In as much as I believe in destiny as well as fate, there’s still a chance that unfortunate incident wouldn’t have happened were this lady in her essence NYSC and by extension the Federal Government should share in the blame. Every year, thousands of graduates (those FORTUNATE enough not to be held back by the government’s insensitivity to the decay in the system-Strike actions) are churned out, sent to strange lands all in the name of mandatory ‘SERVICE 2 Fatherland’.
NYSC was originally borne out of the need for national re-integration after the disaffection brought about by the Nigerian Civil war. Several years later, I make bold to say, NYSC has lost its essence and focus as well .It has become another bogus scheme which serves to enrich the pockets of those at the helm of affairs. Wait till u hear how much the Federal government claims it spends on each corper. This is a far cry from what is evident. What with the substandard materials used by corpers from camp all through the duration of the service year. Khakis that are lighter than silk, badly made, too loose fitting or too tight, loosely fitted buttons (mend-as-u-wear) down to the jungle boots which do all but serve you even in the city. If therefore, the government claims to ‘waste as much as they do, y not scrap the damn scheme?! But of course they can’t. There’s always a hidden agenda, always someone who stands to loose.
How about security? It goes without saying that Corp members are the most vulnerable to danger. The recent religious crisis in Jos saw the death of a number of corpers. Several others have gone unreported in several parts of the country over time. Ethnic and religious crisis are not complete until the ultimate sacrifice of a corper is made 4 HOW LONG?! Isn’t it bad enough that the government tried to stop us graduating? They couldn’t kill us in school so they deliberately send a young graduate of Igbo origin to a volatile core-northern state and vice versa?
Oh the plight of the Nigerian Corper. They are taken advantage of by even their employers. Those who managed not 2 get rejected are exploited, working several strenuous hours longer than even a regular staff.
Those in banks are given unreasonable targets, forcing them to doing unimaginable things (especially the females) JUST TO SURVIVE!!!
Poor living and working conditions that makes us wonder if there aren’t ethics that govern and guide such establishments and protect the rights of the employee.
How much longer will this continue? Do we wait until the best brains, fresh minds and fiery spirits are dead before we wake to the fact that NYSC has lost relevance?
I say the scheme should be scraped. It has failed. The government has failed. All we need;
1. Allow the youths graduate from the various institutions of higher learning
2. The orientation camps should remain because alot is learnt from there both physical and intellectual.
3. After orientation, empower the youths with the money that would’ve been spent on kits and ‘allowee’. Let them start up something of their own.
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