How Can We Make Naija Pals Better ? (Page 2)

Date: 23-08-2007 5:32 am (17 years ago) | Author: NATURE SON
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- Vixenx at 21-09-2007 11:54 PM (17 years ago)
I think there should be a "BEEF IT OUT SECTION" where you can really get censored with someone you're feuding with. Grin Grin. Freedom of speech should be exercised freely and openly by everyone..and I think it's kinda restricting that freedom..(my personal opinion).
Posted: at 21-09-2007 11:54 PM (17 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- herre at 22-09-2007 01:03 AM (17 years ago)
wellll.......i dont know if u know dis but fresdom of speech IS actualy certain maters when adressing the public particular remarks cannot and should not be made...e.g rascist,sexist,nazi, obscene.........i think some language previously used her would be considered obsene some even sexist!, this is actually the constituion,so if we want to get political its kinda questionable(i'm a political science major not just a random case u were Roll Eyes
Posted: at 22-09-2007 01:03 AM (17 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- myragonza at 22-09-2007 11:01 AM (17 years ago)
@nigerianvixen....well u know there are 'haterz' for that "censored" issues....if u know what i mean......hahahahaha..........

Posted: at 22-09-2007 11:01 AM (17 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- herre at 22-09-2007 07:10 PM (17 years ago)
have u noticed we have new features like spell check on our posts and to write or blog its like usin msword?...nyce! go naijapals,lets keep it up!
Posted: at 22-09-2007 07:10 PM (17 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- oge at 26-09-2007 02:04 AM (17 years ago)
Yeah we should have a Beef It Out Section, it's going to be so much fun i can imagine it already.
Posted: at 26-09-2007 02:04 AM (17 years ago) | Newbie
- herre at 26-09-2007 03:24 AM (17 years ago)
well we have the park u know...its just a bit more civilized. u should check it out!
Posted: at 26-09-2007 03:24 AM (17 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- myragonza at 2-11-2007 08:58 AM (17 years ago)
i think we should lock confessions with the longest and most "COMMENTS'......if u know what i mean....

Posted: at 2-11-2007 08:58 AM (17 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- Dguy at 3-11-2007 02:13 AM (17 years ago)
u mean like kill it?

Posted: at 3-11-2007 02:13 AM (17 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- myragonza at 5-11-2007 05:40 AM (17 years ago)
Kill it...Slaughter It.....Behead iT....bOMB iT.....whatever u call it....

Posted: at 5-11-2007 05:40 AM (17 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- tbaby at 8-11-2007 11:55 AM (17 years ago)
dont remove confessions o
Its keeping the site alive. ok

Posted: at 8-11-2007 11:55 AM (17 years ago) | Upcoming
- myragonza at 9-11-2007 05:05 AM (17 years ago)
@tbaby....of course we should not remove CONFESSION coz i am having fun with it....but i think we should lock topics with comments that are encouraging fights....u should check out this confession on Lesbianism and see how many comments it has.....a total of 91 comments which are all lashing words against each other.....

Posted: at 9-11-2007 05:05 AM (17 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- myragonza at 12-11-2007 03:14 AM (17 years ago)
some peepz do not like my profile...... :'( :'(

Posted: at 12-11-2007 03:14 AM (17 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- dejifortune at 13-11-2007 08:26 PM (17 years ago)
the chat idea is simply what every body needed now, it is very obvious, i trust you Dguy u wont let us down...will u?

Posted: at 13-11-2007 08:26 PM (17 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- myragonza at 14-11-2007 04:40 AM (17 years ago)
but looks like he is not interested in the 'Chat Room".....coz he actually locked the topic on the chat room thang.... :'(

Posted: at 14-11-2007 04:40 AM (17 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- dbabe at 25-11-2007 11:09 PM (17 years ago)
thats true..........

Posted: at 25-11-2007 11:09 PM (17 years ago) | Newbie
- dame at 20-12-2007 11:42 AM (17 years ago)
thats really true ...Dguy is not just for d chat thing but thats d BAM!!!! or is there sometin u ( Dguy ) are running away from? Kinda lik ....hush...i dont know sorry Wink
Posted: at 20-12-2007 11:42 AM (17 years ago) | Newbie
- myragonza at 21-12-2007 10:30 AM (17 years ago)
oh yes.......i smell something fisssshhhhyyyyyyy.........

Posted: at 21-12-2007 10:30 AM (17 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- myragonza at 24-12-2007 05:20 AM (17 years ago)
Dguy is innocent..........?!?!?  Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked

Posted: at 24-12-2007 05:20 AM (17 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- Vixenx at 24-12-2007 05:42 AM (17 years ago)
not so fast though....he gotta have a trial first...
Posted: at 24-12-2007 05:42 AM (17 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- myragonza at 24-12-2007 06:01 AM (17 years ago)
and there are gonna be 2 bad judges.......

Posted: at 24-12-2007 06:01 AM (17 years ago) | Addicted Hero
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