discover that although he went through hell he finally fulfilled his destiny. This is not just ordinary. Joseph did certain things that beat the devils plans hands down and converted all his stumbling blocks to stepping stones;

1.Joseph feared the LORD; He was righteous, he refused to sleep with his boss’s wife in the person of Potiphar. So God Presence that hates sin was practically with him through his trials.

2.Joseph was joyful: He was thrown into the pit, he was sold to slavery, and he was imprisoned but was declared as the happiest slave no wonder he was always in charge.

3.Joseph was forgiving: Even with all the atrocities committed against him by his brothers, Joseph was ready to forgive them.

4.Joseph engaged his gift of interpretation of dreams: He kept doing what he knew best, he was developing his gifts by using it regularly in preparation for an opportunity. And when Pharaoh finally had a dream it Josephs gift that made a room for him. This was what took him to the palace.
So my brothers and sisters, delay is not denial. The delay you are going through right now is not an indication that your dreams will not come to pass. Hold on and do the four things Joseph did and you will get to the topmost top of your desires. Remember; be careful who you tell your dreams to especially in its early stage.
16  Forum / Religion / YOU ARE GOD'S BEST. You may not look like that now, but you are destined to be t on: 27-07-2012 09:04 AM
YOU ARE GOD'S BEST. You may not look like that now, but you are destined to be that.

Jesus would not have died if you were not God's best. Why will God come down to the earth in the form of a man to suffer and die just to save you? He even resurrected on the third day to make sure the full benefit of His death, burial and resurrection reaches you. Romans 8:32. Do not look down on yourself, YOU ARE HEAVEN'S CELEBRITY WAITING TO MANIFEST. You may appear small but inside you is a NATION, inside you is an institution. Please SEE YOURSELF THE WAY GOD SEES YOU. THE BIBLE WAS WRITTEN JUST BECAUSE OF YOU. SEE YOU AT THE TOP, EVEN BEFORE TONIGHT.
Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which easily beset us, let us run the race that is set before us with patience. Heb 12:2.

What then are these weights? because a great door and effectual is opened unto us but there are many adversaries.
The first weight is Anxiety, the bible said we should be anxious for nothing. Philippians chapter 4 vs. 6. The greatest thief of our blessing is not the devil but Anxiety. Being apprehensive has cost us more than we can imagine. When you worry, your blessings wash out. Anxiety is essentially a demonstration of lack of faith. Wait, your blessing is on the way. Anxiety delays your testimonies. So until the Anxiety question is dealt with you are no candidate for the manifestations of the blessings of God. Do not think too much about it. Some one has promised you a favour and you can’t sleep. It stands as a BARRIER between you and that favour. So watch it, you have waited long enough. God is answering you speedily. I curse the ravaging tendencies of Anxiety in Jesus name. Stand still and see the salvation of God. Be still, be without worries, be anxious for nothing, and don’t worry for anything, rather praise God for everything.

Another weight is trusting in man or the circumstance. Jeremiah 17 vs. 5-7 points out the blessings of trusting in God and the curses of putting your hope in man.Even as God uses man. He wants to be seen as the only source. The moment you look at the channel as the source, the blessing stops flowing. God is the source every man is a channel. When the source commands a channel to bless you the channel must comply or will loose supply. Remove your trust from men. They will always fail. Your trust in man is one of the reason for you lack and thirst. Learn to trust God. He can do the impossible, surmount the insurmountable. God will never share His glory with any one. I uplift every consequence you have experienced or experiencing as a result of trusting in men. Vain is the help from men. God is our very present help in times of trouble psalms 46 vs. 1. He is the everlasting helper.

Finally, the third weight that causes delay is carrying about a sad heart. Most people have happy faces but carry about a sad heart.Your heart is what God sees. Until your heart is right you are not the right candidate for the blessings.

I pray that God should give you another heart like He did for Saul and cause all pending blessings to come to you, this same day. 1st Samuel 10:1-10. This is your day.

I know you already have testimonies knocking at your door. Open it in Jesus Name. Amen.
18  Forum / Religion / Daily devotional for today - 27 Jul 2012 on: 27-07-2012 09:00 AM
How Jesus Taught Us to Pray (2)
'Give us this day our daily bread.' Matthew 6:11
Jesus taught us to pray, 'Give us this day our daily bread.' Notice the word 'daily.' You can't fight today's battles on the strength of yesterday's bread; you must have a fresh supply. In the wilderness God's people were only permitted to collect enough manna for one day; if they tried to collect more it rotted. It's wonderful to talk about what God did yesterday and what He's going to do tomorrow, but all you've got is today. 'Give us this day our daily bread.' Only as you partake of what God's provided for you today will you be able to stand up to the challenges you face.

This prayer is an expression of faith. The very fact that you ask means you believe God's got what you need and that He cares enough to provide for you. It says, 'I don't need to go to anybody else but You, Lord.' So hang up the phone, turn off the TV, shut the door, get down on your knees, approach God in faith and pray, 'Give me what I need for this day.' God knows what you need, you don't!

As you partake of what He provides for you each day you'll be able to handle whatever life throws at you. And one more thought. When people start getting on your nerves for no apparent reason or you start having all sorts of mood swings or you begin living by feelings instead of faith it's probably because you're not eating right. If that's so, it's time to go back to your source and say, 'Lord, I've come for my daily bread.'

Source :

Have a cute Friday!
19  Forum / Religion / Daily devotional for today - 26 Jul 2012 on: 26-07-2012 09:29 AM
How Jesus Taught Us to Pray (1)
'...Therefore, pray...Our Father in heaven...' Matthew 6:9
Here's how Jesus taught us to pray:
1) 'Our Father in heaven.' When you say, 'Father' you are acknowledging that you're 'family,' that you have a special relationship with God which entitles you to go to Him at any time, confident you're loved, welcomed, and assured of His favour. When you say, 'in heaven,' you can go no higher. You're drawing what you need from the ultimate source of goodness, grace, mercy, provision, protection and authority. What a privilege!

2) 'Hallowed be Your name' (v. 9 NKJV). This thought should always be uppermost in your mind: 'Whatever I do today, Lord, whether in thought, word or deed, let it honour You.' People should be able to look at your life and want to become acquainted with the One you serve.

3) 'Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven' (v. 10 NKJV). Each time you choose to say no to yourself and yes to God's will, you demonstrate to a watching world what it means to live as a citizen of His kingdom. Note the words, 'as it is in heaven.' Is anyone in heaven fearful or doubting? Stubborn or disobedient? Critical or negative? When the enemy brings something to your door that's contrary to God's will, you have the authority to rise up and say, 'If it's not done and approved in heaven it has no place in my life here on earth.' When it comes to disobedience, refuse to accept the package and sign the receipt. The one thing satan hopes you never discover is that you have the God-given authority to restrict his movements in your life.

Source :

Have an awesome Thursday. Have you prayed the Lord's prayer this morning? Please do.
20  Forum / Religion / HAVING A GODLY PREMARITAL RELATIONSHIP on: 26-07-2012 09:21 AM
There has to be a design, function, and purpose, of your premarital relationship. The problem exists when people seek to be the creators of the definition of the design, function, and purpose for premarital relationships. Why? Because God is the one who gives us His definition of the design, function, and purpose, of everything, including premarital relationships of males and females. He gives us the biblical parameters. He gives us godly standards. He gives us clear goals that reflect the wisdom that He wants His children to excel, and thrive in, according to His sovereign determination. Getting away from God's mandate in these things is getting Christians in our age into deep trouble, both spiritually, mentally, and of course, physically. Paul wrote to Timothy, by the Spirit,"2 Now flee from youthful lusts and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart." 2 Timothy 2:22

Here are factors to maintain in having a GODLY PREMARITAL RELATIONSHIP
1.) Physical Restraint
- While we are attracted to our partners, God asks us to practice physical restraint until marriage. If you practice physical restraint in relationship by saving intimate moments for marriage, then you will not only have a healthy relationship with God, but with your partner as well.he body is not meant for segxwal immorality, but for the Lord, and the Lord for the body" (1 Corinthians 6:13). Verse 18 of this chapter goes on to say, "Flee from segxwal immorality. All other sins a man commits are outside his body, but he who sins segxwally sins against his own body." Galatians 5:19 speaks the same, "The acts of the sinful nature are obvious: segxwal immorality, impurity…" Ephesians 5:3 says it most plainly, "But among you there must not be even a hint of segxwal immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for God's holy people." From these verses, we see that the Bible promotes complete and total abstinence from premarital sex.

2.) Maintain Your Character- Be who you are when you are with your future spouse. Don't try to be someone you're not. It is important that both you and your future spouse show your true colors before marriage. This way there will be no surprises once you are married.

3.) Get Opinions From Others- We may not always want to hear what others want to say, but it important that we listen to their opinion. Listen to what the one you love have to say.

4.) Allow the Man to take the Lead- God asks men to lead in a relationship; however that doesn't mean that a woman should not have an opinion. Make sure that you are both in this together for the right reasons.

5.) Praise Each Other- Find reasons every day to give each other praise. This will help you to build love and security in your relationship. Tell your future spouse the things that you love about him or her and be there for them during happy times as well as tough times.

6.) Become One in Spirit- Make sure that both you and your partner are in the same place spiritually. You should make sure that both you and your spouse believe in Jesus Christ as your savior. A solid Christian foundation is key to building a Godly relationship. Go to church together, love each other well, show love to each other, don`t be greedy. Have dates periodically, like visiting the cinema,museum e.t.c have fun together.

Conclusively, please don`t allow people to deceive you that a Godly premarital relationship is boring. It`s not, just obey God`s Words and be happy in it. God bless you
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