To all, Pls make sure that you read this carefully. (FIRST OF ALL MY NAME IS: MISS LOVINGDA GOLF, MY DAD IS WHITE BRITISH MAN & HIS IS AERONAUTIC ENGINEER BY PROFESSION, ORIGINALLY FROM DONCASTER ENGLAND. WHILE MY PRECIOUS MOTHER IS A DOCTOR AT ONE OF THE LONDON HOSPITALS, SHE IS ORIGINALLY FROM OYO STATE NIGERIA) @SIZE you are totally very highly right, the very big problems in Nigeria service men & women is this, 1) Federal government MUST & i repeat again MUST reduce the huge volume numbers of hausa muslims Nigerians that dominate all uniform work in Nigeria, Could you believe that 85% of Nigeria Army, Nigeria Police, Nigeria EFCC, Nigeria Customs, National Drug Law Enforcement Agency-NDLEA, Nigeria Federal Road Safety Commission-FRSC & Nigeria Immigration are totally from Hausa muslims Nigeria, Especially Hausa fulani. Watch some of them 'their resemblance is equivalent to origin of somalia. How can immegration & customs officers that is posted to international airport doing such, begging money in public, that should not be a must/force to offer them money. could you believe that some of them can't even speak good pidgin english talkless of speaking proper english 'that is why the always end up speaking hausa language on their duty post. Same hausa people dominate all the power offices in all Nigerian Embassies around the globe. worst is Nigerian Embassy Canada, usa & London - just go and see that with your eyes, that place is like you are in northern nigeria, all their dressing and their language is all hausa I SWEAR. And 63% of Nigeria Embassy staffs in London England UK is completely Hausa people. Lots of hausa guys & girls in UK here never work for 1 day, all the do is living posh life styles like kings, driving big cars, living in mansions that their parents bought for them with Nigeria oil stolen money, clubbing always at the UK best posh / expensive night clubs & the drink alcohol than a normal alcoholic person. Hausa muslims Nigeria is about to bring Nigeria to a standstill soon if care is not taken I SWEAR. And again why all fingers & blames are pointing on president goodluck jonathan, have everyone forgot that Borno State Governor & his top officials are the biggest supporter of Boko Haram. Just see how Nigeria army that was send to borno state gave all their weapons, uniforms and armored cars to boko haram 'Just because 85-90 percent of nigeria army is made up of HAUSA MUSLIMS. the left their terminal at chibok with happiness & all due pleasure. President G Jonathan should remove that boko haram governor of borno state with immediate effect. i have read lots of online news and now understand that hausa/ariwa northern organization seriously want to frustrate president JONATHAN to step down so that a northern hausa man will go back in power and then introduce SHARIA LAW which is impossible to happen in that genius Country called Nigeria. Check every Nigeria army barracks in nigeria is OCCUPARED by huge numbers of hausa muslim men & few hausa christian women of Nigerian army. presdo jonathan it is the very time that you should apply your veto power to all that you can do with your legal power as commander in chief of the federal republic of Nigeria. Things is serious need to change in Nigeria now. Don't blame Nigeria president alot because as you can see that the hause governors and senators woking with him for better Nigeria are all very busy trying to push him down, And again people should also apply some respect to the wife of Nigerian president. I LOVE NIGERIA SO MUCH. My nigerian friends calls me omo Niger. 1 of the baddest element that is destroying NIGERIAN name is GOOGLE.COM beause google is not writing anything good about Nigeria. so it time Nigerian citizens should start warning google to stop blackmailing Nigeria. PRAY FOR NIGERIA AND SUPPORT THE NIGERIAN PRESIDENT FULLY. THANKS TO YOU ALL 'FROM ME THE DUAL DAUGHTER / SISTER. (pls copy it and share if you like my comment) 'AGAIN NIGERIA SHOULD NOT ALLOW ANY COUNTRY TO TELL HER HOW TO ALLOW GAY CULTURE TO BE ALLOWED IN NIGERIA SOCIETY AT ALL, EVERY NIGERIA SHOULD STAND STRONG AGAINST GAY PEOPLE. NOTHING LIKE GAY FREEDOM IN RUSSIA AND SO MANY OTHER COUNTRIES IN THE WORLD. NIGERIANS SHOULD STAND STRONG ON NO TO GAY PEOPLE IN NIGERIA.
Posted: at 12-05-2014 10:38 PM (10 years ago) | Newbie |