Na u talk am oooo, i no dey dere oooo Posted: at 31-08-2011 11:51 AM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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welldone at 3-09-2011 05:05 PM (13 years ago) (m) may god help us Posted: at 3-09-2011 05:05 PM (13 years ago) | Newbie | |
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While the article might make some sense, I still beg to differ. If he is a criminal as suggested by the post, then I prefer his criminallity in the sense that he still reinvest his loot in Nigeria rather take the loot abroad to buyup oyibo cities, like ibru and countless others. What Mr. Dangote does with his money(loot) every Nigerian see it and earns from it. Do you know how many Nigerias are employed by that guy? And he is even based in Nigeria taking care of business. If every looter in Nigeria will reinvest their loot in Nigeria don't you think that there might not be kidnapping and all that nonsense. In short criticism of that man is an act of hatred and jeolousy, just let the sleeping dog lie. If he is a looter as the post claim, then he is the better of two evils. Just shushhh!
we are on the same page with this your comment..... Posted: at 3-09-2011 05:42 PM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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While the article might make some sense, I still beg to differ. If he is a criminal as suggested by the post, then I prefer his criminallity in the sense that he still reinvest his loot in Nigeria rather take the loot abroad to buyup oyibo cities, like ibru and countless others. What Mr. Dangote does with his money(loot) every Nigerian see it and earns from it. Do you know how many Nigerias are employed by that guy? And he is even based in Nigeria taking care of business. If every looter in Nigeria will reinvest their loot in Nigeria don't you think that there might not be kidnapping and all that nonsense. In short criticism of that man is an act of hatred and jeolousy, just let the sleeping dog lie. If he is a looter as the post claim, then he is the better of two evils. Just shushhh!
we are on the same page with this your comment..... [/quote You fools in support of dangote, are all ignorant compromisers, it's obvious to any man with a little brain, that dangote is cuttng corners, you ought to check the link ,read the story before you start to accuse the poster of hatred and jealousy. Posted: at 30-09-2011 04:24 PM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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That's why the country is on a fast slide down the shit, when the voice of reason is being challenged by the collective voice of looters and imbeciles. Posted: at 30-09-2011 04:29 PM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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While the article might make some sense, I still beg to differ. If he is a criminal as suggested by the post, then I prefer his criminallity in the sense that he still reinvest his loot in Nigeria rather take the loot abroad to buyup oyibo cities, like ibru and countless others. What Mr. Dangote does with his money(loot) every Nigerian see it and earns from it. Do you know how many Nigerias are employed by that guy? And he is even based in Nigeria taking care of business. If every looter in Nigeria will reinvest their loot in Nigeria don't you think that there might not be kidnapping and all that nonsense. In short criticism of that man is an act of hatred and jeolousy, just let the sleeping dog lie. If he is a looter as the post claim, then he is the better of two evils. Just shushhh!
Thats the problem with Nigerians,he connived with politicians and distroyed our economy. Look at the price of cement and other comodities. He employed so many Nigerians,does that give me the right to commit. If its in a civilized world,he would cooling off in jail. Posted: at 17-11-2011 01:42 PM (13 years ago) | Newbie | |
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mallorca at 17-11-2011 11:40 PM (13 years ago) (m) Not only Aliko dango the thief, gbogbo won lole.
HOPE IS MY ROAD,VICTORY IS MY DESTINY Posted: at 17-11-2011 11:40 PM (13 years ago) | Addicted Hero | |
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Felando at 20-11-2011 01:16 AM (13 years ago) (m) SECONDED
I sincerely support the fact that he is far much better than those "barawo" who stole and still stealing our money to hide in a dormant account that has no benefit to Nigerian unemployed graduates all over Nigeria. Posted: at 20-11-2011 01:16 AM (13 years ago) | Newbie | |
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BONZ at 25-11-2011 11:04 AM (13 years ago) (m) Mr. Poster. Didn't ur mama teach u any manners? Say whts worth listening to or simply STFU.  . Kp diggin ur grave with jealousy and envy, the man will continue to grow in lightening speed. He's due to break into the world top 10 in less than 5 yrs.
A man who stands for nothing, will fall for anything. Posted: at 25-11-2011 11:04 AM (13 years ago) | Upcoming | |
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madgurl at 26-11-2011 11:54 AM (13 years ago) (f) While the article might make some sense, I still beg to differ. If he is a criminal as suggested by the post, then I prefer his criminallity in the sense that he still reinvest his loot in Nigeria rather take the loot abroad to buyup oyibo cities, like ibru and countless others. What Mr. Dangote does with his money(loot) every Nigerian see it and earns from it. Do you know how many Nigerias are employed by that guy? And he is even based in Nigeria taking care of business. If every looter in Nigeria will reinvest their loot in Nigeria don't you think that there might not be kidnapping and all that nonsense. In short criticism of that man is an act of hatred and jeolousy, just let the sleeping dog lie. If he is a looter as the post claim, then he is the better of two evils. Just shushhh!
you are a man . you sound so maturely . thanks bros . Posted: at 26-11-2011 11:54 AM (13 years ago) | Newbie | |
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all of dem na thief Posted: at 26-11-2011 12:07 PM (13 years ago) | Newbie | |
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ajanni at 26-11-2011 03:48 PM (13 years ago) (m) I don’t care about the number of ditto heads and hapless jobbers who would come to his defense when this piece plays. But my candid assertion is that the character called Aliko Dangote who prides himself as an entrepreneur is neither that. Nor is he a brilliant businessman as some are inclined to trumpet. Instead, through and through, he is a criminal, pure and simple. How else would one rightly characterize or designate an individual like him who relies on and exploits the shameful patronage-clientage system that pervades the Nigeria project to steal and loot resources that don’t even emanate from or belong to the part of the land, i.e. the upper Niger where he’s from, to enrich himself in such a crass manner? Go down the list if you may, what unfolds is the pathetic story of this so-called commodity trader who emerged over-night in stupendous wealth by participating in wholesale “sell-off of state-owned corporations, presidential aircraft” and extensive government-owned property of all sorts. My dossier on him reveals that ever since he was introduced to the persistent scourge, Olusegun Obasanjo—I’ll return to him anon—a few years ago by a certain Igbo carry-go female politician who is now an ambassador somewhere in the British Isles, this criminal has grown more brazen by the day in the ways he steals and loots and carts away the resources that abound in especially other parts of the areas that the British called Nigeria. Read More: did not in anyway proovethe allegations you levelled against him , you are only being jelous of his progress, you can jump into the river if you are not so please or even into any well close to you , idiot Posted: at 26-11-2011 03:48 PM (13 years ago) | Grande Master | |
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