El-rufai attacked on twitter for tweeting about jesus sleeping with mary (Page 6)

Date: 28-01-2013 11:33 am (12 years ago) | Author: ogbuefi dumex
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- Cynty4real at 29-01-2013 09:27 AM (12 years ago)
Na God dey expose dem
Posted: at 29-01-2013 09:27 AM (12 years ago) | Upcoming
- PeacetoU at 29-01-2013 09:31 AM (12 years ago)
Is not his fault his no. 6 is not balance
Posted: at 29-01-2013 09:31 AM (12 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- shynur44 at 29-01-2013 09:34 AM (12 years ago)
Jesus will respond to him , there is no need to crucifyy El Rufai
Posted: at 29-01-2013 09:34 AM (12 years ago) | Upcoming
- ocheme1966 at 29-01-2013 09:50 AM (12 years ago)
 Those are the real Boko Haram leaders in Nigeria, he needed Christians to say
 something and out another break of killing again, if not, how can an ex-minister who knows
Nigeria's problem will open his foolish mouth to make such commit.
I pleads with Nigeria Christian and Nigeria leaders to over look his foolish commit and
face the BURIAL  of  BOKO HARAM 
 Bro. Alex
Posted: at 29-01-2013 09:50 AM (12 years ago) | Newbie
- Wysetots at 29-01-2013 09:54 AM (12 years ago)
He's a MALLAM............I don't expect anything less.
Posted: at 29-01-2013 09:54 AM (12 years ago) | Hero
- mary5111 at 29-01-2013 10:10 AM (12 years ago)
It is very surprising how an Intelligent man like Him could permit personal and religious animosity to blind himself to the good man "our Lord Jesus Christ". In Mark 3:28-30 says "Truly, I say to you, every sin will be forgiven humankind, even insults to God, however numerous, But whoever slanders the holy Spirit will never be forgiven: he carries the guilt of sin forever." This was his sin when he said Jesus Slept with Mary Magdalene.
Posted: at 29-01-2013 10:10 AM (12 years ago) | Newbie
- lyndalyn at 29-01-2013 10:14 AM (12 years ago)
I dnt think he meant a joke, he is indirectly trying to do something. But thank God Christains are more civilized than dat.. It's God's battle....
Posted: at 29-01-2013 10:14 AM (12 years ago) | Newbie
- kebella at 29-01-2013 10:20 AM (12 years ago)
nemesis Angry Angry

Posted: at 29-01-2013 10:20 AM (12 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- mirianne at 29-01-2013 10:37 AM (12 years ago)
For the likes of El-rufai, there is nothing to be annoyed about.  His tweet shows his level of thinking.  Does he really know God?
Posted: at 29-01-2013 10:37 AM (12 years ago) | Newbie
- sheikt at 29-01-2013 10:44 AM (12 years ago)
i begi, jesus, muhammed, are they nigerian, i beg make una carry una religion palavar comot for here, stupid peoples, even people wey get the relegion no take am as naija people.
Posted: at 29-01-2013 10:44 AM (12 years ago) | Upcoming
- Bettygirls at 29-01-2013 11:13 AM (12 years ago)
a fool at 40 is a fool for ever, my God Father will always say.God alone knows what to do to such a person
Posted: at 29-01-2013 11:13 AM (12 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- steffmories at 29-01-2013 11:17 AM (12 years ago)
He doesn't know what to say.....as far as I'm concern, if you are a muslim, then u are living in bondage......how about the innocence of muslims.....a movie where there are so called Muhammad will kill men and take their wives.....he sleeps with peoples wife......they are just a sheep without a shepherd......USELESS RELIGION like ISLAM......USELESS MUM MUHAMMED HE GOAT.....lol
Posted: at 29-01-2013 11:17 AM (12 years ago) | Newbie
- Solidstonez at 29-01-2013 11:54 AM (12 years ago)
 Roll Eyes

Posted: at 29-01-2013 11:54 AM (12 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- takpushu at 29-01-2013 12:03 PM (12 years ago)
I don't think El-rufai is normal in the brain he should better go hospital for check up
Posted: at 29-01-2013 12:03 PM (12 years ago) | Newbie
- otagermo at 29-01-2013 12:05 PM (12 years ago)
i only blame that ashawo bitch that gave birth to you.....thunder go give your wh*re wife belle......useless muslim he goat........you forget sey na just small ashawo girl that poising your woman rapper mohammad to death............allah is going to suck hell out your wife honeypot.....good for nothing muslim bingo......na tipper wey carry stone go jam you........phyuk mohammad....phyuk all muslims........phyuk that toillete paper called koran......phyuk you and your entired genaretion....ewu hausa.
Posted: at 29-01-2013 12:05 PM (12 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- dimighi at 29-01-2013 12:26 PM (12 years ago)
That is the difference between religious people and those that have relationship with their God. If Christianity is all about religion, and not having personal relationship with Jesus Christ, Nigeria nad probably the world would have been on fire by now. It is only religious people that are stronger than their god that have to fight for him. It's a pity.
Posted: at 29-01-2013 12:26 PM (12 years ago) | Newbie
- arsenal123 at 29-01-2013 12:30 PM (12 years ago)
Quote from: ajanni on 29-01-2013 08:28 AM
you son of ashawo mother

Smelling gworo mouthed out-cast..aboki nama...
Posted: at 29-01-2013 12:30 PM (12 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- arsenal123 at 29-01-2013 12:35 PM (12 years ago)
Quote from: otagermo on 29-01-2013 12:05 PM
i only blame that ashawo bitch that gave birth to you.....thunder go give your wh*re wife belle......useless muslim he goat........you forget sey na just small ashawo girl that poising your woman rapper mohammad to death............allah is going to suck hell out your wife t*t*.....good for nothing muslim bingo......na tipper wey carry stone go jam you........damn mohammad....damn all muslims........damn that toillete paper called koran......damn you and your entired genaretion....ewu hausa.

 Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin..
Posted: at 29-01-2013 12:35 PM (12 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- Ogutexd25 at 29-01-2013 12:50 PM (12 years ago)
If it were to be a christain that said this to mohamed,it would been war war war!
Posted: at 29-01-2013 12:50 PM (12 years ago) | Newbie
- chicco77 at 29-01-2013 01:49 PM (12 years ago)
 Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes
Posted: at 29-01-2013 01:49 PM (12 years ago) | Addicted Hero
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