Great group having a minor hiccups and things started falling apart, You can take a man out of Africa but cannot take Africa out of a man, Peter should respect our culture and always remember the basis, Jude has work relentlessly behind the scene for the successful of this team, he should show love and stop behaving like a boss, they should let love leads, forget about fortune think about legacy. Don't fire your bro, you are all humans there could be disagreement at anytime, any one can be right or wrong but the way it's resolved is important, and Jude should exercise more patience in dealing with some of their personal issue, is not easy to be guiding as a bro and manager @ the same time and being benefited directly you have to comply with styles with some rules.. Good news that all is sorted.
Kudos to the last man that ask about his travelling document the useless boi don shack Igbo Ghana wan put sand sand for una gaari how old hin be btw 1968-1971, he should go and ask his descendants when he hear Bia he no go wait for fran. Useless boy. He dey efcc no one to bail am.
Lord will saves the kids by his grace, hope all this nonsense will be put to an end with the new govt. Insecurity @all levels. Every parent will know how this woman is feeling right now.
If pickin no pass he must repeat class, osisco, how did we get to this stage sef, Lord will save us from this vagabond in power. 2 tenure is allowed on merit and not by right okay madam pieces. #Changejonathansambomarch28.
No sane person will allow him to be video in that condition, The motive is to take him to ransom if he refuses to cooperate with them, whether for material or financial gains, Even the poster too are all bird of the same feather. A saint person will not go near to politics in Naija. He was committed to say some words, EFCC don't need any evidence again to convict him.