goingwithyou at 21-07-2008 04:44 PM (16 years ago)
I just learn something from a friend in here few minute ago dat is why I decided to write dis. Do u know what jealousy can cost u in ur relationship… How can some one let go of 10 yrs relationship just dat she can bear it again. If u are in really in love I think proving it is not through jealous. Give ur partner a space to bright been in love with u did not me he/she don’t have right to have opposite sex friends. If u are confused of anything why can’t u call one another a explain it out.Dem keeping eye on every thing he/she do … But thing to keep ur relations is love, trust and believe one another.
NB:-If someone wht to cheat on u he/she is going to do it no matter how u tracking dem on fone number,m ail address cars,office,skool etc …Learn how to trust ur partner
Posted: at 21-07-2008 04:44 PM (16 years ago) | Gistmaniac
philomena87 at 21-07-2008 04:48 PM (16 years ago) (f)
it can cost ur life sometimes.. only if ure not careful..
Posted: at 21-07-2008 04:48 PM (16 years ago) | Gistmaniac
LMAO......i think this is about me cuz u just insulted me on another topic..
Well lets get something straight.....I ended the relationship because he never trusted me. Not that i was doing anything wrong..he was just attached and that drove him to act like a control freak. being watched doing your everyday activities didn't feel comfortable..I could have ended the relationship long time before that, the only reason i let it go for as long as he did was that, My family and i weren't talking because of him, they didn't like him from the first day they knew of him, but because i loved him...i stayed with him, and the process of all this.....i never spoke to any of them because i was angry at the fact that they didn't accept him(because he was an american)...so i lost contact with my sis and everyone else./..it wasn't til 3 yrs ago that i've connected back with everyone again..and thats when i left him..cuz now i've got my family support again...I never cheated and neither did he...i just couldn't take the shit anymore, especially when i wasn't doing anything wrong...and just like i said...i could have left him before the 10 yrs....just didn't have my fams around then..
Posted: at 21-07-2008 05:00 PM (16 years ago) | Addicted Hero
goingwithyou at 21-07-2008 05:02 PM (16 years ago) (m)
Yah ... I really feel for u on dat common is not a joke dat long yrs u know and lwt it go liek dat i can't do it ooh but let think of it something happen for a batter chances .right ? So keep going but wetin my guy do u na ?
Posted: at 21-07-2008 05:02 PM (16 years ago) | Gistmaniac
goingwithyou at 21-07-2008 05:11 PM (16 years ago) (m)
Quote from: nigerianvixen26 on 21-07-2008 05:00 PM
LMAO......i think this is about me cuz u just insulted me on another topic..
Well lets get something straight.....I ended the relationship because he never trusted me. Not that i was doing anything wrong..he was just attached and that drove him to act like a control freak. being watched doing your everyday activities didn't feel comfortable..I could have ended the relationship long time before that, the only reason i let it go for as long as he did was that, My family and i weren't talking because of him, they didn't like him from the first day they knew of him, but because i loved him...i stayed with him, and the process of all this.....i never spoke to any of them because i was angry at the fact that they didn't accept him(because he was an american)...so i lost contact with my sis and everyone else./..it wasn't til 3 yrs ago that i've connected back with everyone again..and thats when i left him..cuz now i've got my family support again...I never cheated and neither did he...i just couldn't take the shit anymore, especially when i wasn't doing anything wrong...and just like i said...i could have left him before the 10 yrs....just didn't have my fams around then..
Vixen I never insult u in any way am only talking dat is going to be d last thing am going to think of doing... I swear to God i never hold anything on u ... I have been in love, been straight with my partner and i have feel d pain of breaking up is not dat easy i know wht u are going to pas through even when is u dat end it up ...All am saying in genera is dat will should stop dat act... Please incase u find my other post as an insult please in d name of God 4give me ooh i bi small boo wetin i no ...
Posted: at 21-07-2008 05:11 PM (16 years ago) | Gistmaniac
lol...i know its not a joke..but what was i supposed to do?..keep going on as if everything is o.k? if it were up to me, i would have left the relationship the second year..cuz dats when he started with his lethal dose of jealousy, so imagine i put up with it for 8 more yrs after that..can u blame me for walking away eventually?.. :'( :'( :'(
Posted: at 21-07-2008 05:12 PM (16 years ago) | Addicted Hero
Quote from: nigerianvixen26 on 21-07-2008 05:00 PM
LMAO......i think this is about me cuz u just insulted me on another topic..
Well lets get something straight.....I ended the relationship because he never trusted me. Not that i was doing anything wrong..he was just attached and that drove him to act like a control freak. being watched doing your everyday activities didn't feel comfortable..I could have ended the relationship long time before that, the only reason i let it go for as long as he did was that, My family and i weren't talking because of him, they didn't like him from the first day they knew of him, but because i loved him...i stayed with him, and the process of all this.....i never spoke to any of them because i was angry at the fact that they didn't accept him(because he was an american)...so i lost contact with my sis and everyone else./..it wasn't til 3 yrs ago that i've connected back with everyone again..and thats when i left him..cuz now i've got my family support again...I never cheated and neither did he...i just couldn't take the shit anymore, especially when i wasn't doing anything wrong...and just like i said...i could have left him before the 10 yrs....just didn't have my fams around then..
Vixen I never insult u in any way am only talking dat is going to be d last thing am going to think of doing... I swear to God i never hold anything on u ... I have been in love, been straight with my partner and i have feel d pain of breaking up is not dat easy i know wht u are going to pas through even when is u dat end it up ...All am saying in genera is dat will should stop dat act... Please incase u find my other post as an insult please in d name of God 4give me ooh i bi small boo wetin i no ...
Its o.k.............no hard feelings:)..
Posted: at 21-07-2008 05:13 PM (16 years ago) | Addicted Hero
Quote from: nigerianvixen26 on 21-07-2008 05:12 PM
lol...i know its not a joke..but what was i supposed to do?..keep going on as if everything is o.k? if it were up to me, i would have left the relationship the second year..cuz dats when he started with his lethal dose of jealousy, so imagine i put up with it for 8 more yrs after that..can u blame me for walking away eventually?.. :'( :'( :'(
danmmmmmmm your strong..and you put up with that for 8 years...
Posted: at 21-07-2008 05:16 PM (16 years ago) | Upcoming
goingwithyou at 21-07-2008 05:43 PM (16 years ago) (m)
Hhaaaaha thanks so much for dat am happy now And for u professor soyinka u can still take a read and understand it right ???Glory b to God for dat I take note is dat all u want?
Posted: at 21-07-2008 05:43 PM (16 years ago) | Gistmaniac
darkocean002 at 21-07-2008 06:30 PM (16 years ago) (m)
Quote from: goingwithyou on 21-07-2008 04:44 PM
I just learn something from a friend in here few minute ago dat is why I decided to write dis. Do u know what jealousy can cost u in ur relationship… How can some one let go of 10 yrs relationship just dat she can bear it again. If u are in really in love I think proving it is not through jealous. Give ur partner a space to bright been in love with u did not me he/she don’t have right to have opposite sex friends. If u are confused of anything why can’t u call one another a explain it out.Dem keeping eye on every thing he/she do … But thing to keep ur relations is love, trust and believe one another.
NB:-If someone wht to cheat on u he/she is going to do it no matter how u tracking dem on fone number,m ail address cars,office,skool etc …Learn how to trust ur partner
goingwithyou , Do you know this jealous of a thing comes naturaly, Certain levels of jealousy are both healthy and normal.jealousy becomes unhealthy when it occurs regularly and excessively. In these situations it can be damaging to you and your relationship with the person or people you care for the most.. The only solution is never give your spouse a reason to doubt you..
Posted: at 21-07-2008 06:30 PM (16 years ago) | Gistmaniac