Customers reported hearing loud squealing coming from the bathroom in the back area of the store near the layaway department. An eyewitness said her seven-year-old son went in to use the restroom, and came out screaming, “Mommy, mommy is a man in the bathroom holding a pig really close to him!” Confused, the woman alerted a store clerk and was informed they already had several complaints about noise in the restroom. Raymond Cooper, an employee at the Walmart store, said he was the one that ran in and saved the pig. “When I went into the bathroom, I heard squealing from inside the stall. I told the man to open it but he wouldn’t, so I kicked it in. That crazy ass fool for real was doing a pig. I socked him in the face and grabbed the pig. That fool was out cold.” Shortly after, the police arrived and took Halbert into custody. According to reports, Halbert just cried saying, “I want my piggy back.” He later told police he had nowhere else to take his pig for alone time. His wife had just kicked them out of the house once she found out this longtime pet was her husband’s “new lover.” Halbert was seen on surveillance camera sneaking into Walmart’s loading dock and slipping undetected into the restroom. Halbert is currently being charged with indecent exposure and cruelty to animals. They tried to release the pig to his wife Patty, but she refused. The pig, which Halbert called “SnugUm’s” has been placed with the Humane Society for adoption.
I scour the world wide web to bring you interesting stories from around the globe. bayonel3@gmailcom
Posted: at 30-07-2015 10:09 AM (9 years ago) | Addicted Hero
nametalkam at 30-07-2015 11:10 AM (9 years ago) (m)
after Americans will be painting bad images of Africa all over the media whilst in reality they do the dandiest things ever
I specialize in investigative reportage across several subject matter and sectors but mainly focus on metro events and investigation. Do leave your thoughts and opinion on my reports to let me know what you think about them. Thank you
Posted: at 30-07-2015 11:10 AM (9 years ago) | Addicted Hero
Humans sleeping with animals happens every where and has been happening since, it is totally disgusting, factors that lead humans to animal rape are lack of respect for animals, abusive behaviors, excessive obsession with animals, fascination on animal sex, and perhaps psychosis.
Posted: at 30-07-2015 08:10 PM (9 years ago) | Gistmaniac