Nigeria denies visa to ex-US ambassador (Page 5)

Date: 19-05-2011 3:20 pm (13 years ago) | Author: Peter Izu
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- DonMatt at 22-05-2011 05:05 PM (13 years ago)
Quote from: campus_bee on 22-05-2011 09:49 AM
My people , Nigeria is so funny in the areas they treat some topic.  Nigeria have the right to deny anybody who did not meet the visa requirement but in the other way round, that same is trying to help nigerians with his book, it is time for us to realise the problems of nigeria and face the real. The problem are 1. we need stable electricity, good roads, better govt house planning(building estates and renting it out for the poor), then make the government to bring heavy machines to improve agriculture and better loan scheme to help people improve their business.  i only want to make this brief.  I met a Spanish and British man, they told me nigeria is a good country but the citizens are so cheated, they further say that to correct these corruption and nonsense from these government, we need a revolution- heavy protests to turn this around and this is true. In America, there are everything but people still protest if they are not satisfy with one thing or the other. Spain is developed than Nigeria yet they protest for unemployment. The only way a country can move forward is by forming large protests to the government houses and demand that we need these things, if not the government will think that everybody is OK , then the money that is surpose to be used to install stable electricity or some important will be consume by the government with the believe that nobody will ask them. One nigeria ambassador said, nigerians , they don't know anaything about government, but here in europe, everybody knows thier right as a citizen, u cannnot cheat anyone, beocs if u do, everybody will match to the street and startes demostration until the government anwser them or do what they want him to do.  That man who talk about the problem in northeast nigeria is right. really , some muslims are turning into something else in nigeria, they should be handle with iron hand, if not, they will form alliance with al qaeda then will start tarnishing the image of nigeria. so that is all i can say. anyone who have aything to complain about what we need in nigeria should form a group in facebook or tweeter, then propose a day for the protest, then  people should indidcate interest to show that they will come out for protest then, once there are enough people to march in the street then ,everybody will come out and say their problem. Let me ask, if for exmple, two thousand people march to government house and tell him we need stable electricity , we need employment or different complains, everyone stand, if the governmen did not start doing it, we aere going to be sleeping in front of ur office to show that we are tired of suffering from unstable electricity.  The government will do fast as he can to start immediate import of transformers and all that. Before the protest begins , the issue should be address to Barack Obama, United nation, Human right watch and international press so that the government will not overcome the protest. if these organisations are awell, they will help tell the government to do what the people need because nigeria has the money to developed the country like united states.  If someone is in Abuja, one will think u are in europe, but go to ondo, delta,ogun state, edo, delta and some other states , it will look like u are in another planet. Is Lagos and Abuja the only states in nigeria that we should be proud of?Huh?? Our Gover have been in europe, for example Spain -Madrid,barcelona,valencia, malaga,sevilla, all states are the same. u can hardly differenciate. there are good roads in all, stable electricity, railway transportation. many people are in Ondo, they have not seen train since they were born. infact , Nigerians should tackle real problem before they become the last civilise nation in the world upon the many educated people we have in nigeria. Chaoooo.
professor, dont worry i will vote for you in the next election or you will be my vice ok..
Posted: at 22-05-2011 05:05 PM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
- DonMatt at 22-05-2011 05:08 PM (13 years ago)
they denied him visa because the truth is bitter..
Posted: at 22-05-2011 05:08 PM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
- wunzie at 22-05-2011 07:05 PM (13 years ago)
Quote from: campus_bee on 22-05-2011 09:49 AM
My people , Nigeria is so funny in the areas they treat some topic.  Nigeria have the right to deny anybody who did not meet the visa requirement but in the other way round, that same is trying to help nigerians with his book, it is time for us to realise the problems of nigeria and face the real. The problem are 1. we need stable electricity, good roads, better govt house planning(building estates and renting it out for the poor), then make the government to bring heavy machines to improve agriculture and better loan scheme to help people improve their business.  i only want to make this brief.  I met a Spanish and British man, they told me nigeria is a good country but the citizens are so cheated, they further say that to correct these corruption and nonsense from these government, we need a revolution- heavy protests to turn this around and this is true. In America, there are everything but people still protest if they are not satisfy with one thing or the other. Spain is developed than Nigeria yet they protest for unemployment. The only way a country can move forward is by forming large protests to the government houses and demand that we need these things, if not the government will think that everybody is OK , then the money that is surpose to be used to install stable electricity or some important will be consume by the government with the believe that nobody will ask them. One nigeria ambassador said, nigerians , they don't know anaything about government, but here in europe, everybody knows thier right as a citizen, u cannnot cheat anyone, beocs if u do, everybody will match to the street and startes demostration until the government anwser them or do what they want him to do.  That man who talk about the problem in northeast nigeria is right. really , some muslims are turning into something else in nigeria, they should be handle with iron hand, if not, they will form alliance with al qaeda then will start tarnishing the image of nigeria. so that is all i can say. anyone who have aything to complain about what we need in nigeria should form a group in facebook or tweeter, then propose a day for the protest, then  people should indidcate interest to show that they will come out for protest then, once there are enough people to march in the street then ,everybody will come out and say their problem. Let me ask, if for exmple, two thousand people march to government house and tell him we need stable electricity , we need employment or different complains, everyone stand, if the governmen did not start doing it, we aere going to be sleeping in front of ur office to show that we are tired of suffering from unstable electricity.  The government will do fast as he can to start immediate import of transformers and all that. Before the protest begins , the issue should be address to Barack Obama, United nation, Human right watch and international press so that the government will not overcome the protest. if these organisations are awell, they will help tell the government to do what the people need because nigeria has the money to developed the country like united states.  If someone is in Abuja, one will think u are in europe, but go to ondo, delta,ogun state, edo, delta and some other states , it will look like u are in another planet. Is Lagos and Abuja the only states in nigeria that we should be proud of?Huh?? Our Gover have been in europe, for example Spain -Madrid,barcelona,valencia, malaga,sevilla, all states are the same. u can hardly differenciate. there are good roads in all, stable electricity, railway transportation. many people are in Ondo, they have not seen train since they were born. infact , Nigerians should tackle real problem before they become the last civilise nation in the world upon the many educated people we have in nigeria. Chaoooo.

Well said, you were as diplomatic as you could be in addressing the topic.  In this respect, it makes sense to point out things as they are. What's the point of the visa refusal? A high ranking Ambassador whose visit would have actually put Nigeria in good light, was denied visa because he had in the past been critical of the Nigerian establishment.  This sort of foolish posturing by Nigerian officials does not promote the best interest of our country.

Posted: at 22-05-2011 07:05 PM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- moniconyez at 23-05-2011 12:08 AM (13 years ago)
Posted: at 23-05-2011 12:08 AM (13 years ago) | Hero
- Xplix101 at 23-05-2011 06:35 AM (13 years ago)
Quote from: kaat75 on 19-05-2011 03:44 PM
and so?

my friend stay quiet...

We too much oooo
Posted: at 23-05-2011 06:35 AM (13 years ago) | Newbie
- foukidrem at 23-05-2011 07:12 AM (13 years ago)
it looks stupid bringin this as news.. you think nigeria is a small country? go to uk nd see how nigeria embassy denies them visa there...or u can check  most of african countries how they are looking for an entrance into nigeria and think on what you are saying... Cool Cool
Posted: at 23-05-2011 07:12 AM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
- cadanre at 23-05-2011 09:59 AM (13 years ago)
Quote from: ajanni on 21-05-2011 09:54 PM
Quote from: otagermo on 21-05-2011 07:31 PM
Quote from: moniconyez on 21-05-2011 07:27 PM
Aboki you really talk sense today Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin
Grin Grin dis aboki get brain pass ajanni small

very good , i am even very proud of him , he is my brother ,
but what about you ? BIG BINGO , wallahi , your brain is much more smaller compared to that of a mosquito , donkey head and useless boy

My brother, you know he does not have a big head to take things.

Posted: at 23-05-2011 09:59 AM (13 years ago) | Hero
- skyleo at 23-05-2011 11:42 AM (13 years ago)
Are they not dening Nigerian Us Visa aswell even after the visa fee has been paid on regual basis. So, let look at the ratio of the two countries at the two ends. Atleast we are growing gradually, one day will shall be there.
Posted: at 23-05-2011 11:42 AM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
- domose at 23-05-2011 03:39 PM (13 years ago)
na today, pls dot  let them deceive us ,   with this story......lo
Posted: at 23-05-2011 03:39 PM (13 years ago) | Newbie
- Slimmy at 23-05-2011 03:43 PM (13 years ago)
wow!  Nigeria don dey get sense!! Wink

Posted: at 23-05-2011 03:43 PM (13 years ago) | Newbie
- uzjosh at 23-05-2011 04:15 PM (13 years ago)
Dats good for him... Tongue Tongue Tongue
Posted: at 23-05-2011 04:15 PM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
- Bazemaster at 23-05-2011 06:04 PM (13 years ago)
I hear

Posted: at 23-05-2011 06:04 PM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- ajanni at 23-05-2011 09:58 PM (13 years ago)
Quote from: cadanre on 23-05-2011 09:59 AM
Quote from: ajanni on 21-05-2011 09:54 PM
Quote from: otagermo on 21-05-2011 07:31 PM
Quote from: moniconyez on 21-05-2011 07:27 PM
Aboki you really talk sense today Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin
Grin Grin dis aboki get brain pass ajanni small

very good , i am even very proud of him , he is my brother ,
but what about you ? BIG BINGO , wallahi , your brain is much more smaller compared to that of a mosquito , donkey head and useless boy

My brother, you know he does not have a big head to take things.
Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin
Posted: at 23-05-2011 09:58 PM (13 years ago) | Grande Master
- feloo at 24-05-2011 05:06 PM (13 years ago)
Quote from: Freesmile on 20-05-2011 02:02 PM
Quote from: kebella on 19-05-2011 09:43 PM
I shall poop on thee!

Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool
u ar rit
Posted: at 24-05-2011 05:06 PM (13 years ago) | Newbie
- ajanni at 24-05-2011 09:45 PM (13 years ago)
very good
Posted: at 24-05-2011 09:45 PM (13 years ago) | Grande Master
- kebella at 24-05-2011 10:44 PM (13 years ago)
Quote from: feloo on 24-05-2011 05:06 PM
Quote from: Freesmile on 20-05-2011 02:02 PM
Quote from: kebella on 19-05-2011 09:43 PM
I shall poop on thee!

Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool
u ar rit

Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy

Posted: at 24-05-2011 10:44 PM (13 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- ajanni at 24-05-2011 10:53 PM (13 years ago)
 Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked
Posted: at 24-05-2011 10:53 PM (13 years ago) | Grande Master
- gimole at 25-05-2011 02:26 AM (13 years ago)
dey like it or not Nija for show
Posted: at 25-05-2011 02:26 AM (13 years ago) | Newbie
- angel_of_truth at 25-05-2011 05:55 AM (13 years ago)
Posted: at 25-05-2011 05:55 AM (13 years ago) | Newbie
- ajanni at 25-05-2011 06:18 AM (13 years ago)
 Grin Grin Grin
Posted: at 25-05-2011 06:18 AM (13 years ago) | Grande Master
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