Date: 28-10-2010 8:00 am (13 years ago) | Author: Miss Petite Nigeria
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- at 28-10-2010 08:00 AM (13 years ago)


When i was younger.I had this idea that if a man says he loves me, he shouldn't be thinking of sex.But, as I've grown more matured, I've come to realize this isn't the case.Men are visual beings.What they see is what they love.What you give is what they give back.If you give boredom, they give you boredom in return.If you give fun, excitement, they return it back to you.Is isn't possible for a man to love a lady without wanting to have sex with her? Yes it is!(that's when the man is either cheating on her,or is a catholic priest). Roll Eyes
Women, think with their hearts,they love what they don't see.Its in our nature and trust me, we cant change that.We are ever trusting, ready to make excuses when he cheats, when he hits us, when he,s out all night, when he doesn't show care and concern.Here is a typical excuse a woman would give for her mans actions(I think he;s just busy. Or, he,s been under some stress lately, Or maybe I'm not doing something right.) Yea right! Ever watched the movie, He,s Not Just Into You? If you haven,t ,please go get a copy ladies.When a man doesn't love you, he doesn't and wouldn't love you.If that physical attraction isn't there to pull him to you in the first place, I'm sorry, but you are on an aimless journey.With men, first comes the attraction, then comes the need to look at your inner qualities.This is a perfect scenario..a man browses through your profile on Naijapals, the first thing he sees is the physical you,oh nice face, or nice a***....he doesn't say, oh nice heart.May be a few would read through your profile and like what they read,but that rarely happens. Judging from your physical attributes, he then decides whether to contact you or not.Then, gradually, he starts to discover you are just more than a pretty face or sexy body.

 Don,t get me wrong,being attracted to you doesn't mean he wants to keep you.These two are worlds apart and most ladies often misunderstand the difference between a man being attracted to you and wanting to be with none other than you.A man can be greatly attracted to you without having that feeling of wanting to be with you.This occurs when you don't help him take you to the next level in his world.Why do i have to help him ? You may ask...Yes, its a man,s world.At least in this sphere of life.We do the teasing, the cooking, the petting, the raising...its our duty to make that man see more in us than that beautiful face or sexy body ...by being genuine, homely, romantic,hardworking, sexy(always)caring..Look at it this way,the fact that he is attracted to you in the first place gives you an edge over all other ladies.An edge to get closer to him,to get into his world,but if you feel there,s nothing more to do,your having a wrong notion because ,he,ll not see you beyond the attraction level.And of course, when that withers away(it eventually does), there would be nothing to hold onto.No foundation to stand on during the stormy weathers.You and your attractive self would come crumbling like a pack of cards.Its sad when some ladies actually think they can keep a man by giving him just good sex.Dear, that works during your honeymoon stage(when you just meet and are having butterflies in your stomachs) Good sex draws him nearer, nothing more to offer sends him running away at with the speed of lightening.Ask yourselves, why would a man have sex with you, tell you your the best in bed, yet, never leaves the girl he,s been dating for a longtime or that girl who is not as attractive as you are? Because, she gives him something concrete to hold onto.He can have your sex outside, he can actually buy good sex,but, he cannot buy what she gives him,that satisfaction ,that deep attraction(no more physical),his live revolves around her, his penis revolves around you(lol).So it is a fallacy to think you can take over a man with mere physical attraction.

Beauty , beauty..has made many and broken many.Our quest and efforts and being beautiful or staying beautiful is sometimes appalling.But, we cant blame ourselves.Beauty has some what been considered as being part of an elite group.This is where some get it wrong. For sure, is good to be beautiful.But how many beautiful ladies actually feel beautiful.There is a huge difference between being beautiful and feeling beautiful.The most beautiful ladies are the most insecure ladies world(I'm talking from experience)You want to always maintain it and get weary when you step out and man don't go falling at your feet.You look at the mirror a thousand times to see whats wrong.Meanwhile, a girl who people classify as less beautiful, having to high expectations is just being her self.She doesn't pay much attention to how she looks(i don't mean don't have your bath or look clean ,smart and attractive) she has this smile on her face (just like mine lol) she accepts the way she is, she is at peace with herself,she is confident( men find this undeniably sexy and attractive) so, imagine you are truly beautiful by our societies classifications and embrace the traits of that girl who they call less beautiful?You would be a walking goddess.
Most men pray to have a girlfriend or wife who is physically beautiful, what they don't bargain for is the terror that comes along with most of it.So, that is why beautiful girls get dumped more often than somewhat plain girls.That's why if you look critically at the wives of most successful and handsome  men,they aren't really what society would term beautiful and you wonder if he didn't see all the bevvy of beauties parading the streets.Yes he did, he even loved some,but,there was something they all thought could keep him,their beauty which of course FADES.so if a lady happens to be blessed by mother nature, and is also blessed with a character and carriage to die for,she becomes every man,s dream.she becomes a treasure.But, where she is an empty can without contents, she is quickly discarded.Don't forget there are a million beautiful girls out there too.But only a handful who have that rare combination of beauty,brains, character, confidence, poise and carriage..BEAUTY GETS YOU INTO DOORS,GOOD CHARACTER KEEPS YOU FROM BEING THROWN OUT...its your choice..........

I,ll drop my pen for now..got to get back to work...till you read from me soon,its ciao...

Posted: at 28-10-2010 08:00 AM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
- tyabo at 28-10-2010 08:23 AM (13 years ago)
wow wot a lovely write up though i couldn't finish reading it..bt 2 b sincere u nail da real points here..i guess u've gone thru nd made more research on dz. dats wot we men r really are..
Posted: at 28-10-2010 08:23 AM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- xena15 at 28-10-2010 08:40 AM (13 years ago)
Stil readin...

Posted: at 28-10-2010 08:40 AM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- Ballsy at 28-10-2010 08:44 AM (13 years ago)
Poster, i'm a writer. also good @ wat i do-dnt believe in self-adulation but am good 2 go! Wink Dear, u got me hooked and even tho i'vnt seen u, ur write-up surely says u'v got d brains and character...My! gr8 article and a way 2 educate. Men'r pphysiological beings-we all know. how we luv wat we c: d cleavage of a luvly lass, d rotund behind, d aquiline nose, luvly smile, witty sense of humor, oval face...but cant change d fact dat at d end of day, we need som1 2 share a company wt, som1 2 run home 2, som1 2 b there, 2 encourage and bring d best out of us and yes som1 2 massage our egos 1c n a yl. Kiss

As 4 women, they r psychological beings! dey luv d role we play in dia lives: they take time 2 luv, get easily emotional, go 4 security n comfort, luv 2 kip d man fixated on dem...at d end of d day, dey r termed d weaker sex!  :-\Believe me wen i beg 2 differ, a woman is stronger dan a man! spiritually...and guys do u no dia r women who go extra lengths 2 make u succeed, only 2 c dem dumped and anoda gal enjoying dia toils?  :'( well, enuf said...man surely luvs utilizing his 'magic stick' til he's tamed by d eccentricity of his woman! Cool
Posted: at 28-10-2010 08:44 AM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
- qunodinga at 28-10-2010 08:51 AM (13 years ago)
plz can some1 summarise this stuff?
Posted: at 28-10-2010 08:51 AM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- jukkiebukwes at 28-10-2010 08:53 AM (13 years ago)
Quote from: emepretty on 28-10-2010 08:00 AM


When i was younger.I had this idea that if a man says he loves me, he shouldn't be thinking of sex.But, as I've grown more matured, I've come to realize this isn't the case.Men are visual beings.What they see is what they love.What you give is what they give back.If you give boredom, they give you boredom in return.If you give fun, excitement, they return it back to you.Is isn't possible for a man to love a lady without wanting to have sex with her? Yes it is!(that's when the man is either cheating on her,or is a catholic priest). Roll Eyes
Women, think with their hearts,they love what they don't see.Its in our nature and trust me, we cant change that.We are ever trusting, ready to make excuses when he cheats, when he hits us, when he,s out all night, when he doesn't show care and concern.Here is a typical excuse a woman would give for her mans actions(I think he;s just busy. Or, he,s been under some stress lately, Or maybe I'm not doing something right.) Yea right! Ever watched the movie, He,s Not Just Into You? If you haven,t ,please go get a copy ladies.When a man doesn't love you, he doesn't and wouldn't love you.If that physical attraction isn't there to pull him to you in the first place, I'm sorry, but you are on an aimless journey.With men, first comes the attraction, then comes the need to look at your inner qualities.This is a perfect scenario..a man browses through your profile on Naijapals, the first thing he sees is the physical you,oh nice face, or nice a***....he doesn't say, oh nice heart.May be a few would read through your profile and like what they read,but that rarely happens. Judging from your physical attributes, he then decides whether to contact you or not.Then, gradually, he starts to discover you are just more than a pretty face or sexy body.

 Don,t get me wrong,being attracted to you doesn't mean he wants to keep you.These two are worlds apart and most ladies often misunderstand the difference between a man being attracted to you and wanting to be with none other than you.A man can be greatly attracted to you without having that feeling of wanting to be with you.This occurs when you don't help him take you to the next level in his world.Why do i have to help him ? You may ask...Yes, its a man,s world.At least in this sphere of life.We do the teasing, the cooking, the petting, the raising...its our duty to make that man see more in us than that beautiful face or sexy body ...by being genuine, homely, romantic,hardworking, sexy(always)caring..Look at it this way,the fact that he is attracted to you in the first place gives you an edge over all other ladies.An edge to get closer to him,to get into his world,but if you feel there,s nothing more to do,your having a wrong notion because ,he,ll not see you beyond the attraction level.And of course, when that withers away(it eventually does), there would be nothing to hold onto.No foundation to stand on during the stormy weathers.You and your attractive self would come crumbling like a pack of cards.Its sad when some ladies actually think they can keep a man by giving him just good sex.Dear, that works during your honeymoon stage(when you just meet and are having butterflies in your stomachs) Good sex draws him nearer, nothing more to offer sends him running away at with the speed of lightening.Ask yourselves, why would a man have sex with you, tell you your the best in bed, yet, never leaves the girl he,s been dating for a longtime or that girl who is not as attractive as you are? Because, she gives him something concrete to hold onto.He can have your sex outside, he can actually buy good sex,but, he cannot buy what she gives him,that satisfaction ,that deep attraction(no more physical),his live revolves around her, his penis revolves around you(lol).So it is a fallacy to think you can take over a man with mere physical attraction.

Beauty , beauty..has made many and broken many.Our quest and efforts and being beautiful or staying beautiful is sometimes appalling.But, we cant blame ourselves.Beauty has some what been considered as being part of an elite group.This is where some get it wrong. For sure, is good to be beautiful.But how many beautiful ladies actually feel beautiful.There is a huge difference between being beautiful and feeling beautiful.The most beautiful ladies are the most insecure ladies world(I'm talking from experience)You want to always maintain it and get weary when you step out and man don't go falling at your feet.You look at the mirror a thousand times to see whats wrong.Meanwhile, a girl who people classify as less beautiful, having to high expectations is just being her self.She doesn't pay much attention to how she looks(i don't mean don't have your bath or look clean ,smart and attractive) she has this smile on her face (just like mine lol) she accepts the way she is, she is at peace with herself,she is confident( men find this undeniably sexy and attractive) so, imagine you are truly beautiful by our societies classifications and embrace the traits of that girl who they call less beautiful?You would be a walking goddess.
Most men pray to have a girlfriend or wife who is physically beautiful, what they don't bargain for is the terror that comes along with most of it.So, that is why beautiful girls get dumped more often than somewhat plain girls.That's why if you look critically at the wives of most successful and handsome  men,they aren't really what society would term beautiful and you wonder if he didn't see all the bevvy of beauties parading the streets.Yes he did, he even loved some,but,there was something they all thought could keep him,their beauty which of course FADES.so if a lady happens to be blessed by mother nature, and is also blessed with a character and carriage to die for,she becomes every man,s dream.she becomes a treasure.But, where she is an empty can without contents, she is quickly discarded.Don't forget there are a million beautiful girls out there too.But only a handful who have that rare combination of beauty,brains, character, confidence, poise and carriage..BEAUTY GETS YOU INTO DOORS,GOOD CHARACTER KEEPS YOU FROM BEING THROWN OUT...its your choice..........

I,ll drop my pen for now..got to get back to work...till you read from me soon,its ciao...

thumbs up gurl, u got it so right...
Posted: at 28-10-2010 08:53 AM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- oyindabty at 28-10-2010 09:33 AM (13 years ago)
Posted: at 28-10-2010 09:33 AM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- sixtyhoneyy at 28-10-2010 09:38 AM (13 years ago)
 na wati i fit comment be this  Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin
Posted: at 28-10-2010 09:38 AM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- moniconyez at 28-10-2010 09:49 AM (13 years ago)
Who wan read all that? Me? You are joking................Infact am offline
Posted: at 28-10-2010 09:49 AM (13 years ago) | Hero
- bitte at 28-10-2010 10:03 AM (13 years ago)
Poster i must commend you on this one bravo! seriously i don't normally read a long articles like this one but when i started reading the first few lines i found it interesting & it make me to read more at the end it's worth reading...great article,great points & great research you made a lot of sense,kudos to you my dear....  Wink
believe me this is one of the most things a real man want, i hope ladies will patiently read this & learn a few things.

Posted: at 28-10-2010 10:03 AM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
- emepretty at 28-10-2010 11:21 AM (13 years ago)
thanks to all those who understood what point im getting across.And to those who find it boring? The walk to heaven is never a smooth and jolly ride(winks)if u know know what i mean.Please, do read this.i'm tired of ladies crying and making teh same mistakes i did and maybe still do at times.As for the guys,i have a great package for you pple.lol
Posted: at 28-10-2010 11:21 AM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
- Kennee at 28-10-2010 08:17 PM (13 years ago)
Quote from: emepretty on 28-10-2010 08:00 AM


When i was younger.I had this idea that if a man says he loves me, he shouldn't be thinking of sex.But, as I've grown more matured, I've come to realize this isn't the case.Men are visual beings.What they see is what they love.What you give is what they give back.If you give boredom, they give you boredom in return.If you give fun, excitement, they return it back to you.Is isn't possible for a man to love a lady without wanting to have sex with her? Yes it is!(that's when the man is either cheating on her,or is a catholic priest). Roll Eyes
Women, think with their hearts,they love what they don't see.Its in our nature and trust me, we cant change that.We are ever trusting, ready to make excuses when he cheats, when he hits us, when he,s out all night, when he doesn't show care and concern.Here is a typical excuse a woman would give for her mans actions(I think he;s just busy. Or, he,s been under some stress lately, Or maybe I'm not doing something right.) Yea right! Ever watched the movie, He,s Not Just Into You? If you haven,t ,please go get a copy ladies.When a man doesn't love you, he doesn't and wouldn't love you.If that physical attraction isn't there to pull him to you in the first place, I'm sorry, but you are on an aimless journey.With men, first comes the attraction, then comes the need to look at your inner qualities.This is a perfect scenario..a man browses through your profile on Naijapals, the first thing he sees is the physical you,oh nice face, or nice a***....he doesn't say, oh nice heart.May be a few would read through your profile and like what they read,but that rarely happens. Judging from your physical attributes, he then decides whether to contact you or not.Then, gradually, he starts to discover you are just more than a pretty face or sexy body.

 Don,t get me wrong,being attracted to you doesn't mean he wants to keep you.These two are worlds apart and most ladies often misunderstand the difference between a man being attracted to you and wanting to be with none other than you.A man can be greatly attracted to you without having that feeling of wanting to be with you.This occurs when you don't help him take you to the next level in his world.Why do i have to help him ? You may ask...Yes, its a man,s world.At least in this sphere of life.We do the teasing, the cooking, the petting, the raising...its our duty to make that man see more in us than that beautiful face or sexy body ...by being genuine, homely, romantic,hardworking, sexy(always)caring..Look at it this way,the fact that he is attracted to you in the first place gives you an edge over all other ladies.An edge to get closer to him,to get into his world,but if you feel there,s nothing more to do,your having a wrong notion because ,he,ll not see you beyond the attraction level.And of course, when that withers away(it eventually does), there would be nothing to hold onto.No foundation to stand on during the stormy weathers.You and your attractive self would come crumbling like a pack of cards.Its sad when some ladies actually think they can keep a man by giving him just good sex.Dear, that works during your honeymoon stage(when you just meet and are having butterflies in your stomachs) Good sex draws him nearer, nothing more to offer sends him running away at with the speed of lightening.Ask yourselves, why would a man have sex with you, tell you your the best in bed, yet, never leaves the girl he,s been dating for a longtime or that girl who is not as attractive as you are? Because, she gives him something concrete to hold onto.He can have your sex outside, he can actually buy good sex,but, he cannot buy what she gives him,that satisfaction ,that deep attraction(no more physical),his live revolves around her, his penis revolves around you(lol).So it is a fallacy to think you can take over a man with mere physical attraction.

Beauty , beauty..has made many and broken many.Our quest and efforts and being beautiful or staying beautiful is sometimes appalling.But, we cant blame ourselves.Beauty has some what been considered as being part of an elite group.This is where some get it wrong. For sure, is good to be beautiful.But how many beautiful ladies actually feel beautiful.There is a huge difference between being beautiful and feeling beautiful.The most beautiful ladies are the most insecure ladies world(I'm talking from experience)You want to always maintain it and get weary when you step out and man don't go falling at your feet.You look at the mirror a thousand times to see whats wrong.Meanwhile, a girl who people classify as less beautiful, having to high expectations is just being her self.She doesn't pay much attention to how she looks(i don't mean don't have your bath or look clean ,smart and attractive) she has this smile on her face (just like mine lol) she accepts the way she is, she is at peace with herself,she is confident( men find this undeniably sexy and attractive) so, imagine you are truly beautiful by our societies classifications and embrace the traits of that girl who they call less beautiful?You would be a walking goddess.
Most men pray to have a girlfriend or wife who is physically beautiful, what they don't bargain for is the terror that comes along with most of it.So, that is why beautiful girls get dumped more often than somewhat plain girls.That's why if you look critically at the wives of most successful and handsome  men,they aren't really what society would term beautiful and you wonder if he didn't see all the bevvy of beauties parading the streets.Yes he did, he even loved some,but,there was something they all thought could keep him,their beauty which of course FADES.so if a lady happens to be blessed by mother nature, and is also blessed with a character and carriage to die for,she becomes every man,s dream.she becomes a treasure.But, where she is an empty can without contents, she is quickly discarded.Don't forget there are a million beautiful girls out there too.But only a handful who have that rare combination of beauty,brains, character, confidence, poise and carriage..BEAUTY GETS YOU INTO DOORS,GOOD CHARACTER KEEPS YOU FROM BEING THROWN OUT...its your choice..........

I,ll drop my pen for now..got to get back to work...till you read from me soon,its ciao...

Abeg Come Take One Hour Kiss Jare, yu know Book  Cool Cool Kiss Kiss Kiss

Posted: at 28-10-2010 08:17 PM (13 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- Kennee at 28-10-2010 08:18 PM (13 years ago)
Quote from: bitte on 28-10-2010 10:03 AM
Poster i must commend you on this one bravo! seriously i don't normally read a long articles like this one but when i started reading the first few lines i found it interesting & it make me to read more at the end it's worth reading...great article,great points & great research you made a lot of sense,kudos to you my dear....  Wink
believe me this is one of the most things a real man want, i hope ladies will patiently read this & learn a few things.

Yu're Totally Right My Brotha

Posted: at 28-10-2010 08:18 PM (13 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- Kennee at 28-10-2010 08:20 PM (13 years ago)
Come oo Emepretty Babe

Do yu Have All Diz Qualities, plus Are yu Single?  Smiley Smiley Smiley

Posted: at 28-10-2010 08:20 PM (13 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- juleshotluv at 28-10-2010 08:42 PM (13 years ago)
Very well written. I hope every woman on here dont just complain about the length but actually takes time to read it. There is a piece in there for everyone. I have not watched the movie but i hope to do so soon. Thanks for sharing and keep them coming.
Posted: at 28-10-2010 08:42 PM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- 1daful at 28-10-2010 08:45 PM (13 years ago)
nice post and well said

Posted: at 28-10-2010 08:45 PM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- hoyehyehmy at 28-10-2010 09:11 PM (13 years ago)
i will be back for this latter....................
Posted: at 28-10-2010 09:11 PM (13 years ago) | Newbie
- kingsgoodman at 28-10-2010 09:21 PM (13 years ago)
Ohh God of marcy another war with men, God are you to be blame for making us what we are?
Posted: at 28-10-2010 09:21 PM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
- HOPEA23 at 28-10-2010 09:22 PM (13 years ago)

Posted: at 28-10-2010 09:22 PM (13 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- bitte at 28-10-2010 09:33 PM (13 years ago)
Quote from: Kennee on 28-10-2010 08:18 PM
Quote from: bitte on 28-10-2010 10:03 AM
Poster i must commend you on this one bravo! seriously i don't normally read a long articles like this one but when i started reading the first few lines i found it interesting & it make me to read more at the end it's worth reading...great article,great points & great research you made a lot of sense,kudos to you my dear....  Wink
believe me this is one of the most things a real man want, i hope ladies will patiently read this & learn a few things.

Yu're Totally Right My Brotha
thanks brother, if i can get a girl with such quality i swear i'll marry her the next day...i'm not kidding!!
Posted: at 28-10-2010 09:33 PM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
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